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azure 和 aws比较_AWS,Google Cloud和Azure的并行比较

compare aws to azure

azure 和 aws比较

Learn more about AWS with our Getting Started with AWS screencast.

通过我们的AWS 入门截屏视频,了解有关AWS的更多信息。

cloud services compared

Three main players of business cloud services have an array of products covering all you can possibly need for your online operations. But there are differences not only in pricing but also in how they name and group their services, so let’s compare one next to another and find out what they offer.

商业云服务的三个主要参与者提供了一系列产品,涵盖了您在线运营所需的全部内容。 但是,不仅在价格上存在差异,而且在服务的命名和分组方式上也存在差异,因此,让我们将彼此之间进行比较,找出它们所提供的服务。

We’ll focus on services provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure. We won’t cover all of them, or get into much detail about the infrastructure of cloud computing. However, you will be exposed to many of the products you can use, and hopefully get familiar with some cloud concepts.

我们将重点介绍Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP)和Microsoft Azure提供的服务 。 我们不会涵盖所有内容,也不会详细介绍云计算的基础架构。 但是,您将接触到许多可以使用的产品,并希望熟悉一些云概念。

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为什么是云 (Why the Cloud)

Iconic companies from both the public and the private sector — such as Netflix, AirBNB, Spotify, Expedia, PBS, and many, many more — rely on cloud services for supporting their online operations. This allows them to better focus on doing what they’re known for, and let many of the technicalities be taken care of by an infrastructure that already exists and is constantly being upgraded. If they had to implement the physical infrastructure they actually need for their operations themselves, they would need an army of technicians, lots of extra budget and time, and many startups would never get past these technical challenges.

来自Netflix和AirBNB,Spotify,Expedia,PBS等公共和私营部门的标志性公司都依靠云服务来支持其在线运营。 这使他们可以更好地专注于做自己所熟知的事情,并使许多技术由已经存在并且正在不断升级的基础架构来照顾。 如果他们必须实施自己的实际所需的物理基础架构,那么他们将需要大量的技术人员,大量的额外预算和时间,而且许多初创公司将永远无法克服这些技术挑战。

为了每一个 (For everyone)

But this is not limited to big names. Today, we live in a world in which both a huge business, and two youngsters at home with virtually no initial capital, can access world-class infrastructure for storage, computing, management and more, to make the next massive online service, and pay as they go — literally — by the hour.

但这不仅限于大牌。 如今,我们生活在一个庞大的企业和两个几乎没有初始资金的在家中的年轻人可以访问世界一流的基础架构来进行存储,计算,管理等功能的世界,以进行下一个大规模的在线服务并付费当他们去的时候-从字面上看-按小时计算。

灵活的(有时是复杂的)定价 (Flexible (and sometimes intricate) pricing)

What you pay will vary a lot depending and how much processing power you demand, how many instances (that is, how many virtual servers) you deploy, and where you deploy them (more on this on the “Locations” section). There will also be significant discounts for bulk usage. In any case, you’ll have these advantages most of the time:

您所支付的费用会有所不同,具体取决于您需要多少处理能力,部署了多少实例(即,多少台虚拟服务器)以及部署它们的位置(有关更多信息请参见“位置”部分)。 批量使用也将有很大的折扣。 无论如何,大多数时候您将拥有以下优势:

  • no upfront costs

  • no termination fees

  • pay only for what you use

  • per minute billing


For precise details, you’ll need to read the pricing fine print of AWS, GCP and Azure.


产品与解决方案 (Products vs Solutions)

We will use the terms “products” and “services” rather indistinctly; a solution, however, is a more specific concept that you’ll hear a lot about when dealing with cloud services. Simply put, a solution is a set of preconfigured products oriented to a very specific need, with plentiful documentation, use cases and testimonials that will guide you through the process of adopting the cloud infrastructure.

我们将模糊地使用术语“产品”和“服务”; 但是, 解决方案是一个更具体的概念,您在处理云服务时会听到很多。 简而言之,解决方案是针对特定需求的一组预配置产品,其中包含大量文档,用例和推荐,可指导您完成采用云基础架构的整个过程。

Some typical “canned” solutions are:


