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C++Yolov4目标检测实战_c++ yolo

c++ yolo


  今年2月份,Yolo之父Joseph Redmon由于Yolo被用于军事和隐私窥探退出CV界表示抗议,就当我们以为Yolo系列就此终结的时候,4月24日,Yolov4横空出世,新的接棒者出现,而一作正是赫赫有名的AB大神。
  paper github




链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14U9pkxJE3MHYj7KCWHnkNw 提取码: 54v4
  工程包括两个文件main.cpp, yolo_v2_class.hpp.我把自己的整个工程上传到github上,同学们可以直接去git clone下来,觉得有用的同学麻烦star一下,谢谢。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>         // std::mutex, std::unique_lock
#include <cmath>

// It makes sense only for video-Camera (not for video-File)
// To use - uncomment the following line. Optical-flow is supported only by OpenCV 3.x - 4.x
//#define GPU

// To use 3D-stereo camera ZED - uncomment the following line. ZED_SDK should be installed.
//#define ZED_STEREO

#include "yolo_v2_class.hpp"    // imported functions from DLL

#ifdef OPENCV
#include <sl/Camera.hpp>

#undef GPU // avoid conflict with sl::MEM::GPU

#pragma comment(lib, "sl_core64.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "sl_input64.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "sl_zed64.lib")

float getMedian(std::vector<float> &v) {
    size_t n = v.size() / 2;
    std::nth_element(v.begin(), v.begin() + n, v.end());
    return v[n];

std::vector<bbox_t> get_3d_coordinates(std::vector<bbox_t> bbox_vect, cv::Mat xyzrgba)
    bool valid_measure;
    int i, j;
    const unsigned int R_max_global = 10;

    std::vector<bbox_t> bbox3d_vect;

    for (auto &cur_box : bbox_vect) {

        const unsigned int obj_size = std::min(cur_box.w, cur_box.h);
        const unsigned int R_max = std::min(R_max_global, obj_size / 2);
        int center_i = cur_box.x + cur_box.w * 0.5f, center_j = cur_box.y + cur_box.h * 0.5f;

        std::vector<float> x_vect, y_vect, z_vect;
        for (int R = 0; R < R_max; R++) {
            for (int y = -R; y <= R; y++) {
                for (int x = -R; x <= R; x++) {
                    i = center_i + x;
                    j = center_j + y;
                    sl::float4 out(NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN);
                    if (i >= 0 && i < xyzrgba.cols && j >= 0 && j < xyzrgba.rows) {
                        cv::Vec4f &elem = xyzrgba.at<cv::Vec4f>(j, i);  // x,y,z,w
                        out.x = elem[0];
                        out.y = elem[1];
                        out.z = elem[2];
                        out.w = elem[3];
                    valid_measure = std::isfinite(out.z);
                    if (valid_measure)

        if (x_vect.size() * y_vect.size() * z_vect.size() > 0)
            cur_box.x_3d = getMedian(x_vect);
            cur_box.y_3d = getMedian(y_vect);
            cur_box.z_3d = getMedian(z_vect);
        else {
            cur_box.x_3d = NAN;
            cur_box.y_3d = NAN;
            cur_box.z_3d = NAN;


    return bbox3d_vect;

cv::Mat slMat2cvMat(sl::Mat &input) {
    int cv_type = -1; // Mapping between MAT_TYPE and CV_TYPE
    if(input.getDataType() ==
        ) {
        cv_type = CV_32FC4;
    } else cv_type = CV_8UC4; // sl::Mat used are either RGBA images or XYZ (4C) point clouds
    return cv::Mat(input.getHeight(), input.getWidth(), cv_type, input.getPtr<sl::uchar1>(

cv::Mat zed_capture_rgb(sl::Camera &zed) {
    sl::Mat left;
    cv::Mat left_rgb;
    cv::cvtColor(slMat2cvMat(left), left_rgb, CV_RGBA2RGB);
    return left_rgb;

cv::Mat zed_capture_3d(sl::Camera &zed) {
    sl::Mat cur_cloud;
    return slMat2cvMat(cur_cloud).clone();

static sl::Camera zed; // ZED-camera

#else   // ZED_STEREO
std::vector<bbox_t> get_3d_coordinates(std::vector<bbox_t> bbox_vect, cv::Mat xyzrgba) {
    return bbox_vect;
#endif  // ZED_STEREO

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>            // C++
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
#ifndef CV_VERSION_EPOCH     // OpenCV 3.x and 4.x
#include <opencv2/videoio/videoio.hpp>
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_world" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaoptflow" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_cudaimgproc" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#endif    // TRACK_OPTFLOW
#endif    // USE_CMAKE_LIBS
#else     // OpenCV 2.x
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_imgproc" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_highgui" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_video" OPENCV_VERSION ".lib")
#endif    // USE_CMAKE_LIBS
#endif    // CV_VERSION_EPOCH

using namespace std;
vector<string> split(const string&s,char sepeartor)
    vector<string> split_vector;
    int subinit=0;
    for (int id=0;id!=s.length();id++)
        if (s[id]==sepeartor)
    return split_vector;

void draw_boxes(cv::Mat mat_img, std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec, std::vector<std::string> obj_names,
    int current_det_fps = -1, int current_cap_fps = -1)
    int const colors[6][3] = { { 1,0,1 },{ 0,0,1 },{ 0,1,1 },{ 0,1,0 },{ 1,1,0 },{ 1,0,0 } };

    for (auto &i : result_vec) {
        cv::Scalar color = obj_id_to_color(i.obj_id);
        cv::rectangle(mat_img, cv::Rect(i.x, i.y, i.w, i.h), color, 2);
        if (obj_names.size() > i.obj_id) {
            std::string obj_name = obj_names[i.obj_id];
            if (i.track_id > 0) obj_name += " - " + std::to_string(i.track_id);
            cv::Size const text_size = getTextSize(obj_name, cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.2, 2, 0);
            int max_width = (text_size.width > i.w + 2) ? text_size.width : (i.w + 2);
            max_width = std::max(max_width, (int)i.w + 2);
            //max_width = std::max(max_width, 283);
            std::string coords_3d;
            if (!std::isnan(i.z_3d)) {
                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << "x:" << i.x_3d << "m y:" << i.y_3d << "m z:" << i.z_3d << "m ";
                coords_3d = ss.str();
                cv::Size const text_size_3d = getTextSize(ss.str(), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, 1, 0);
                int const max_width_3d = (text_size_3d.width > i.w + 2) ? text_size_3d.width : (i.w + 2);
                if (max_width_3d > max_width) max_width = max_width_3d;

            cv::rectangle(mat_img, cv::Point2f(std::max((int)i.x - 1, 0), std::max((int)i.y - 35, 0)),
                cv::Point2f(std::min((int)i.x + max_width, mat_img.cols - 1), std::min((int)i.y, mat_img.rows - 1)),
                color, CV_FILLED, 8, 0);
            putText(mat_img, obj_name, cv::Point2f(i.x, i.y - 16), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.2, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 2);
            if(!coords_3d.empty()) putText(mat_img, coords_3d, cv::Point2f(i.x, i.y-1), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 0.8, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1);
    if (current_det_fps >= 0 && current_cap_fps >= 0) {
        std::string fps_str = "FPS detection: " + std::to_string(current_det_fps) + "   FPS capture: " + std::to_string(current_cap_fps);
        putText(mat_img, fps_str, cv::Point2f(10, 20), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.2, cv::Scalar(50, 255, 0), 2);
#endif    // OPENCV

void show_console_result(std::vector<bbox_t> const result_vec, std::vector<std::string> const obj_names, int frame_id = -1) {
    if (frame_id >= 0) std::cout << " Frame: " << frame_id << std::endl;
    for (auto &i : result_vec) {
        if (obj_names.size() > i.obj_id) std::cout << obj_names[i.obj_id] << " - ";
        std::cout << "obj_id = " << i.obj_id << ",  x = " << i.x << ", y = " << i.y
                  << ", w = " << i.w << ", h = " << i.h
                  << std::setprecision(3) << ", prob = " << i.prob << std::endl;

std::vector<std::string> objects_names_from_file(std::string const filename) {
    std::ifstream file(filename);
    std::vector<std::string> file_lines;
    if (!file.is_open()) return file_lines;
    for(std::string line; getline(file, line);) file_lines.push_back(line);
    std::cout << "object names loaded \n";
    return file_lines;

template<typename T>
class send_one_replaceable_object_t {
    const bool sync;
    std::atomic<T *> a_ptr;

    void send(T const& _obj) {
        T *new_ptr = new T;
        *new_ptr = _obj;
        if (sync) {
            while (a_ptr.load()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(3));
        std::unique_ptr<T> old_ptr(a_ptr.exchange(new_ptr));

    T receive() {
        std::unique_ptr<T> ptr;
        do {
            while(!a_ptr.load()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(3));
        } while (!ptr);
        T obj = *ptr;
        return obj;

    bool is_object_present() {
        return (a_ptr.load() != NULL);

    send_one_replaceable_object_t(bool _sync) : sync(_sync), a_ptr(NULL)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::string  names_file = "coco.names";
    std::string  cfg_file = "cfg/yolov4.cfg";
    std::string  weights_file = "yolov4.weights";
    std::string filename;

    if (argc > 4) {    //voc.names yolo-voc.cfg yolo-voc.weights test.mp4
        names_file = argv[1];
        cfg_file = argv[2];
        weights_file = argv[3];
        filename = argv[4];
    else if (argc > 1) filename = argv[1];

    float const thresh = (argc > 5) ? std::stof(argv[5]) : 0.2;

    Detector detector(cfg_file, weights_file);

    auto obj_names = objects_names_from_file(names_file);
    std::string out_videofile = "result.avi";
    bool const save_output_videofile = false;   // true - for history
    bool const send_network = false;        // true - for remote detection
    bool const use_kalman_filter = false;   // true - for stationary camera

    bool detection_sync = true;             // true - for video-file
#ifdef TRACK_OPTFLOW    // for slow GPU
    detection_sync = false;
    Tracker_optflow tracker_flow;
    //detector.wait_stream = true;
#endif  // TRACK_OPTFLOW

    while (true)
        std::cout << "input image or video filename: ";
        if(filename.size() == 0) std::cin >> filename;
        if (filename.size() == 0) break;

        try {
#ifdef OPENCV
            preview_boxes_t large_preview(100, 150, false), small_preview(50, 50, true);
            bool show_small_boxes = false;

            std::string const file_ext = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".") + 1);
            std::string const protocol = filename.substr(0, 7);
            if (file_ext == "avi" || file_ext == "mp4" || file_ext == "mjpg" || file_ext == "mov" ||     // video file
                protocol == "rtmp://" || protocol == "rtsp://" || protocol == "http://" || protocol == "https:/" ||    // video network stream
                filename == "zed_camera" || file_ext == "svo" || filename == "web_camera")   // ZED stereo camera

                if (protocol == "rtsp://" || protocol == "http://" || protocol == "https:/" || filename == "zed_camera" || filename == "web_camera")
                    detection_sync = false;

                cv::Mat cur_frame;
                std::atomic<int> fps_cap_counter(0), fps_det_counter(0);
                std::atomic<int> current_fps_cap(0), current_fps_det(0);
                std::atomic<bool> exit_flag(false);
                std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point steady_start, steady_end;
                int video_fps = 25;
                bool use_zed_camera = false;

                track_kalman_t track_kalman;

                sl::InitParameters init_params;
                init_params.depth_minimum_distance = 0.5;
                init_params.depth_mode = sl::DEPTH_MODE_ULTRA;
                init_params.camera_resolution = sl::RESOLUTION_HD720;// sl::RESOLUTION_HD1080, sl::RESOLUTION_HD720
                init_params.coordinate_units = sl::UNIT_METER;
                init_params.camera_buffer_count_linux = 2;
                if (file_ext == "svo") init_params.svo_input_filename.set(filename.c_str());
                init_params.depth_mode = sl::DEPTH_MODE::ULTRA;
                init_params.camera_resolution = sl::RESOLUTION::HD720;// sl::RESOLUTION::HD1080, sl::RESOLUTION::HD720
                init_params.coordinate_units = sl::UNIT::METER;
                if (file_ext == "svo") init_params.input.setFromSVOFile(filename.c_str());
                //init_params.sdk_cuda_ctx = (CUcontext)detector.get_cuda_context();
                init_params.sdk_gpu_id = detector.cur_gpu_id;

                if (filename == "zed_camera" || file_ext == "svo") {
                    std::cout << "ZED 3D Camera " << zed.open(init_params) << std::endl;
                    if (!zed.isOpened()) {
                        std::cout << " Error: ZED Camera should be connected to USB 3.0. And ZED_SDK should be installed. \n";
                        return 0;
                    cur_frame = zed_capture_rgb(zed);
                    use_zed_camera = true;
#endif  // ZED_STEREO

                cv::VideoCapture cap;
                if (filename == "web_camera") {
                    cap >> cur_frame;
                } else if (!use_zed_camera) {
                    cap >> cur_frame;
#ifdef CV_VERSION_EPOCH // OpenCV 2.x
                video_fps = cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
                video_fps = cap.get(cv::CAP_PROP_FPS);
                cv::Size const frame_size = cur_frame.size();
                //cv::Size const frame_size(cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), cap.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT));
                std::cout << "\n Video size: " << frame_size << std::endl;

                cv::VideoWriter output_video;
                if (save_output_videofile)
#ifdef CV_VERSION_EPOCH // OpenCV 2.x
                    output_video.open(out_videofile, CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), std::max(35, video_fps), frame_size, true);
                    output_video.open(out_videofile, cv::VideoWriter::fourcc('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), std::max(35, video_fps), frame_size, true);

                struct detection_data_t {
                    cv::Mat cap_frame;
                    std::shared_ptr<image_t> det_image;
                    std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec;
                    cv::Mat draw_frame;
                    bool new_detection;
                    uint64_t frame_id;
                    bool exit_flag;
                    cv::Mat zed_cloud;
                    std::queue<cv::Mat> track_optflow_queue;
                    detection_data_t() : exit_flag(false), new_detection(false) {}

                const bool sync = detection_sync; // sync data exchange
                send_one_replaceable_object_t<detection_data_t> cap2prepare(sync), cap2draw(sync),
                    prepare2detect(sync), detect2draw(sync), draw2show(sync), draw2write(sync), draw2net(sync);

                std::thread t_cap, t_prepare, t_detect, t_post, t_draw, t_write, t_network;

                // capture new video-frame
                if (t_cap.joinable()) t_cap.join();
                t_cap = std::thread([&]()
                    uint64_t frame_id = 0;
                    detection_data_t detection_data;
                    do {
                        detection_data = detection_data_t();
                        if (use_zed_camera) {
                            while (zed.grab() !=
        #ifdef ZED_STEREO_2_COMPAT_MODE
                                ) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(2));
                            detection_data.cap_frame = zed_capture_rgb(zed);
                            detection_data.zed_cloud = zed_capture_3d(zed);
#endif   // ZED_STEREO
                            cap >> detection_data.cap_frame;
                        detection_data.frame_id = frame_id++;
                        if (detection_data.cap_frame.empty() || exit_flag) {
                            std::cout << " exit_flag: detection_data.cap_frame.size = " << detection_data.cap_frame.size() << std::endl;
                            detection_data.exit_flag = true;
                            detection_data.cap_frame = cv::Mat(frame_size, CV_8UC3);

                        if (!detection_sync) {
                            cap2draw.send(detection_data);       // skip detection
                    } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_cap exit \n";

                // pre-processing video frame (resize, convertion)
                t_prepare = std::thread([&]()
                    std::shared_ptr<image_t> det_image;
                    detection_data_t detection_data;
                    do {
                        detection_data = cap2prepare.receive();

                        det_image = detector.mat_to_image_resize(detection_data.cap_frame);
                        detection_data.det_image = det_image;
                        prepare2detect.send(detection_data);    // detection

                    } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_prepare exit \n";

                // detection by Yolo
                if (t_detect.joinable()) t_detect.join();
                t_detect = std::thread([&]()
                    std::shared_ptr<image_t> det_image;
                    detection_data_t detection_data;
                    do {
                        detection_data = prepare2detect.receive();
                        det_image = detection_data.det_image;
                        std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec;

                            result_vec = detector.detect_resized(*det_image, frame_size.width, frame_size.height, thresh, true);  // true

                        detection_data.new_detection = true;
                        detection_data.result_vec = result_vec;
                    } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_detect exit \n";

                // draw rectangles (and track objects)
                t_draw = std::thread([&]()
                    std::queue<cv::Mat> track_optflow_queue;
                    detection_data_t detection_data;
                    do {

                        // for Video-file
                        if (detection_sync) {
                            detection_data = detect2draw.receive();
                        // for Video-camera
                            // get new Detection result if present
                            if (detect2draw.is_object_present()) {
                                cv::Mat old_cap_frame = detection_data.cap_frame;   // use old captured frame
                                detection_data = detect2draw.receive();
                                if (!old_cap_frame.empty()) detection_data.cap_frame = old_cap_frame;
                            // get new Captured frame
                            else {
                                std::vector<bbox_t> old_result_vec = detection_data.result_vec; // use old detections
                                detection_data = cap2draw.receive();
                                detection_data.result_vec = old_result_vec;

                        cv::Mat cap_frame = detection_data.cap_frame;
                        cv::Mat draw_frame = detection_data.cap_frame.clone();
                        std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec = detection_data.result_vec;

                        if (detection_data.new_detection) {
                            tracker_flow.update_tracking_flow(detection_data.cap_frame, detection_data.result_vec);
                            while (track_optflow_queue.size() > 0) {
                                draw_frame = track_optflow_queue.back();
                                result_vec = tracker_flow.tracking_flow(track_optflow_queue.front(), false);
                        else {
                            result_vec = tracker_flow.tracking_flow(cap_frame, false);
                        detection_data.new_detection = true;    // to correct kalman filter

                        // track ID by using kalman filter
                        if (use_kalman_filter) {
                            if (detection_data.new_detection) {
                                result_vec = track_kalman.correct(result_vec);
                            else {
                                result_vec = track_kalman.predict();
                        // track ID by using custom function
                        else {
                            int frame_story = std::max(5, current_fps_cap.load());
                            result_vec = detector.tracking_id(result_vec, true, frame_story, 40);

                        if (use_zed_camera && !detection_data.zed_cloud.empty()) {
                            result_vec = get_3d_coordinates(result_vec, detection_data.zed_cloud);

                        //small_preview.set(draw_frame, result_vec);
                        //large_preview.set(draw_frame, result_vec);
                        draw_boxes(draw_frame, result_vec, obj_names, current_fps_det, current_fps_cap);
                        //show_console_result(result_vec, obj_names, detection_data.frame_id);
                        //small_preview.draw(draw_frame, true);

                        detection_data.result_vec = result_vec;
                        detection_data.draw_frame = draw_frame;
                        if (send_network) draw2net.send(detection_data);
                        if (output_video.isOpened()) draw2write.send(detection_data);
                    } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_draw exit \n";

                // write frame to videofile
                t_write = std::thread([&]()
                    if (output_video.isOpened()) {
                        detection_data_t detection_data;
                        cv::Mat output_frame;
                        do {
                            detection_data = draw2write.receive();
                            if(detection_data.draw_frame.channels() == 4) cv::cvtColor(detection_data.draw_frame, output_frame, CV_RGBA2RGB);
                            else output_frame = detection_data.draw_frame;
                            output_video << output_frame;
                        } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_write exit \n";

                // send detection to the network
                t_network = std::thread([&]()
                    if (send_network) {
                        detection_data_t detection_data;
                        do {
                            detection_data = draw2net.receive();

                            detector.send_json_http(detection_data.result_vec, obj_names, detection_data.frame_id, filename);

                        } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                    std::cout << " t_network exit \n";

                // show detection
                detection_data_t detection_data;
                do {

                    steady_end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
                    float time_sec = std::chrono::duration<double>(steady_end - steady_start).count();
                    if (time_sec >= 1) {
                        current_fps_det = fps_det_counter.load() / time_sec;
                        current_fps_cap = fps_cap_counter.load() / time_sec;
                        steady_start = steady_end;
                        fps_det_counter = 0;
                        fps_cap_counter = 0;

                    detection_data = draw2show.receive();
                    cv::Mat draw_frame = detection_data.draw_frame;

                    //if (extrapolate_flag) {
                    //    cv::putText(draw_frame, "extrapolate", cv::Point2f(10, 40), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1.0, cv::Scalar(50, 50, 0), 2);

                    cv::imshow("window name", draw_frame);
                    filename.replace(filename.end()-4, filename.end(), "_yolov4_out.jpg");

                    int key = cv::waitKey(3);    // 3 or 16ms
                    if (key == 'f') show_small_boxes = !show_small_boxes;
                    if (key == 'p') while (true) if (cv::waitKey(100) == 'p') break;
                    //if (key == 'e') extrapolate_flag = !extrapolate_flag;
                    if (key == 27) { exit_flag = true;}

                    //std::cout << " current_fps_det = " << current_fps_det << ", current_fps_cap = " << current_fps_cap << std::endl;
                } while (!detection_data.exit_flag);
                std::cout << " show detection exit \n";

                cv::destroyWindow("window name");
                // wait for all threads
                if (t_cap.joinable()) t_cap.join();
                if (t_prepare.joinable()) t_prepare.join();
                if (t_detect.joinable()) t_detect.join();
                if (t_post.joinable()) t_post.join();
                if (t_draw.joinable()) t_draw.join();
                if (t_write.joinable()) t_write.join();
                if (t_network.joinable()) t_network.join();


            else if (file_ext == "txt") {    // list of image files
                std::ifstream file(filename);
                if (!file.is_open()) std::cout << "File not found! \n";
                    for (std::string line; file >> line;) {
                        std::cout << line << std::endl;
                        cv::Mat mat_img = cv::imread(line);
                        std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec = detector.detect(mat_img);
                        show_console_result(result_vec, obj_names);
                        //draw_boxes(mat_img, result_vec, obj_names);
                        //cv::imwrite("res_" + line, mat_img);

            else {    // image file
                // to achive high performance for multiple images do these 2 lines in another thread
                cv::Mat mat_img = cv::imread(filename);
                auto det_image = detector.mat_to_image_resize(mat_img);

                auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
                std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec = detector.detect_resized(*det_image, mat_img.size().width, mat_img.size().height);
                auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
                std::chrono::duration<double> spent = end - start;
                std::cout << " Time: " << spent.count() << " sec \n";

                //result_vec = detector.tracking_id(result_vec);    // comment it - if track_id is not required
                draw_boxes(mat_img, result_vec, obj_names);
                cv::imshow("window name", mat_img);
                vector<string> filenamesplit=split(filename,'/');
                string endname=filenamesplit[filenamesplit.size()-1];
                std::string outputfile="detect_result/"+endname;
                imwrite(outputfile, mat_img);
                show_console_result(result_vec, obj_names);
#else   // OPENCV
            //std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec = detector.detect(filename);

            auto img = detector.load_image(filename);
            std::vector<bbox_t> result_vec = detector.detect(img);
            show_console_result(result_vec, obj_names);
#endif  // OPENCV
        catch (std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; getchar(); }
        catch (...) { std::cerr << "unknown exception \n"; getchar(); }

    return 0;
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cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
find_package( OpenCV 3 REQUIRED )
add_executable(yolov4 main.cpp yolo_v2_class.hpp)
target_link_libraries(yolov4 ${OpenCV_LIBS} libdarknet.so libpthread.so.0)
  • 1
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  • 7


/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/yolov4.dir/main.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
CMakeFiles/yolov4.dir/build.make:111: recipe for target 'yolov4' failed
make[2]: *** [yolov4] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:67: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/yolov4.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/yolov4.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:83: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
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ZED_CAMERA=0 # ZED SDK 3.0 and above
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./yolov4 image/kite.jpg     //检测图片
./yolov4 test.mp4             //检测视频
./yolov4 web_camera      //检测摄像头
  • 1
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mini_batch = 1, batch = 1, time_steps = 1, train = 0 
   layer   filters  size/strd(dil)      input                output
   0 conv     32       3 x 3/ 1    576 x 576 x   3 ->  576 x 576 x  32 0.573 BF
   1 conv     64       3 x 3/ 2    576 x 576 x  32 ->  288 x 288 x  64 3.058 BF
   2 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    288 x 288 x  64 ->  288 x 288 x  64 0.679 BF
   3 route  1 		                           ->  288 x 288 x  64 
   4 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    288 x 288 x  64 ->  288 x 288 x  64 0.679 BF
   5 conv     32       1 x 1/ 1    288 x 288 x  64 ->  288 x 288 x  32 0.340 BF
   6 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    288 x 288 x  32 ->  288 x 288 x  64 3.058 BF
   7 Shortcut Layer: 4,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 288 x 288 x  64 0.005 BF
   8 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    288 x 288 x  64 ->  288 x 288 x  64 0.679 BF
   9 route  8 2 	                           ->  288 x 288 x 128 
  10 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    288 x 288 x 128 ->  288 x 288 x  64 1.359 BF
  11 conv    128       3 x 3/ 2    288 x 288 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x 128 3.058 BF
  12 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x 128 ->  144 x 144 x  64 0.340 BF
  13 route  11 		                           ->  144 x 144 x 128 
  14 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x 128 ->  144 x 144 x  64 0.340 BF
  15 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x  64 0.170 BF
  16 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    144 x 144 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x  64 1.529 BF
  17 Shortcut Layer: 14,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 144 x 144 x  64 0.001 BF
  18 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x  64 0.170 BF
  19 conv     64       3 x 3/ 1    144 x 144 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x  64 1.529 BF
  20 Shortcut Layer: 17,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs: 144 x 144 x  64 0.001 BF
  21 conv     64       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x  64 ->  144 x 144 x  64 0.170 BF
  22 route  21 12 	                           ->  144 x 144 x 128 
  23 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1    144 x 144 x 128 ->  144 x 144 x 128 0.679 BF
  24 conv    256       3 x 3/ 2    144 x 144 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 256 3.058 BF
  25 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
  26 route  24 		                           ->   72 x  72 x 256 
  27 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
  28 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  29 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  30 Shortcut Layer: 27,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  31 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  32 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  33 Shortcut Layer: 30,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  34 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  35 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  36 Shortcut Layer: 33,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  37 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  38 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  39 Shortcut Layer: 36,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  40 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  41 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  42 Shortcut Layer: 39,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  43 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  44 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  45 Shortcut Layer: 42,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  46 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  47 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  48 Shortcut Layer: 45,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  49 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  50 conv    128       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 1.529 BF
  51 Shortcut Layer: 48,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  72 x  72 x 128 0.001 BF
  52 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.170 BF
  53 route  52 25 	                           ->   72 x  72 x 256 
  54 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 256 0.679 BF
  55 conv    512       3 x 3/ 2     72 x  72 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
  56 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
  57 route  55 		                           ->   36 x  36 x 512 
  58 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
  59 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  60 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  61 Shortcut Layer: 58,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  62 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  63 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  64 Shortcut Layer: 61,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  65 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  66 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  67 Shortcut Layer: 64,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  68 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  69 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  70 Shortcut Layer: 67,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  71 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  72 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  73 Shortcut Layer: 70,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  74 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  75 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  76 Shortcut Layer: 73,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  77 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  78 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  79 Shortcut Layer: 76,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  80 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  81 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 1.529 BF
  82 Shortcut Layer: 79,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  36 x  36 x 256 0.000 BF
  83 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.170 BF
  84 route  83 56 	                           ->   36 x  36 x 512 
  85 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 512 0.679 BF
  86 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 2     36 x  36 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
  87 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
  88 route  86 		                           ->   18 x  18 x1024 
  89 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
  90 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.170 BF
  91 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 1.529 BF
  92 Shortcut Layer: 89,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  18 x  18 x 512 0.000 BF
  93 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.170 BF
  94 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 1.529 BF
  95 Shortcut Layer: 92,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  18 x  18 x 512 0.000 BF
  96 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.170 BF
  97 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 1.529 BF
  98 Shortcut Layer: 95,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  18 x  18 x 512 0.000 BF
  99 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.170 BF
 100 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 1.529 BF
 101 Shortcut Layer: 98,  wt = 0, wn = 0, outputs:  18 x  18 x 512 0.000 BF
 102 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.170 BF
 103 route  102 87 	                           ->   18 x  18 x1024 
 104 conv   1024       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x1024 0.679 BF
 105 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 106 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
 107 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 108 max                5x 5/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.004 BF
 109 route  107 		                           ->   18 x  18 x 512 
 110 max                9x 9/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.013 BF
 111 route  107 		                           ->   18 x  18 x 512 
 112 max               13x13/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.028 BF
 113 route  112 110 108 107 	                   ->   18 x  18 x2048 
 114 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x2048 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.679 BF
 115 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
 116 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 117 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x 256 0.085 BF
 118 upsample                 2x    18 x  18 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 256
 119 route  85 		                           ->   36 x  36 x 512 
 120 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 121 route  120 118 	                           ->   36 x  36 x 512 
 122 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 123 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
 124 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 125 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
 126 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 127 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 128 0.085 BF
 128 upsample                 2x    36 x  36 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 128
 129 route  54 		                           ->   72 x  72 x 256 
 130 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
 131 route  130 128 	                           ->   72 x  72 x 256 
 132 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
 133 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 256 3.058 BF
 134 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
 135 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 256 3.058 BF
 136 conv    128       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 128 0.340 BF
 137 conv    256       3 x 3/ 1     72 x  72 x 128 ->   72 x  72 x 256 3.058 BF
 138 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     72 x  72 x 256 ->   72 x  72 x 255 0.677 BF
 139 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.20
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000 
 140 route  136 		                           ->   72 x  72 x 128 
 141 conv    256       3 x 3/ 2     72 x  72 x 128 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.764 BF
 142 route  141 126 	                           ->   36 x  36 x 512 
 143 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 144 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
 145 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 146 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
 147 conv    256       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 256 0.340 BF
 148 conv    512       3 x 3/ 1     36 x  36 x 256 ->   36 x  36 x 512 3.058 BF
 149 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     36 x  36 x 512 ->   36 x  36 x 255 0.338 BF
 150 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.10
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000 
 151 route  147 		                           ->   36 x  36 x 256 
 152 conv    512       3 x 3/ 2     36 x  36 x 256 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.764 BF
 153 route  152 116 	                           ->   18 x  18 x1024 
 154 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 155 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
 156 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 157 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
 158 conv    512       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 512 0.340 BF
 159 conv   1024       3 x 3/ 1     18 x  18 x 512 ->   18 x  18 x1024 3.058 BF
 160 conv    255       1 x 1/ 1     18 x  18 x1024 ->   18 x  18 x 255 0.169 BF
 161 yolo
[yolo] params: iou loss: ciou (4), iou_norm: 0.07, cls_norm: 1.00, scale_x_y: 1.05
nms_kind: greedynms (1), beta = 0.600000 
Total BFLOPS 115.293 
avg_outputs = 958892 
Loading weights from yolov4.weights...
 seen 64, trained: 32032 K-images (500 Kilo-batches_64) 
Done! Loaded 162 layers from weights-file 
object names loaded 
input image or video filename:  Time: 7.29136 sec 
surfboard - obj_id = 37,  x = 521, y = 517, w = 32, h = 15, prob = 0.393
surfboard - obj_id = 37,  x = 497, y = 521, w = 39, h = 10, prob = 0.255
surfboard - obj_id = 37,  x = 814, y = 567, w = 30, h = 10, prob = 0.248
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 591, y = 79, w = 75, h = 71, prob = 0.994
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 279, y = 235, w = 23, h = 45, prob = 0.979
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 575, y = 343, w = 25, h = 25, prob = 0.951
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 1082, y = 393, w = 14, h = 28, prob = 0.943
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 464, y = 339, w = 16, h = 18, prob = 0.855
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 300, y = 375, w = 23, h = 32, prob = 0.68
kite - obj_id = 33,  x = 760, y = 379, w = 7, h = 9, prob = 0.634
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 110, y = 610, w = 51, h = 151, prob = 0.994
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 213, y = 698, w = 53, h = 159, prob = 0.993
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 1204, y = 450, w = 9, h = 12, prob = 0.872
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 37, y = 509, w = 16, h = 51, prob = 0.871
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 345, y = 487, w = 9, h = 14, prob = 0.866
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 176, y = 539, w = 11, h = 32, prob = 0.832
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 21, y = 529, w = 14, h = 26, prob = 0.801
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 82, y = 506, w = 25, h = 57, prob = 0.697
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 518, y = 506, w = 16, h = 18, prob = 0.606
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 692, y = 462, w = 7, h = 6, prob = 0.552
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 460, y = 471, w = 7, h = 6, prob = 0.394
person - obj_id = 0,  x = 537, y = 514, w = 14, h = 17, prob = 0.381
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