yum -y install squid
[root@agent2 ~]# vim /etc/squid/squid.conf 简化的配置文件 [root@agent2 ~]# vim /usr/share/doc/squid-3.1.23/squid.conf.documented 查看文档 //设置监听端IP和端口号 http_port 3128 //额外提供给squid使用端内存大小 cache_mem 256MB(默认大小) //设置squid磁盘缓存最大文件,超过4M端文件不保存到磁盘 maximum_object_size 4MB //设置squid磁盘缓存最小文件 minimum_object_size 0 KB //设置squid内存缓存最大文件,超过4M不保存到内存 maximum_object_size_in_memory 4096 KB //定义squid端cache存放路径、cache目录容量(单位M)、一级缓存目录数量、二级缓存目录数量 cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256 //log文件日志格式 #logformat combined %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st "%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh //log文件存放路径和日志格式 # access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid //设置缓存日志 cache_log /var/log/suqid/cache.log //log轮转60天 logfile_rotate 60 //cache目录使用量大于95%时,开始清理旧的cache cache_swap_high 95 //cache目录清理到90%时停止 cache_swap_low 90 //定义本地网段 acl localnet src //允许本地网段使用 http_access allow localnet //拒绝所有 http_access deny all //主机名 visible_hostname xxx.xxxx.xxxx //管理员邮箱 cache_mgr 123456@qq.com
# # Recommended minimum configuration: # # Example rule allowing access from your local networks. # Adapt to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing # should be allowed acl localnet src # 过网闸有个地址转换,只能认识网址地址 RFC1918 possible internal network #acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network #acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network #acl localnet src fc00::/7 # RFC 4193 local private network range #acl localnet src fe80::/10 # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) machines #允许的目标ip地址列表 #政府网站的目标地址 #acl d-dst dst acl d-dst dst #允许的域名列表 #政府网的 #acl d-domains dstdomain stat.www.gov.cn #acl d-domains dstdomain user.www.gov.cn acl d-domains dstdomain .gov.cn acl d-domains dstdomain dcs.conac.cn acl d-domains dstdomain certify.alexametrics.com acl d-domains dstdomain www.gov.cn #政务服务网 acl d-domains dstdomain redirect.prod.experiment.routing.cloudfront.aws.a2z.com acl d-domains dstdomain .zmdzwfw.gov.cn acl SSL_ports port 443 acl Safe_ports port 80 # http #acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp acl Safe_ports port 443 # https #acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher #acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais #acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports #acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt #acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http #acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker #acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http acl Safe_ports port 8005 # multiling http acl CONNECT method CONNECT # # Recommended minimum Access Permission configuration: # # Deny requests to certain unsafe ports http_access deny !Safe_ports # Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports # Only allow cachemgr access from localhost #http_access allow localhost manager http_access deny manager # We strongly recommend the following be uncommented to protect innocent # web applications running on the proxy server who think the only # one who can access services on "localhost" is a local user #http_access deny to_localhost # # INSERT YOUR OWN RULE(S) HERE TO ALLOW ACCESS FROM YOUR CLIENTS # # Example rule allowing access from your local networks. # Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks # from where browsing should be allowed #拒绝非配对目标ip地址的访问 http_access allow d-dst #拒绝非配对域名的访问 #临时注释,可以访问所有,安装程序用20220817 http_access deny !d-domains #允许本地网络访问 http_access allow localnet http_access allow localhost # And finally deny all other access to this proxy http_access deny all # Squid normally listens to port 3128 http_port # Uncomment and adjust the following to add a disk cache directory. #cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256 # Leave coredumps in the first cache dir coredump_dir /var/spool/squid # # Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these. # refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
squid access日志默认是以毫秒为单位计的,而想要重新定义时,可以通过以下方式在squid.conf中定义并调用:
vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
logformat combined %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %Hs %<st "%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh %{host}>h
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log combined
注意在logformat格式设置有问题时,通过squid -k parse检查配置文件或利用squid -k reconfigure重载错误的配置文件,都会出现下面的提示(此时,只需要根据官方参数提示,重新设置即可):
systemctl restart squid
external_acl_type flags ‘ipv4’ or ‘ipv6’
tcp_outgoing_address magic ACL’s
CIDR is required - that brand spanking new concept (from 1993).
localhost has two IP addresses.
tcp_outgoing_address ipaddr [[!]aclname] ... 示例; Forwarding clients with dedicated IPs for certain subnets. acl normal_service_net src acl good_service_net src tcp_outgoing_address 2001:db8::c001 good_service_net tcp_outgoing_address good_service_net tcp_outgoing_address 2001:db8::beef normal_service_net tcp_outgoing_address normal_service_net tcp_outgoing_address 2001:db8::1 tcp_outgoing_address
Requests going to IPv4 websites will use the outgoing 10.1.0.* addresses.
Requests going to IPv6 websites will use the outgoing 2001:db8:* addresses.
netstat -tulnp | grep squid
tcp6 0 0 :::3128 :::* LISTEN 12052/(squid-1)
udp 0 0* 12052/(squid-1)
udp6 0 0 :::43207 :::* 12052/(squid-1)
vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
将http_port行的3128改为0.0.0.0:3128后, 重启服务
[root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl start squid [root@rexian-proxy ~]# getenforce Disabled [root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl status firewalld ● firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since 五 2021-12-31 08:16:09 CST; 1min 31s ago Docs: man:firewalld(1) Main PID: 4531 (firewalld) CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service └─4531 /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid 12月 31 08:16:08 rexian-proxy systemd[1]: Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon... 12月 31 08:16:09 rexian-proxy systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon. [root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl stop firewalld [root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl disable firewalld Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service. Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1.service. [root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl start squid [root@rexian-proxy ~]# systemctl stop squid [root@rexian-proxy ~]#
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -s -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -F
ip6tables -t nat -F
ip6tables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -s fd01::/64 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
ip6tables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -s fd01::/64 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to 3128
ip6tables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -A FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -A FORWARD -i enp0s10f0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o enp0s10f0 -j ACCEPT
该命令允许从 enp0s10f0 到 eth0 的所有 IPv6 数据包通过。
src 源地址
dst 目标地址
port 目标地址
dstdomain 目标域
time 访问时间
maxconn 最大并发连接
url_regex 目标URL地址 # 可以定义大的范围比如http://www.baidu.com
urlpath_regex 整个目标URL路径 # 可以定位到每个网站的具体目标的url,比如百度音乐的一首歌的url
1.禁止IP地址为192.168.0.100的客户机上网 acl test src //定义来源IP,test可以自己定义,代表定义端IP http_access deny test //拒绝test后面定义端源IP :上网 可以把要管理的IP写到一个文件里,然后在src后面跟上“文件路径” 2.禁止192.168.1.0这个网段里端所有客户机上网 acl test src 或者 acl test src http_access deny test 3.禁止用户访问IP为210.21.118.68的网站 acl test dst http_access deny test 4.禁止用户访问域名为www.163.com的网站 acl test dstdomain -i www.163.com //-i 忽略大小写 http_access deny test 5.禁止用户访问域名包含有163.com的网站 acl test url_regex -i 163.com //使用正则表达式匹配URL地址 http_access deny test 6.禁止用户访问包含有sex关键字端URL acl test url_regex -i sex http_access deny test 7.禁止用户访问多个网址 acl test dstdom_regex "/etc/squid/baddaturl" //如果网址太多,可以写成一个文件,然后在这个文件里一行一个网站写上要 http_access deny test 8.vip用户没有任何限制 acl vip arp 00:0c:29:79:0C:1A //绑定mac地址 http_access allow vip 9.禁止192.168.2.0这个子网内所有客户机在周一到周五的9点到18点上网 acl test1 src acl test2 time MTWHF 9:00-18:00 /S日/M一/T二/W三/H四/F五/A六/D(周一到周五) http_access deny test1 test2 hwclock --hctosys 还原时间命令 10.禁止用户下载*.mp3,*.exe,*.zip,*.rar带有定义后缀名的文件 acl test urlpath_regex -i \.mp3$ \.exe$ \.zip$ \.rar$ \.txt$ //urlpath_regex 正则表达式匹配URL地址 http_access deny test 注意:设置acl访问控制规则的时候,有先后顺序。第一条规则匹配上就不再继续往下,所以先把拒绝写在前面 11. 允许访问所有目的域名,注释掉本行即可 #拒绝非配对域名的访问 # http_access deny !d-domains
vi /etc/profile
export http_proxy=http://代理服务器ip:代理服务器设置端口
export https_proxy=http://代理服务器ip:代理服务器设置端口
export no_proxy="localhost,, ::1"
// 退出profile文件并保存
source /etc/profile
unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy
unset ftp_proxy
unset no_proxy
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