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  • select_file:用于选择要清洗的文件
  • save_file:用于选择保存清洗结果的文件
  • run:开始执行数据清洗操作,根据用户选择的附加选项进行不同的清洗动



  • select_file:用于选择要压缩或解压的文件
  • save_file_1:用于选择保存压缩或解压结果的文件
  • on_button_clicked:用于执行解压文件操作
  • on_button_clicked1:用于执行压缩文件操作



  • choose_folder:用于选择要合并的表格文件所在的文件夹
  • save_file_1:用于选择保存合并结果的文件
  • run:执行合并表格操作








  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # coding:utf-8
  3. import re
  4. import sys
  5. import time
  6. import os
  7. from datetime import datetime
  8. import bag
  9. from PySide6.QtGui import QFont, QPainter, QPen, QPalette, QColor, QIntValidator
  10. from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, QPushButton, QFrame, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, \
  11. QProgressBar, QMessageBox, QStackedWidget, QVBoxLayout, QTextBrowser
  12. from PySide6.QtCore import Qt, QJsonDocument
  13. from tqdm import tqdm
  14. import zipfile
  15. import xlsxwriter
  16. import openpyxl
  17. import emoji
  18. import json
  19. session = bag.session.create_session()
  20. def judge(file_path): # 加载数据
  21. try:
  22. suffix = file_path.split('.')[-1]
  23. suffix_dic = {'xlsx': bag.Bag.read_excel, 'csv': bag.Bag.read_csv, 'json': bag.Bag.read_json}
  24. data = suffix_dic.get(suffix)(file_path)
  25. return data
  26. except AttributeError:
  27. print('未选择文件')
  28. exit()
  29. def set_text_browser_background_color(text_browser, color): # 设置背景颜色
  30. palette = text_browser.palette()
  31. palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, color)
  32. text_browser.setPalette(palette)
  33. def set_text_browser_foreground_color(text_browser, color): # 设置字体颜色
  34. palette = text_browser.palette()
  35. palette.setColor(QPalette.Text, color)
  36. text_browser.setPalette(palette)
  37. def unzip_file(zip_path, extract_path):
  38. with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
  39. zip_ref.extractall(extract_path)
  40. # noinspection PyTypeChecker
  41. class SeparatorLine(QFrame):
  42. def paintEvent(self, event):
  43. painter = QPainter(self)
  44. painter.setPen(QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Dark).darker(150), 2))
  45. painter.drawLine(self.width() / 2, 0, self.width() / 2, self.height())
  46. # noinspection PyTypeChecker
  47. class SeparatorLine1(QFrame):
  48. def paintEvent(self, event):
  49. painter = QPainter(self)
  50. painter.setPen(QPen(self.palette().color(QPalette.Dark).darker(150), 2))
  51. painter.drawLine(0, self.height() / 2, self.width(), self.height() / 2)
  52. class Layout(QMainWindow):
  53. def __init__(self):
  54. super().__init__()
  55. self.data_cleaning = None
  56. self.Compression = None
  57. self.file_directory = None
  58. self.keywords = None
  59. self.ppt_order = None
  60. # 定义标题与窗口大小
  61. self.setWindowTitle("数据清洗")
  62. self.setGeometry(100, 100, 1280, 720)
  63. self.stacked_widget = QStackedWidget(self)
  64. self.setCentralWidget(self.stacked_widget)
  65. self.label = QLabel(datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), self)
  66. self.label.setGeometry(10, 5, 130, 50)
  67. self.label.setFont(QFont("等线", 18)) # 设置字体和字号
  68. self.clean_data = QPushButton('数据清洗', self)
  69. self.clean_data.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  70. self.clean_data.setGeometry(155, 10, 130, 30)
  71. self.clean_data.clicked.connect(self.show_data_cleaning)
  72. self.zip_data = QPushButton('压缩/解压', self)
  73. self.zip_data.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  74. self.zip_data.setGeometry(300, 10, 130, 30)
  75. self.zip_data.clicked.connect(self.show_zip_page)
  76. self.zip_data = QPushButton('合并excel', self)
  77. self.zip_data.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  78. self.zip_data.setGeometry(445, 10, 130, 30)
  79. self.zip_data.clicked.connect(self.select_directory)
  80. self.line = SeparatorLine(self)
  81. self.line.setGeometry(150, 0, 2, 10000) # 添加垂直分割线
  82. self.line_horizontal = SeparatorLine1(self)
  83. # noinspection PyTypeChecker
  84. self.line_horizontal.setGeometry(150, self.height() / 8, 10000, 2) # 添加水平分割线
  85. def show_data_cleaning(self):
  86. if not self.data_cleaning:
  87. self.data_cleaning = DataCleaning()
  88. self.stacked_widget.addWidget(self.data_cleaning)
  89. self.stacked_widget.setCurrentWidget(self.data_cleaning)
  90. def show_zip_page(self):
  91. if not self.Compression:
  92. self.Compression = CompressionDecompression()
  93. self.stacked_widget.addWidget(self.Compression)
  94. self.stacked_widget.setCurrentWidget(self.Compression)
  95. def select_directory(self):
  96. if not self.file_directory:
  97. self.file_directory = SelectDirectory()
  98. self.stacked_widget.addWidget(self.file_directory)
  99. self.stacked_widget.setCurrentWidget(self.file_directory)
  100. # 清洗
  101. class DataCleaning(Layout):
  102. def __init__(self):
  103. super().__init__()
  104. self.save_path = None
  105. self.file_path = None
  106. self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
  107. self.progress_bar = QProgressBar(self)
  108. self.progress_bar.setGeometry(155, 235, 668, 28)
  109. self.progress_bar.setVisible(False)
  110. self.button_select = QPushButton("打开", self)
  111. self.button_select.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  112. self.button_select.setGeometry(10, 60, 130, 30)
  113. self.button_select.clicked.connect(self.select_file)
  114. self.button_save = QPushButton("另存为", self)
  115. self.button_save.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  116. self.button_save.setGeometry(10, 95, 130, 30)
  117. self.button_save.clicked.connect(self.save_file)
  118. self.button_run = QPushButton("开始清洗", self)
  119. self.button_run.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  120. self.button_run.setGeometry(10, 130, 130, 30)
  121. self.button_run.clicked.connect(self.run)
  122. self.button = QPushButton("清洗附加选项", self)
  123. self.button.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  124. self.button.setGeometry(155, 60, 130, 30)
  125. self.button.clicked.connect(self.button_clicked)
  126. self.label_1_1 = QLabel(self)
  127. self.label_1_1.setGeometry(290, 50, 700, 50)
  128. self.label_1_1.setFont(QFont("等线", 14)) # 设置字体和字号
  129. self.label_1_1.setVisible(False)
  130. self.input_text = QLineEdit(self) # 创建一个输入框
  131. self.input_text.setGeometry(155, 125, 130, 30)
  132. self.input_text.setVisible(False)
  133. self.input_text.setValidator(QIntValidator())
  134. self.label_info = QLabel("清洗指定列", self) # 创建一个标签
  135. self.label_info.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  136. self.label_info.setGeometry(155, 95, 130, 30) # 设置标签位置和大小
  137. self.label_info.setVisible(False) # 初始时隐藏标签
  138. self.label_info_1 = QLabel("根据指定列去重", self)
  139. self.label_info_1.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  140. self.label_info_1.setGeometry(155, 155, 130, 30)
  141. self.label_info_1.setVisible(False)
  142. self.input_text_1 = QLineEdit(self)
  143. self.input_text_1.setGeometry(155, 185, 130, 30)
  144. self.input_text_1.setVisible(False)
  145. self.input_text_1.setValidator(QIntValidator())
  146. # 指示灯
  147. self.red_light = QLabel(self)
  148. self.red_light.setGeometry(10, 170, 20, 20)
  149. self.red_light.setStyleSheet("background-color: red")
  150. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  151. self.green_light = QLabel(self)
  152. self.green_light.setGeometry(35, 170, 20, 20)
  153. self.green_light.setStyleSheet("background-color: green")
  154. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  155. self.line_horizontal_1 = SeparatorLine1(self)
  156. self.line_horizontal_1.setGeometry(150, 225, 10000, 2)
  157. self.line_horizontal_1.setVisible(False)
  158. def button_clicked(self):
  159. self.label_1_1.setText('(温馨提示,下方的输入框只能输入数字,以下参数非必须参数,可不填)')
  160. self.input_text.setVisible(not self.input_text.isVisible()) # 切换输入框的可见性
  161. self.label_info.setVisible(self.input_text.isVisible())
  162. self.input_text_1.setVisible(not self.input_text_1.isVisible()) # 切换输入框的可见性
  163. self.label_info_1.setVisible(self.input_text_1.isVisible())
  164. self.label_1_1.setVisible(not self.label_1_1.isVisible())
  165. self.label_1_1.setVisible(self.label_1_1.isVisible())
  166. def select_file(self): # 选择文件
  167. file_dialog = QFileDialog()
  168. file_path, _ = file_dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "选择文件", "", "All Files (*)")
  169. if file_path:
  170. self.file_path = file_path
  171. def save_file(self): # 保存文件
  172. file_dialog = QFileDialog()
  173. file_dialog.setWindowTitle("另存为") # 修改对话框标题
  174. file_dialog.setNameFilters(["Text Files (*.txt)", "CSV Files (*.csv)",
  175. "Excel Files (*.xlsx *.xls)", "JSON Files (*.json *.jsonl)"])
  176. file_dialog.selectNameFilter("Excel Files (*.xlsx")
  177. if file_dialog.exec():
  178. self.save_path = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
  179. if os.path.exists(self.save_path):
  180. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
  181. result = QMessageBox.warning(self, "警告", "文件已存在,是否覆盖?",
  182. QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No)
  183. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
  184. if result == QMessageBox.Yes:
  185. bag.Bag.save_excel([], self.save_path)
  186. else:
  187. self.save_path = ''
  188. else:
  189. bag.Bag.save_excel([], self.save_path)
  190. def run(self): # 开始清洗
  191. resp = judge(self.file_path)
  192. total = len(resp)
  193. def clean_1(ls, col_number, col_name):
  194. self.red_light.setVisible(True)
  195. result = []
  196. for i, info in enumerate(tqdm(ls)):
  197. mid = []
  198. for value in info[col_number].split('\n'):
  199. if re.sub(r'\s', '', value):
  200. text = value.lstrip(',.?!;:,。?;:')
  201. text1 = text.strip()
  202. text2 = emoji.replace_emoji(text1, replace='<emoji>')
  203. mid.append(text2)
  204. else:
  205. pass
  206. info[col_number] = '\n'.join(mid)
  207. result.append(info)
  208. # 更新进度条的值
  209. progress = int((i + 1) / total * 100)
  210. self.progress_bar.setValue(progress)
  211. QApplication.processEvents() # 刷新界面
  212. sign = []
  213. new_result = [item for item in result if item[col_name] not in sign and not sign.append(item[col_name])]
  214. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  215. self.green_light.setVisible(True)
  216. if bool(self.save_path):
  217. bag.Bag.save_excel(new_result, self.save_path)
  218. else:
  219. self.save_file()
  220. bag.Bag.save_excel(new_result, self.save_path)
  221. time.sleep(1)
  222. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  223. def clean_2(ls, col_number):
  224. self.red_light.setVisible(True)
  225. result = []
  226. for i, info in enumerate(tqdm(ls)):
  227. mid = []
  228. for value in info[col_number].split('\n'):
  229. if re.sub(r'\s', '', value):
  230. text = value.lstrip(',.?!;:,。?;:')
  231. text1 = text.strip()
  232. text2 = emoji.replace_emoji(text1, replace='<emoji>')
  233. mid.append(text2)
  234. else:
  235. pass
  236. info[col_number] = '\n'.join(mid)
  237. result.append(info)
  238. progress = int((i + 1) / total * 100)
  239. self.progress_bar.setValue(progress)
  240. QApplication.processEvents() # 刷新界面
  241. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  242. self.green_light.setVisible(True)
  243. if bool(self.save_path):
  244. bag.Bag.save_excel(result, self.save_path)
  245. else:
  246. self.save_file()
  247. bag.Bag.save_excel(result, self.save_path)
  248. time.sleep(1)
  249. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  250. def clean_3(ls, col_name):
  251. self.red_light.setVisible(True)
  252. result = []
  253. for i, info in enumerate(tqdm(ls)):
  254. mid1 = []
  255. for info1 in info:
  256. mid = []
  257. for value in info1.split('\n'):
  258. if re.sub(r'\s', '', value):
  259. text = value.lstrip(',.?!;:,。?;:')
  260. text1 = text.strip()
  261. text2 = emoji.replace_emoji(text1, replace='<emoji>')
  262. mid.append(text2)
  263. else:
  264. pass
  265. mid1.append('\n'.join(mid))
  266. result.append(mid1)
  267. progress = int((i + 1) / total * 100)
  268. self.progress_bar.setValue(progress)
  269. QApplication.processEvents() # 刷新界面
  270. sign = []
  271. new_result = [item for item in result if item[col_name] not in sign and not sign.append(item[col_name])]
  272. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  273. self.green_light.setVisible(True)
  274. if bool(self.save_path):
  275. bag.Bag.save_excel(new_result, self.save_path)
  276. else:
  277. self.save_file()
  278. bag.Bag.save_excel(new_result, self.save_path)
  279. time.sleep(1)
  280. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  281. def clean_4(ls):
  282. self.red_light.setVisible(True)
  283. result = []
  284. for i, info in enumerate(tqdm(ls)):
  285. mid1 = []
  286. for info1 in info:
  287. mid = []
  288. for value in info1.split('\n'):
  289. if re.sub(r'\s', '', value):
  290. text = value.lstrip(',.?!;:,。?;:')
  291. text1 = text.strip()
  292. text2 = emoji.replace_emoji(text1, replace='<emoji>')
  293. mid.append(text2)
  294. else:
  295. pass
  296. mid1.append('\n'.join(mid))
  297. result.append(mid1)
  298. progress = int((i + 1) / total * 100)
  299. self.progress_bar.setValue(progress)
  300. QApplication.processEvents() # 刷新界面
  301. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  302. self.green_light.setVisible(True)
  303. if bool(self.save_path):
  304. bag.Bag.save_excel(result, self.save_path)
  305. else:
  306. self.save_file()
  307. bag.Bag.save_excel(result, self.save_path)
  308. time.sleep(1)
  309. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  310. additional_options = self.input_text.text() # 获取输入框的文本内容
  311. additional_options_1 = self.input_text_1.text()
  312. col_num = additional_options
  313. tag_name = additional_options_1
  314. """判断是否夹带清洗附加条件"""
  315. target = bool(col_num)
  316. target_1 = bool(tag_name)
  317. # 进度条
  318. self.progress_bar.setVisible(True)
  319. self.line_horizontal_1.setVisible(True)
  320. # 处理异常
  321. try:
  322. if target and target_1: # 清洗指定列以及根据某某标签去重
  323. clean_1(resp, int(col_num)-1, int(tag_name)-1)
  324. elif target and not target_1: # 清洗子指定列,不去重
  325. clean_2(resp, int(col_num)-1)
  326. elif not target and target_1: # 清洗全文再根据某某列去重
  327. clean_3(resp, int(tag_name)-1)
  328. else: # 清洗全文,不去重
  329. clean_4(resp)
  330. QMessageBox.information(self, "完成", "数据清洗完成")
  331. except Exception as e:
  332. error_message = str(e)
  333. QMessageBox.critical(self, "错误", error_message)
  334. # 压缩、解压
  335. class CompressionDecompression(Layout):
  336. def __init__(self):
  337. super().__init__()
  338. self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
  339. self.file_path = None
  340. self.button_compress = QPushButton("压缩文件", self)
  341. self.button_compress.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  342. self.button_compress.setGeometry(10, 60, 130, 30)
  343. self.button_compress.clicked.connect(self.on_button_clicked)
  344. self.button_extract = QPushButton("解压文件", self)
  345. self.button_extract.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  346. self.button_extract.setGeometry(10, 95, 130, 30)
  347. self.button_extract.clicked.connect(self.on_button_clicked1)
  348. def on_button_clicked(self):
  349. selected_file = bool(self.file_path)
  350. if selected_file:
  351. extract_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "另存为")
  352. if bool(extract_path):
  353. unzip_file(selected_file, extract_path)
  354. QMessageBox.information(self, 'success', '解压成功!')
  355. else:
  356. QMessageBox.critical(self, 'error', '解压失败')
  357. else:
  358. self.select_file()
  359. extract_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "另存为")
  360. if bool(extract_path):
  361. unzip_file(self.file_path, extract_path)
  362. QMessageBox.information(self, 'success', '解压成功!')
  363. else:
  364. QMessageBox.critical(self, 'error', '解压失败')
  365. def on_button_clicked1(self):
  366. selected_file = bool(self.file_path)
  367. if selected_file:
  368. extract_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(window, "选择文件夹", options=QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
  369. if bool(extract_path):
  370. self.compress_to_zip(selected_file, extract_path)
  371. QMessageBox.information(self, 'success', '压缩成功!')
  372. else:
  373. QMessageBox.critical(self, 'error', '压缩失败')
  374. else:
  375. self.select_folder()
  376. extract_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(window, "选择文件夹", options=QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
  377. if bool(extract_path):
  378. self.compress_to_zip(self.file_path, extract_path)
  379. QMessageBox.critical(self, 'success', '压缩成功!')
  380. else:
  381. QMessageBox.critical(self, 'error', '压缩失败')
  382. def select_file(self): # 选择文件
  383. file_dialog = QFileDialog()
  384. file_path, _ = file_dialog.getOpenFileName(self, "选择文件", "", "All Files (*)")
  385. if file_path:
  386. self.file_path = file_path
  387. def select_folder(self):
  388. file_path, _ = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(window, "选择文件夹", options=QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
  389. if file_path:
  390. self.file_path = file_path
  391. def compress_to_zip(self, file_path, zip_path):
  392. with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zipf:
  393. zipf.write(file_path, arcname='compressed_file.txt')
  394. # 合并表格
  395. # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
  396. class SelectDirectory(Layout):
  397. def __init__(self):
  398. super().__init__()
  399. self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
  400. self.button_extract = QPushButton("选择合并文件路径", self)
  401. self.button_extract.setFont(QFont('等线', 11))
  402. self.button_extract.setGeometry(10, 60, 130, 30)
  403. self.button_extract.clicked.connect(self.choose_folder)
  404. self.progress_bar = QProgressBar(self)
  405. self.progress_bar.setGeometry(155, 100, 668, 28)
  406. self.progress_bar.setVisible(False)
  407. self.red_light = QLabel(self)
  408. self.red_light.setGeometry(10, 100, 20, 20)
  409. self.red_light.setStyleSheet("background-color: red")
  410. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  411. self.green_light = QLabel(self)
  412. self.green_light.setGeometry(35, 100, 20, 20)
  413. self.green_light.setStyleSheet("background-color: green")
  414. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  415. def choose_folder(self):
  416. # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
  417. self.red_light.setVisible(True)
  418. self.progress_bar.setVisible(True)
  419. folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(window, "选择文件夹", options=QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)
  420. save_path = folder+'\\'+'合并结果.xlsx'
  421. # 清空前一次合并结果
  422. if os.path.isfile(save_path):
  423. os.remove(save_path)
  424. else:
  425. pass
  426. file_name = os.listdir(folder)
  427. consolidated_number = file_name # 合并索引,后期需要可优化
  428. total = len(consolidated_number)
  429. workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(save_path, options={'strings_to_urls': False})
  430. worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Sheet1')
  431. count_1 = 0
  432. n = 0
  433. for i, _ in enumerate(tqdm(consolidated_number)):
  434. path = folder + '\\' + _.replace('\n', '')
  435. book = openpyxl.load_workbook(path)
  436. sheet = book['Sheet1']
  437. rows = sheet.max_row
  438. columns = sheet.max_column
  439. a = 1
  440. if n == 0:
  441. a = 0
  442. for k in range(a, rows):
  443. for j in range(columns):
  444. worksheet.write(n, j, str(sheet.cell(k + 1, j + 1).value))
  445. n = n + 1
  446. count_1 += 1
  447. book.close()
  448. # 更新进度条的值
  449. progress = int((i + 1) / total * 100)
  450. self.progress_bar.setValue(progress)
  451. QApplication.processEvents() # 刷新界面
  452. workbook.close()
  453. self.red_light.setVisible(False)
  454. self.green_light.setVisible(True)
  455. QMessageBox.information(self, "success", f'合并完成,合并文件路径:{folder}/合并文件.xlsx')
  456. time.sleep(3)
  457. self.green_light.setVisible(False)
  458. @staticmethod
  459. def save_excel(_ls, path, _sheet_name='Sheet1', batch_size=10000):
  460. _book = xlsxwriter.Workbook(path, options={'strings_to_urls': False})
  461. _sheet = _book.add_worksheet(_sheet_name)
  462. batch_size = batch_size
  463. for i in range(0, len(_ls), batch_size):
  464. batch_data = _ls[i:i + batch_size]
  465. for _i in range(len(batch_data)):
  466. for __i in range(len(batch_data[_i])):
  467. _sheet.write(_i + i, __i, json.dumps(batch_data[_i][__i], ensure_ascii=False, indent=2))
  468. _book.close()
  469. if __name__ == "__main__":
  470. app = QApplication(sys.argv)
  471. window = Layout()
  472. window.show()
  473. sys.exit(app.exec())


