本博客主要记录C++ Primer(第五版)中的练习题答案与解析。
参考:C++ Primer
定义一个tuple,保存一个string、一个vector<string>和一个pair<string, int>
#include <tuple>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main()
auto three_ints = std::make_tuple(10, 20, 30);
using SomeTuple = std::tuple < std::string, std::vector<std::string>, std::pair<std::string, int> > ;
SomeTuple some_tuple;
return 0;
搬运:C++ Primer
#ifndef SALES_DATA_H #define SALES_DATA_H #include <string> #include <iostream> class Sales_data { // friends friend Sales_data operator+(const Sales_data& lhs, const Sales_data& rhs); friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Sales_data& s); friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Sales_data& s); friend Sales_data add(const Sales_data&, const Sales_data&); friend std::ostream &print(std::ostream&, const Sales_data&); friend std::istream &read(std::istream&, Sales_data&); public: // constructors Sales_data() = default; Sales_data(const std::string &s): bookNo(s) { } Sales_data(const std::string &s, unsigned n, double p): bookNo(s), units_sold(n), revenue(p*n) { } Sales_data(const Sales_data &s ): bookNo(s.bookNo), units_sold(s.units_sold), revenue(s.revenue) { } Sales_data(Sales_data&& s): bookNo(s.bookNo), units_sold(s.units_sold), revenue(s.revenue) { } ~Sales_data(){ } Sales_data(std::istream &); std::string isbn() const { return bookNo; } Sales_data& combine(const Sales_data&); // assignments Sales_data& operator =(const Sales_data& rhs); Sales_data& operator =(const std::string& rhs); Sales_data& operator +=(const Sales_data& rhs); // conversion explicit operator std::string () const { return bookNo; } explicit operator double () const { return revenue; } double avg_price() const; private: std::string bookNo; unsigned units_sold = 0; double revenue = 0.0; }; // overloaded operators added 10.Jan.2014 for ex14.2 inline Sales_data operator+(const Sales_data& lhs, const Sales_data& rhs) { Sales_data sum = lhs; sum += rhs; return sum; } std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Sales_data& item); std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Sales_data& s); // nonmember Sales_data interface functions Sales_data add(const Sales_data&, const Sales_data&); std::ostream &print(std::ostream&, const Sales_data&); std::istream &read(std::istream&, Sales_data&); // used in future chapters inline bool compareIsbn(const Sales_data &lhs, const Sales_data &rhs) { return lhs.isbn() < rhs.isbn(); } #endif
#include <iostream> using std::istream; using std::ostream; #include "SalesData.h" Sales_data::Sales_data(std::istream &is) { // read will read a transaction from is into this object read(is, *this); } double Sales_data::avg_price() const { if (units_sold) return revenue/units_sold; else return 0; } // add the value of the given Sales_data into this object Sales_data& Sales_data::combine(const Sales_data &rhs) { units_sold += rhs.units_sold; // add the members of rhs into revenue += rhs.revenue; // the members of ``this'' object return *this; // return the object on which the function was called } // = Sales_data Sales_data &Sales_data::operator =(const Sales_data &rhs) { this->bookNo = rhs.bookNo; this->revenue = rhs.revenue; this->units_sold = rhs.units_sold; return *this; } // =string Sales_data &Sales_data::operator =(const std::string &rhs) { *this= Sales_data(rhs); return *this; } // += Sales_data &Sales_data::operator +=(const Sales_data &rhs) { this->revenue += rhs.revenue; this->units_sold += rhs.units_sold; return *this; } Sales_data add(const Sales_data &lhs, const Sales_data &rhs) { Sales_data sum = lhs; // copy data members from lhs into sum sum.combine(rhs); // add data members from rhs into sum return sum; } // transactions contain ISBN, number of copies sold, and sales price istream& read(istream &is, Sales_data &item) { double price = 0; is >> item.bookNo >> item.units_sold >> price; item.revenue = price * item.units_sold; return is; } ostream& print(ostream &os, const Sales_data &item) { os << item.isbn() << " " << item.units_sold << " " << item.revenue << " " << item.avg_price(); return os; } // added 10.Jan 2014 std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Sales_data &item) { os << item.isbn() << " " << item.units_sold << " " << item.revenue << " " << item.avg_price(); return os; } // added 12.Jan 2014 std::istream& operator >>(std::istream &is, Sales_data &s) { double price; // read input is >> s.bookNo >> s.units_sold >> price; // if successful, write into the object, give the object default state otherwise. if(is) s.revenue = s.units_sold * price; else s = Sales_data(); return is; }
#include <iostream> #include <tuple> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <numeric> #include "SalesData.h" // for ex17.4 // maches has 3 members: // an index of a store and iterators into that store's vector typedef std::tuple<std::vector<Sales_data>::size_type, std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator, std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator> matches; // for ex17.5 // return a pair that holds an index and a pair of iterators. typedef std::pair<std::vector<Sales_data>::size_type, std::pair<std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator, std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator>> matches_pair; // for ex17.6 // return a struct that holds an index of a store and iterators into that store's vector struct matches_struct { std::vector<Sales_data>::size_type st; std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator first; std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator last; matches_struct(std::vector<Sales_data>::size_type s, std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator f, std::vector<Sales_data>::const_iterator l) : st(s), first(f), last(l) { } } ; // for ex17.4 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book. std::vector<matches> findBook(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data>>& files, const std::string& book); // print the result using the given iostream void reportResults(std::istream& in, std::ostream os, const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data>>& files); // for ex17.5 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book. std::vector<matches_pair> findBook_pair(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data> > &files, const std::string &book); // for ex17.6 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book. std::vector<matches_struct> findBook_struct(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data> > &files, const std::string &book); int main() { return 0; } // for ex17.4 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book. std::vector<matches> findBook(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data>>& files, const std::string& book) { std::vector<matches> ret; // for each strore find the range of matching books, if any for (auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { // find the range of Sales_data tat have the same ISBN auto found = std::equal_range(it->cbegin(), it->cend(), book, compareIsbn); if(found.first != found.second) ret.push_back(std::make_tuple(it - files.cbegin(), found.first, found.second)); } return ret; } // for ex17.4 // print the result using the given iostream void reportResults(std::istream& in, std::ostream os, const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data>>& files) { std::string s; while(in >> s) { auto trans = findBook(files, s); if(trans.empty()){ std::cout << s << "not found in any stores" << std::endl; continue; } for(const auto& store :trans) os << "store " << std::get<0>(store) << " sales: " << std::accumulate(std::get<1>(store), std::get<2>(store), Sales_data(s)) << std::endl; } } // for ex17.5 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book std::vector<matches_pair> findBook_pair(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data> > &files, const std::string &book) { std::vector<matches_pair> ret; for(auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { auto found = std::equal_range(it->cbegin(), it->cend(), book, compareIsbn); if(found.first != found.second) ret.push_back(std::make_pair(it - files.cbegin(), std::make_pair(found.first, found.second))); } return ret; } // for ex17.6 // return a vector with an entry for each store that sold the given book. std::vector<matches_struct> findBook_struct(const std::vector<std::vector<Sales_data> > &files, const std::string &book) { std::vector<matches_struct> ret; for(auto it = files.cbegin(); it != files.cend(); ++it) { auto found = std::equal_range(it->cbegin(), it->cend(), book, compareIsbn); if(found.first != found.second) ret.push_back(matches_struct(it - files.cbegin(), found.first, found.second)); } return ret; }
(a)(a) bitset<64> bitvec(32);
// ^
(b)bitset<32> bv(1010101);
(c)string bstr; cin >> bstr; bitset<8>bv(bstr);
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 };
std::bitset<32> bset;
for (auto i : v) bset.set(i);
std::bitset<32> bset2;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != 32; ++i)
bset2[i] = bset[i];
std::cout <<bset <<std::endl;
std::cout <<bset2<<std::endl;
#ifndef QUIZ #define QUIZ #include <iostream> #include <bitset> #include <utility> #include <string> #include <iostream> //class Quiz template<std::size_t N> class Quiz { public: //constructors Quiz() = default; Quiz(std::string& s) :bitquiz(s){ } //generate grade template<std::size_t M> friend std::size_t grade(Quiz<M> const&, Quiz<M> const&); //print template<std::size_t M> friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, Quiz<M> const&); //update bitset void update(std::pair<std::size_t, bool>); private: std::bitset<N> bitquiz; }; #endif template<std::size_t N> void Quiz<N>::update(std::pair<std::size_t, bool> pair) { bitquiz.set(pair.first, pair.second); } template<std::size_t M> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Quiz<M> const& quiz) { os << quiz.bitquiz; return os; } template<std::size_t M> std::size_t grade(Quiz<M> const& corAns, Quiz<M> const& stuAns) { auto result = stuAns.bitquiz ^ corAns.bitquiz; result.flip(); return result.count(); } int main() { std::cout << "练习题17.11" << std::endl; std::string s = "1010101"; Quiz<10> quiz(s); std::cout << quiz << std::endl; std::cout << "练习题17.12" << std::endl; quiz.update(std::make_pair(1, true)); std::cout << quiz << std::endl; std::cout << "练习题17.13" << std::endl; std::string answer = "10011"; std::string stu_answer = "11001"; Quiz<5> ans(answer), stu_ans(stu_answer); std::cout << grade(ans, stu_ans) << std::endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include <string> using std::string; #include <regex> using std::regex; using std::regex_error; int main() { // for ex17.14 // error_brack std::cout<<"练习题17.14:"<<std::endl; try{ regex r("[[:alnum:]+\\.(cpp|cxx|cc)$", regex::icase); } catch(regex_error e) { cout << e.what() << " code: " << e.code() << endl; } // for ex17.15 std::cout<<"练习题17.15:"<<std::endl; regex r("[[:alpha:]]*[^c]ei[[:alpha:]]*", regex::icase); string s; cout << "Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit!" << endl; while(cin >> s && s != "q") { if(std::regex_match(s, r)) cout << "Input word " << s << " is okay!" << endl; else cout << "Input word " << s << " is not okay!" <<endl; cout << "Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit!" << endl; } cout << endl; // for ex17.16 std::cout<<"练习题17.16:"<<std::endl; r.assign("[^c]ei", regex::icase); cout << "Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit!" << endl; while(cin >> s && s != "q") { if(std::regex_match(s, r)) cout << "Input word " << s << " is okay!" << endl; else cout << "Input word " << s << " is not okay!" <<endl; cout << "Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit!" << endl; } return 0; }
练习题17.14: regex_error code: 4 练习题17.15: Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! input Input word input is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! eixt Input word eixt is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! cied Input word cied is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! ie Input word ie is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! ei Input word ei is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! q 练习题17.16: Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! exit Input word exit is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! ei Input word ei is not okay! Please input a word! Input 'q' to quit! q
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include <string> using std::string; #include <regex> using std::regex; using std::sregex_iterator; int main() { string s; cout << "Please input a sequence of words:" << endl; getline(cin, s); cout << endl; cout << "Word(s) that violiate the \"ei\" grammar rule:" << endl; string pattern("[^c]ei"); pattern = "[[:alpha:]]*" + pattern + "[[:alpha:]]*"; regex r(pattern, regex::icase); for (sregex_iterator it(s.begin(), s.end(), r), end_it; it != end_it; ++it) cout << it->str() << endl; return 0; }
Please input a sequence of words:
Word(s) that violiate the "ei" grammar rule:
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include <string> using std::string; #include <regex> using std::regex; using std::sregex_iterator; using std::smatch; bool valid(const smatch& m); int main() { string phone = "(\\()?(\\d{ 3 })(\\))?([-. ])?(\\d{ 3 })([-. ]?)(\\d{ 4 })"; regex r(phone); smatch m; string s; bool valid_record; // read each record from the input file while (getline(cin, s)) { valid_record = false; // for each matching phone number for (sregex_iterator it(s.begin(), s.end(), r), end_it; it != end_it; ++it) { valid_record = true; // check whether the number's formatting is valid if (valid(*it)) cout << "valid phone number: " << it->str() << endl; else cout << "invalid phone number: " << it->str() << endl; } if (!valid_record) cout << "invalid record!" << endl; } return 0; } bool valid(const smatch& m)`在这里插入代码片` { // if there is an open parenthesis before the area code if (m[1].matched) // the area code must be followed by a close parenthesis // and followed immediately by the rest of the number or a space return m[3].matched && (m[4].matched == 0 || m[4].str() == " "); else // then there can't be a close after the area code // the delimiters between the other two components must match return !m[3].matched && m[4].str() == m[6].str(); }
#include <iostream> using std::cerr; using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; using std::istream; using std::ostream; #include <fstream> using std::ifstream; using std::ofstream; #include <sstream> using std::istringstream; using std::ostringstream; #include <string> using std::string; #include <vector> using std::vector; #include <regex> using std::regex; using std::sregex_iterator; using std::smatch; struct PersonInfo { string name; vector<string> phones; }; bool valid(const smatch& m); bool read_record(istream& is, vector<PersonInfo>& people); void format_record(ostream& os, const vector<PersonInfo>& people); // fake function that makes the program compile string format(const string &num) { return num; } int main() { vector<PersonInfo> people; string filename; cout << "Please input a record file name: "; cin >> filename; cout << endl; ifstream fin(filename); if (read_record(fin, people)) { ofstream fout("data\\result.txt", ofstream::trunc); format_record(fout, people); } else { cout << "Fail to open file " << filename << endl; } return 0; } bool valid(const smatch& m) { // if there is an open parenthesis before the area code if (m[1].matched) // the area code must be followed by a close parenthesis // and followed immediately by the rest of the number or a space return m[3].matched && (m[4].matched == 0 || m[4].str() == " "); else // then there can't be a close after the area code // the delimiters between the other two components must match return !m[3].matched && m[4].str() == m[6].str(); } bool read_record(istream& is, vector<PersonInfo>& people) { if (is) { string line, word; // will hold a line and word from input, respectively // read the input a line at a time until cin hits end-of-file (or another error) while (getline(is, line)) { PersonInfo info; // create an object to hold this record's data istringstream record(line); // bind record to the line we just read record >> info.name; // read the name while (record >> word) // read the phone numbers info.phones.push_back(word); // and store them people.push_back(info); // append this record to people } return true; } else return false; } void format_record(ostream& os, const vector<PersonInfo>& people) { string phone = "(\\()?(\\d{ 3 })(\\))?([-. ])?(\\d{ 3 })([-. ]?)(\\d{ 4 })"; regex r(phone); smatch m; for (const auto &entry : people) { // for each entry in people ostringstream formatted, badNums; // objects created on each loop for (const auto &nums : entry.phones) { for (sregex_iterator it(nums.begin(), nums.end(), r), end_it; it != end_it; ++it) { // for each number // check whether the number's formatting is valid if (!valid(*it)) // string in badNums badNums << " " << nums; else // "writes" to formatted's string formatted << " " << format(nums); } } if (badNums.str().empty()) // there were no bad numbers os << entry.name << " " // print the name << formatted.str() << endl; // and reformatted numbers else // otherwise, print the name and bad numbers cerr << "input error: " << entry.name << " invalid number(s) " << badNums.str() << endl; } }
#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; #include<string> using std::string; #include <regex> using std::regex; using std::sregex_iterator; using std::smatch; bool valid(const smatch& m); int main() { string zipcode = "(\\d{5})([-])?(\\d{4})?\\b"; regex r(zipcode); smatch m; string s; while (getline(cin, s)) { //! for each matching zipcode number for (sregex_iterator it(s.begin(), s.end(), r), end_it; it != end_it; ++it) { //! check whether the number's formatting is valid if (valid(*it)) cout << "valid zipcode number: " << it->str() << endl; else cout << "invalid zipcode number: " << s << endl; } } return 0; } bool valid(const smatch& m) { if ((m[2].matched)&&(!m[3].matched)) return false; else return true; }
valid zipcode number: 55555-5555
#include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <string> using namespace std; string pattern = "(\\()?(\\d{3})(\\))?([-. ])?(\\d{3})([-. ])?(\\d{4})"; string format = "$2.$5.$7"; regex r(pattern); string s; int main() { while(getline(cin,s)) { cout<<regex_replace(s,r,format)<<endl; } return 0; }
drew (973)555.0130
drew 973.555.0130
morgan (201) 555-2368 862-555-0123
morgan 201.555.2368 862.555.0123
lee (609) 555-0132 2015550175 800.555-0000
lee 609.555.0132 201.555.0175 800.555.0000
#include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <string> using namespace std; string pattern = "(\\()?(\\d{3})(\\))?([-. ])?(\\d{3})([-. ])?(\\d{4})"; string fmt = "$2.$5.$7"; regex r(pattern); string s; int main() { while(getline(cin,s)) { smatch result; regex_search(s,result,r); if(!result.empty()) { cout<<result.prefix()<<result.format(fmt)<<endl; } else { cout<<"Sorry, No match."<<endl; } } return 0; }
morgan (201) 555-2368 862-555-0123
morgan 201.555.2368
#include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <string> using namespace std; string pattern = "(\\d{5})([.- ])?(\\d{4})"; string fmt = "$1-$3"; regex r(pattern); string s; int main() { while(getline(cin,s)) { smatch result; regex_search(s,result, r); if(!result.empty()) { cout<<result.format(fmt)<<endl; } else { cout<<"Sorry, No match."<<endl; } } return 0; }
编写函数,每次调用生成并返回一个均匀分布的随机unsigned int。
#include <iostream> #include <random> #include<string> // default version unsigned random_gen(); // with seed spicified unsigned random_gen(unsigned seed); // with seed and range spicified unsigned random_gen(unsigned seed, unsigned min, unsigned max); int main() { std::string temp; while(std::cin >> temp) std::cout << std::hex << random_gen(19, 1, 10) << std::endl; return 0; } unsigned random_gen() { static std::default_random_engine e; static std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> ud; return ud(e); } unsigned random_gen(unsigned seed) { static std::default_random_engine e(seed); static std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> ud; return ud(e); } unsigned random_gen(unsigned seed, unsigned min, unsigned max) { static std::default_random_engine e(seed); static std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> ud(min, max); return ud(e); } ```+- ## 练习题17.33 >修改11.3.6节(P392)中的单词转换程序,允许对一个给定单词有多种转换方式,每次修改随机选择一种进行实际转换。 ```cpp #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; #include <fstream> using std::ifstream; #include <string> using std::string; #include <vector> using std::vector; #include <random> using std::default_random_engine; using std::uniform_int_distribution; #include <ctime> using std::time; #include <algorithm> using std::sort; using std::find_if; #include <utility> using std::pair; int main() { typedef pair<string, string> ps; ifstream i("d.txt"); vector<ps> dict; string str1, str2; // read wirds from dictionary while (i >> str1 >> str2) { dict.emplace_back(str1, str2); } i.close(); // sort words in vector sort(dict.begin(), dict.end(), [](const ps &_ps1, const ps &_ps2){ return _ps1.first < _ps2.first; }); i.open("i.txt"); default_random_engine e(unsigned int(time(0))); // read words from text while (i >> str1) { // find word in dictionary vector<ps>::const_iterator it = find_if(dict.cbegin(), dict.cend(), [&str1](const ps &_ps){ return _ps.first == str1; }); // if word doesn't exist in dictionary if (it == dict.cend()) { // write it itself cout << str1 << ' '; } else { // get random meaning of word uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> u (0, find_if(dict.cbegin(), dict.cend(), [&str1](const ps &_ps){ return _ps.first > str1; }) - it - 1); // write random meaning cout << (it + u(e))->second << ' '; } } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { std::cout << "练习题17.35:" << std::endl; cout << "default format: " << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << "scientific: " << scientific << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << "fixed decimal: " << fixed << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << "hexidecimal: " << uppercase << hexfloat << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << "use defaults: " << defaultfloat << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << "\n\n"; std::cout << "练习题17.36:" << std::endl; cout << left << setw(15) << "default format:" << setw(25) << right << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << left << setw(15) << "scientific:" << scientific << setw(25) << right << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << left << setw(15) << "fixed decimal:" << setw(25) << fixed << right << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << left << setw(15) << "hexidecimal:" << setw(25) << uppercase << hexfloat << right << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << '\n' << left << setw(15) << "use defaults:" << setw(25) << defaultfloat << right << 100 * sqrt(2.0) << "\n\n"; }
default format: 141.421
scientific: 1.414214e+02
fixed decimal: 141.421356
hexidecimal: 0X1.1AD7BCP+7
use defaults: 141.421
default format: 141.421
scientific: 1.414214E+02
fixed decimal: 141.421356
hexidecimal: 0X1.1AD7BCP+7
use defaults: 141.421
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main () {
ifstream myfile("test.txt");
if (myfile) cout << 1 << endl;
char sink [250];
cout << sink << endl;
return 0;
1 I'm expressin' with my full capabilities, And now I'm livin' in correctional facilities, Cause some don't agree with how I do this. I get straight, meditate like a Buddhist I'm droppin' flava, my behaviour is heriditery, But my technique is very necessary. Blame it on Ice Cube... Because he says it gets funky When you got a subject and a predacit. Add it on a dope beat And that'll make you think. Some suckaz just tickle me pink To my stomache. 'Cause they don't flow like this one. You know what? I won't hesitate to dis one Or two before I'm through. So don't try to sing this! Some drop science While I'm droppin' English. Even if Yella Makes it a-capella I still express, yo, I don't smoke weed or a sess. Cause its known to give a brother brain damage. And brain damage on the mic don't manage Nuthin' But makin' a sucker and you equal. Don't be another sequel...
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