select t2.* from TMP_TBX_100_0_S4_2 t2) t
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
drop table TMP_TBX_100_0_S4 提示不错在表名或视图。
select * from TMP_TBX_100_0_S4
ORA-04063: view "DAILY.TMP_TBX_100_0_S4" 有错误
04063. 00000 - "%s has errors"
*Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has
errors. For stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors
or references to other, non-existent procedures. For views,
the problem could be a reference in the view's defining query to
a non-existent table.
Can also be a table which has references to non-existent or
inaccessible types.
*Action: Fix the errors and/or create referenced objects as necessary.
drop table TMP_TBX_100_0_S4 改成 drop view TMP_TBX_100_0_S4。成功了!
原来是,存在名为 TMP_TBX_100_0_S4 的视图,不存在名为TMP_TBX_100_0_S4 的表。
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