使用yolov5-lite自带的export.py导出onnx格式,图像大小设置320,batch 1
之后可以使用 onnxsim对模型进一步简化
- python export.py --weights weights/v5lite-e.pt --img 320 --batch 1
- python -m onnxsim weights/v5lite-e.onnx weights/yolov5-lite-sim.onnx
parser.add_argument('--modelpath', type=str, default="/media/xcy/dcd05f09-46df-4879-bfeb-3bab03a6cc3a/YOLOv5-Lite/weights/v5lite-e.onnx",
help="onnx filepath")
parser.add_argument('--classfile', type=str, default='coco.names',
help="classname filepath")
参考github:GitHub - hpc203/yolov5-lite-onnxruntime: 使用ONNXRuntime部署yolov5-lite目标检测,包含C++和Python两个版本的程序
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- import argparse
- import onnxruntime as ort
- import time
- class yolov5_lite():
- def __init__(self, model_pb_path, label_path, confThreshold=0.5, nmsThreshold=0.5, objThreshold=0.5):
- so = ort.SessionOptions()
- so.log_severity_level = 3
- self.net = ort.InferenceSession(model_pb_path, so)
- self.classes = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), open(label_path, 'r').readlines()))
- self.num_classes = len(self.classes)
- anchors = [[10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23], [30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119], [116, 90, 156, 198, 373, 326]]
- self.nl = len(anchors)
- self.na = len(anchors[0]) // 2
- self.no = self.num_classes + 5
- self.grid = [np.zeros(1)] * self.nl
- self.stride = np.array([8., 16., 32.])
- self.anchor_grid = np.asarray(anchors, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.nl, -1, 2)
- self.confThreshold = confThreshold
- self.nmsThreshold = nmsThreshold
- self.objThreshold = objThreshold
- self.input_shape = (self.net.get_inputs()[0].shape[2], self.net.get_inputs()[0].shape[3])
- def resize_image(self, srcimg, keep_ratio=True):
- top, left, newh, neww = 0, 0, self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1]
- if keep_ratio and srcimg.shape[0] != srcimg.shape[1]:
- hw_scale = srcimg.shape[0] / srcimg.shape[1]
- if hw_scale > 1:
- newh, neww = self.input_shape[0], int(self.input_shape[1] / hw_scale)
- img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
- left = int((self.input_shape[1] - neww) * 0.5)
- img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, 0, left, self.input_shape[1] - neww - left, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
- value=0) # add border
- else:
- newh, neww = int(self.input_shape[0] * hw_scale), self.input_shape[1]
- img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
- top = int((self.input_shape[0] - newh) * 0.5)
- img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, top, self.input_shape[0] - newh - top, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
- else:
- img = cv2.resize(srcimg, self.input_shape, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
- return img, newh, neww, top, left
- def _make_grid(self, nx=20, ny=20):
- xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ny), np.arange(nx))
- return np.stack((xv, yv), 2).reshape((-1, 2)).astype(np.float32)
- def postprocess(self, frame, outs, pad_hw):
- newh, neww, padh, padw = pad_hw
- frameHeight = frame.shape[0]
- frameWidth = frame.shape[1]
- ratioh, ratiow = frameHeight / newh, frameWidth / neww
- # Scan through all the bounding boxes output from the network and keep only the
- # ones with high confidence scores. Assign the box's class label as the class with the highest score.
- classIds = []
- confidences = []
- boxes = []
- for detection in outs:
- scores = detection[5:]
- classId = np.argmax(scores)
- confidence = scores[classId]
- if confidence > self.confThreshold and detection[4] > self.objThreshold:
- center_x = int((detection[0] - padw) * ratiow)
- center_y = int((detection[1] - padh) * ratioh)
- width = int(detection[2] * ratiow)
- height = int(detection[3] * ratioh)
- left = int(center_x - width / 2)
- top = int(center_y - height / 2)
- classIds.append(classId)
- confidences.append(float(confidence))
- boxes.append([left, top, width, height])
- # Perform non maximum suppression to eliminate redundant overlapping boxes with
- # lower confidences.
- indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, self.confThreshold, self.nmsThreshold)
- for i in indices:
- i = i[0] if isinstance(i, (tuple, list)) else i
- box = boxes[i]
- left = box[0]
- top = box[1]
- width = box[2]
- height = box[3]
- frame = self.drawPred(frame, classIds[i], confidences[i], left, top, left + width, top + height)
- return frame
- def drawPred(self, frame, classId, conf, left, top, right, bottom):
- # Draw a bounding box.
- cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), thickness=4)
- label = '%.2f' % conf
- label = '%s:%s' % (self.classes[classId], label)
- # Display the label at the top of the bounding box
- labelSize, baseLine = cv2.getTextSize(label, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1)
- top = max(top, labelSize[1])
- # cv.rectangle(frame, (left, top - round(1.5 * labelSize[1])), (left + round(1.5 * labelSize[0]), top + baseLine), (255,255,255), cv.FILLED)
- cv2.putText(frame, label, (left, top - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), thickness=2)
- return frame
- def detect(self, srcimg):
- img, newh, neww, top, left = self.resize_image(srcimg)
- img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
- blob = np.expand_dims(np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1)), axis=0)
- outs = self.net.run(None, {self.net.get_inputs()[0].name: blob})[0].squeeze(axis=0)
- row_ind = 0
- for i in range(self.nl):
- h, w = int(self.input_shape[0] / self.stride[i]), int(self.input_shape[1] / self.stride[i])
- length = int(self.na * h * w)
- if self.grid[i].shape[2:4] != (h, w):
- self.grid[i] = self._make_grid(w, h)
- outs[row_ind:row_ind + length, 0:2] = (outs[row_ind:row_ind + length, 0:2] * 2. - 0.5 + np.tile(
- self.grid[i], (self.na, 1))) * int(self.stride[i])
- outs[row_ind:row_ind + length, 2:4] = (outs[row_ind:row_ind + length, 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * np.repeat(
- self.anchor_grid[i], h * w, axis=0)
- row_ind += length
- srcimg = self.postprocess(srcimg, outs, (newh, neww, top, left))
- # cv2.imwrite('result.jpg', srcimg)
- return srcimg
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--imgpath', type=str, default="",
- help="image path")
- parser.add_argument('--modelpath', type=str, default="/media/xcy/dcd05f09-46df-4879-bfeb-3bab03a6cc3a/YOLOv5-Lite/weights/v5lite-e.onnx",
- help="onnx filepath")
- parser.add_argument('--classfile', type=str, default='coco.names',
- help="classname filepath")
- parser.add_argument('--confThreshold', default=0.5, type=float, help='class confidence')
- parser.add_argument('--nmsThreshold', default=0.6, type=float, help='nms iou thresh')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # srcimg = cv2.imread(args.imgpath)
- # print(args.imgpath,srcimg)
- net = yolov5_lite(args.modelpath, args.classfile, confThreshold=args.confThreshold, nmsThreshold=args.nmsThreshold)
- print(net)
- counter = 0
- start_time = time.time()
- # 1 加载视频文件
- capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
- # 2 读取视频
- ret, frame = capture.read()
- fps = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # 视频平均帧率
- while ret:
- counter += 1 # 计算帧数
- if (time.time() - start_time) != 0: # 实时显示帧数
- cv2.putText(frame, "FPS {0}".format(float('%.1f' % (counter / (time.time() - start_time)))), (30, 50),
- cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255),
- 2)
- # 3 ret 是否读取到了帧,读取到了则为True
- cv2.imshow("video", frame)
- ret, frame = capture.read()
- print("FPS: ", counter / (time.time() - start_time))
- counter = 0
- start_time = time.time()
- srcimg = net.detect(frame)
- # winName = 'Deep learning object detection in onnxruntime'
- # cv2.namedWindow(winName, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
- # cv2.imshow(winName, srcimg)
- # 4 若键盘按下q则退出播放
- if cv2.waitKey(20) & 0xff == ord('q'):
- break
- # 5 释放资源
- capture.release()
- # 6 关闭所有窗口
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
LINUX配置NCNN可以参考我的另一篇博客:Ubuntu20.04配置NCNN推理框架(转换yolov5 onnx格式到ncnn格式-CSDN博客
- #include "layer.h"
- #include "net.h"
- #if defined(USE_NCNN_SIMPLEOCV)
- #include "simpleocv.h"
- #else
- #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
- #include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
- #endif
- #include <float.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <vector>
- #include<iostream>
- #include <chrono>
- //#define YOLOV5_V60 1 //YOLOv5 v6.0
- #define YOLOV5_V62 1 //YOLOv5 v6.2 export onnx model method https://github.com/shaoshengsong/yolov5_62_export_ncnn
- #if YOLOV5_V60 || YOLOV5_V62
- #define MAX_STRIDE 64
- #else
- #define MAX_STRIDE 32
- class YoloV5Focus : public ncnn::Layer
- {
- public:
- YoloV5Focus()
- {
- one_blob_only = true;
- }
- virtual int forward(const ncnn::Mat& bottom_blob, ncnn::Mat& top_blob, const ncnn::Option& opt) const
- {
- int w = bottom_blob.w;
- int h = bottom_blob.h;
- int channels = bottom_blob.c;
- int outw = w / 2;
- int outh = h / 2;
- int outc = channels * 4;
- top_blob.create(outw, outh, outc, 4u, 1, opt.blob_allocator);
- if (top_blob.empty())
- return -100;
- #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(opt.num_threads)
- for (int p = 0; p < outc; p++)
- {
- const float* ptr = bottom_blob.channel(p % channels).row((p / channels) % 2) + ((p / channels) / 2);
- float* outptr = top_blob.channel(p);
- for (int i = 0; i < outh; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < outw; j++)
- {
- *outptr = *ptr;
- outptr += 1;
- ptr += 2;
- }
- ptr += w;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- };
- #endif //YOLOV5_V60 YOLOV5_V62
- struct Object
- {
- cv::Rect_<float> rect;
- int label;
- float prob;
- };
- static inline float intersection_area(const Object& a, const Object& b)
- {
- cv::Rect_<float> inter = a.rect & b.rect;
- return inter.area();
- }
- static void qsort_descent_inplace(std::vector<Object>& faceobjects, int left, int right)
- {
- int i = left;//下标0
- int j = right; //下标最后一位
- float p = faceobjects[(left + right) / 2].prob; //取一个中轴
- while (i <= j)
- {
- while (faceobjects[i].prob > p) //如果前半段 的 大于 》 p
- i++; //下标前移
- while (faceobjects[j].prob < p) //如果后半段的小于 p
- j--; // j往中间
- if (i <= j)
- {
- // swap
- std::swap(faceobjects[i], faceobjects[j]); //前半段的和后半段的交换
- i++; // i前移
- j--; // j往中间
- }
- }
- #pragma omp parallel sections
- {
- #pragma omp section
- {
- if (left < j) qsort_descent_inplace(faceobjects, left, j);
- }
- #pragma omp section
- {
- if (i < right) qsort_descent_inplace(faceobjects, i, right);
- }
- }
- }
- static void qsort_descent_inplace(std::vector<Object>& faceobjects)
- {
- if (faceobjects.empty())
- return;
- qsort_descent_inplace(faceobjects, 0, faceobjects.size() - 1);
- }
- static void nms_sorted_bboxes(const std::vector<Object>& faceobjects, std::vector<int>& picked, float nms_threshold, bool agnostic = false)
- {
- picked.clear();
- const int n = faceobjects.size();
- std::vector<float> areas(n);
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- areas[i] = faceobjects[i].rect.area();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- const Object& a = faceobjects[i];
- int keep = 1;
- for (int j = 0; j < (int)picked.size(); j++)
- {
- const Object& b = faceobjects[picked[j]];
- if (!agnostic && a.label != b.label)
- continue;
- // intersection over union
- float inter_area = intersection_area(a, b);
- float union_area = areas[i] + areas[picked[j]] - inter_area;
- // float IoU = inter_area / union_area
- if (inter_area / union_area > nms_threshold)
- keep = 0;
- }
- if (keep)
- picked.push_back(i);
- }
- }
- static inline float sigmoid(float x)
- {
- return static_cast<float>(1.f / (1.f + exp(-x)));
- }
- static void generate_proposals(const ncnn::Mat& anchors, int stride, const ncnn::Mat& in_pad, const ncnn::Mat& feat_blob, float prob_threshold, std::vector<Object>& objects)
- {
- const int num_grid = feat_blob.h;
- int num_grid_x;
- int num_grid_y;
- if (in_pad.w > in_pad.h)
- {
- num_grid_x = in_pad.w / stride;
- num_grid_y = num_grid / num_grid_x;
- }
- else
- {
- num_grid_y = in_pad.h / stride;
- num_grid_x = num_grid / num_grid_y;
- }
- const int num_class = feat_blob.w - 5; //特征图的w是85 是类别 80 + xywh + 目标置信度
- const int num_anchors = anchors.w / 2;
- for (int q = 0; q < num_anchors; q++)
- {
- const float anchor_w = anchors[q * 2];
- const float anchor_h = anchors[q * 2 + 1];
- const ncnn::Mat feat = feat_blob.channel(q);
- for (int i = 0; i < num_grid_y; i++)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < num_grid_x; j++)
- {
- const float* featptr = feat.row(i * num_grid_x + j);
- float box_confidence = sigmoid(featptr[4]);
- if (box_confidence >= prob_threshold)
- {
- // find class index with max class score
- int class_index = 0;
- float class_score = -FLT_MAX;
- for (int k = 0; k < num_class; k++)
- {
- float score = featptr[5 + k];
- if (score > class_score)
- {
- class_index = k;
- class_score = score;
- }
- }
- float confidence = box_confidence * sigmoid(class_score);
- if (confidence >= prob_threshold)
- {
- // yolov5/models/yolo.py Detect forward
- // y = x[i].sigmoid()
- // y[..., 0:2] = (y[..., 0:2] * 2. - 0.5 + self.grid[i].to(x[i].device)) * self.stride[i] # xy
- // y[..., 2:4] = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i] # wh
- float dx = sigmoid(featptr[0]);
- float dy = sigmoid(featptr[1]);
- float dw = sigmoid(featptr[2]);
- float dh = sigmoid(featptr[3]);
- float pb_cx = (dx * 2.f - 0.5f + j) * stride;
- float pb_cy = (dy * 2.f - 0.5f + i) * stride;
- float pb_w = pow(dw * 2.f, 2) * anchor_w;
- float pb_h = pow(dh * 2.f, 2) * anchor_h;
- float x0 = pb_cx - pb_w * 0.5f;
- float y0 = pb_cy - pb_h * 0.5f;
- float x1 = pb_cx + pb_w * 0.5f;
- float y1 = pb_cy + pb_h * 0.5f;
- Object obj;
- obj.rect.x = x0;
- obj.rect.y = y0;
- obj.rect.width = x1 - x0;
- obj.rect.height = y1 - y0;
- obj.label = class_index;
- obj.prob = confidence;
- objects.push_back(obj);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static int detect_yolov5(const cv::Mat& bgr, std::vector<Object>& objects, ncnn::Extractor ex)
- {
- const int target_size = 320;
- const float prob_threshold = 0.25f;
- const float nms_threshold = 0.45f;
- int img_w = bgr.cols;
- int img_h = bgr.rows;
- // letterbox pad to multiple of MAX_STRIDE
- int w = img_w;
- int h = img_h;
- float scale = 1.f;
- if (w > h)
- {
- scale = (float)target_size / w;
- w = target_size;
- h = h * scale;
- }
- else
- {
- scale = (float)target_size / h;
- h = target_size;
- w = w * scale;
- }
- ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels_resize(bgr.data, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_BGR2RGB, img_w, img_h, w, h);
- // pad to target_size rectangle
- // yolov5/utils/datasets.py letterbox
- int wpad = (w + MAX_STRIDE - 1) / MAX_STRIDE * MAX_STRIDE - w;
- int hpad = (h + MAX_STRIDE - 1) / MAX_STRIDE * MAX_STRIDE - h;
- ncnn::Mat in_pad;
- ncnn::copy_make_border(in, in_pad, hpad / 2, hpad - hpad / 2, wpad / 2, wpad - wpad / 2, ncnn::BORDER_CONSTANT, 114.f);
- const float norm_vals[3] = { 1 / 255.f, 1 / 255.f, 1 / 255.f };
- in_pad.substract_mean_normalize(0, norm_vals);
- /*ncnn::Extractor ex = yolov5.create_extractor();*/
- ex.input("images", in_pad);
- std::vector<Object> proposals;
- // anchor setting from yolov5/models/yolov5s.yaml
- // stride 8
- {
- ncnn::Mat out;
- ex.extract("output", out);
- ncnn::Mat anchors(6);
- anchors[0] = 10.f;
- anchors[1] = 13.f;
- anchors[2] = 16.f;
- anchors[3] = 30.f;
- anchors[4] = 33.f;
- anchors[5] = 23.f;
- std::vector<Object> objects8;
- generate_proposals(anchors, 8, in_pad, out, prob_threshold, objects8);
- proposals.insert(proposals.end(), objects8.begin(), objects8.end());
- }
- // stride 16
- {
- ncnn::Mat out;
- #if YOLOV5_V62
- ex.extract("1111", out);
- #elif YOLOV5_V60
- ex.extract("376", out);
- #else
- ex.extract("781", out);
- #endif
- ncnn::Mat anchors(6);
- anchors[0] = 30.f;
- anchors[1] = 61.f;
- anchors[2] = 62.f;
- anchors[3] = 45.f;
- anchors[4] = 59.f;
- anchors[5] = 119.f;
- std::vector<Object> objects16;
- generate_proposals(anchors, 16, in_pad, out, prob_threshold, objects16);
- proposals.insert(proposals.end(), objects16.begin(), objects16.end());
- }
- // stride 32
- {
- ncnn::Mat out;
- #if YOLOV5_V62
- ex.extract("2222", out);
- #elif YOLOV5_V60
- ex.extract("401", out);
- #else
- ex.extract("801", out);
- #endif
- ncnn::Mat anchors(6);
- anchors[0] = 116.f;
- anchors[1] = 90.f;
- anchors[2] = 156.f;
- anchors[3] = 198.f;
- anchors[4] = 373.f;
- anchors[5] = 326.f;
- std::vector<Object> objects32;
- generate_proposals(anchors, 32, in_pad, out, prob_threshold, objects32);
- proposals.insert(proposals.end(), objects32.begin(), objects32.end());
- }
- // sort all proposals by score from highest to lowest
- qsort_descent_inplace(proposals);
- // apply nms with nms_threshold
- std::vector<int> picked;
- nms_sorted_bboxes(proposals, picked, nms_threshold);
- int count = picked.size();
- objects.resize(count);
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- objects[i] = proposals[picked[i]];
- // adjust offset to original unpadded
- float x0 = (objects[i].rect.x - (wpad / 2)) / scale;
- float y0 = (objects[i].rect.y - (hpad / 2)) / scale;
- float x1 = (objects[i].rect.x + objects[i].rect.width - (wpad / 2)) / scale;
- float y1 = (objects[i].rect.y + objects[i].rect.height - (hpad / 2)) / scale;
- // clip
- x0 = std::max(std::min(x0, (float)(img_w - 1)), 0.f);
- y0 = std::max(std::min(y0, (float)(img_h - 1)), 0.f);
- x1 = std::max(std::min(x1, (float)(img_w - 1)), 0.f);
- y1 = std::max(std::min(y1, (float)(img_h - 1)), 0.f);
- objects[i].rect.x = x0;
- objects[i].rect.y = y0;
- objects[i].rect.width = x1 - x0;
- objects[i].rect.height = y1 - y0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void draw_objects(const cv::Mat& bgr, const std::vector<Object>& objects, double fps)
- {
- static const char* class_names[] = {
- "person", "bicycle", "car", "motorcycle", "airplane", "bus", "train", "truck", "boat", "traffic light",
- "fire hydrant", "stop sign", "parking meter", "bench", "bird", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep", "cow",
- "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe", "backpack", "umbrella", "handbag", "tie", "suitcase", "frisbee",
- "skis", "snowboard", "sports ball", "kite", "baseball bat", "baseball glove", "skateboard", "surfboard",
- "tennis racket", "bottle", "wine glass", "cup", "fork", "knife", "spoon", "bowl", "banana", "apple",
- "sandwich", "orange", "broccoli", "carrot", "hot dog", "pizza", "donut", "cake", "chair", "couch",
- "potted plant", "bed", "dining table", "toilet", "tv", "laptop", "mouse", "remote", "keyboard", "cell phone",
- "microwave", "oven", "toaster", "sink", "refrigerator", "book", "clock", "vase", "scissors", "teddy bear",
- "hair drier", "toothbrush"
- };
- /*cv::Mat image = bgr.clone();*/
- cv::Mat image = bgr;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++)
- {
- const Object& obj = objects[i];
- fprintf(stderr, "%d = %.5f at %.2f %.2f %.2f x %.2f\n", obj.label, obj.prob,
- obj.rect.x, obj.rect.y, obj.rect.width, obj.rect.height);
- cv::rectangle(image, obj.rect, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0));
- char text[256];
- sprintf_s(text, "%s %.1f%%", class_names[obj.label], obj.prob * 100);
- int baseLine = 0;
- cv::Size label_size = cv::getTextSize(text, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1, &baseLine);
- int x = obj.rect.x;
- int y = obj.rect.y - label_size.height - baseLine;
- if (y < 0)
- y = 0;
- if (x + label_size.width > image.cols)
- x = image.cols - label_size.width;
- cv::rectangle(image, cv::Rect(cv::Point(x, y), cv::Size(label_size.width, label_size.height + baseLine)),
- cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
- cv::putText(image, text, cv::Point(x, y + label_size.height),
- cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
- cv::putText(image, "FPS: " + std::to_string(fps), cv::Point(30, 50),
- cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
- }
- //cv::imshow("image", image);
- //cv::waitKey(1);
- }
- int main() {
- ncnn::Net yolov5;
- yolov5.opt.use_vulkan_compute = true;
- /*yolov5.opt.use_bf16_storage = true;*/
- yolov5.load_param("../model/v5lite-e.param");
- yolov5.load_model("../model/v5lite-e.bin");
- ncnn::Extractor ex = yolov5.create_extractor();
- /*ex.set_num_threads(4);*/
- cv::VideoCapture capture(0); // 打开默认摄像头
- int frameCount = 0;
- double totalTime = 0.f;
- double fps = 0.f;
- cv::Mat frame;
- std::vector<Object> objects;
- while (true) {
- auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- capture >> frame; // 读取摄像头的下一帧图像
- // yolo 检测
- detect_yolov5(frame, objects,ex);
- draw_objects(frame, objects,fps);
- // 显示结果
- cv::imshow("YOLO检测e", frame);
- // 更新帧统计信息
- frameCount++;
- auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- double timeSec = std::chrono::duration<double>(end - start).count();
- totalTime += timeSec;
- // 计算并显示帧率
- fps = frameCount / totalTime;
- std::cout << "帧率: " << fps << std::endl;
- int key = cv::waitKey(1);
- if (key == 27) { // 按下 ESC 键退出循环
- break;
- }
- }
- capture.release(); // 释放摄像头
- cv::destroyAllWindows(); // 关闭显示窗口
- return 0;
- }
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