- """
- transformer的generation_beam_search.py中beam_search过程
- 当decoder的输入是[N,1],N为batch_size,设置beams=k,将输入转化为[N*k,1]
- 输入放入到decoder中生成了logits,形状为[N*k,T],T为总的token数
- logits和历史beam_score相加成为新的beam_score,进行topk排序,获取next_beam_scores、next_beam_index、next_beam_tokens
- beam_hyps存储过程:通过上述next_beam_*,判断next_token是否是<eos>,是则存,不是则仍然挑选出beams=k个next_beam进行下一次decoder
- 代码实现基于一个数,生成一组连续的数,遇到末尾数为9则终止。
- """
- import torch
- from typing import *
- from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
- from collections import UserDict
- import torch
- #from .file_utils import add_start_docstrings
- class BeamScorer(ABC):
- """
- Abstract base class for all beam scorers that are used for :meth:`~transformers.PretrainedModel.beam_search` and
- :meth:`~transformers.PretrainedModel.beam_sample`.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- #@add_start_docstrings(PROCESS_INPUTS_DOCSTRING)
- def process(
- self,
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- next_scores: torch.FloatTensor,
- next_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
- next_indices: torch.LongTensor,
- **kwargs
- ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]:
- raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract method.")
- @abstractmethod
- #@add_start_docstrings(FINALIZE_INPUTS_DOCSTRING)
- def finalize(
- self,
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- next_scores: torch.FloatTensor,
- next_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
- next_indices: torch.LongTensor,
- **kwargs
- ) -> torch.LongTensor:
- raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract method.")
- class BeamSearchScorer(BeamScorer):
- def __init__(
- self,
- batch_size: int,
- max_length: int,
- num_beams: int,
- device: torch.device,
- length_penalty: Optional[float] = 1.0,
- do_early_stopping: Optional[bool] = False,
- num_beam_hyps_to_keep: Optional[int] = 1,
- num_beam_groups: Optional[int] = 1
- ):
- self.max_length = max_length
- self.num_beams = num_beams
- self.device = device
- self.length_penalty = length_penalty
- self.do_early_stopping = do_early_stopping
- self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep = num_beam_hyps_to_keep
- self.num_beam_groups = num_beam_groups
- self.group_size = self.num_beams // self.num_beam_groups
- self._is_init = False
- self._beam_hyps = [
- BeamHypotheses(
- num_beams=self.num_beams,
- max_length=self.max_length,
- length_penalty=self.length_penalty,
- early_stopping=self.do_early_stopping,
- )
- for _ in range(batch_size)
- ]
- self._done = torch.tensor([False for _ in range(batch_size)], dtype=torch.bool, device=self.device)
- if not isinstance(num_beams, int) or num_beams <= 1:
- raise ValueError(
- f"`num_beams` has to be an integer strictly greater than 1, but is {num_beams}. For `num_beams` == 1, one should make use of `greedy_search` instead."
- )
- if not isinstance(num_beam_groups, int) or (num_beam_groups > num_beams) or (num_beams % num_beam_groups != 0):
- raise ValueError(
- f"`num_beam_groups` has to be an integer smaller or equal than `num_beams` and `num_beams` "
- f"has to be divisible by `num_beam_groups`, but is {num_beam_groups} with `num_beams` being {num_beams}."
- )
- @property
- def is_done(self) -> bool:
- return self._done.all()
- def process(self,
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- next_scores: torch.FloatTensor,
- next_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
- next_indices: torch.LongTensor,
- pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]:
- cur_len = input_ids.shape[-1]
- batch_size = len(self._beam_hyps)
- assert batch_size == (input_ids.shape[0] // self.group_size)
- device = input_ids.device
- next_beam_scores = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.group_size), dtype=next_scores.dtype, device=device)
- next_beam_tokens = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.group_size), dtype=next_tokens.dtype, device=device)
- next_beam_indices = torch.zeros((batch_size, self.group_size), dtype=next_indices.dtype, device=device)
- for batch_idx, beam_hyp in enumerate(self._beam_hyps):
- if self._done[batch_idx]:#生成的序列彻底完成情况下,依然设置next_beam_*
- assert (
- len(beam_hyp) >= self.num_beams
- ), "Batch can only be done if at least {} beams have been generated".format(self.num_beams)
- assert (
- eos_token_id is not None and pad_token_id is not None
- ), "generated beams >= num_beams -> eos_token_id and pad_token have to be defined"
- # pad the batch
- next_beam_scores[batch_idx, :] = 0
- next_beam_tokens[batch_idx, :] = pad_token_id
- next_beam_indices[batch_idx, :] = 0
- continue
- # next tokens for this sentence
- beam_idx = 0
- for beam_token_rank, (next_token, next_score, next_index) in enumerate(
- zip(next_tokens[batch_idx], next_scores[batch_idx], next_indices[batch_idx])
- ):
- batch_beam_idx = batch_idx * self.group_size + next_index
- # add to generated hypotheses if end of sentence
- if (eos_token_id is not None) and (next_token.item() == eos_token_id):
- # if beam_token does not belong to top num_beams tokens, it should not be added
- is_beam_token_worse_than_top_num_beams = beam_token_rank >= self.group_size
- if is_beam_token_worse_than_top_num_beams:
- continue
- beam_hyp.add(
- input_ids[batch_beam_idx].clone(),
- next_score.item(),
- )
- else:
- # add next predicted token since it is not eos_token
- next_beam_scores[batch_idx, beam_idx] = next_score
- next_beam_tokens[batch_idx, beam_idx] = next_token
- next_beam_indices[batch_idx, beam_idx] = batch_beam_idx
- beam_idx += 1
- # once the beam for next step is full, don't add more tokens to it.
- if beam_idx == self.group_size:
- break
- if beam_idx < self.group_size:
- raise ValueError(
- f"At most {self.group_size} tokens in {next_tokens[batch_idx]} can be equal to `eos_token_id: {eos_token_id}`. Make sure {next_tokens[batch_idx]} are corrected."
- )
- # Check if we are done so that we can save a pad step if all(done)
- self._done[batch_idx] = self._done[batch_idx] or beam_hyp.is_done(
- next_scores[batch_idx].max().item(), cur_len
- )
- return UserDict(
- {
- "next_beam_scores": next_beam_scores.view(-1),
- "next_beam_tokens": next_beam_tokens.view(-1),
- "next_beam_indices": next_beam_indices.view(-1),
- }
- )
- def finalize(
- self,
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- final_beam_scores: torch.FloatTensor,
- final_beam_tokens: torch.LongTensor,
- final_beam_indices: torch.LongTensor,
- pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- ) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor]:
- batch_size = len(self._beam_hyps)
- # finalize all open beam hypotheses and add to generated hypotheses
- for batch_idx, beam_hyp in enumerate(self._beam_hyps):
- if self._done[batch_idx]:
- continue
- # all open beam hypotheses are added to the beam hypothesis
- # beam hypothesis class automatically keeps the best beams
- for beam_id in range(self.num_beams):
- batch_beam_idx = batch_idx * self.num_beams + beam_id
- final_score = final_beam_scores[batch_beam_idx].item()
- final_tokens = input_ids[batch_beam_idx]
- beam_hyp.add(final_tokens, final_score)
- # select the best hypotheses
- sent_lengths = input_ids.new(batch_size * self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep)
- best = []
- best_scores = torch.zeros(batch_size * self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float32)
- # retrieve best hypotheses
- for i, beam_hyp in enumerate(self._beam_hyps):
- sorted_hyps = sorted(beam_hyp.beams, key=lambda x: x[0])
- for j in range(self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep):
- best_hyp_tuple = sorted_hyps.pop()
- best_score = best_hyp_tuple[0]
- best_hyp = best_hyp_tuple[1]
- sent_lengths[self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep * i + j] = len(best_hyp)
- # append to lists
- best.append(best_hyp)
- best_scores[i * self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep + j] = best_score
- # prepare for adding eos
- sent_max_len = min(sent_lengths.max().item() + 1, self.max_length)
- decoded: torch.LongTensor = input_ids.new(batch_size * self.num_beam_hyps_to_keep, sent_max_len)
- # shorter batches are padded if needed
- if sent_lengths.min().item() != sent_lengths.max().item():
- assert pad_token_id is not None, "`pad_token_id` has to be defined"
- decoded.fill_(pad_token_id)
- # fill with hypotheses and eos_token_id if the latter fits in
- for i, hypo in enumerate(best):
- decoded[i, : sent_lengths[i]] = hypo
- if sent_lengths[i] < self.max_length:
- decoded[i, sent_lengths[i]] = eos_token_id
- return UserDict(
- {
- "sequences": decoded,
- "sequence_scores": best_scores,
- }
- )
- class BeamHypotheses:
- def __init__(self, num_beams: int, max_length: int, length_penalty: float, early_stopping: bool):
- """
- Initialize n-best list of hypotheses.
- """
- self.max_length = max_length - 1 # ignoring bos_token
- self.length_penalty = length_penalty
- self.early_stopping = early_stopping
- self.num_beams = num_beams
- self.beams = []
- self.worst_score = 1e9
- def __len__(self):
- """
- Number of hypotheses in the list.
- """
- return len(self.beams)
- def add(self, hyp: torch.LongTensor, sum_logprobs: float):
- """
- Add a new hypothesis to the list.
- """
- score = sum_logprobs / (hyp.shape[-1] ** self.length_penalty)
- if len(self) < self.num_beams or score > self.worst_score:
- self.beams.append((score, hyp))
- if len(self) > self.num_beams:
- sorted_next_scores = sorted([(s, idx) for idx, (s, _) in enumerate(self.beams)])
- del self.beams[sorted_next_scores[0][1]]
- self.worst_score = sorted_next_scores[1][0]
- else:
- self.worst_score = min(score, self.worst_score)
- def is_done(self, best_sum_logprobs: float, cur_len: int) -> bool:
- """
- If there are enough hypotheses and that none of the hypotheses being generated can become better than the worst
- one in the heap, then we are done with this sentence.
- """
- if len(self) < self.num_beams:
- return False
- elif self.early_stopping:
- return True
- else:
- cur_score = best_sum_logprobs / cur_len ** self.length_penalty
- ret = self.worst_score >= cur_score
- return ret
- class ToyDecoder():
- #@torch.no_grad()
- def generate(self,
- input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
- max_length: Optional[int] = None,
- min_length: Optional[int] = None,
- do_sample: Optional[bool] = None,
- early_stopping: Optional[bool] = None,
- num_beams: Optional[int] = None,
- temperature: Optional[float] = None,
- top_k: Optional[int] = None,
- top_p: Optional[float] = None,
- repetition_penalty: Optional[float] = None,
- bad_words_ids: Optional[Iterable[int]] = None,
- bos_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- length_penalty: Optional[float] = None,
- no_repeat_ngram_size: Optional[int] = None,
- encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size: Optional[int] = None,
- num_return_sequences: Optional[int] = None,
- decoder_start_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- use_cache: Optional[bool] = None,
- num_beam_groups: Optional[int] = None,
- diversity_penalty: Optional[float] = None,
- prefix_allowed_tokens_fn: Optional[Callable[[int, torch.Tensor], List[int]]] = None,
- output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None,
- output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None,
- output_scores: Optional[bool] = None,
- return_dict_in_generate: Optional[bool] = None,
- **model_kwargs,
- ) -> Union[torch.LongTensor]:
- model_kwargs["output_attentions"] = output_attentions
- model_kwargs["output_hidden_states"] = output_hidden_states
- # set input_ids as decoder_input_ids
- if "decoder_input_ids" in model_kwargs:
- input_ids = model_kwargs.pop("decoder_input_ids")
- else:
- input_ids = self._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(
- input_ids, decoder_start_token_id=decoder_start_token_id, bos_token_id=bos_token_id
- )
- logits_processor = self._get_logits_processor(
- repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty,
- no_repeat_ngram_size=no_repeat_ngram_size,
- encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size=encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size,
- encoder_input_ids=input_ids,#encoder_input_ids
- bad_words_ids=bad_words_ids,
- min_length=min_length,
- eos_token_id=eos_token_id,
- prefix_allowed_tokens_fn=prefix_allowed_tokens_fn,
- num_beams=num_beams,
- num_beam_groups=num_beam_groups,
- diversity_penalty=diversity_penalty,
- )
- is_beam_gen_mode = (num_beams > 1) and (num_beam_groups == 1) and do_sample is False
- if is_beam_gen_mode:
- batch_size = input_ids.shape[0]
- length_penalty = length_penalty if length_penalty is not None else self.config.length_penalty
- early_stopping = early_stopping if early_stopping is not None else self.config.early_stopping
- if num_return_sequences > num_beams:
- raise ValueError("`num_return_sequences` has to be smaller or equal to `num_beams`.")
- self.device = input_ids.device
- beam_scorer = BeamSearchScorer(
- batch_size=batch_size,
- max_length=max_length,
- num_beams=num_beams,
- device=self.device,
- length_penalty=length_penalty,
- do_early_stopping=early_stopping,
- num_beam_hyps_to_keep=num_return_sequences,
- )
- input_ids, model_kwargs = self._expand_inputs_for_generation(
- input_ids, expand_size=num_beams, is_encoder_decoder=True, **model_kwargs
- )
- return self.beam_search(
- input_ids,
- beam_scorer,
- logits_processor=logits_processor,
- max_length=max_length,
- pad_token_id=pad_token_id,
- eos_token_id=eos_token_id,
- output_scores=output_scores,
- return_dict_in_generate=return_dict_in_generate,
- **model_kwargs,
- )
- def _prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(
- self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, decoder_start_token_id: int = None, bos_token_id: int = None
- ) -> torch.LongTensor:
- #取输入的最后一个字作为输入
- decoder_input_ids = input_ids[:,-1].unsqueeze(-1)
- return decoder_input_ids
- @staticmethod
- def _expand_inputs_for_generation(
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- expand_size: int = 1,
- is_encoder_decoder: bool = False,
- attention_mask: torch.LongTensor = None,
- #encoder_outputs: ModelOutput = None,
- **model_kwargs,
- ) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor, Dict[str, Any]]:
- expanded_return_idx = (
- torch.arange(input_ids.shape[0]).view(-1, 1).repeat(1, expand_size).view(-1).to(input_ids.device)
- )
- input_ids = input_ids.index_select(0,expanded_return_idx)
- if "token_type_ids" in model_kwargs:
- token_type_ids = model_kwargs["token_type_ids"]
- model_kwargs["token_type_ids"] = token_type_ids.index_select(0, expanded_return_idx)
- if attention_mask is not None:
- model_kwargs["attention_mask"] = attention_mask.index_select(0, expanded_return_idx)
- if is_encoder_decoder:
- pass
- # assert encoder_outputs is not None
- # encoder_outputs["last_hidden_state"] = encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state.index_select(
- # 0, expanded_return_idx.to(encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state.device)
- # )
- # model_kwargs["encoder_outputs"] = encoder_outputs
- return input_ids, model_kwargs
- def _get_logits_processor(
- self,
- repetition_penalty: float,
- no_repeat_ngram_size: int,
- encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size: int,
- encoder_input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- bad_words_ids: List[List[int]],
- min_length: int,
- eos_token_id: int,
- prefix_allowed_tokens_fn: Callable[[int, torch.Tensor], List[int]],
- num_beams: int,
- num_beam_groups: int,
- diversity_penalty: float,
- ) :
- return None
- def beam_search(
- self,
- input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
- beam_scorer: BeamScorer,
- logits_processor: Optional[List] = None,
- max_length: Optional[int] = None,
- pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None,
- output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None,
- output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None,
- output_scores: Optional[bool] = None,
- return_dict_in_generate: Optional[bool] = None,
- **model_kwargs,
- ) -> Union[torch.LongTensor]:
- # init attention / hidden states / scores tuples
- scores = () if (return_dict_in_generate and output_scores) else None
- decoder_attentions = () if (return_dict_in_generate and output_attentions) else None
- decoder_hidden_states = () if (return_dict_in_generate and output_hidden_states) else None
- # if return_dict_in_generate and self.config.is_encoder_decoder:
- # encoder_attentions = model_kwargs["encoder_outputs"].get("attentions") if output_attentions else None
- # encoder_hidden_states = (
- # model_kwargs["encoder_outputs"].get("hidden_states") if output_hidden_states else None
- # )
- batch_size = len(beam_scorer._beam_hyps)
- num_beams = beam_scorer.num_beams
- batch_beam_size, cur_len = input_ids.shape
- assert (
- num_beams * batch_size == batch_beam_size
- ), "Batch dimension of `input_ids` should be {num_beams * batch_size}, but is {batch_beam_size}."
- beam_scores = torch.zeros((batch_size, num_beams), dtype=torch.float, device=input_ids.device)
- beam_scores[:,1:] = -1e9 #这个是针对起始位置是同一个字符,比如<eos>,<bos>情况设置的,目的是这样避免topk的值是一样的。
- beam_scores = beam_scores.view((batch_size * num_beams,))
- while cur_len < max_length:
- model_inputs = self.prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, **model_kwargs)
- outputs = self(
- **model_inputs,
- return_dict=True,
- output_attentions=output_attentions,
- output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states,
- )
- #next_token_logits = outputs.logits[:, -1, :]
- next_token_logits = outputs['logits'][:, -1, :]
- next_token_logits = self.adjust_logits_during_generation(
- next_token_logits, cur_len=cur_len, max_length=max_length
- )
- next_token_scores = next_token_logits/100
- next_token_scores = next_token_scores + beam_scores[:, None].expand_as(next_token_scores)
- vocab_size = next_token_scores.shape[-1]
- next_token_scores = next_token_scores.view(batch_size, num_beams * vocab_size)
- next_token_scores, next_tokens = torch.topk(
- next_token_scores, 2 * num_beams, dim=1, largest=True, sorted=True
- )
- next_indices = next_tokens // vocab_size
- next_tokens = next_tokens % vocab_size
- # stateless
- beam_outputs = beam_scorer.process(
- input_ids,
- next_token_scores,
- next_tokens,
- next_indices,
- pad_token_id=pad_token_id,
- eos_token_id=eos_token_id,
- )
- beam_scores = beam_outputs["next_beam_scores"]
- beam_next_tokens = beam_outputs["next_beam_tokens"]
- beam_idx = beam_outputs["next_beam_indices"]
- input_ids = torch.cat([input_ids[beam_idx, :], beam_next_tokens.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
- cur_len = cur_len + 1
- # model_kwargs = self._update_model_kwargs_for_generation(
- # outputs, model_kwargs, is_encoder_decoder=self.config.is_encoder_decoder
- # )
- # if model_kwargs["past"] is not None:
- # model_kwargs["past"] = self._reorder_cache(model_kwargs["past"], beam_idx)
- #
- # if beam_scorer.is_done:
- # break
- sequence_outputs = beam_scorer.finalize(
- input_ids, beam_scores, next_tokens, next_indices, pad_token_id=pad_token_id, eos_token_id=eos_token_id
- )
- return sequence_outputs["sequences"]
- def prepare_inputs_for_generation(
- self,
- decoder_input_ids,
- past=None,
- attention_mask=None,
- head_mask=None,
- use_cache=None,
- encoder_outputs=None,
- **kwargs
- ):
- # cut decoder_input_ids if past is used
- # if past is not None:
- # decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids[:, -1:] #取一个batch每个序列最后一个token
- decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids[:, -1:]
- return {
- "input_ids": None, # encoder_outputs is defined. input_ids not needed
- "encoder_outputs": encoder_outputs,
- "past_key_values": past,
- "decoder_input_ids": decoder_input_ids,
- "attention_mask": attention_mask,
- "head_mask": head_mask,
- "use_cache": use_cache, # change this to avoid caching (presumably for debugging)
- }
- def __call__(#其实是forward方法,这里简化decoder计算结果
- self,
- input_ids=None,
- attention_mask=None,
- decoder_input_ids=None,
- decoder_attention_mask=None,
- head_mask=None,
- decoder_head_mask=None,
- encoder_outputs=None,
- past_key_values=None,
- inputs_embeds=None,
- decoder_inputs_embeds=None,
- labels=None,
- use_cache=None,
- output_attentions=None,
- output_hidden_states=None,
- return_dict=None,
- ):
- input_shape = decoder_input_ids.size()
- decoder_input_ids = decoder_input_ids.view(-1, input_shape[-1])
- shape = tuple(decoder_input_ids.shape)+(100,) #设置0-99个数字的预测
- lm_logits = torch.zeros(shape)
- for ids, num in enumerate(decoder_input_ids.squeeze()):
- if (num.item()+1)%10 == 0:#当遇到以9结尾的数字就停止继续生成数字了
- num = 1 #num+1=2是<eos>token
- maxnum = min(num+1+10,99)
- lm_logits[ids,:,num+1:maxnum] = torch.arange(99,99-(maxnum-num-1), step=-1)
- return {'logits': lm_logits}
- def adjust_logits_during_generation(self, logits, cur_len, max_length):
- # if cur_len == 1 and self.config.force_bos_token_to_be_generated:
- # self._force_token_id_to_be_generated(logits, self.config.bos_token_id)
- # elif cur_len == max_length - 1 and self.config.eos_token_id is not None:
- # self._force_token_id_to_be_generated(logits, self.config.eos_token_id)
- if cur_len == max_length - 1:
- self._force_token_id_to_be_generated(logits, 2)
- return logits
- @staticmethod
- def _force_token_id_to_be_generated(scores, token_id) -> None:
- """force one of token_ids to be generated by setting prob of all other tokens to 0 (logprob=-float("inf"))"""
- scores[:, [x for x in range(scores.shape[1]) if x != token_id]] = -float("inf")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- input_ids = torch.randint(0,100,(2,5))
- print(input_ids)
- decoder = ToyDecoder()
- t=decoder._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(input_ids)
- print(t)
- t1=decoder.generate(input_ids,8,num_beams=4, num_beam_groups=1, do_sample=False,
- length_penalty=1,early_stopping=True, num_return_sequences=4,eos_token_id=2, pad_token_id=1)
- print(t1)

tensor([[91, 50, 26, 71, 23],
[25, 22, 31, 20, 71]])
tensor([[23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 2],
[23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 2, 1],
[23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 2, 1],
[23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 2, 1],
[71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 2],
[71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 2],
[71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 2],
[71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 2]])
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