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# 基于字典的情感分析(上)

# 基于字典的情感分析(下)# 分类

# 基于文本类的情感分析(上)

# 基于文本类的情感分析(下)'哈哈哈哈,我很喜欢', '今天很开心']

# LDA(上)

# LDA下from gensim import corpora, models, similarities

# 基于字典的情感分析(上)

import re

import jieba

import codecs

from collections import defaultdict  # 导入collections用于创建空白词典

def seg_word(sentence):

    seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence)

    seg_result = []

    for word in seg_list:


        stopwords = set()

        stopword = codecs.open('../data/stopwords.txt', 'r',

                               encoding='utf-8')  # 加载停用词

    for word in stopword:



    return list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result))

def sort_word(word_dict):

    sen_file = open('../data/BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt', 'r+',

                    encoding='utf-8')  # 加载Boson情感词典

    sen_list = sen_file.readlines()

    sen_dict = defaultdict()  # 创建词典

    for s in sen_list:

        s = re.sub('\n', '', s)  # 去除每行最后的换行符

        if s:

            # 构建以key为情感词,value为对应分值的词典

            sen_dict[s.split(' ')[0]] = s.split(' ')[1]

    not_file = open('../data/否定词.txt', 'r+',

                    encoding='utf-8')  # 加载否定词词典

    not_list = not_file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(not_list)):

        not_list[i] = re.sub('\n', '', not_list[i])

    degree_file = open('../data/程度副词(中文).txt', 'r+',

                       encoding='utf-8')  # 加载程度副词词典

    degree_list = degree_file.readlines()

    degree_dic = defaultdict()

    for d in degree_list:

        d = re.sub('\n', '', d)

        if d:

            degree_dic[d.split(' ')[0]] = d.split(' ')[1]




    sen_word = dict()

    not_word = dict()

    degree_word = dict()

# 基于字典的情感分析(下)# 分类

    for word in word_dict.keys():
        if word in sen_dict.keys() and word not in not_list and word not in degree_dic.keys():
            sen_word[word_dict[word]] = sen_dict[word]  # 情感词典中的包含分词结果的词
        elif word in not_list and word not in degree_dic.keys():
            not_word[word_dict[word]] = -1  # 程度副词词典中的包含分词结果的词
        elif word in degree_dic.keys():
            # 否定词典中的包含分词结果的词
            degree_word[word_dict[word]] = degree_dic[word]
    return sen_word, not_word, degree_word  # 返回分类结果

def list_to_dict(word_list):
    data = {}
    for x in range(0, len(word_list)):
        data[word_list[x]] = x
    return data

def socre_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_result):
    W = 1  # 初始化权重
    score = 0
    sentiment_index = -1  # 情感词下标初始化
    for i in range(0, len(seg_result)):
        if i in sen_word.keys():
            score += W * float(sen_word[i])
            sentiment_index += 1  # 下一个情感词
            for j in range(len(seg_result)):
                if j in not_word.keys():
                    score *= -1  # 否定词反转情感
                elif j in degree_word.keys():
                    score *= float(degree_word[j])  # 乘以程度副词
    return score

def setiment(sentence):
    # 对文本进行分词和去停用词,去除跟情感词无关的词语
    seg_list = seg_word(sentence)
    # 对分词结果进行分类,找出其中的情感词、程度副词和否定词
    sen_word, not_word, degree_word = sort_word(list_to_dict(seg_list))
    # 计算并汇总情感词的得分
    score = socre_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_list)
    return seg_list, sen_word, not_word, degree_word, score

if __name__ == '__main__':

# 基于文本类的情感分析(上)

import nltk.classify as cf
import nltk.classify.util as cu
import jieba
def setiment(sentences):
    # 文本转换为特征及特征选取
    pos_data = []
    with open('../data/pos.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as pos:  # 读取积极评论
        while True:
            words = pos.readline()
            if words:
                positive = {}  # 创建积极评论的词典
                words = jieba.cut(words)  # 对评论数据结巴分词
                for word in words:
                    positive[word] = True
                pos_data.append((positive, 'POSITIVE'))  # 对积极词赋予POSITIVE标签
    neg_data = []
    with open('../data/neg.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as neg:  # 读取消极评论
        while True:
            words = neg.readline()
            if words:
                negative = {}  # 创建消极评论的词典
                words = jieba.cut(words)  # 对评论数据结巴分词
                for word in words:
                    negative[word] = True
                neg_data.append((negative, 'NEGATIVE'))  # 对消极词赋予NEGATIVE标签
    # 划分训练集(80%)与测试集(20%)
    pos_num, neg_num = int(len(pos_data) * 0.8), int(len(neg_data) * 0.8)
    train_data = pos_data[: pos_num] + neg_data[: neg_num]  # 抽取80%数据
    test_data = pos_data[pos_num: ] + neg_data[neg_num: ]  # 剩余20%数据
    # 构建分类器(朴素贝叶斯)
    model = cf.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_data)
    ac = cu.accuracy(model, test_data)
    print('准确率为:' + str(ac))
    tops = model.most_informative_features()  # 信息量较大的特征
    for top in tops[: 10]:
    for sentence in sentences:
        feature = {}
        words = jieba.cut(sentence)
        for word in words:
            feature[word] = True
        pcls = model.prob_classify(feature)
        sent = pcls.max()  # 情绪面标签(POSITIVE或NEGATIVE)
        prob = pcls.prob(sent)  # 情绪程度
        print('\n','‘',sentence,'’', '的情绪面标签为', sent, '概率为','%.2f%%' % round(prob * 100, 2))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 测试
    sentences = ['破烂平板', '手感不错,推荐购买', '刚开始吧还不错,但是后面越来越卡,差评',

# 基于文本类的情感分析(下)'哈哈哈哈,我很喜欢', '今天很开心']


# 代码9-3
from snownlp import SnowNLP  # 调用情感分析函数
# 创建snownlp对象,设置要测试的语句
s1 = SnowNLP('这东西真的挺不错的')
s2 = SnowNLP('垃圾东西')

# LDA(上)

import pandas as pd
from snownlp import SnowNLP
import jieba

data = pd.read_csv('../data/comment.csv', sep=',', encoding='utf-8', header=0)
comment_data = data.loc[: , ['评论']]  # 只提取评论数据
# 去除重复值
comment_data = comment_data.drop_duplicates()
# 短句删除
comments_data = comment_data.iloc[: , 0]
comments = comments_data[comments_data.apply(len) >= 4]  # 剔除字数少于4的数据
# 语料压缩,句子中常出现重复语句,需要进行压缩
def yasuo(string):
    for i in [1, 2]:
        j = 0
        while j < len(string) - 2 * i:
            if string[j: j + i] == string[j + i: j + 2 * i] and (
                    string[j + i: j + 2 * i] == string[j + i: j + 3 * i]):
                k = j + 2 * i
                while k + i < len(string) and string[j: j + i] == string[j: j + 2 * i]:
                    k += i
                string = string[: j + i] + string[k + i:]
            j += 1
    for i in [3, 4, 5]:
        j = 0
        while j < len(string) - 2 * i:
            if string[j: j + i] == string[j + i: j + 2 * i]:
                k = j + 2 * i
                while k + i < len(string) and string[j: j + i] == string[j: j + 2 * i]:
                    k += i
                string = string[: j + i] + string[k + i:]
            j += 1
    if string[: int(len(string) / 2)] == string[int(len(string) / 2):]:
        string = string[: int(len(string) / 2)]
    return string
comments = comments.astype('str').apply(lambda x: yasuo(x))

# LDA下from gensim import corpora, models, similarities

# 情感分析
coms = []
coms = comments.apply(lambda x: SnowNLP(x).sentiments)
# 情感分析,coms在0~1之间,以0.5分界,大于0.5,则为正面情感
pos_data = comments[coms >= 0.6]  # 正面情感数据集,取0.6是为了增强情感
neg_data = comments[coms < 0.4]  # 负面情感数据集
# 分词
mycut = lambda x: ' '.join(jieba.cut(x))  # 自定义简单分词函数
pos_data = pos_data.apply(mycut)
neg_data = neg_data.apply(mycut)
# 去停用词
stop = pd.read_csv('../data/stopwords.txt', sep='bucunzai', encoding='utf-8', header=None)
stop = ['', ''] + list(stop[0])  # 添加空格符号,pandas过滤了空格符
pos = pd.DataFrame(pos_data)
neg = pd.DataFrame(neg_data)
pos[1] = pos['评论'].apply(lambda s: s.split(' '))  # 空格分词
pos[2] = pos[1].apply(lambda x: [i for i in x if i not in stop])  # 去除停用词
neg[1] = neg['评论'].apply(lambda s: s.split(' '))
neg[2] = neg[1].apply(lambda x: [i for i in x if i not in stop])
# 正面主题分析
pos_dict = corpora.Dictionary(pos[2])  # 建立词典
pos_corpus = [pos_dict.doc2bow(i) for i in pos[2]]  # 建立语料库
pos_lda = models.LdaModel(pos_corpus, num_topics=3, id2word=pos_dict)  # LDA模型训练
for i in range(3):
    print('pos_topic' + str(i))
    print(pos_lda.print_topic(i))  # 输出每个主题
# 负面主题分析
neg_dict = corpora.Dictionary(neg[2])  # 建立词典
neg_corpus = [neg_dict.doc2bow(i) for i in neg[2]]  # 建立语料库,bag of word
neg_lda = models.LdaModel(neg_corpus, num_topics=3, id2word=neg_dict)  # LDA模型训练
for i in range(3):
    print('neg_topic' + str(i))
    print(neg_lda.print_topic(i))  # 输出每个主题

