主机名称 | 主机IP(外网、内网) | 作用 |
LB01 |、 | 七层负载均衡、keepalived高可用,https证书 |
LB02 |、 | 七层负载均衡、keepalived高可用,https证书 |
Web01 |、 | Nginx、php服务、存放代码文件 |
Web02 |、 | Nginx、php服务、存放代码文件 |
NFS |、 | 存放静态资源 |
Backup |、 | 存放静态数据的备份、实时同步NFS的代码内容 |
MySQL |、 | 存放动态数据 |
Ansible |、 | 使用Ansible作为控制机 |
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat hosts
- [lb_group]
- lb01 ansible_ssh_host=
- lb02 ansible_ssh_host=
- [web_group]
- web01 ansible_ssh_host=
- web02 ansible_ssh_host=
- [nfs]
- [backup]
- [mysql]
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat site.yml
- - hosts: all
- roles:
- - role: basic
- - role: lb_group
- when: ansible_hostname is match "LB*"
- - role: nfs
- when: ansible_hostname is match "NFS"
- - role: web_group
- when: ansible_hostname is match "Web*"
- - role: backup
- when: ansible_hostname is match "Backup"
- - role: mysql
- when: ansible_hostname is match "MySQL"
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init basic
- - Role basic was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init lb_group
- - Role lb_group was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init web_group
- - Role web_group was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init nfs
- - Role backup was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init backup
- - Role backup was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-galaxy init mysql
- - Role mysql was created successfully
- [root@Ansible roles]# ls
- backup hosts mysql site.yml
- basic lb_group nfs web_group
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat basic/tasks/main.yml
- #1.关闭防火墙
- #2.关闭selinux
- #3.关闭NetworkManager
- #4.修改默认的YUM仓库
- #5.安装扩展epel源
- #6.配置nginxYUM源
- #7.安装常用软件命令
- #8.时间同步
- #9.创建虚拟用户www
- #10.加大文件描述符
- - name: Disabled Firewalld Server
- systemd:
- name: firewalld
- state: stopped
- enabled: no
- - name: Disable Selinux
- selinux:
- state: disabled
- - name: Disabled NetworkManager Server
- systemd:
- name: NetworkManager
- state: stopped
- enabled: no
- - name: Configure YUM Repo
- yum_repository:
- name: CentOS-Base
- description: ALIYUN YUM repo
- baseurl: http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch/
- gpgcheck: no
- gpgkey: http://mirrors.aliyun.com/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
- - name: Add repository
- yum_repository:
- name: epel
- description: EPEL YUM repo
- baseurl: http://mirrors.aliyun.com/epel/7/$basearch
- gpgcheck: no
- gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
- - name: Add repository
- yum_repository:
- name: nginx
- description: Nginx YUM repo
- baseurl: http://nginx.org/packages/centos/$releasever/$basearch/
- gpgcheck: no
- gpgkey: https://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key
- - name: Install Packages
- yum:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: present
- loop:
- - vim
- - tree
- - lrzsz
- - wget
- - unzip
- - net-tools
- - ntpdate
- - bash-completion.noarch
- - bash-completion-extras.noarch
- - name: ntpdate
- cron:
- name: "ntpdate"
- minute: '*/5'
- job: '/usr/sbin/ntpdate ntp1.aliyun.com &>/dev/null'
- - name: Create Group www
- group:
- name: www
- gid: 666
- - name: Create www User
- user:
- name: www
- group: www
- uid: 666
- shell: /sbin/nologin
- create_home: false
- - name: Set sysctl file limiits
- pam_limits:
- dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
- domain: '*'
- limit_type: "{{ item.limit_type }}"
- limit_item: "{{ item.limit_item }}"
- value: "{{ item.value }}"
- loop:
- - { dest: '/etc/security/limits.conf',limit_type: 'soft',limit_item: 'nofile', value: '65535' }
- - { dest: '/etc/security/limits.conf',limit_type: 'hard',limit_item: 'nofile', value: '65535'}
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat /ansible/roles/lb_group/tasks/main.yml
- #1.组内安装nginx,删除default.conf
- #2.lb01、lb02配置nginx.conf
- #3.lb01、lb02配置proxy_params
- #4.lb01和lb02配置七层负载均衡
- #5.lb01、lb02开启nginx
- #6.lb01、lb02安装keepalived
- #7.lb01、lb02分别配置keepalived文件
- #8.传送lb01防止脑裂的脚本文件,并在lb01上做与lb02的免密钥
- #9.lb01、lb02开启keepalived
- - name: install nginx
- yum:
- name: nginx
- state: present
- - name: delete default.conf
- file:
- name: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
- state: absent
- - name: configure nginx.conf
- template:
- src: nginx.conf.j2 #提前准备
- dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- - name: copy proxy_params
- copy:
- src: proxy_params #提前准备
- dest: /etc/nginx
- - name: copy ssl_key
- copy:
- src: ssl_key
- dest: /etc/nginx
- - name: configure proxy_7 to lb01 and lb02
- template:
- src: proxy_7.conf.j2 #提前准备
- dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy_7.conf
- notify: restart nginx
- - name: start nginx
- systemd:
- name: nginx
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- - name: install keepalive
- yum:
- name: keepalived
- state: present
- - name: configure keepalived
- template:
- src: keepalived.conf.j2 #提前准备
- dest: /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
- notify: restart keepalived
- - name: copy check_split_brain.sh to lb01
- copy:
- src: check_split_brain.sh #提前准备
- dest: /etc/keepalived/check_split_brain.sh
- when: ansible_hostname is match "LB01"
- - name: start keepalive
- systemd:
- name: keepalived
- state: started
- [root@Ansible lb_group]# ls files/
- check_split_brain.sh proxy_params ssl_key
- [root@Ansible lb_group]# ls templates/
- keepalived.conf.j2 nginx.conf.j2 proxy_7.conf.j2
- [root@Ansible lb_group]# cat vars/main.yml
- user: www
- [root@Ansible lb_group]# cat handlers/main.yml
- - name: restart nginx
- systemd:
- name: nginx
- state: restarted
- - name: restart keepalived
- systemd:
- name: keepalived
- state: restarted
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat nfs/tasks/main.yml
- - name: install nfs server
- yum:
- name: nfs-utils
- state: present
- - name: configure nfs server
- template:
- src: exports
- dest: /etc/exports
- notify: restart nfs server
- - name: create directory data/...
- file:
- path: "{{ item }}"
- state: directory
- owner: www
- group: www
- mode: 0755
- loop: "{{ directory_list }}"
- - name: start nfs server
- systemd:
- name: nfs
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- #实时同步
- - name: install rsync inotify-tools
- yum:
- name:
- - rsync
- - inotify-tools
- state: present
- - name: mkdir server
- file:
- path: /server
- state: directory
- - name: tar xf sersync.tar.gz
- unarchive:
- src: sersync2.5.4_64bit_binary_stable_final.tar.gz
- dest: /server
- - name: mv GNU-Linux-x86/ sersyncd
- command:
- cmd: mv /server/GNU-Linux-x86 /server/sersyncd
- become: true
- - name: copy confxml.xml to nfs
- copy:
- src: confxml.xml
- dest: /server/sersyncd/confxml.xml
- - name: copy rsync.pass
- copy:
- src: rsync.pass
- dest: /etc/rsync.pass
- mode: "0600"
- - name: ./sersync2 -dr
- command: cd /server/sersyncd/ && ./sersync2 -dr
- [root@Ansible roles]# ls nfs/templates/
- exports
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat nfs/vars/main.yml
- directory_list:
- - /data/wordpress
- - /data/wecenter
- - /data/phpshe
- - /data/kod
- share_ip :
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat nfs/handlers/main.yml
- - name: restart nfs server
- systemd:
- name: nfs
- state: restarted
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat web_group/tasks/main.yml
- #1.安装nginx,php,nfs
- #2.配置nginx.conf conf.d文件,并监控
- #3.配置php.ini www.conf,并监控
- #4.开启nginx和php
- #5.创建代码目录,导入代码文件,更改代码文件的权限
- #6.挂载存放静态文件的目录到nfs
- - name: install nginx
- yum:
- name: nginx
- state: present
- - name: tar php.tar.gz
- unarchive:
- src: php71.tar.gz #准备
- dest: /root
- - name: localinstall rpm
- yum:
- name:
- - /root/autoconf-2.69-11.el7.noarch.rpm
- - /root/automake-1.13.4-3.el7.noarch.rpm
- - /root/libevent-2.0.21-4.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libjpeg-turbo-1.2.90-8.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libmcrypt-2.5.8-13.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libmemcached-1.0.16-5.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libtool-ltdl-2.4.2-22.el7_3.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libX11-1.6.7-3.el7_9.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libX11-common-1.6.7-3.el7_9.noarch.rpm
- - /root/libXau-1.0.8-2.1.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libxcb-1.13-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libXpm-3.5.12-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/libxslt-1.1.28-6.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/mod_php71w-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/pcre-devel-8.32-17.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/perl-Data-Dumper-2.145-3.el7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/perl-Test-Harness-3.28-3.el7.noarch.rpm
- - /root/perl-Thread-Queue-3.02-2.el7.noarch.rpm
- - /root/php71w-cli-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-common-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-devel-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-embedded-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-fpm-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-gd-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-mbstring-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-mcrypt-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-mysqlnd-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-opcache-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pdo-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pear-1.10.4-1.w7.noarch.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pecl-igbinary-2.0.5-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pecl-memcached-3.0.4-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pecl-mongodb-1.5.3-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-pecl-redis-3.1.6-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-process-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- - /root/php71w-xml-7.1.33-1.w7.x86_64.rpm
- state: present
- - name: install nfs-utils
- yum:
- name: nfs-utils
- state: present
- - name: configure nginx.conf
- template:
- src: nginx.conf.j2
- dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- notify: restart nginx
- - name: configure conf.d
- copy:
- src: conf.d/
- dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d
- notify: restart nginx
- - name: configure php.ini
- copy:
- src: php.ini
- dest: /etc/php.ini
- notify: restart php-fpm
- - name: configure www.conf
- copy:
- src: www.conf
- dest: /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
- notify: restart php-fpm
- - name: start nginx
- systemd:
- name: nginx
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- - name: start php-fpm
- systemd:
- name: php-fpm
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- - name: tar code.tar.gz
- unarchive:
- src: code.tar.gz
- dest: /
- creates: /code
- - name: chown -R www.www code
- file:
- path: /code
- owner: www
- group: www
- - name: Mount wordpress_NFS Server
- mount:
- src:
- path: /code/wordpress/wp-content/uploads
- fstype: nfs
- opts: defaults
- state: mounted
- - name: Mount wecenter_NFS Server
- mount:
- src:
- path: /code/wecenter/uploads
- fstype: nfs
- opts: defaults
- state: mounted
- - name: Mount phpshe_NFS Server
- mount:
- src:
- path: /code/phpshe/data
- fstype: nfs
- opts: defaults
- state: mounted
- - name: mount kod server
- mount:
- src:
- path: /code/kod/data
- fstype: nfs
- opts: defaults
- state: mounted
- [root@Ansible roles]# ls web_group/files/
- code.tar.gz conf.d php71.tar.gz php.ini www.conf
- [root@Ansible web_group]# ls templates/
- nginx_.conf.j2
- [root@Ansible web_group]# cat vars/main.yml
- user: www
- [root@Ansible web_group]# cat handlers/main.yml
- - name: restart nginx
- systemd:
- name: nginx
- state: restarted
- - name: restart php-fpm
- systemd:
- name: php-fpm
- state: restarted
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat backup/tasks/main.yml
- - name: Install Rsync Server
- yum:
- name: rsync
- state: present
- - name: Copy Srsync Configure File
- template:
- src: "{{ item.src }}"
- dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
- mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
- loop:
- - { src: rsyncd.conf.j2, dest: /etc/rsyncd.conf,mode: '0644' }
- - { src: rsync.passwd.j2, dest: /etc/rsync.passwd,mode: '0600' }
- notify: restart rsyncd
- - name: Create Dir "{{ rsync_dir }}"
- file:
- path: /{{ rsync_dir }}
- state: directory
- owner: "{{ rs_user }}"
- group: "{{ rsg_user }}"
- - name: Start Rsync Server
- systemd:
- name: rsyncd
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- - name: mkdir /data
- file:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: directory
- owner: www
- group: www
- loop:
- - /data
- - /bash
- - name: copy rsync_all.sh
- copy:
- src: rsync_all.sh
- dest: /bash/rsync_all.sh
- [root@Ansible roles]# ls backup/files/
- rsync_all.sh
- [root@Ansible backup]# ls templates/
- rsyncd.conf.j2 rsync.passwd.j2
- [root@Ansible backup]# cat vars/main.yml
- rs_user: www
- rsg_user: www
- pass: 123456
- rsync_dir: /backup
- [root@Ansible backup]# cat handlers/main.yml
- - name: restart rsyncd
- systemd:
- name: rsyncd
- state: restarted
- [root@Ansible roles]# cat mysql/tasks/main.yml
- - name: Install mariadb mysql-python redis
- yum:
- name:
- - mariadb-server
- - MySQL-python
- - redis
- state: present
- - name: Start httpd Server
- systemd:
- name: mariadb
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- - name: Copy all.sql to Mysql
- copy:
- src: all.sql
- dest: /root/all.sql
- - name: import all.sql
- mysql_db:
- login_host: localhost
- login_port: 3306
- login_user: root
- name: all
- state: import
- target: /root/all.sql
- - name: Restart MariaDB Server
- systemd:
- name: mariadb
- state: restarted
- - name: copy redis.conf to mysql
- copy:
- src: redis.conf
- dest: /etc/redis.conf
- - name: start and redis
- systemd:
- name: redis
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- [root@Ansible roles]# ls mysql/files/
- all.sql redis.conf
- [root@Ansible ~]# cd /bash/
- [root@Ansible bash]# sh batchSendKey.sh #执行密钥分发,要在bash目录执行
- [root@Ansible bash]# ansible-playbook --syntax-check /ansible/roles/site.yml
- playbook: /ansible/roles/site.yml
- [root@Ansible roles]# ansible-playbook -i hosts /ansible/roles/site.yml
- -----密钥分发与主机列表-----
- [root@Ansible bash]# cat batchSendKey.sh
- #!/bin/bash
- if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa ];then
- ssh-keygen -t rsa
- else
- echo "id_rsa has created ..."
- fi
- while read line
- do
- user="root"
- ip=`echo $line | cut -d " " -f 1`
- passwd="1"
- expect <<EOF
- set timeout 10
- spawn ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $user@$ip
- expect {
- "yes/no" { send "yes\n";exp_continue }
- "password" { send "$passwd\n" }
- }
- expect "password" { send "$passwd\n" }
- done < hostlist.txt
- [root@Ansible bash]# cat hostlist.txt
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