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3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 5.4.14 Deferred PDR activation and deactivation_rule-activation-time



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5.4.14 Deferred PDR activation and deactivation 延迟PDR激活和停用

As specified in clause 6.3.2 of 3GPP TS 23.203 [7] and clauses 4.5.13 and 4a.5.13 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8], Policy and charging control rule operations can be also performed in a deferred mode. To support such deferred PCC rule activation or deactivation, the CP function and UP function may optionally support the Deferred PDR activation and deactivation (DPDRA) as described below.

策略和计费控制规则操作也可以在延迟模式下执行。为了支持这种延迟PCC规则激活或去激活,CP功能和UP功能可以可选地支持如下所述的Deferred PDR激活和去激活。

If the feature DPDRA is supported in both CP function and UP function, and when a PCC rule is provisioned in a deferred mode, i.e. with a Rule-Activation-Time and/or Rule-Deactivation-Time, the CP function shall provision the corresponding PDR using Create PDR IE or Update PDR together with an Activation Time and/or Deactivation Time to enable the PDR being activated or deactivated at requested time.

如果功能DPDRA在CP功能和UP功能中都受支持,并且当PCC规则以延迟模式提供时,即Rule-Activation-Time和/或Rule-Deactivation-Time,CP功能应使用Create PDR IEUpdate PDR以及Activation Time和/或Deactivation Time来提供相应的PDR,以启用在请求的时间激活或停用PDR。

Without being provisioned together with an Activation Time or a Deactivation Time, a PDR shall be active immediately when it is received. When the status of a PDR is changed from active to inactive, the UP function shall keep storing the inactive PDR together with its associated FAR, URR(s) and QER(s), and then UP function shall apply the same behavior as if the PDR is deleted.

在没有与Activation TimeDeactivation Time一起提供的情况下,PDR应在收到时立即激活。当PDR的状态从激活变为非激活时,UP功能应继续存储非激活PDR及其相关的FAR、URR和QER,然后UP功能应应用与删除PDR相同的行为。

The CP function shall control at what time the status of a PDR rule changes using Activation Time and/or Deactivation Time as exactly as being instructed by the PCRF using a Rule-Activation-Time and/or Rule-Deactivation-Time, as specified in clause 4.5.13 of 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].

CP功能应按照PCRF使用Rule-Activation-Time和/或Rule-Deactivation-Time的指示,在何时使用Activation Time和/或Deactivation Time控制PDR规则的状态变化。

1)If only Activation Time is specified and has not yet occurred, then the UP function shall set the PDR rule inactive and make it active at that time. If Activation Time has passed, then the UP function shall immediately set the PDR rule active.

1) 如果只指定了Activation Time,但尚未发生,则UP功能应将PDR规则设置为非活动状态,并使其在该时间处于活动状态。如果Activation Time已过,则UP功能应立即将PDR规则设置为激活状态。

2)If only Deactivation Time is specified and has not yet occurred, then the UP function shall set the PDR rule active and make it inactive at that time. If Deactivation Time has passed, then the UP function shall immediately set the PDR rule inactive.

2) 如果只指定了Deactivation Time,但尚未发生,则UP功能应将PDR规则设置为激活状态,并使其在该时间处于非激活状态。如果Deactivation Time已过,则UP功能应立即将PDR规则设置为非激活状态。

3)If both Activation Time and Deactivation Time are specified, and the Activation Time occurs before the Deactivation Time, and also when the PDR rule is provided before or at the time specified in the Deactivation Time, the UP function shall handle the rule as defined in 1) and then as defined in 2).

3) 如果同时指定了Activation TimeDeactivation Time,并且Activation Time发生在Deactivation Time之前,并且在Deactivation Time指定的时间之前或之提供了PDR规则,则UP功能应按照1)中的定义处理规则,然后按照2)中的定义处理规则。

4)If both Activation Time and Deactivation Time are specified, and the Deactivation Time occurs before the Activation Time, and also when the PDR rule is provided before or at the time specified in the Activation Time, the UP function shall handle the rule as defined in 2) and then as defined in 1).

4) 如果同时指定了Activation TimeDeactivation Time,并且Deactivation Time发生在Activation Time之前,并且在Activation Time指定的时间之前或之提供了PDR规则,则UP功能应按照2)中的定义处理规则,然后按照1)中的定义处理规则。

5)If both Activation Time and Deactivation Time are specified but time has already occurred for both, and the Activation Time occurs before the Deactivation Time, then the UP function shall immediately set the PDR rule inactive.

5) 如果指定了Activation TimeDeactivation Time,但两个时间都已发生,且Activation Time发生在Deactivation Time之前,则UP功能应立即将PDR规则设置为非活动状态。

NOTE 1: If the CP function receives both Rule-Activation-Time and Rule-Deactivation-Time from the PCRF, but time has already occurred for both, and the Rule-Activation-Time occurs before the Rule-Deactivation-Time, as alternative to above, the CP function can deactivate the corresponding PDR rule by provisioning a Deactivation Time which has occurred or removing the corresponding PDR rule.


6)If both Activation Time and Deactivation Time are specified but time has passed for both, and the Deactivation Time occurs before the Activation Time, then the UP function shall immediately set the PDR rule active.

6) 如果同时指定了Activation TimeDeactivation Time,但时间都已过去,且Deactivation TimeActivation Time之前,则UP功能应立即将PDR规则设置为激活。

NOTE 2: If the CP function receives both Rule-Activation-Time and Rule-Deactivation-Time from the PCRF, but time has passed for both, and the Rule-Deactivation-Time occurs before the Rule-Activation-Time, as alternative to above, the CP function can activate the corresponding PDR rule by provisioning a activation Time which has occurred, or update the PDR without providing Activation Time and Deactivation Time, or create the corresponding PDR rule if the PDR is not provisioned yet.


