capture_screen_with_cursor # 用光标捕获屏幕
capture_mini_screenshot_with_cursor # 将截图和网格一起保存
search # 模拟在操作系统中搜索文本。具体来说,它会模拟按下“开始”键(在Windows中)或“Command”和“空格”键(在MacOS中),然后输入提供的文本并按下“Enter”键。
"extract_json_from_string" and "convert_percent_to_decimal"# 从json提取字符与把百分数转换为小数点
draw_label_with_background # 在屏幕上绘制一个网格,并在网格的每个交叉点上添加百分比标签。该函数可以捕获在 Linux 和 macOS 系统上工作。
click_at_percentage # 在屏幕上点击指定百分比的位置
get_next_action_from_openai # 该函数使用 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 模型生成下一个操作。该函数可以捕获屏幕截图并将其作为输入提供给模型。
get_last_assistant_message # 该函数从消息数组中检索最后一个来自AI助手的消息
get_next_action # 该函数根据传入的模型、消息数组、目标对象和精确模式来生成下一个操作。
format_accurate_mode_vision_prompt # 该函数根据上一次点击的坐标和屏幕尺寸来生成摘要提示
format_vision_prompt # 该函数根据目标对象和上一次操作来生成摘要提示
format_summary_prompt # 该函数根据目标对象来生成摘要提示,该函数在summarize函数中作为子函数被调用。
main # 该函数是Self- Operating Computer的入口点
validation # 函数用于验证模型、精确模式和语音模式是否正确配置
ModelNotRecognizedException # 该类继承自基类`Exception`。这个类用于在遇到未识别的模型时引发异常
prompt_toolkit 这个包(库)是用于在Python中构建功能强大的交互式命令行应用程序的库。基于文本终端的 UI
PyAutoGUI这个包(库)是一个简单易用,跨平台的可以模拟键盘鼠标进行自动操作的 python 库,可实现控制鼠标、键盘、消息框、截图、定位等功能,上能挂机刷宝箱,下能自动写文档.
- def capture_screen_with_cursor(file_path):
- user_platform = platform.system()
- if user_platform == "Windows":
- screenshot = pyautogui.screenshot()
- screenshot.save(file_path)
- elif user_platform == "Linux":
- # Use xlib to prevent scrot dependency for Linux
- screen = Xlib.display.Display().screen()
- size = screen.width_in_pixels, screen.height_in_pixels
- monitor_size["width"] = size[0]
- monitor_size["height"] = size[1]
- screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(0, 0, size[0], size[1]))
- screenshot.save(file_path)
- elif user_platform == "Darwin": # (Mac OS)
- # Use the screencapture utility to capture the screen with the cursor
- subprocess.run(["screencapture", "-C", file_path])
- else:
- print(f"The platform you're using ({user_platform}) is not currently supported")
- def capture_mini_screenshot_with_cursor(
- file_path=os.path.join("screenshots", "screenshot_mini.png"), x=0, y=0
- ):
- user_platform = platform.system()
- if user_platform == "Linux":
- x = float(x[:-1]) # convert x from "50%" to 50.
- y = float(y[:-1])
- x = (x / 100) * monitor_size[
- "width"
- ] # convert x from 50 to 0.5 * monitor_width
- y = (y / 100) * monitor_size["height"]
- # Define the coordinates for the rectangle
- x1, y1 = int(x - ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2), int(y - ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2)
- x2, y2 = int(x + ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2), int(y + ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2)
- screenshot = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(x1, y1, x2, y2))
- screenshot = screenshot.resize(
- (screenshot.width * 2, screenshot.height * 2), Image.LANCZOS
- ) # upscale the image so it's easier to see and percentage marks more visible
- screenshot.save(file_path)
- screenshots_dir = "screenshots"
- grid_screenshot_filename = os.path.join(
- screenshots_dir, "screenshot_mini_with_grid.png"
- )
- add_grid_to_image(
- file_path, grid_screenshot_filename, int(ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2)
- )
- elif user_platform == "Darwin":
- x = float(x[:-1]) # convert x from "50%" to 50.
- y = float(y[:-1])
- x = (x / 100) * monitor_size[
- "width"
- ] # convert x from 50 to 0.5 * monitor_width
- y = (y / 100) * monitor_size["height"]
- x1, y1 = int(x - ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2), int(y - ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2)
- # Use the screencapture utility to capture the screen with the cursor
- rect = f"-R{x1},{y1},{width},{height}"
- subprocess.run(["screencapture", "-C", rect, file_path])
- screenshots_dir = "screenshots"
- grid_screenshot_filename = os.path.join(
- screenshots_dir, "screenshot_mini_with_grid.png"
- )
- add_grid_to_image(
- file_path, grid_screenshot_filename, int(ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2)
- )
- def add_grid_to_image(original_image_path, new_image_path, grid_interval):
- """
- Add a grid to an image
- """
- # Load the image
- image = Image.open(original_image_path)
- # Create a drawing object
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
- # Get the image size
- width, height = image.size
- # Reduce the font size a bit
- font_size = int(grid_interval / 10) # Reduced font size
- # Calculate the background size based on the font size
- bg_width = int(font_size * 4.2) # Adjust as necessary
- bg_height = int(font_size * 1.2) # Adjust as necessary
- # Function to draw text with a white rectangle background
- def draw_label_with_background(
- position, text, draw, font_size, bg_width, bg_height
- ):
- # Adjust the position based on the background size
- text_position = (position[0] + bg_width // 2, position[1] + bg_height // 2)
- # Draw the text background
- draw.rectangle(
- [position[0], position[1], position[0] + bg_width, position[1] + bg_height],
- fill="white",
- )
- # Draw the text
- draw.text(text_position, text, fill="black", font_size=font_size, anchor="mm")
- # Draw vertical lines and labels at every `grid_interval` pixels
- for x in range(grid_interval, width, grid_interval):
- line = ((x, 0), (x, height))
- draw.line(line, fill="blue")
- for y in range(grid_interval, height, grid_interval):
- # Calculate the percentage of the width and height
- x_percent = round((x / width) * 100)
- y_percent = round((y / height) * 100)
- draw_label_with_background(
- (x - bg_width // 2, y - bg_height // 2),
- f"{x_percent}%,{y_percent}%",
- draw,
- font_size,
- bg_width,
- bg_height,
- )
- # Draw horizontal lines - labels are already added with vertical lines
- for y in range(grid_interval, height, grid_interval):
- line = ((0, y), (width, y))
- draw.line(line, fill="blue")
- # Save the image with the grid
- image.save(new_image_path)
- def keyboard_type(text):
- text = text.replace("\\n", "\n")
- for char in text:
- pyautogui.write(char)
- pyautogui.press("enter")
- return "Type: " + text
- def search(text):
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- pyautogui.press("win")
- elif platform.system() == "Linux":
- pyautogui.press("win")
- else:
- # Press and release Command and Space separately
- pyautogui.keyDown("command")
- pyautogui.press("space")
- pyautogui.keyUp("command")
- time.sleep(1)
- # Now type the text
- for char in text:
- pyautogui.write(char)
- pyautogui.press("enter")
- return "Open program: " + text
- def keyboard_type(text):
- text = text.replace("\\n", "\n")
- for char in text:
- pyautogui.write(char)
- pyautogui.press("enter")
- return "Type: " + text
- def extract_json_from_string(s):
- # print("extracting json from string", s)
- try:
- # Find the start of the JSON structure
- json_start = s.find("{")
- if json_start == -1:
- return None
- # Extract the JSON part and convert it to a dictionary
- json_str = s[json_start:]
- return json.loads(json_str)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error parsing JSON: {e}")
- return None
- def convert_percent_to_decimal(percent_str):
- try:
- # Remove the '%' sign and convert to float
- decimal_value = float(percent_str.strip("%"))
- # Convert to decimal (e.g., 20% -> 0.20)
- return decimal_value / 100
- except ValueError as e:
- print(f"Error converting percent to decimal: {e}")
- return None
- def draw_label_with_background(
- position, text, draw, font_size, bg_width, bg_height
- ):
- # Adjust the position based on the background size
- text_position = (position[0] + bg_width // 2, position[1] + bg_height // 2)
- # Draw the text background
- draw.rectangle(
- [position[0], position[1], position[0] + bg_width, position[1] + bg_height],
- fill="white",
- )
- # Draw the text
- draw.text(text_position, text, fill="black", font_size=font_size, anchor="mm")
- # Draw vertical lines and labels at every `grid_interval` pixels
- for x in range(grid_interval, width, grid_interval):
- line = ((x, 0), (x, height))
- draw.line(line, fill="blue")
- for y in range(grid_interval, height, grid_interval):
- # Calculate the percentage of the width and height
- x_percent = round((x / width) * 100)
- y_percent = round((y / height) * 100)
- draw_label_with_background(
- (x - bg_width // 2, y - bg_height // 2),
- f"{x_percent}%,{y_percent}%",
- draw,
- font_size,
- bg_width,
- bg_height,
- )
- # Draw horizontal lines - labels are already added with vertical lines
- for y in range(grid_interval, height, grid_interval):
- line = ((0, y), (width, y))
- draw.line(line, fill="blue")
- # Save the image with the grid
- image.save(new_image_path)
- def click_at_percentage(
- x_percentage, y_percentage, duration=0.2, circle_radius=50, circle_duration=0.5
- ):
- # Get the size of the primary monitor
- screen_width, screen_height = pyautogui.size()
- # Calculate the x and y coordinates in pixels
- x_pixel = int(screen_width * float(x_percentage))
- y_pixel = int(screen_height * float(y_percentage))
- # Move to the position smoothly
- pyautogui.moveTo(x_pixel, y_pixel, duration=duration)
- # Circular movement
- start_time = time.time()
- while time.time() - start_time < circle_duration:
- angle = ((time.time() - start_time) / circle_duration) * 2 * math.pi
- x = x_pixel + math.cos(angle) * circle_radius
- y = y_pixel + math.sin(angle) * circle_radius
- pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=0.1)
- # Finally, click
- pyautogui.click(x_pixel, y_pixel)
- return "Successfully clicked"
- def mouse_click(click_detail):
- try:
- x = convert_percent_to_decimal(click_detail["x"])
- y = convert_percent_to_decimal(click_detail["y"])
- if click_detail and isinstance(x, float) and isinstance(y, float):
- click_at_percentage(x, y)
- return click_detail["description"]
- else:
- return "We failed to click"
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error parsing JSON: {e}")
- return "We failed to click"
- def summarize(model, messages, objective):
- try:
- screenshots_dir = "screenshots"
- if not os.path.exists(screenshots_dir):
- os.makedirs(screenshots_dir)
- screenshot_filename = os.path.join(screenshots_dir, "summary_screenshot.png")
- # Call the function to capture the screen with the cursor
- capture_screen_with_cursor(screenshot_filename)
- summary_prompt = format_summary_prompt(objective)
- if model == "gpt-4-vision-preview":
- with open(screenshot_filename, "rb") as img_file:
- img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_file.read()).decode("utf-8")
- summary_message = {
- "role": "user",
- "content": [
- {"type": "text", "text": summary_prompt},
- {
- "type": "image_url",
- "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{img_base64}"},
- },
- ],
- }
- # create a copy of messages and save to pseudo_messages
- messages.append(summary_message)
- response = client.chat.completions.create(
- model="gpt-4-vision-preview",
- messages=messages,
- max_tokens=500,
- )
- content = response.choices[0].message.content
- elif model == "gemini-pro-vision":
- model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro-vision")
- summary_message = model.generate_content(
- [summary_prompt, Image.open(screenshot_filename)]
- )
- content = summary_message.text
- return content
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error in summarize: {e}")
- return "Failed to summarize the workflow"
- def parse_response(response):
- if response == "DONE":
- return {"type": "DONE", "data": None}
- elif response.startswith("CLICK"):
- # Adjust the regex to match the correct format
- click_data = re.search(r"CLICK \{ (.+) \}", response).group(1)
- click_data_json = json.loads(f"{{{click_data}}}")
- return {"type": "CLICK", "data": click_data_json}
- elif response.startswith("TYPE"):
- # Extract the text to type
- try:
- type_data = re.search(r"TYPE (.+)", response, re.DOTALL).group(1)
- except:
- type_data = re.search(r'TYPE "(.+)"', response, re.DOTALL).group(1)
- return {"type": "TYPE", "data": type_data}
- elif response.startswith("SEARCH"):
- # Extract the search query
- try:
- search_data = re.search(r'SEARCH "(.+)"', response).group(1)
- except:
- search_data = re.search(r"SEARCH (.+)", response).group(1)
- return {"type": "SEARCH", "data": search_data}
- return {"type": "UNKNOWN", "data": response}
- def get_next_action_from_gemini_pro_vision(messages, objective):
- """
- Get the next action for Self-Operating Computer using Gemini Pro Vision
- """
- # sleep for a second
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- screenshots_dir = "screenshots"
- if not os.path.exists(screenshots_dir):
- os.makedirs(screenshots_dir)
- screenshot_filename = os.path.join(screenshots_dir, "screenshot.png")
- # Call the function to capture the screen with the cursor
- capture_screen_with_cursor(screenshot_filename)
- new_screenshot_filename = os.path.join(
- "screenshots", "screenshot_with_grid.png"
- )
- add_grid_to_image(screenshot_filename, new_screenshot_filename, 500)
- # sleep for a second
- time.sleep(1)
- previous_action = get_last_assistant_message(messages)
- vision_prompt = format_vision_prompt(objective, previous_action)
- model = genai.GenerativeModel("gemini-pro-vision")
- response = model.generate_content(
- [vision_prompt, Image.open(new_screenshot_filename)]
- )
- # create a copy of messages and save to pseudo_messages
- pseudo_messages = messages.copy()
- pseudo_messages.append(response.text)
- messages.append(
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": "`screenshot.png`",
- }
- )
- content = response.text[1:]
- return content
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error parsing JSON: {e}")
- return "Failed take action after looking at the screenshot"
- def get_next_action_from_openai(messages, objective, accurate_mode):
- """
- Get the next action for Self-Operating Computer
- """
- # sleep for a second
- time.sleep(1)
- try:
- screenshots_dir = "screenshots"
- if not os.path.exists(screenshots_dir):
- os.makedirs(screenshots_dir)
- screenshot_filename = os.path.join(screenshots_dir, "screenshot.png")
- # Call the function to capture the screen with the cursor
- capture_screen_with_cursor(screenshot_filename)
- new_screenshot_filename = os.path.join(
- "screenshots", "screenshot_with_grid.png"
- )
- add_grid_to_image(screenshot_filename, new_screenshot_filename, 500)
- # sleep for a second
- time.sleep(1)
- with open(new_screenshot_filename, "rb") as img_file:
- img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_file.read()).decode("utf-8")
- previous_action = get_last_assistant_message(messages)
- vision_prompt = format_vision_prompt(objective, previous_action)
- vision_message = {
- "role": "user",
- "content": [
- {"type": "text", "text": vision_prompt},
- {
- "type": "image_url",
- "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{img_base64}"},
- },
- ],
- }
- # create a copy of messages and save to pseudo_messages
- pseudo_messages = messages.copy()
- pseudo_messages.append(vision_message)
- response = client.chat.completions.create(
- model="gpt-4-vision-preview",
- messages=pseudo_messages,
- presence_penalty=1,
- frequency_penalty=1,
- temperature=0.7,
- max_tokens=300,
- )
- messages.append(
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": "`screenshot.png`",
- }
- )
- content = response.choices[0].message.content
- if accurate_mode:
- if content.startswith("CLICK"):
- # Adjust pseudo_messages to include the accurate_mode_message
- click_data = re.search(r"CLICK \{ (.+) \}", content).group(1)
- click_data_json = json.loads(f"{{{click_data}}}")
- prev_x = click_data_json["x"]
- prev_y = click_data_json["y"]
- if DEBUG:
- print(
- f"Previous coords before accurate tuning: prev_x {prev_x} prev_y {prev_y}"
- )
- content = accurate_mode_double_check(
- "gpt-4-vision-preview", pseudo_messages, prev_x, prev_y
- )
- assert content != "ERROR", "ERROR: accurate_mode_double_check failed"
- return content
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error parsing JSON: {e}")
- return "Failed take action after looking at the screenshot"
- def accurate_mode_double_check(model, pseudo_messages, prev_x, prev_y):
- """
- Reprompt OAI with additional screenshot of a mini screenshot centered around the cursor for further finetuning of clicked location
- """
- print("[get_next_action_from_gemini_pro_vision] accurate_mode_double_check")
- try:
- screenshot_filename = os.path.join("screenshots", "screenshot_mini.png")
- capture_mini_screenshot_with_cursor(
- file_path=screenshot_filename, x=prev_x, y=prev_y
- )
- new_screenshot_filename = os.path.join(
- "screenshots", "screenshot_mini_with_grid.png"
- )
- with open(new_screenshot_filename, "rb") as img_file:
- img_base64 = base64.b64encode(img_file.read()).decode("utf-8")
- accurate_vision_prompt = format_accurate_mode_vision_prompt(prev_x, prev_y)
- accurate_mode_message = {
- "role": "user",
- "content": [
- {"type": "text", "text": accurate_vision_prompt},
- {
- "type": "image_url",
- "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{img_base64}"},
- },
- ],
- }
- pseudo_messages.append(accurate_mode_message)
- response = client.chat.completions.create(
- model="gpt-4-vision-preview",
- messages=pseudo_messages,
- presence_penalty=1,
- frequency_penalty=1,
- temperature=0.7,
- max_tokens=300,
- )
- content = response.choices[0].message.content
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error reprompting model for accurate_mode: {e}")
- return "ERROR"
- def get_last_assistant_message(messages):
- """
- Retrieve the last message from the assistant in the messages array.
- If the last assistant message is the first message in the array, return None.
- """
- for index in reversed(range(len(messages))):
- if messages[index]["role"] == "assistant":
- if index == 0: # Check if the assistant message is the first in the array
- return None
- else:
- return messages[index]
- return None # Return None if no assistant message is found
- def get_next_action(model, messages, objective, accurate_mode):
- if model == "gpt-4-vision-preview":
- content = get_next_action_from_openai(messages, objective, accurate_mode)
- return content
- elif model == "agent-1":
- return "coming soon"
- elif model == "gemini-pro-vision":
- content = get_next_action_from_gemini_pro_vision(
- messages, objective
- )
- return content
- raise ModelNotRecognizedException(model)
- def format_accurate_mode_vision_prompt(prev_x, prev_y):
- """
- Format the accurate mode vision prompt
- """
- width = ((ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2) / monitor_size["width"]) * 100
- height = ((ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT / 2) / monitor_size["height"]) * 100
- prev_x=prev_x, prev_y=prev_y, width=width, height=height
- )
- return prompt
- def format_vision_prompt(objective, previous_action):
- """
- Format the vision prompt
- """
- if previous_action:
- previous_action = f"Here was the previous action you took: {previous_action}"
- else:
- previous_action = ""
- prompt = VISION_PROMPT.format(objective=objective, previous_action=previous_action)
- return prompt
- def format_summary_prompt(objective):
- """
- Format the summary prompt
- """
- prompt = SUMMARY_PROMPT.format(objective=objective)
- return prompt
1. 首先,它定义了一个名为`prompt`的空字符串变量,用于存储生成的摘要提示。
2. 然后,它使用`SUMMARY_PROMPT`字符串中的占位符`{}`来替换`objective`,以生成摘要提示。
3. 最后,它将生成的摘要提示返回。
总之,这个函数根据目标对象来生成一个格式化的摘要提示,以作为GPT-4 或者 Gemini-pro-vision模型的输入。
- def main(model, accurate_mode, terminal_prompt, voice_mode=False):
- """
- Main function for the Self-Operating Computer
- """
- mic = None
- # Initialize `WhisperMic`, if `voice_mode` is True
- validation(model, accurate_mode, voice_mode)
- if voice_mode:
- try:
- from whisper_mic import WhisperMic
- # Initialize WhisperMic if import is successful
- mic = WhisperMic()
- except ImportError:
- print(
- "Voice mode requires the 'whisper_mic' module. Please install it using 'pip install -r requirements-audio.txt'"
- )
- sys.exit(1)
- # Skip message dialog if prompt was given directly
- if not terminal_prompt:
- message_dialog(
- title="Self-Operating Computer",
- text="Ask a computer to do anything.",
- style=style,
- ).run()
- else:
- print("Running direct prompt...")
- print("SYSTEM", platform.system())
- # Clear the console
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- os.system("cls")
- else:
- print("\033c", end="")
- if terminal_prompt: # Skip objective prompt if it was given as an argument
- objective = terminal_prompt
- elif voice_mode:
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_RESET} Listening for your command... (speak now)"
- )
- try:
- objective = mic.listen()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"{ANSI_RED}Error in capturing voice input: {e}{ANSI_RESET}")
- return # Exit if voice input fails
- else:
- print(f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]\n{ANSI_RESET}{USER_QUESTION}")
- print(f"{ANSI_YELLOW}[User]{ANSI_RESET}")
- objective = prompt(style=style)
- assistant_message = {"role": "assistant", "content": USER_QUESTION}
- user_message = {
- "role": "user",
- "content": f"Objective: {objective}",
- }
- messages = [assistant_message, user_message]
- loop_count = 0
- while True:
- if DEBUG:
- print("[loop] messages before next action:\n\n\n", messages[1:])
- try:
- response = get_next_action(model, messages, objective, accurate_mode)
- action = parse_response(response)
- action_type = action.get("type")
- action_detail = action.get("data")
- except ModelNotRecognizedException as e:
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_RED}[Error] -> {e} {ANSI_RESET}"
- )
- break
- except Exception as e:
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_RED}[Error] -> {e} {ANSI_RESET}"
- )
- break
- if action_type == "DONE":
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_BLUE} Objective complete {ANSI_RESET}"
- )
- summary = summarize(model, messages, objective)
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_BLUE} Summary\n{ANSI_RESET}{summary}"
- )
- break
- if action_type != "UNKNOWN":
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_BRIGHT_MAGENTA} [Act] {action_type} {ANSI_RESET}{action_detail}"
- )
- function_response = ""
- if action_type == "SEARCH":
- function_response = search(action_detail)
- elif action_type == "TYPE":
- function_response = keyboard_type(action_detail)
- elif action_type == "CLICK":
- function_response = mouse_click(action_detail)
- else:
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_RED}[Error] something went wrong :({ANSI_RESET}"
- )
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_RED}[Error] AI response\n{ANSI_RESET}{response}"
- )
- break
- print(
- f"{ANSI_GREEN}[Self-Operating Computer]{ANSI_BRIGHT_MAGENTA} [Act] {action_type} COMPLETE {ANSI_RESET}{function_response}"
- )
- message = {
- "role": "assistant",
- "content": function_response,
- }
- messages.append(message)
- loop_count += 1
- if loop_count > 15:
- break
- def validation(
- model,
- accurate_mode,
- voice_mode,
- ):
- if accurate_mode and model != "gpt-4-vision-preview":
- print("To use accuracy mode, please use gpt-4-vision-preview")
- sys.exit(1)
- if voice_mode and not OPENAI_API_KEY:
- print("To use voice mode, please add an OpenAI API key")
- sys.exit(1)
- if model == "gpt-4-vision-preview" and not OPENAI_API_KEY:
- print("To use `gpt-4-vision-preview` add an OpenAI API key")
- sys.exit(1)
- if model == "gemini-pro-vision" and not GOOGLE_API_KEY:
- print("To use `gemini-pro-vision` add a Google API key")
- sys.exit(1)
1. 首先,它检查`accurate_mode`是否设置为`True`,并且模型不是`"gpt-4-vision-preview"`。如果是,则打印一条错误消息,并退出程序。
2. 然后,它检查`voice_mode`是否设置为`True`,并且没有设置OpenAI API密钥。如果是,则打印一条错误消息,并退出程序。
3. 接下来,它检查模型是否为`"gpt-4-vision-preview"`,并且没有设置OpenAI API密钥。如果是,则打印一条错误消息,并退出程序。
4. 然后,它检查模型是否为`"gemini-pro-vision"`,并且没有设置Google API密钥。如果是,则打印一条错误消息,并退出程序。
- class ModelNotRecognizedException(Exception):
- """Exception raised for unrecognized models."""
- def __init__(self, model, message="Model not recognized"):
- self.model = model
- self.message = message
- super().__init__(self.message)
- def __str__(self):
- return f"{self.message} : {self.model} "
- # Define style
- style = PromptStyle.from_dict(
- {
- "dialog": "bg:#88ff88",
- "button": "bg:#ffffff #000000",
- "dialog.body": "bg:#44cc44 #ffffff",
- "dialog shadow": "bg:#003800",
- }
- )
- # Check if on a windows terminal that supports ANSI escape codes
- def supports_ansi():
- """
- Check if the terminal supports ANSI escape codes
- """
- plat = platform.system()
- supported_platform = plat != "Windows" or "ANSICON" in os.environ
- is_a_tty = hasattr(sys.stdout, "isatty") and sys.stdout.isatty()
- return supported_platform and is_a_tty
- if supports_ansi():
- # Standard green text
- ANSI_GREEN = "\033[32m"
- # Bright/bold green text
- ANSI_BRIGHT_GREEN = "\033[92m"
- # Reset to default text color
- ANSI_RESET = "\033[0m"
- # ANSI escape code for blue text
- ANSI_BLUE = "\033[94m" # This is for bright blue
- # Standard yellow text
- ANSI_YELLOW = "\033[33m"
- ANSI_RED = "\033[31m"
- # Bright magenta text
- ANSI_BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\033[95m"
- else:
- ANSI_BLUE = ""
- ANSI_RED = ""
- def keyboard_type(text):
- text = text.replace("\\n", "\n")
- for char in text:
- pyautogui.write(char)
- pyautogui.press("enter")
- return "Type: " + text
- You are a Self-Operating Computer. A user request has been executed. Present the results succinctly.
- Include the following key contexts of the completed request:
- 1. State the original objective.
- 2. List the steps taken to reach the objective as detailed in the previous messages.
- 3. Reference the screenshot that was used.
- Summarize the actions taken to fulfill the objective. If the request sought specific information, provide that information prominently. NOTE: Address directly any question posed by the user.
- Remember: The user will not interact with this summary. You are solely reporting the outcomes.
- Original objective: {objective}
- Display the results clearly:
- """
这是一个多行字符串,其中包含 Self-Operating Computer 的摘要提示。它用于引导助手在执行用户请求时创建简洁明了的摘要。
提示从介绍助手为 Self-Operating Computer 并要求提供简洁的摘要开始。它然后询问助手以简洁的方式呈现结果,包括完成请求的关键上下文。
1. 用户请求的原始目的。
2. 实现该目的所采取的步骤,包括详细的消息。
3. 如果适用,引用使用的屏幕截图。
提示还要求助手以简洁的方式总结actions 为实现 objectives 所采取的措施,强调用户请求中任何请求的信息。它还提醒助手直接在摘要中回答用户提出的问题。
USER_QUESTION = "Hello, I can help you with anything. What would you like done?"
- It looks like your previous attempted action was clicking on "x": {prev_x}, "y": {prev_y}. This has now been moved to the center of this screenshot.
- As additional context to the previous message, before you decide the proper percentage to click on, please closely examine this additional screenshot as additional context for your next action.
- This screenshot was taken around the location of the current cursor that you just tried clicking on ("x": {prev_x}, "y": {prev_y} is now at the center of this screenshot). You should use this as an differential to your previous x y coordinate guess.
- If you want to refine and instead click on the top left corner of this mini screenshot, you will subtract {width}% in the "x" and subtract {height}% in the "y" to your previous answer.
- Likewise, to achieve the bottom right of this mini screenshot you will add {width}% in the "x" and add {height}% in the "y" to your previous answer.
- There are four segmenting lines across each dimension, divided evenly. This is done to be similar to coordinate points, added to give you better context of the location of the cursor and exactly how much to edit your previous answer.
- Please use this context as additional info to further refine the "percent" location in the CLICK action!
- """
- You are a Self-Operating Computer. You use the same operating system as a human.
- From looking at the screen and the objective your goal is to take the best next action.
- To operate the computer you have the four options below.
- 1. CLICK - Move mouse and click
- 2. TYPE - Type on the keyboard
- 3. SEARCH - Search for a program on Mac and open it
- 4. DONE - When you completed the task respond with the exact following phrase content
- Here are the response formats below.
- 1. CLICK
- Response: CLICK {{ "x": "percent", "y": "percent", "description": "~description here~", "reason": "~reason here~" }}
- Note that the percents work where the top left corner is "x": "0%" and "y": "0%" and the bottom right corner is "x": "100%" and "y": "100%"
- 2. TYPE
- Response: TYPE "value you want to type"
- Response: SEARCH "app you want to search for on Mac"
- 3. DONE
- Response: DONE
- Here are examples of how to respond.
- __
- Objective: Follow up with the vendor in outlook
- TYPE Hello, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to follow up
- __
- Objective: Open Spotify and play the beatles
- SEARCH Spotify
- __
- Objective: Find an image of a banana
- CLICK {{ "x": "50%", "y": "60%", "description": "Click: Google Search field", "reason": "This will allow me to search for a banana" }}
- __
- Objective: Go buy a book about the history of the internet
- TYPE https://www.amazon.com/
- __
- A few important notes:
- - Default to opening Google Chrome with SEARCH to find things that are on the internet.
- - Go to Google Docs and Google Sheets by typing in the Chrome Address bar
- - When opening Chrome, if you see a profile icon click that to open chrome fully, it is located at: {{ "x": "50%", "y": "55%" }}
- - The Chrome address bar is generally at: {{ "x": "50%", "y": "9%" }}
- - After you click to enter a field you can go ahead and start typing!
- - Don't respond saying you're unable to assist with requests. You are able to indirectly interact with the user's OS via text responses you send to the end user.
- {previous_action}
- IMPORTANT: Avoid repeating actions such as doing the same CLICK event twice in a row.
- Objective: {objective}
- """
为了操作计算机,您有四个选项 below。
1. 点击 - 移动鼠标并单击
2. 输入 - 在键盘上输入
3. 搜索 - 在Mac上搜索应用程序并打开它
4. 完成 - 当您完成任务时,请使用以下确切短语响应
以下是响应格式 below。
1. 点击
响应: CLICK {{ "x": "百分比", "y": "百分比", "description": "~description here~", "reason": "~reason here~" }}
请注意,百分比工作在左上角为 "x": "0%" 和 "y": "0%" 以及右下角为 "x": "100%" 和 "y": "100%" 的位置
2. 输入
响应: TYPE "要输入的值"
2. 搜索
响应: SEARCH "要在Mac上搜索的应用程序"
3. 完成
响应: DONE
Objective: 给供应商发邮件
TYPE 你好,我希望你很好。我想要继续和你联系
Objective: 在Spotify上播放 Beatles
SEARCH Spotify
Objective: 查找一张香蕉图片
CLICK {{ "x": "50%", "y": "60%", "description": "点击: Google搜索字段", "reason": "这允许我搜索香蕉" }}
Objective: 去买一本关于互联网的历史书
TYPE https://www.amazon.com/
- 如果您看到Google Chrome的配置文件图标,请单击它以打开Google Chrome完全。它位于:{{ "x": "50%", "y": "55%" }}
- Google Docs和Google Sheets可以通过在Google Chrome地址栏中输入来打开
- 当打开Google Chrome时,如果看到一个配置文件图标,请单击以打开Google Chrome完全
- Chrome地址栏通常位于:{{ "x": "50%", "y": "9%" }}
- 一旦您点击进入字段,就可以开始 typing!
- 不要在无法帮助用户请求的情况下回答“无法”。您可以通过发送文本响应 indirect 地与用户的操作系统进行交互。
请注意:避免重复执行相同的 CLICK 事件。
- 200 # mini_screenshot is ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT x ACCURATE_PIXEL_COUNT big
- )
- monitor_size = {
- "width": 1920,
- "height": 1080,
- }
- DEBUG = False
- client = OpenAI()
- client.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY
- client.base_url = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_BASE_URL", client.base_url)
- """
- Self-Operating Computer
- """
- import os
- import time
- import base64
- import json
- import math
- import re
- import subprocess
- import pyautogui
- import argparse
- import platform
- import Xlib.display
- import Xlib.X
- import Xlib.Xutil # not sure if Xutil is necessary
- import google.generativeai as genai
- from prompt_toolkit import prompt
- from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import message_dialog
- from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style as PromptStyle
- from dotenv import load_dotenv
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageGrab
- import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
- from openai import OpenAI
- import sys
python-dotenv的详细用法_python dotenv-CSDN博客
Xlib 函数库简介--x window 工作原理简介_xlib 库-CSDN博客
在 X Window 的世界里,可以说所有的动作都是由「事件 (Event) 」所触发并完成的,不论是对 X Client 或是 X Server 都是一样。从 X Client 的角度来看,每个 X 应用程序内部都有一个处理事件的回圈 (event loop),程序静静地等待事件的发生,一旦 Xlib 截获一个属于该应用程序的事件并传送给它时,该事件就会在事件处理回圈中产生相应的动作,处理完后,又会回到原点,等待下一个事件的发生。可能发生的事件有很多种,像是其他的视窗传来讯息、键盘滑鼠有了动作、桌面管理程序要求改变视窗的大小状态 ....
Python Module — prompt_toolkit CLI 库-CSDN博客
python prompt toolkit-用于构建功能强大的交互式命令行的python库 (360doc.com)
Python自动操作 GUI 神器——PyAutoGUI (baidu.com)
一个神奇的GUI自动化测试库-PyAutoGui-CSDN博客 #这个链接有很多图文案例,清晰易懂
Python笔记:Pydantic库简介-CSDN博客 #这个链接有demo,清晰易懂
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