3.头插quicklistPushHead 和尾插quicklistPushTail
在 Redis 的早期设计中,如果列表类型的对象中元素的长度较小或数量比较少的,就采用压缩列表来存储,反之则使用双向链表。
压缩列表存储在一段连续的内存上,所以存储效率高。但是,它每次变更的时间复杂度都比较高,插入和删除操作需要频繁的申请和释放内存,如果压缩列表长度很长,一次 realloc
Redis 在 3.2 版本之后引入了快速列表,列表类型的对象其底层都是由快速列表实现。快速列表是双向链表和压缩列表的混合体,它将双向链表按段切分,每一段都使用压缩列表来紧凑存储,多个压缩列表之间使用双向指针关联起来。
- typedef struct quicklistNode {
- struct quicklistNode *prev;
- struct quicklistNode *next;
- unsigned char *zl; //指向ziplist
- unsigned int sz; /* ziplist size in bytes */
- unsigned int count : 16; /* count of items in ziplist */
- unsigned int encoding : 2; /* RAW==1 or LZF==2 */
- unsigned int container : 2; /* NONE==1 or ZIPLIST==2 */
- unsigned int recompress : 1; /* was this node previous compressed? */
- unsigned int attempted_compress : 1; /* node can't compress; too small */
- unsigned int extra : 10; /* more bits to steal for future usage */
- } quicklistNode;
:当我们使用类似 lindex
这样的命令查看了某一项本来压缩的数据时,需要把数据暂时解压,这时就设置 recompress=1
- #if UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffffffff
- /* 32-bit */
- # define QL_FILL_BITS 14
- # define QL_COMP_BITS 14
- # define QL_BM_BITS 4
- #elif UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffffffffffffffff
- /* 64-bit */
- # define QL_FILL_BITS 16
- # define QL_COMP_BITS 16
- # define QL_BM_BITS 4 /* we can encode more, but we rather limit the user
- since they cause performance degradation. */
- #else
- # error unknown arch bits count
- #endif
- //上面的表示:QL_FILL_BITS值在32位机器上是14,64位机器上是16
- typedef struct quicklist {
- quicklistNode *head; //头节点
- quicklistNode *tail; //尾结点
- unsigned long count; /* total count of all entries in all ziplists */
- unsigned long len; /* number of quicklistNodes */
- int fill : QL_FILL_BITS; /* fill factor for individual nodes */
- unsigned int compress : QL_COMP_BITS; /* depth of end nodes not to compress;0=off */
- unsigned int bookmark_count: QL_BM_BITS;
- quicklistBookmark bookmarks[];
- } quicklist;
- //当指定使用lzf压缩算法压缩ziplist的entry节点时,quicklistNode结构的zl成员指向quicklistLZF结构
- typedef struct quicklistLZF {
- //表示被LZF算法压缩后的ziplist的大小
- unsigned int sz; /* LZF size in bytes*/
- //保存压缩后的ziplist的数组,柔性数组
- char compressed[];
- } quicklistLZF;
- /* quicklist node encodings */
- /* quicklist compression disable */
- /* quicklist container formats */
- #define quicklistNodeIsCompressed(node) \
- ((node)->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF)
参数的值,用于设置压缩深度。快速列表默认的压缩深度为 0,即不压缩。为了支持快速的 push/pop 操作,快速列表的首尾两个节点不压缩,此时压缩深度就是1。若压缩深度为2,表示快速列表的首尾第一个及第二个节点都不压缩。bookmark_count
:占 4 bit,bookmarks
数组的长度。 bookmarks
- //管理quicklist中quicklistNode节点中ziplist信息的结构
- typedef struct quicklistEntry {
- const quicklist *quicklist; //指向所属的quicklist的指针
- quicklistNode *node; //指向所属的quicklistNode节点的指针
- unsigned char *zi; //指向当前ziplist结构的指针
- unsigned char *value; //查找到的元素如果是字符串,则存在value字段
- long long longval; //查找到的元素如果是整数,则存在longval字段
- unsigned int sz; //保存当前元素的长度
- int offset; //保存查找到的元素距离压缩列表头部/尾部隔了多少个节点
- } quicklistEntry;
- //quicklist的迭代器结构
- typedef struct quicklistIter {
- const quicklist *quicklist; //指向所属的quicklist的指针
- quicklistNode *current; //指向当前迭代的quicklist节点的指针
- unsigned char *zi; //指向当前quicklist节点中迭代的ziplist
- long offset; //当前ziplist结构中的偏移量
- int direction; //迭代方向
- } quicklistIter;
- /* Create a new quicklist.
- * Free with quicklistRelease(). */
- //创建快速列表,并对各个字段进行初始化
- quicklist *quicklistCreate(void) {
- struct quicklist *quicklist;
- quicklist = zmalloc(sizeof(*quicklist));
- quicklist->head = quicklist->tail = NULL;
- quicklist->len = 0;
- quicklist->count = 0;
- quicklist->compress = 0;
- quicklist->fill = -2;
- quicklist->bookmark_count = 0;
- return quicklist;
- }
- //设置压缩深度
- #define COMPRESS_MAX ((1 << QL_COMP_BITS)-1)
- void quicklistSetCompressDepth(quicklist *quicklist, int compress) {
- if (compress > COMPRESS_MAX) {
- compress = COMPRESS_MAX;
- } else if (compress < 0) {
- compress = 0;
- }
- quicklist->compress = compress;
- }
- //设置压缩列表的大小(成员fill),即是每个压缩列表的总entry的总长度大小
- #define FILL_MAX ((1 << (QL_FILL_BITS-1))-1)
- void quicklistSetFill(quicklist *quicklist, int fill) {
- if (fill > FILL_MAX) {
- fill = FILL_MAX;
- } else if (fill < -5) {
- fill = -5;
- }
- quicklist->fill = fill;
- }
- //设置快速列表的参数
- void quicklistSetOptions(quicklist *quicklist, int fill, int depth) {
- quicklistSetFill(quicklist, fill);
- quicklistSetCompressDepth(quicklist, depth);
- }
- //通过一些默认参数创建快速列表,就是调用了前面这些封装好的函数
- quicklist *quicklistNew(int fill, int compress) {
- quicklist *quicklist = quicklistCreate();
- quicklistSetOptions(quicklist, fill, compress);
- return quicklist;
- }
- REDIS_STATIC quicklistNode *quicklistCreateNode(void) {
- quicklistNode *node;
- node = zmalloc(sizeof(*node));
- node->zl = NULL;
- node->count = 0;
- node->sz = 0;
- node->next = node->prev = NULL;
- node->encoding = QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_RAW; //默认不压缩
- node->container = QUICKLIST_NODE_CONTAINER_ZIPLIST; //默认使用压缩列表结构来存数据
- node->recompress = 0;
- return node;
- }
- /* 头部插入
- * 如果在已存在节点插入,返回0
- * 如果是在新的头结点插入,返回1 */
- int quicklistPushHead(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
- quicklistNode *orig_head = quicklist->head;
- //判断头节点的空间是否足够容纳要添加的元素
- if (likely(
- _quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->head, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
- quicklist->head->zl =
- ziplistPush(quicklist->head->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); // 在头结点对应的ziplist中插入
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(quicklist->head);
- } else { // 否则新建一个头结点,然后插入数据
- quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
- node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node);
- //新增元素添加进这个新的快速列表节点里
- _quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist, quicklist->head, node);
- }
- quicklist->count++;
- quicklist->head->count++;
- return (orig_head != quicklist->head);
- }
- /* 尾部插入。
- * 如果在已存在节点插入,返回0
- * 如果是在新的头结点插入,返回1 */
- int quicklistPushTail(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
- quicklistNode *orig_tail = quicklist->tail;
- if (likely(
- _quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->tail, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
- quicklist->tail->zl =
- ziplistPush(quicklist->tail->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(quicklist->tail);
- } else {
- quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
- node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node);
- _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node);
- }
- quicklist->count++;
- quicklist->tail->count++;
- return (orig_tail != quicklist->tail);
- }
其中使用到函数_quicklistInsertNodeBefore 和 _quicklistInsertNodeBefore,这两个就是在指定位置插入元素。
- void quicklistInsertBefore(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
- void *value, const size_t sz) {
- _quicklistInsert(quicklist, entry, value, sz, 0);
- }
- void quicklistInsertAfter(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
- void *value, const size_t sz) {
- _quicklistInsert(quicklist, entry, value, sz, 1);
- }
- /* 在一个已经存在的entry前面或者后面插入一个新的entry
- * 如果after==1表示插入到后面,否则是插入到前面 */
- REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistInsert(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
- void *value, const size_t sz, int after) {
- int full = 0, at_tail = 0, at_head = 0, full_next = 0, full_prev = 0;
- int fill = quicklist->fill;
- //1. 获取插入位置的quicklist的节点,通过entry的node字段
- quicklistNode *node = entry->node;
- quicklistNode *new_node = NULL;
- assert(sz < UINT32_MAX); /* TODO: add support for quicklist nodes that are sds encoded (not zipped) */
- //2. 该节点不存在,也只有当快速列表的头或尾节点存在才会进入这个if条件
- if (!node) {
- /* we have no reference node, so let's create only node in the list */
- D("No node given!");
- new_node = quicklistCreateNode();
- //将添加的元素插入快速列表节点对应的压缩列表的节点头部
- new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
- __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, NULL, new_node, after);
- new_node->count++;
- quicklist->count++;
- return;
- }
- //3. 判断node节点对应的压缩列表是否能够容纳得下要添加的元素,即node节点是否已满
- if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node, fill, sz)) {
- D("Current node is full with count %d with requested fill %lu",
- node->count, fill);
- //表示当前节点的数量已满
- full = 1;
- }
- //4. 判断是否需要是在尾部添加
- if (after && (entry->offset == node->count)) {
- //表示在尾部添加
- at_tail = 1;
- if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->next, fill, sz)) {
- D("Next node is full too.");
- //表示下一quicklistNode的ziplist的entry已满了
- full_next = 1;
- }
- }
- //5.判断是否在头部添加
- if (!after && (entry->offset == 0)) {
- D("At Head");
- at_head = 1;
- if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->prev, fill, sz)) {
- D("Prev node is full too.");
- //表示前一节点已满
- full_prev = 1;
- }
- }
- //未完待续..........,后面再讲解
- }
- REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistInsert(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
- void *value, const size_t sz, int after) {
- //..........................................
- /* Now determine where and how to insert the new element */
- if (!full && after) {
- //6. 当前节点的zipList不满,并且是在当前位置的后面插入
- D("Not full, inserting after current position.");
- quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(node); //当前节点解压缩
- //entry->zi是ziplist的一个entry,返回entry->zi的下一个ziplist的entry
- unsigned char *next = ziplistNext(node->zl, entry->zi);
- if (next == NULL) {
- node->zl = ziplistPush(node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
- } else {
- node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, next, value, sz);
- }
- node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node);
- //添加完元素后再根据node->recompress判断是否对压缩列表进行压缩
- quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);
- } else if (!full && !after) {
- //7. 当前节点的ziplist不满,在当前entry的前面插入
- D("Not full, inserting before current position.");
- quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(node);
- node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, entry->zi, value, sz);
- node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node);
- quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);
- } else if (full && at_tail && node->next && !full_next && after) {
- /* If we are: at tail, next has free space, and inserting after:
- * - insert entry at head of next node. */
- //8.
- D("Full and tail, but next isn't full; inserting next node head");
- new_node = node->next;
- quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(new_node);
- new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
- new_node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node);
- quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, new_node);
- } else if (full && at_head && node->prev && !full_prev && !after) {
- /* If we are: at head, previous has free space, and inserting before:
- * - insert entry at tail of previous node. */
- //9.
- D("Full and head, but prev isn't full, inserting prev node tail");
- new_node = node->prev;
- quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(new_node);
- new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
- new_node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node);
- quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, new_node);
- } else if (full && ((at_tail && node->next && full_next && after) ||
- (at_head && node->prev && full_prev && !after))) {
- /* If we are: full, and our prev/next is full, then:
- * - create new node and attach to quicklist */
- //10.
- D("\tprovisioning new node...");
- new_node = quicklistCreateNode();
- new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
- new_node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node);
- __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after);
- } else if (full) {
- /* else, node is full we need to split it. */
- /* covers both after and !after cases */
- D("\tsplitting node...");
- //11
- quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(node);
- new_node = _quicklistSplitNode(node, entry->offset, after);
- new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz,
- new_node->count++;
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node);
- __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after);
- _quicklistMergeNodes(quicklist, node);
- }
- quicklist->count++;
- }
快速列表删除元素有两个函数 quicklistDelEntry
和 quicklistDelRange
- /* Delete one element represented by 'entry'*/
- void quicklistDelEntry(quicklistIter *iter, quicklistEntry *entry) {
- quicklistNode *prev = entry->node->prev;
- quicklistNode *next = entry->node->next;
- //删除元素,返回值 deleted_node 表示当前节点是否要删除。1表示该节点已删除
- int deleted_node = quicklistDelIndex((quicklist *)entry->quicklist,
- entry->node, &entry->zi);
- /* after delete, the zi is now invalid for any future usage. */
- iter->zi = NULL;
- /* If current node is deleted, we must update iterator node and offset. */
- if (deleted_node) {
- if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) {
- iter->current = next;
- iter->offset = 0;
- } else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) {
- iter->current = prev;
- iter->offset = -1;
- }
- }
- }
- REDIS_STATIC int quicklistDelIndex(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *node,
- unsigned char **p) {
- int gone = 0;
- //删除 node 节点对应的压缩列表 p 位置的entry,返回新的zipList
- node->zl = ziplistDelete(node->zl, p);
- node->count--;
- if (node->count == 0) {
- gone = 1;
- __quicklistDelNode(quicklist, node);//当前节点的ziplist的entry个数为0,就删除该节点
- } else {
- quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); //更新该节点的ziplist的总长度大小
- }
- quicklist->count--;
- /* If we deleted the node, the original node is no longer valid */
- return gone ? 1 : 0;
- }
- quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
- quicklistEntry entry;
- int i = 0;
- while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { //获取迭代器中的下一个元素
- //比较当前的压缩列表节点存储的元素与所要查找的是否相同
- if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"bar", 3)) {
- //进行一些操作...........
- }
- i++;
- }
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