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python3.5 视觉_使用视觉效果图创建美丽而复杂的效果:于2019.3验证

the visual effect graph is supported in the high definition render pipeline

python3.5 视觉

Visual Effect Graph has many new features and fixes based on your feedback, so you can start using it in production with the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). This node-based editor enables beautiful, complex effects.

视觉效果图根据您的反馈提供了许多新功能和修复,因此您可以在高清渲染管线(HDRP)中开始在生产中使用它。 这个基于节点的编辑器可实现精美,复杂的效果。

The Visual Effect Graph is Unity’s next-generation visual effects solution and is compatible with Unity’s scriptable render pipelines. It targets high-end hardware (e.g., PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One), and it runs on most compute-capable devices. It renders efficiently with the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). It is also compatible with the Universal Render Pipeline, and it will be verified in a later release once it is feature complete. As its simulations run on the GPU, it can scale from dozens to millions of simulated elements with solid real-time performance.

视觉效果图是Unity的下一代视觉效果解决方案,并且与Unity的可脚本化渲染管道兼容。 它针对高端硬件(例如PC,PlayStation 4和Xbox One),并且可以在大多数具有计算能力的设备上运行。 使用高清渲染管线(HDRP)可以有效地渲染。 它也与Universal Render Pipeline兼容,一旦功能完善,将在以后的版本中进行验证。 由于其仿真在GPU上运行,因此它可以从数十个扩展到数百万个具有稳定实时性能的仿真元素。

“已验证”是什么意思? (What does “verified” mean?)

Visual Effect Graph has been available as a preview package for one year, and we have improved its features based on your feedback. During this period, the code has matured and we have been able to demonstrate the use of Visual Effect Graph in small-scale real-time production cases. 

视觉效果图已经作为预览包提供了一年,我们已经根据您的反馈改进了它的功能。 在此期间,代码已经成熟,我们已经能够证明 在小规模实时生产案例中 使用Visual Effect Graph 。

We have used it in The Heretic, Spaceship Demo, FPS Sample, as well as a set of Visual Effect Graph samples. Each of these projects demonstrates different practical use cases that can inspire your game production.

我们已在“异端”,“太空飞船演示”,“ FPS”样本以及一组“视觉效果图”样本中使用了它。 这些项目中的每一个都展示了可以激发游戏制作灵感的不同实际用例。

Version 7.2.0 of the Visual Effect Graph package is now out of Preview and verified for production. That means we guarantee stability, platform support and upgrade path. You will be able to migrate your project data and code to future Visual Effect Graph versions safely, and we will continue to develop and extend these features.

现在,Visual Effect Graph软件包的7.2.0版本已退出预览版,并已进行生产验证。 这意味着我们保证稳定性,平台支持和升级途径。 您将能够安全地将项目数据和代码迁移到未来的Visual Effect Graph版本,我们将继续开发和扩展这些功能。

In this case, “verified” also means the Visual Effect Graph comes with extensibility and optimization options, various artists’ tools, and many practical case strategies. Read on to learn more about these advantages.

在这种情况下,“已验证”还意味着“视觉效果图”具有可扩展性和优化选项,各种美术师的工具以及许多实用的案例策略。 继续阅读以了解有关这些优势的更多信息。

生产工作流程 (Production workflows)

The node-based editor enables technical and VFX artists to design effects ranging from simple common particle behaviors to complex simulations including particles, lines, ribbons, trails and meshes. Most of the inner mechanics of the systems and simulations can be customized. Artists are empowered to create complex expression graphs with custom properties and events. VFX Graph’s underlying mechanics allow for both complexity and for the creation of simplified controls, letting VFX artists easily create effects for level designers and game programmers or building blocks for other visual effect artists to use.

基于节点的编辑器使技术和VFX美术师可以设计效果,从简单的常见粒子行为到复杂的模拟,包括粒子,线条,带,轨迹和网格。 系统和仿真的大多数内部机制都可以定制。 艺术家有权使用自定义属性和事件创建复杂的表达图。 VFX Graph的底层机制既可以实现复杂性,也可以创建简化的控件,从而使VFX艺术家可以轻松地为关卡设计师和游戏程序员创建效果,或者为其他视觉效果艺术家使用构建模块。

Visual Effect Graphs are stored as Assets so you can reuse them throughout your scene and customize them with a property interface via overrides. You can also store preconfigured versions of a visual effect in Prefabs to make variant libraries of an effect – so you can still edit the underlying graph to propagate optimizations and feature improvements.

视觉效果图存储为资产,因此您可以在整个场景中重复使用它们,并通过覆盖使用属性界面自定义它们。 您还可以在Prefab中存储视觉效果的预配置版本,以制作效果的变体库-因此您仍可以编辑基础图形以传播优化和功能改进。

The tool comes with a built-in feature library that we will grow in future versions of Unity. While this library covers the most common cases, you can author and save your own graphs as Subgraphs. You can use a recurring tree of operators and pack them into an utility Operator Subgraph or even bundle a set of blocks and operators to make a Block Subgraph. You can also build a complete effect from other, simpler graphs, by nesting them into a master graph so they interact together (Visual Effect Subgraph).

该工具带有内置功能库,我们将在Unity的未来版本中对其进行扩展。 虽然该库涵盖了最常见的情况,但是您可以创作自己的图并将其保存为 Subgraphs 。 您可以使用循环的运算符树并将它们打包到实用程序“ 运算符子图”中 ,甚至可以捆绑一组块和运算符来制作“ 块子图” 。 您还可以通过将其他嵌套在主图中的图形相互嵌套在一起,从而从其他更简单的图形中构建完整的效果( 可视效果子图 )。

You can sequence visual effect events with Timeline and animate their properties using regular Animations. While it’s compatible with Animation Tracks, you can also add Visual Effect Activation Tracks and use dedicated clips to send customized events to instances of effects in your scene.

您可以使用“ 时间轴” 对 视觉效果事件进行排序, 并使用常规“ 动画”为 它们的属性设置 动画。 虽然它与“动画轨道”兼容,但是您还可以添加“视觉效果激活轨道”并使用专用剪辑将自定义事件发送到场景中的效果实例。

Exposed Properties can also be synchronized with other scene elements using PropertyBinders. These small scripts bind an exposed property (for instance, a Sphere property) and an element of the scene (for instance a Sphere Collider). When correctly bound, the property will animate automatically depending on the other element’s value. Many types of property binders exist and can link scene objects, colliders, physic raycasts, UI and sound.

还可以使用 PropertyBinders 将暴露的属性与其他场景元素同步 。 这些小脚本将暴露的属性(例如Sphere属性)和场景元素(例如Sphere Collider)绑定在一起。 正确绑定后,该属性将根据另一个元素的值自动设置动画。 存在许多类型的属性绑定器,它们可以链接场景对象,对撞机,物理射线广播,UI和声音。

While implementing Level of Detail for static geometry is pretty straightforward, every Level of Detail in a visual effect needs to adapt in a more flexible fashion. By accessing the render camera properties and using the expression graph, users can define custom behaviors to control the rate, size and overall cost of an effect. 

虽然 为静态几何体 实现 细节级别 非常简单,但视觉效果中的每个细节级别都需要以更灵活的方式进行调整。 通过访问渲染相机属性并使用表达图,用户可以定义自定义行为来控制效果的速率,大小和总体成本。

Moreover, in combination with HDRP, using Visual Effect Graph can simplify Particle Lighting, compared with the standard lighting model. Users can decide to render render-costly effects in low resolution to maximize render efficiency with negligible loss of quality.

此外,与标准照明模型相比,与HDRP结合使用时,使用视觉效果图可以简化“粒子照明”。 用户可以决定以低分辨率渲染渲染代价高昂的效果,以在不影响质量的情况下最大化渲染效率。

2019.3的新功能 (New features in 2019.3)

VFX着色器图(预览) (VFX Shader Graphs (Preview))

We wanted to go beyond standard particle rendering, so we added a new kind of Shader Graph: VFX Shader Graph. This special Master Node enables artists to write dedicated fragment shaders for their visual effects. A VFX Shader Graph is optionally referenced a particle output to replace built-in rendering, giving artists a great deal of creative control. Exposed shader properties become new ports available to the output context, and you can link particle attributes to these properties. 

我们希望超越标准的粒子渲染,因此添加了一种新的着色器图:VFX着色器图。 这个特殊的主节点使美术师可以为其视觉效果编写专用的片段着色器。 可以选择将VFX Shader Graph引用为粒子输出以替换内置渲染,从而为艺术家提供了很多创意控制。 暴露的着色器属性成为可用于输出上下文的新端口,您可以将粒子属性链接到这些属性。

VFX Shader Graphs are available now as a Preview feature and will be improved upon in future releases.

VFX Shader Graphs现在作为预览功能提供,并将在以后的版本中进行改进。

颗粒条(预览) (Particle Strips (Preview))

We also implemented a new kind of simulated data: Particle Strips. This simulated data is composed of chains of particles, linked together, that can be rendered as a strip of quads or as lines. With this feature, users can create animated trails that are guided by other particles using GPU Events. But every point of a trail evolves independently of its guide so you can also apply wind, forces, and turbulence to it.

我们还实现了一种新型的模拟数据:粒子条。 此模拟数据由链接在一起的粒子链组成,这些粒子链可以呈现为一条四边形或线条。 借助此功能,用户可以使用GPU事件创建由其他粒子引导的动画轨迹。 但是,小径的每个点都独立于其引导线而演变,因此您也可以对其施加风,力和湍流。

Particle Strips can be used in conjunction with VFX Shader Graphs.


内部排序:循环和延迟 (Internal sequencing: Loops and delays)

To improve internal sequencing, you are now able to loop and delay spawn contexts. These are basic sequencing functionalities that enable a spawn context to run for a time, perform after a delay and either stop or loop after a certain time. And of course newly created particles can access this context’s spawn time attribute. 

为了改善内部排序,您现在可以循环和延迟生成上下文。 这些是基本的排序功能,可以使派生上下文运行一段时间,延迟后执行,并在特定时间后停止或循环。 当然,新创建的粒子可以访问此上下文的生成时间属性。

视觉效果图添加 (Visual Effect Graph additions)

When you install Visual Effect Graph, you can deploy additional assets by clicking the Import into Project button. This Package contains a set of flipbook textures, example graphs, shaders and subgraphs you can reuse in your projects. Or be inspired to build your own node and block library for your project.

安装视觉效果图时,可以通过单击 导入到项目 按钮 来部署其他资产 。 该软件包包含一组可在项目中重用的活页簿纹理,示例图,着色器和子图。 或者启发您为项目构建自己的节点和块库。

To kickstart the VFX Shader Graph feature, we reproduced many of the built-in behaviors by providing Shader Graph subgraphs. This lets you sample flipbooks with cuts, linearly, or with Motion Vectors. We also provide a Soft Particle Helper Subgraph.

为了启动VFX Shader Graph功能,我们通过提供Shader Graph子图重现了许多内置行为。 这样一来,您就可以通过剪切,线性或运动矢量方式对活页簿进行采样。 我们还提供了“软粒子助手”子图。

This package of additional samples also contains 25 textures (licensed under CC0) that can be combined and used in your effects or in your effect Shader Graphs.


通过实际例子学习 (Learn with practical examples)

Our Visual Effect Graph Samples repository on GitHub contains a dozen different use cases for Visual Effect Graph. They demonstrate several features of the Visual Effect Graph in simple, yet gorgeous scenes.

我们 在GitHub上的 Visual Effect Graph Samples存储库 包含了十几种Visual Effect Graph的用例。 他们在简单而华丽的场景中演示了视觉效果图的几个功能。

If you intend to dive deeper into Production use cases, take a look at our Spaceship Demo. We just updated the Spaceship Project repository on GitHub so you can give it a try with Unity 2019.3. This project shows you how to build a coherent and performant scene, using many of the visual effects commonly encountered in game production and ensuring high-quality graphics. The demo targets 30 fps on base PS4 and +60 fps on gaming PCs, and we made it under real-life game production conditions.

如果您打算深入研究生产用例,请查看我们的 太空飞船演示 。 我们刚刚 在GitHub上 更新了 Spaceship Project存储库 ,因此您可以尝试使用Unity 2019.3。 该项目向您展示了如何使用游戏制作中常见的许多视觉效果以及如何确保高质量的图形来构建连贯而高效的场景。 该演示的目标是在基本PS4上达到30 fps,在游戏PC上达到+60 fps,我们是在现实游戏生产条件下实现的。

立即开始 (Get started today)

Visual Effect Graph is available for all projects that use the High Definition Render Pipeline. It can be installed separately for projects using Universal Render Pipeline (on compute-capable targets). Try it out and discuss it on our forums!

视觉效果图可用于使用“高清晰度渲染管线”的所有项目。 可以使用Universal Render Pipeline为项目单独安装(在具有计算能力的目标上)。 试试看,并在 我们的论坛 上进行 讨论

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/02/21/create-beautiful-and-complex-effects-with-the-visual-effect-graph-verified-in-2019-3/

python3.5 视觉

