Augury is a Google Chrome extension for debugging Angular 2 applications, just like Batarang is for debugging Angular 1.* Apps, and is accessible via the Chrome Dev Tools.
Augury是用于调试Angular 2应用程序的Google Chrome扩展程序,就像Batarang用于调试Angular 1. *应用程序一样,可通过Chrome开发工具进行访问。
Augury helps us debug our applications by letting us see Component trees, Router Trees and Component Class properties:
Angular 2 Apps are built with the component structure. It's usually components within components, which eventually form a Component tree. Augury enables you to visualize and inspect the component tree, while accessing the various properties of these components, all within the Chrome Dev Tools.
inpect element
usually works).
Angular 2 Apps是使用组件结构构建的。 它通常是组件内的组件,最终形成一个组件树。 通过Augury,您可以在Chrome开发工具中访问所有组件的各种属性,而可视化并检查它们。 inpect element
You can also edit some of these properties in the Chrome Dev Tools and see their effect in your component view.
An injector graph is also provided for components that gives a visual representation of the component hierarchy.
Augury can give you a tree view of all the routes in your application. You can see which routes come from which parts of your application.
Augury可以为您提供应用程序中所有路线的树状视图。 您可以查看哪些路由来自应用程序的哪些部分。
Install Augury by clicking on the install button in the website. You have to be using Chrome to add it as a Chrome Extensions. You should see a tab for Augury when you open your Chrome Dev Tools.
通过单击网站上的安装按钮来安装Augury 。 您必须使用Chrome才能将其添加为Chrome扩展程序。 当您打开Chrome开发工具时,应该会看到Augury标签。
I've set up an Angular Template app, with webpack based on webpack introduction instructions from the Angular Site.
我已经根据Angular网站上的webpack介绍说明,使用webpack设置了Angular Template应用程序。
You can find the Angular Webpack repo here. Instructions to get started with the repo are:
您可以在此处找到Angular Webpack仓库 。 回购入门的说明如下:
- # clone the repo
- git clone git@github.com:gangachris/ng2-webpack.git
- # go into the directory
- cd ng2-webpack
- # install dependencies
- npm install
- # start everything
- npm start
After webpack builds, the application should be running in localhost:8080
, and should live reload when you edit the code.
I've annotated key parts of Augury that we'll be looking into:
Here is something interesting, on the right pane, where the properties of the AppComponent are displayed, there's a link at the top written view source. Click it, and you will be taken to where the source code of the component is.
这是有趣的事情,在右窗格中显示AppComponent的属性的地方,在顶部书面视图源处有一个链接。 单击它,您将被带到该组件的源代码所在的位置 。
Awesome right?
To see augury in action, let's make the big title on our page bound to a property in the Component Class.
要查看实际情况,让我们将页面上的大标题绑定到Component Class中的一个属性。
src / app / app.component.ts
- import {
- Component } from '@angular/core';
- @Component({
- selector: 'my-app',
- templateUrl: './app.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
- })
- export class
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