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计算机毕业设计hadoop+spark+hive知识图谱音乐推荐系统 音乐数据分析可视化大屏 音乐爬虫 LSTM情感分析 大数据毕设 深度学习 机器学习 大数据毕业设计 人工智能_音乐数据分析与可视化毕设



  1. 主要内容: 


第二部分:离线推荐系统:python+机器学习离线推荐(基于物品的协同过滤算法,相似度衡量方法:皮尔逊相似度) ,必要时可以集成算法框架比如tensflow pytroch等,推荐结果通过pymysql写入mysql;

第三部分:在线应用系统: springboot进行在线推荐 vue.js构建推荐页面;


  1. 基本要求:

毕业设计和论文要按照软件工程过程,包括系统分析与设计、系统实现及系统测试的过程来完成,符合软件工程要求。论文应并配有中英文摘要,绪论和结论, 配有英译汉文章,正文达到一万字以上。格式符合沈阳工学院毕业设计(论文)管理规定要求。

  1. 进度安排: 

   第 1-2 周:搜集查阅资料,对项目进行调研,完成开题报告。

            第 3-4 周:进行系统需求分析、功能设计、开发环境准备和论文部分初稿内容撰写。 

第 5 周:进行数据库设计、界面设计以及论文初稿内容的撰写。

            第 6-11 周:进行系统管理员模块、教师模块以及学生模块的代码编写和论文初稿内容的撰写。

第 12-13 周:进行系统测试,撰写此部分论文初稿。

第 14-15 周:修改与完善论文,参加答辩。


  1. from flask import Flask, request
  2. import json
  3. from flask_mysqldb import MySQL
  4. # 创建应用对象
  5. app = Flask(__name__)
  6. app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'bigdata'
  7. app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'
  8. app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = '123456'
  9. app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'lvyou'
  10. mysql = MySQL(app) # this is the instantiation
  11. @app.route('/renshu')
  12. def price_datas():
  13. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  14. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM renshu''')
  15. row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  16. rv = cur.fetchall()
  17. json_data = []
  18. print(json_data)
  19. for result in rv:
  20. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  21. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  22. @app.route('/riqi')
  23. def price_data():
  24. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  25. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM riqi''')
  26. row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  27. rv = cur.fetchall()
  28. json_data = []
  29. print(json_data)
  30. for result in rv:
  31. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  32. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  33. @app.route('/shengfengeshu')
  34. def mileage_data():
  35. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  36. cur.execute('''select * from shengfengeshu''')
  37. row_headers = [x[1] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  38. rv = cur.fetchall()
  39. json_data = []
  40. print(json_data)
  41. for result in rv:
  42. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  43. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  44. @app.route('/tianshu')
  45. def spjine_data():
  46. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  47. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM tianshu''')
  48. row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  49. rv = cur.fetchall()
  50. json_data = []
  51. print(json_data)
  52. for result in rv:
  53. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  54. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  55. @app.route('/wanfa10')
  56. def wg_data():
  57. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  58. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM wanfa10''')
  59. row_headers = [x[0] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  60. rv = cur.fetchall()
  61. json_data = []
  62. print(json_data)
  63. for result in rv:
  64. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  65. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  66. @app.route('/zuozhe5')
  67. def plzd_data():
  68. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  69. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM zuozhe5''')
  70. row_headers = [x[1] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  71. rv = cur.fetchall()
  72. json_data = []
  73. print(json_data)
  74. for result in rv:
  75. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  76. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  77. @app.route("/shengfengeshu")
  78. def shengfengeshu():
  79. # file_path = "d:\\hadoop_spark_tour2024\\page\\riqi.json"
  80. # with open(file_path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
  81. # data = json.load(f)
  82. # return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
  83. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  84. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM shengfengeshu''')
  85. #row_headers = [x[1] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  86. row_headers = ['shengfen','geshu'] # this will extract row headers
  87. rv = cur.fetchall()
  88. json_data = []
  89. print(json_data)
  90. for result in rv:
  91. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  92. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  93. @app.route("/getmapcountryshowdata")
  94. def getmapcountryshowdata():
  95. filepath = r"d:\\hadoop_spark_tour2024\\page\\data\\maps\\china.json"
  96. with open(filepath, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
  97. data = json.load(f)
  98. return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
  99. @app.route("/nbdata")
  100. def nb_data7():
  101. # file_path = "d:\\hadoop_spark_tour2024\\page\\riqi.json"
  102. # with open(file_path, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
  103. # data = json.load(f)
  104. # return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
  105. cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
  106. cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM riqi''')
  107. #row_headers = [x[1] for x in cur.description] # this will extract row headers
  108. row_headers = ['yue','geshu'] # this will extract row headers
  109. rv = cur.fetchall()
  110. json_data = []
  111. print(json_data)
  112. for result in rv:
  113. json_data.append(dict(zip(row_headers, result)))
  114. return json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False)
  115. if __name__ == "__main__":
  116. app.run(debug=True)

