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1. 坐标系


2. 面积计算问题



2.1 计算几何


2.2 字段计算器

       在使用字段计算器计算面积时,可以在python编辑框下使用公式 :





2.3 python+GDAL


  1. from osgeo import ogr
  2. ds=ogr.Open(r'D:\ArcGIS\DataBase\xian1980坐标系.shp') #只有地理坐标系
  3. layer=ds.GetLayer(0)
  4. for feature in layer:
  5. geometry=feature.GetGeometryRef()
  6. area1=geometry1.Area()
  7. area2=geometry1.GetArea()

       输出的结果 area1=area2且将角度值的坐标直接作为平面坐标带入计算。

2.4 Arcpy接口调用

in table (Table View / Raster Layer / Raster Catalog Layer / Mosaic Layer):The table containing the field that will be updated with the new calculation

field (Field):
The field that will be updated with the new calculation.

expression(SQL Expression):

The simple calculation expression used to create a value that will populate the selected rows.

expression type {String}:
Specify the type of expression that will be used.
VB——The expression will be written in a standard VB format. This is the
PYTHON——The expression will be written in a standard Python format. Use of
geoprocessor methods and properties is the same as creating a 9.2 version geoprocessor
PYTHON 9.3——The expression will be written in a standard Python format. Use of
geoprocessor methods and properties is the same as creating a 9.3 version geoprocessor. field calculations with aVB Expression type are not supported on 64-bit products, including ArcGlS Pro, ArcGlS for Desktop-BackgroundGeoprocessing (64-bit) and ArcGlS for Server. To successfully use Calculate Field in these products, expressionsshould be converted to Python, or in the case of Background Geoprocessing (64-bit), background processing canalternatively be disabled.

code block {String}:
Allows for a block of code to be entered for complex expressions.


3. 总结



       在使用GDAL等包进行编程计算面积时,要先设置投影再计算面积,中国常用的等面积投影为Asia North Albers Equal Area Conic,在ArcMap中的位置如下图所示:


东偏移量False Easting:    0.0

北偏移量False Northing:   0.0

中央经线Central Meridian:       105.0

第一标准纬线Standard Parallel 1:   25.0

第二标准纬线Standard Parallel 2:   47.0

起始纬度Latitude Of Origin:     0.0

线性单位Linear Unit: Meter (1.0)

