打开yuv pcm文件
2.1 初始化video,初始化编码器, 分配yuv buf
2.2 初始化audio,初始化音频编码器,分配pcm buf,初始化重采样
mp4初始化 包括新建流,open io, send header
在while循环读取yuv、pcm进行编码然后发送给MP4 muxer,计算时间戳
y u v 帧大小计算
y_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height;
u_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height /4;
v_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height /4;
yuv_frame_size = y_frame_size + u_frame_size + v_frame_size;
y u v 分量采用420类型,4个y分量对应一个u分量和一个v分量
采样点 = 采样率 * 采样时间
pcm_frame_size=单个采样点字节 * 通道数量 * 每个通道采用点
音频帧时间间隔 = 采样点/采样率(采样时间)* 时间基
audio_frame_duration = audio_encoder.GetFrameSize()/pcm_sample_rateaudio_time_base;
采样时间为 1024/44.11000 * 10^6 (s转化为us) = 23,219.9 us
audio_time_base: 110^6 us
视频时间间隔 = 帧率(每秒中画面数量) 时间基
video_frame_duration = =yuv_fps * video_time_base;
命令行参数: in.yuv in.pcm out.mp4
#include <iostream> #include "audioencoder.h" #include "audioresampler.h" #include "videoencoder.h" #include "muxer.h" using namespace std; #define YUV_WIDTH 720 #define YUV_HEIGHT 576 #define YUV_FPS 25 #define VIDEO_BIT_RATE 500*1024 #define PCM_SAMPLE_FORMAT AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 #define PCM_SAMPLE_RATE 44100 #define PCM_CHANNELS 2 #define AUDIO_BIT_RATE 128*1024 #define AUDIO_TIME_BASE 1000000 #define VIDEO_TIME_BASE 1000000 //ffmpeg -i sound_in_sync_test.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p 720x576_yuv420p.yuv //ffmpeg -i sound_in_sync_test.mp4 -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le 44100_2_s16le.pcm // 执行文件 yuv文件 pcm文件 输出mp4文件 int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 4) { printf("usage -> exe in.yuv in.pcm out.mp4"); return -1; } // 1. 打开yuv pcm文件 char *in_yuv_name = argv[1]; char *in_pcm_name = argv[2]; char *out_mp4_name = argv[3]; FILE *in_yuv_fd = NULL; FILE *in_pcm_fd = NULL; //1. 打开测试文件 // 打开YUV文件 in_yuv_fd = fopen(in_yuv_name, "rb"); if( !in_yuv_fd ) { printf("Failed to open %s file\n", in_yuv_name); return -1; } // 打开PCM文件 in_pcm_fd = fopen(in_pcm_name, "rb"); if( !in_pcm_fd ) { printf("Failed to open %s file\n", in_pcm_name); return -1; } int ret = 0; // 2. 初始化编码器,包括视频、音频编码器, 分配yuv、pcm的帧buffer // 2.1 初始化video // 初始化编码器 int yuv_width = YUV_WIDTH; int yuv_height = YUV_HEIGHT; int yuv_fps = YUV_FPS; int video_bit_rate = VIDEO_BIT_RATE; VideoEncoder video_encoder; ret = video_encoder.InitH264(yuv_width, yuv_height, yuv_fps, video_bit_rate); if(ret < 0) { printf("video_encoder.InitH264 failed\n"); return -1; } // 分配yuv buf int y_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height; int u_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height /4; int v_frame_size = yuv_width * yuv_height /4; int yuv_frame_size = y_frame_size + u_frame_size + v_frame_size; uint8_t *yuv_frame_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(yuv_frame_size); if(!yuv_frame_buf) { printf("malloc(yuv_frame_size)\n"); return -1; } // 2.2 初始化audio // 初始化音频编码器 int pcm_channels= PCM_CHANNELS; int pcm_sample_rate = PCM_SAMPLE_RATE; int pcm_sample_format = PCM_SAMPLE_FORMAT; int audio_bit_rate = AUDIO_BIT_RATE; AudioEncoder audio_encoder; ret = audio_encoder.InitAAC(pcm_channels, pcm_sample_rate, audio_bit_rate); if(ret < 0) { printf("audio_encoder.InitAAC failed\n"); return -1; } // 分配pcm buf // pcm_frame_size = 单个采样点占用的字节 * 通道数量 * 每个通道有多少给采用点 int pcm_frame_size = av_get_bytes_per_sample((AVSampleFormat)pcm_sample_format) *pcm_channels * audio_encoder.GetFrameSize(); if(pcm_frame_size <= 0) { printf("pcm_frame_size <= 0\n"); return -1; } uint8_t *pcm_frame_buf = (uint8_t *)malloc(pcm_frame_size); if(!pcm_frame_buf) { printf("malloc(pcm_frame_size)\n"); return -1; } // 初始化重采样 AudioResampler audio_resampler; ret = audio_resampler.InitFromS16ToFLTP(pcm_channels, pcm_sample_rate, audio_encoder.GetChannels(), audio_encoder.GetSampleRate()); if(ret < 0) { printf("audio_resampler.InitFromS16ToFLTP failed\n"); return -1; } // 3. mp4初始化 包括新建流,open io, send header Muxer mp4_muxer; ret = mp4_muxer.Init(out_mp4_name); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.Init failed\n"); return -1; } ret = mp4_muxer.AddStream(video_encoder.GetCodecContext()); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.AddStream video failed\n"); return -1; } ret = mp4_muxer.AddStream(audio_encoder.GetCodecContext()); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.AddStream audio failed\n"); return -1; } ret = mp4_muxer.Open(); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.Open failed\n"); return -1; } ret = mp4_muxer.SendHeader(); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.SendHeader failed\n"); return -1; } // 4. 在while循环读取yuv、pcm进行编码然后发送给MP4 muxer // 4.1 时间戳相关 int64_t audio_time_base = AUDIO_TIME_BASE; int64_t video_time_base = VIDEO_TIME_BASE; double audio_pts = 0; double video_pts = 0; // yuv_fps 每秒画面数,刷新率 double audio_frame_duration = 1.0 * audio_encoder.GetFrameSize()/pcm_sample_rate*audio_time_base; double video_frame_duration = 1.0/yuv_fps * video_time_base; int audio_finish = 0; // 两者都为0的时候才结束while循环 int video_finish = 0; size_t read_len = 0; AVPacket *packet = NULL; int audio_index = mp4_muxer.GetAudioStreamIndex(); int video_index = mp4_muxer.GetVideoStreamIndex(); while (1) { if(audio_finish && video_finish) { break; } printf("apts:%0.0lf vpts:%0.0lf\n", audio_pts/1000, video_pts/1000); if((video_finish != 1 && audio_pts > video_pts) // audio和vidoe都还有数据,优先audio(audio_pts > video_pts) || (video_finish != 1 && audio_finish == 1)) { read_len = fread(yuv_frame_buf, 1, yuv_frame_size, in_yuv_fd); if(read_len < yuv_frame_size) { video_finish = 1; printf("fread yuv_frame_buf finish\n"); } if(video_finish != 1) { packet = video_encoder.Encode(yuv_frame_buf, yuv_frame_size, video_index, video_pts, video_time_base); }else { packet = video_encoder.Encode(NULL, 0, video_index, video_pts, video_time_base); } video_pts += video_frame_duration; // 叠加pts if(packet) { mp4_muxer.SendPacket(packet); } } else if(audio_finish != 1) { read_len = fread(pcm_frame_buf, 1, pcm_frame_size, in_pcm_fd); if(read_len < pcm_frame_size) { audio_finish = 1; printf("fread pcm_frame_buf finish\n"); } if(audio_finish != 1) { AVFrame *fltp_frame = AllocFltpPcmFrame(pcm_channels, audio_encoder.GetFrameSize()); ret = audio_resampler.ResampleFromS16ToFLTP(pcm_frame_buf, fltp_frame); if(ret < 0) printf("ResampleFromS16ToFLTP error\n"); packet = audio_encoder.Encode(fltp_frame, audio_index, audio_pts, audio_time_base); FreePcmFrame(fltp_frame); }else { packet = audio_encoder.Encode(NULL,video_index, audio_pts, audio_time_base); } audio_pts += audio_frame_duration; // 叠加pts if(packet) { mp4_muxer.SendPacket(packet); } } } ret = mp4_muxer.SendTrailer(); if(ret < 0) { printf("mp4_muxer.SendTrailer failed\n"); } printf("write mp4 finish\n"); if(yuv_frame_buf) free(yuv_frame_buf); if(pcm_frame_buf) free(pcm_frame_buf); if(in_yuv_fd) fclose(in_yuv_fd); if(in_pcm_fd) fclose(in_pcm_fd); return 0; }
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