TextRank算法是一种文本排序算法,由谷歌的网页重要性排序算法PageRank算法改进而来,它能够从一个给定的文本中提取出该文本的关键词、关键词组,并使用抽取式的自动文摘方法提取出该文本的关键句。其提出论文是: Mihalcea R, Tarau P. TextRank: Bringing order into texts[C]. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2004. 论文的百度学术下载地址为:点击打开链接。
1.1 PageRank算法的基本概念和原理
PageRank算法的起源要从搜索引擎的发展讲起。早期的搜索引擎普遍采用分类目录方法,即通过人工对网页进行分类,整理出高质量的网站。随着网页的增多,人工分类的方法变得不现实,人们开始尝试使用文本检索的方法,即通过计算用户查询的关键词与网页内容的相关程度来返回搜索结果。这种方法突破了网页数量的限制,但是这种方法的效果并不总是很好,因为某些网站会刻意“操作”某些关键词从而使自己的搜索排名靠前。这一问题在1998年4月的第七届国际万维网大会上得以解决——Larry Page和Sergey Brin提出了PageRank算法。该算法通过计算网页链接的数量和质量来粗略估计网页的重要性,算法创立之初即应用在谷歌的搜索引擎中,对网页进行排名。
1.2 从PageRank算法到TextRank算法
1.3 textrank4zh模块源码解读
- # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
- """
- @author: letian
- @homepage: http://www.letiantian.me
- @github: https://github.com/someus/
- """
- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
- unicode_literals)
- import os
- import math
- import networkx as nx
- import numpy as np
- import sys
- try:
- reload(sys)
- sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- except:
- pass
- sentence_delimiters = ['?', '!', ';', '?', '!', '。', ';', '……', '…', '\n']
- allow_speech_tags = ['an', 'i', 'j', 'l', 'n', 'nr', 'nrfg', 'ns', 'nt', 'nz', 't', 'v', 'vd', 'vn', 'eng']
- PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
- if not PY2:
- # Python 3.x and up
- text_type = str
- string_types = (str,)
- xrange = range
- def as_text(v): ## 生成unicode字符串
- if v is None:
- return None
- elif isinstance(v, bytes):
- return v.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
- elif isinstance(v, str):
- return v
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown type %r' % type(v))
- def is_text(v):
- return isinstance(v, text_type)
- else:
- # Python 2.x
- text_type = unicode
- string_types = (str, unicode)
- xrange = xrange
- def as_text(v):
- if v is None:
- return None
- elif isinstance(v, unicode):
- return v
- elif isinstance(v, str):
- return v.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')
- else:
- raise ValueError('Invalid type %r' % type(v))
- def is_text(v):
- return isinstance(v, text_type)
- __DEBUG = None
- def debug(*args):
- global __DEBUG
- if __DEBUG is None:
- try:
- if os.environ['DEBUG'] == '1':
- __DEBUG = True
- else:
- __DEBUG = False
- except:
- __DEBUG = False
- if __DEBUG:
- print(' '.join([str(arg) for arg in args]))
- class AttrDict(dict):
- """Dict that can get attribute by dot"""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.__dict__ = self
- def combine(word_list, window=2):
- """构造在window下的单词组合,用来构造单词之间的边。
- Keyword arguments:
- word_list -- list of str, 由单词组成的列表。
- windows -- int, 窗口大小。
- """
- if window < 2: window = 2
- for x in xrange(1, window):
- if x >= len(word_list):
- break
- word_list2 = word_list[x:]
- res = zip(word_list, word_list2)
- for r in res:
- yield r
- def get_similarity(word_list1, word_list2):
- """默认的用于计算两个句子相似度的函数。
- Keyword arguments:
- word_list1, word_list2 -- 分别代表两个句子,都是由单词组成的列表
- """
- words = list(set(word_list1 + word_list2))
- vector1 = [float(word_list1.count(word)) for word in words]
- vector2 = [float(word_list2.count(word)) for word in words]
- vector3 = [vector1[x] * vector2[x] for x in xrange(len(vector1))]
- vector4 = [1 for num in vector3 if num > 0.]
- co_occur_num = sum(vector4)
- if abs(co_occur_num) <= 1e-12:
- return 0.
- denominator = math.log(float(len(word_list1))) + math.log(float(len(word_list2))) # 分母
- if abs(denominator) < 1e-12:
- return 0.
- return co_occur_num / denominator
- def sort_words(vertex_source, edge_source, window=2, pagerank_config={'alpha': 0.85, }):
- """将单词按关键程度从大到小排序
- Keyword arguments:
- vertex_source -- 二维列表,子列表代表句子,子列表的元素是单词,这些单词用来构造pagerank中的节点
- edge_source -- 二维列表,子列表代表句子,子列表的元素是单词,根据单词位置关系构造pagerank中的边
- window -- 一个句子中相邻的window个单词,两两之间认为有边
- pagerank_config -- pagerank的设置
- """
- sorted_words = []
- word_index = {}
- index_word = {}
- _vertex_source = vertex_source
- _edge_source = edge_source
- words_number = 0
- for word_list in _vertex_source:
- for word in word_list:
- if not word in word_index:
- word_index[word] = words_number
- index_word[words_number] = word
- words_number += 1
- graph = np.zeros((words_number, words_number))
- for word_list in _edge_source:
- for w1, w2 in combine(word_list, window):
- if w1 in word_index and w2 in word_index:
- index1 = word_index[w1]
- index2 = word_index[w2]
- graph[index1][index2] = 1.0
- graph[index2][index1] = 1.0
- debug('graph:\n', graph)
- nx_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(graph)
- scores = nx.pagerank(nx_graph, **pagerank_config) # this is a dict
- sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
- for index, score in sorted_scores:
- item = AttrDict(word=index_word[index], weight=score)
- sorted_words.append(item)
- return sorted_words
- def sort_sentences(sentences, words, sim_func=get_similarity, pagerank_config={'alpha': 0.85, }):
- """将句子按照关键程度从大到小排序
- Keyword arguments:
- sentences -- 列表,元素是句子
- words -- 二维列表,子列表和sentences中的句子对应,子列表由单词组成
- sim_func -- 计算两个句子的相似性,参数是两个由单词组成的列表
- pagerank_config -- pagerank的设置
- """
- sorted_sentences = []
- _source = words
- sentences_num = len(_source)
- graph = np.zeros((sentences_num, sentences_num))
- for x in xrange(sentences_num):
- for y in xrange(x, sentences_num):
- similarity = sim_func(_source[x], _source[y])
- graph[x, y] = similarity
- graph[y, x] = similarity
- nx_graph = nx.from_numpy_matrix(graph)
- scores = nx.pagerank(nx_graph, **pagerank_config) # this is a dict
- sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
- for index, score in sorted_scores:
- item = AttrDict(index=index, sentence=sentences[index], weight=score)
- sorted_sentences.append(item)
- return sorted_sentences
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- pass
- # -*-coding:utf-8-*-
- # 把新版本的特性引入当前版本
- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
- # 导入结巴分词的词性标注组件
- import jieba.posseg as pseg
- # 导入编码转换模块
- import codecs
- # 导入操作系统模块
- import os
- # 导入工具包组件
- from textrank4zh import util
- # 获取停用词文件的路径
- def get_default_stop_words_file():
- # 获取当前脚本所在的路径
- d = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- # 返回停用词表所在路径,os.path.join方法用于将多个路径组合后返回
- return os.path.join(d, 'stopwords.txt')
- """分词类"""
- class WordSegmentation(object):
- """初始化函数,获取词性列表和停用词表"""
- def __init__(self, stop_words_file=None, allow_speech_tags=util.allow_speech_tags):
- """
- :param stop_words_file:保存停用词表的文件路径,使用utf-8编码方式,每行存放一个停用词,若不是str类型,则使用默认的停用词
- :param allow_speech_tags:默认的词性列表,用于过滤某些词性的词
- :return:无
- """
- # 词性列表
- allow_speech_tags = [util.as_text(item) for item in allow_speech_tags]
- # 将词性列表设置为默认的词性列表
- self.default_speech_tags_filter = allow_speech_tags
- # 使用set方法创建空集合
- self.stop_words = set()
- # 获取停用词文件的路径
- self.stop_words_file = get_default_stop_words_file()
- # 若停用词文件路径不是str类型,则使用默认的停用词
- if type(stop_words_file is str):
- self.stop_words_file = stop_words_file
- # 打开并读取停用词文件,将其中的停用词加入停用词集合
- for word in codecs.open(self.stop_words_file, 'r', 'utf-8', 'ignore'):
- self.stop_words.add(word.strip())
- """对文本进行分词,返回的分词结果以列表方式存储"""
- def segment(self, text, lower=True, user_stop_words=True, use_speech_tags_filter=False):
- """
- :param text: 要进行分词的文本
- :param lower: 是否要将单词小写,针对英文
- :param user_stop_words: 若为True,表示使用停用词集合进行过滤,去掉停用词
- :param use_speech_tags_filter:是否基于词性进行过滤,若为True,则使用默认的词性列表进行过滤
- :return:词性过滤后的词列表
- """
- # 待分词的文本
- text = util.as_text(text)
- # 词性标注结果列表
- jieba_result = pseg.cut(text)
- if use_speech_tags_filter == True:
- # 进行词性过滤后的词性标注结果
- jieba_result = [w for w in jieba_result if w.flag in self.default_speech_tags_filter]
- else:
- # 不进行词性过滤的词性标注结果
- jieba_result = [w for w in jieba_result]
- # 去除特殊符号
- # 去除非语素字和词两端的空格
- # 非语素字只是一个符号,字母x通常用于代表未知数、符号
- word_list = [w.word.strip() for w in jieba_result if w.flag != 'x']
- # 去除空字符
- word_list = [word for word in word_list if len(word) > 0]
- # 是否将英文单词小写
- if lower:
- word_list = [word.lower() for word in word_list]
- # 是否使用停用词集合进行过滤
- if user_stop_words:
- word_list = [word.strip() for word in word_list if word.strip() not in self.stop_words]
- # 返回词性过滤后的词列表
- return word_list
- """将列表sentences中的每个元素/句子转换为由单词构成的列表"""
- def segment_sentences(self, sentences, lower=True, user_stop_words=True, user_speech_tags_filter=False):
- """
- :param sentences: 句子列表
- :return: 以词性过滤后的词列表为元素的列表
- """
- res = []
- for sentence in sentences:
- # 调用segment方法,将词性过滤后的词列表加入到列表中
- res.append(self.segment(text=sentences, lower=lower, user_stop_words=user_stop_words, use_speech_tags_filter=user_speech_tags_filter))
- # 返回以词性过滤后的词列表为元素的列表
- return res
- """分句类"""
- class SentenceSegmentation(object):
- """初始化函数,获取用于分句的分隔符集合"""
- def __init__(self, delimiters=util.sentence_delimiters):
- """
- :param delimiters: 可迭代对象,用于拆分句子
- """
- self.delimiters = set([util.as_text(item) for item in delimiters])
- """将文本划分为句子,返回句子列表"""
- def segment(self, text):
- # 获取文本
- res = [util.as_text(text)]
- # 调试
- util.debug(res)
- util.debug(self.delimiters)
- # 分句,使用了两层循环
- # 遍历分隔符对象
- for sep in self.delimiters:
- # res表示分句结果
- text, res = res, []
- # 遍历文本对象
- for seq in text:
- # 分句操作
- res += seq.split(sep)
- # 去除句子两端空格,并滤除空句
- res = [s.strip() for s in res if len(s.strip() > 0)]
- # 返回句子列表
- return res
- """分割类"""
- class Segmentation(object):
- """初始化函数"""
- def __init__(self, stop_word_file=None, allow_speech_tags=util.allow_speech_tags, delimiters=util.sentence_delimiters):
- """
- :param stop_word_file: 停用词文件
- :param allow_speech_tags: 词性列表,用于过滤某些词性的词
- :param delimiters: 用于拆分句子的分隔符
- """
- # 创建分词类的实例
- self.ws = WordSegmentation(stop_word_file=stop_word_file, allow_speech_tags=allow_speech_tags)
- # 创建分句类的实例
- self.ss = SentenceSegmentation(delimiters=delimiters)
- def segment(self, text, lower=False):
- # 获取文本
- text = util.as_text(text)
- # 拆分文本,得到句子列表
- sentences = self.ss.segment(text)
- # 未进行词性过滤后的词列表
- words_no_filter = self.ws.segment_sentences(sentences=sentences, lower=lower, user_stop_words=False, user_speech_tags_filter=False)
- # 去掉停用词后的词列表
- words_no_stop_words = self.ws.segment_sentences(sentences=sentences, lower=lower, user_stop_words=True, user_speech_tags_filter=False)
- # 进行词性过滤并去掉停用词后的词列表
- words_all_filters = self.ws.segment_sentences(sentences=sentences, lower=lower, user_stop_words=True, user_speech_tags_filter=True)
- # 返回以上结果
- return util.AttrDict(sentences=sentences, words_no_filter=words_no_filter, words_no_stop_words=words_no_stop_words, words_all_filters=words_all_filters)
- # 主模块
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # 空语句,保持程序结构的完整性
- pass
- #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
- # 把新版本的特性引入当前版本
- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
- # 导入操作复杂网络的模块
- import networkx as nx
- # 导入数值计算模块
- import numpy as np
- # 导入工具包组件
- from textrank4zh import util
- # 导入Segmentation文件
- from textrank4zh.Segmentation import Segmentation
- class TextRank4Keyword(object):
- """初始化函数"""
- def __init__(self, stop_words_file=None, allow_speech_tags=util.allow_speech_tags, delimiters=util.sentence_delimiters):
- """
- :param stop_words_file:str类型,指定停用词文件的路径,若为其他类型,则使用默认的停用词文件
- :param allow_speech_tags:词性列表,用于过滤某些词性的词
- :param delimiters:用于拆分句子的分隔符,默认值为`?!;?!。;…\n`
- """
- self.text = ''
- self.Keywords = None
- # 创建分割类的实例
- self.seg = Segmentation(stop_words_file=stop_words_file, allow_speech_tags=allow_speech_tags, delimiters=delimiters)
- # 句子列表
- self.sentences = None
- # 对sentences中每个句子分词而得到的两维列表
- self.words_no_filter = None
- # 去掉words_no_filter中的停止词而得到的两维列表
- self.word_no_stop_words = None
- # 保留words_no_stop_words中指定词性的单词而得到的两维列表
- self.words_all_filters = None
- """分析文本的函数,体现算法思想的部分"""
- def analyze(self, text, window=2, lower=False, vertex_source='all_filters', edge_source='no_stop_words', pagerank_config={'alpha': 0.85,}):
- """
- :param text: 文本内容
- :param window: 窗口大小,整型,用于构造单词之间的边,去默认值为2
- :param lower: 是否将英文文本转换为小写,默认值为False
- :param vertex_source: 选择使用words_no_filter, words_no_stop_words, words_all_filters中的哪一个来构造pagerank对应的图中的节点。默认值为`'all_filters'`,可选值为`'no_filter', 'no_stop_words', 'all_filters'`。关键词也来自`vertex_source`
- :param edge_source:选择使用words_no_filter, words_no_stop_words, words_all_filters中的哪一个来构造pagerank对应的图中的节点之间的边。默认值为`'no_stop_words'`,可选值为`'no_filter', 'no_stop_words', 'all_filters'`。边的构造要结合`window`参数。
- :param pagerank_config:pagerank算法参数配置,阻尼系数为0.85
- """
- self.text = text
- self.word_index = {}
- self.index_word = {}
- # 关键词列表
- self.keywords = []
- self.graph = None
- result = self.seg.segment(text=text, lower=lower)
- self.sentences = result.sentences
- self.words_no_filter = result.words_no_filter
- self.word_no_stop_words = result.word_no_stop_words
- self.words_all_filters = result.words_all_filters
- # 调试
- util.debug(20 * '*')
- util.debug('self.sentences in TextRank4Keyword:\n', ' || '.join(self.sentences))
- util.debug('self.words_no_filter in TextRank4Keyword:\n', self.words_no_filter)
- util.debug('self.words_no_stop_words in TextRank4Keyword:\n', self.words_no_stop_words)
- util.debug('self.words_all_filters in TextRank4Keyword:\n', self.words_all_filters)
- # 选项,几种模式
- options = ['no_filter', 'no_stop_words', 'all_filters']
- # 模式选择
- if vertex_source in options:
- _vertex_source = result['words_' +vertex_source]
- else:
- _vertex_source = result['words_all_filters']
- if edge_source in options:
- _edge_source = result['words_' + edge_source]
- else:
- _edge_source = result['words_no_stop_words']
- self.keywords = util.sort_words(_vertex_source, _edge_source, window=window, pagerank_config=pagerank_config)
- """获取最重要的num个长度大于等于word_min_len的关键词"""
- def get_keywords(self, num=6, word_min_len=1):
- """
- :param num: 返回的关键词个数
- :param word_min_len: 最小关键词长度
- :return: 关键词列表
- """
- result = []
- count = 0
- for item in self.keywords:
- if count >= num:
- break
- if len(item.word) >= word_min_len:
- result.append(item)
- count += 1
- return result
- """获取 keywords_num 个关键词构造的可能出现的短语,要求这个短语在原文本中至少出现的次数为min_occur_num"""
- def get_keyphrases(self, keywords_num=12, min_occur_num=2):
- """
- :param keywords_num: 返回的关键词短语个数
- :param min_occur_num: 短语在文本中的最小出现次数
- :return: 关键词短语列表
- """
- # 关键词集合
- keywords_set = set([item.word for item in self.get_keywords(num=keywords_num, word_min_len=1)])
- # 关键词短语集合
- keyphrases = set()
- for sentence in self.words_no_filter:
- one = []
- for word in sentence:
- if word in keywords_set:
- one.append(word)
- else:
- if len(one) > 1:
- # 将关键词组成关键词短语
- keyphrases.add(''.join(one))
- if len(one) == 0:
- continue
- else:
- one = []
- # 兜底
- if len(one) > 1:
- keyphrases.add(''.join(one))
- # 在原文本中至少出现min_occur_num词
- return [phrase for phrase in keyphrases if self.text.count(phrase) >= min_occur_num]
- # 主模块
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # 空语句,保持程序结构的完整性
- pass
- # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
- """
- @author: letian
- @homepage: http://www.letiantian.me
- @github: https://github.com/someus/
- """
- from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
- unicode_literals)
- import networkx as nx
- import numpy as np
- from . import util
- from .Segmentation import Segmentation
- class TextRank4Sentence(object):
- def __init__(self, stop_words_file=None,
- allow_speech_tags=util.allow_speech_tags,
- delimiters=util.sentence_delimiters):
- """
- Keyword arguments:
- stop_words_file -- str,停止词文件路径,若不是str则是使用默认停止词文件
- delimiters -- 默认值是`?!;?!。;…\n`,用来将文本拆分为句子。
- Object Var:
- self.sentences -- 由句子组成的列表。
- self.words_no_filter -- 对sentences中每个句子分词而得到的两级列表。
- self.words_no_stop_words -- 去掉words_no_filter中的停止词而得到的两级列表。
- self.words_all_filters -- 保留words_no_stop_words中指定词性的单词而得到的两级列表。
- """
- self.seg = Segmentation(stop_words_file=stop_words_file,
- allow_speech_tags=allow_speech_tags,
- delimiters=delimiters)
- self.sentences = None
- self.words_no_filter = None # 2维列表
- self.words_no_stop_words = None
- self.words_all_filters = None
- self.key_sentences = None
- def analyze(self, text, lower=False,
- source='no_stop_words',
- sim_func=util.get_similarity,
- pagerank_config={'alpha': 0.85, }):
- """
- Keyword arguments:
- text -- 文本内容,字符串。
- lower -- 是否将文本转换为小写。默认为False。
- source -- 选择使用words_no_filter, words_no_stop_words, words_all_filters中的哪一个来生成句子之间的相似度。
- 默认值为`'all_filters'`,可选值为`'no_filter', 'no_stop_words', 'all_filters'`。
- sim_func -- 指定计算句子相似度的函数。
- """
- self.key_sentences = []
- result = self.seg.segment(text=text, lower=lower)
- self.sentences = result.sentences
- self.words_no_filter = result.words_no_filter
- self.words_no_stop_words = result.words_no_stop_words
- self.words_all_filters = result.words_all_filters
- options = ['no_filter', 'no_stop_words', 'all_filters']
- if source in options:
- _source = result['words_' + source]
- else:
- _source = result['words_no_stop_words']
- self.key_sentences = util.sort_sentences(sentences=self.sentences,
- words=_source,
- sim_func=sim_func,
- pagerank_config=pagerank_config)
- def get_key_sentences(self, num=6, sentence_min_len=6):
- """获取最重要的num个长度大于等于sentence_min_len的句子用来生成摘要。
- Return:
- 多个句子组成的列表。
- """
- result = []
- count = 0
- for item in self.key_sentences:
- if count >= num:
- break
- if len(item['sentence']) >= sentence_min_len:
- result.append(item)
- count += 1
- return result
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- pass
2.1 textrank4zh模块的安装
1)python setup.py install --user
2)sudo python setup.py install
3)pip install textrank4zh --user
4)sudo pip install textrank4zh
jieba >= 0.35; numpy >= 1.7.1;networkx >= 1.9.1
2.2 textrank4zh的使用实例
- #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
- """
- @author:taoshouzheng
- @time:2018/5/18 8:20
- @email:tsz1216@sina.com
- """
- # 导入系统模块
- import sys
- # imp模块提供了一个可以实现import语句的接口
- from imp import reload
- # 异常处理
- try:
- # reload方法用于对已经加载的模块进行重新加载,一般用于原模块有变化的情况
- reload(sys)
- # 设置系统的默认编码方式,仅本次有效,因为setdefaultencoding函数在被系统调用后即被删除
- sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- except:
- pass
- """
- 展示textrank4zh模块的主要功能:
- 提取关键词
- 提取关键短语(关键词组)
- 提取摘要(关键句)
- """
- # 导入编码转换模块
- import codecs
- # 从textrank4zh模块中导入提取关键词和生成摘要的类
- from textrank4zh import TextRank4Keyword, TextRank4Sentence
- # 待读取的文本文件,一则新闻
- file = r'C:\Users\Tao Shouzheng\Desktop\01.txt'
- # 打开并读取文本文件
- text = codecs.open(file, 'r', 'utf-8').read()
- # 创建分词类的实例
- tr4w = TextRank4Keyword()
- # 对文本进行分析,设定窗口大小为2,并将英文单词小写
- tr4w.analyze(text=text, lower=True, window=2)
- """输出"""
- print('关键词为:')
- # 从关键词列表中获取前20个关键词
- for item in tr4w.get_keywords(num=20, word_min_len=1):
- # 打印每个关键词的内容及关键词的权重
- print(item.word, item.weight)
- print('\n')
- print('关键短语为:')
- # 从关键短语列表中获取关键短语
- for phrase in tr4w.get_keyphrases(keywords_num=20, min_occur_num=2):
- print(phrase)
- print('\n')
- # 创建分句类的实例
- tr4s = TextRank4Sentence()
- # 英文单词小写,进行词性过滤并剔除停用词
- tr4s.analyze(text=text, lower=True, source='all_filters')
- print('摘要为:')
- # 抽取3条句子作为摘要
- for item in tr4s.get_key_sentences(num=3):
- # 打印句子的索引、权重和内容
- print(item.index, item.weight, item.sentence)
- <span style="font-family:SimSun;">关键词为:
- 媒体 0.02155864734852778
- 高圆圆 0.020220281898126486
- 微 0.01671909730824073
- 宾客 0.014328439104001788
- 赵又廷 0.014035488254875914
- 答谢 0.013759845912857732
- 谢娜 0.013361244496632448
- 现身 0.012724133346018603
- 记者 0.01227742092899235
- 新人 0.01183128428494362
- 北京 0.011686712993089671
- 博 0.011447168887452668
- 展示 0.010889176260920504
- 捧场 0.010507502237123278
- 礼物 0.010447275379792245
- 张杰 0.009558332870902892
- 当晚 0.009137982757893915
- 戴 0.008915271161035208
- 酒店 0.00883521621207796
- 外套 0.008822082954131174
- 关键短语为:
- 微博
- 摘要为:
- 0 0.07097195571711616 中新网北京12月1日电(记者 张曦) 30日晚,高圆圆和赵又廷在京举行答谢宴,诸多明星现身捧场,其中包括张杰(微博)、谢娜(微博)夫妇、何炅(微博)、蔡康永(微博)、徐克、张凯丽、黄轩(微博)等
- 6 0.05410372364148859 高圆圆身穿粉色外套,看到大批记者在场露出娇羞神色,赵又廷则戴着鸭舌帽,十分淡定,两人快步走进电梯,未接受媒体采访
- 27 0.04904283129838876 记者了解到,出席高圆圆、赵又廷答谢宴的宾客近百人,其中不少都是女方的高中同学</span>
- #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
- """
- @author:taoshouzheng
- @time:2018/5/18 14:52
- @email:tsz1216@sina.com
- """
- import codecs
- from imp import reload
- from textrank4zh import TextRank4Keyword, TextRank4Sentence
- import sys
- try:
- reload(sys)
- sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
- except:
- pass
- """测试3类分词的效果"""
- text = '这间酒店位于北京东三环,里面摆放很多雕塑,文艺气息十足。答谢宴于晚上8点开始。'
- tr4w = TextRank4Keyword()
- tr4w.analyze(text=text, lower=True, window=2)
- # 将文本划分为句子列表
- print('sentences:')
- for s in tr4w.sentences:
- print(s)
- print('\n')
- # 对句子列表中的句子进行分词,不进行词性过滤
- print('words_no_filter:')
- # words为词列表,tr4w.words_no_filter为由词列表组成的列表
- for words in tr4w.words_no_filter:
- print('/'.join(words))
- print('\n')
- # 打印去掉停用词的词列表
- print('words_no_stop_words:')
- for words in tr4w.words_no_stop_words:
- print('/'.join(words))
- print('\n')
- # 打印去掉停用词并进行词性过滤之后的词列表
- print('words_all_filters:')
- for words in tr4w.words_all_filters:
- print('/'.join(words))
- <span style="font-family:SimSun;">sentences:
- 这间酒店位于北京东三环,里面摆放很多雕塑,文艺气息十足
- 答谢宴于晚上8点开始
- words_no_filter:
- 这/间/酒店/位于/北京/东三环/里面/摆放/很多/雕塑/文艺/气息/十足
- 答谢/宴于/晚上/8/点/开始
- words_no_stop_words:
- 间/酒店/位于/北京/东三环/里面/摆放/很多/雕塑/文艺/气息/十足
- 答谢/宴于/晚上/8/点
- words_all_filters:
- 酒店/位于/北京/东三环/摆放/雕塑/文艺/气息
- 答谢/宴于/晚上</span>
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