f = g + h
g表示当前移动到下一个点的消耗,平移为1,斜移动为 sqrt((x1-x2)**2 +(y1-y2)**2);
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os,sys,random,math #地图设置 gameMapWidth = 10 gameMapHeight = 10 gameMap = [] #地图障碍物 obstacleCount = 5 #块状态 ITEM_STAT_NORMAL = 0 #空点 ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE = 1 #障碍物 ITEM_STAT_START = 2 #起点 ITEM_STAT_END = 3 #终点 #起点和终点 spNum = -1 epNum = -1 #每块的属性 class Item: def __init__(self,x,y,status): self.x = x self.y = y self.status = status self.mf = -1 self.mg = -1 self.mh = -1 self.mParent = None self.isPath = 0 #初始化地图 def initMap(): for wc in xrange(gameMapWidth): for hc in xrange(gameMapHeight): gameMap.append(Item(wc,hc,ITEM_STAT_NORMAL)) #插入障碍物 for oc in xrange(obstacleCount): choose = random.randint(gameMapWidth,gameMapWidth*gameMapHeight - 1) gameMap[choose].status = ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE global spNum global epNum #选取起点和终点 while (spNum == -1): choose = random.randint(0,gameMapWidth*gameMapHeight - 1) if gameMap[choose].status == 0: spNum = choose gameMap[spNum].status = ITEM_STAT_START while (epNum == -1): choose = random.randint(0,gameMapWidth*gameMapHeight - 1) if gameMap[choose].status == 0: epNum = choose gameMap[epNum].status = ITEM_STAT_END #输出地图信息 def printMap(): for itemc in xrange(len(gameMap)): if gameMap[itemc].status == ITEM_STAT_START: print "START", elif gameMap[itemc].status == ITEM_STAT_END: print "END ", elif gameMap[itemc].isPath == 1: print "path ", else: print "%d " %(gameMap[itemc].status), if (itemc + 1) % gameMapHeight == 0: print "\n" #寻路 def findPath(): global spNum global epNum #开启列表 openPointList = [] #关闭列表 closePointList = [] #开启列表插入起始点 openPointList.append(gameMap[spNum]) while (len(openPointList) > 0): #寻找开启列表中最小预算值的点 minFPoint = findPointWithMinF(openPointList) #从开启列表移除,添加到关闭列表 openPointList.remove(minFPoint) closePointList.append(minFPoint) #找到当前点周围点 surroundList = findSurroundPoint(minFPoint,closePointList) #开始寻路 for sp in surroundList: #存在在开启列表,说明上一块查找时并不是最优路径,考虑此次移动是否是最优路径 if sp in openPointList: newPathG = CalcG(sp, minFPoint) #计算新路径下的G值 if newPathG < sp.mg: sp.mg = newPathG sp.mf = sp.mg + sp.mh sp.mParent = minFPoint else: sp.mParent = minFPoint #当前查找到点指向上一个节点 CalcF(sp, gameMap[epNum]) openPointList.append(sp) if gameMap[epNum] in openPointList: gameMap[epNum].mParent = minFPoint break curp = gameMap[epNum] while True: curp.isPath = 1 curp = curp.mParent if curp == None: break print "\n" printMap() def CalcG(point, minp): return math.sqrt((point.x - point.mParent.x)**2 + (point.y - point.mParent.y)**2) + minp.mg #计算每个点的F值 def CalcF(point,endp): h = abs(endp.x - point.x) + abs(endp.y - point.y) g = 0 if point.mParent == None: g = 0 else: g = point.mParent.mg + math.sqrt((point.x - point.mParent.x)**2 + (point.y - point.mParent.y)**2) point.mg = g point.mh = h point.mf = g + h return #不能是障碍块,不包含在关闭列表中 def notObstacleAndClose(point,closePointList): if point not in closePointList and point.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE: return True return False #查找周围块 def findSurroundPoint(point,closePointList): surroundList = [] up = None down = None left = None right = None leftUp = None rightUp = None leftDown = None rightDown = None #上面的点存在 if point.x > 0: up = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x - 1) + point.y] if notObstacleAndClose(up,closePointList): surroundList.append(up) #下面的点存在 if point.x < gameMapWidth - 1: down = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x + 1)+ point.y] if notObstacleAndClose(down,closePointList): surroundList.append(down) #左边的点存在 if point.y > 0: left = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x) + point.y - 1] if notObstacleAndClose(left, closePointList): surroundList.append(left) #右边的点存在 if point.y < gameMapHeight - 1: right = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x) + point.y + 1] if notObstacleAndClose(right,closePointList): surroundList.append(right) #斜方向的点还需考虑对应正方向不是障碍物 #左上角的点存在 if point.x > 0 and point.y > 0: leftUp = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x - 1) + point.y - 1] if notObstacleAndClose(leftUp,closePointList) and left.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE and up.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE: surroundList.append(leftUp) #右上角的点存在 if point.x > 0 and point.y < gameMapHeight - 1: rightUp = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x-1) + point.y + 1] if notObstacleAndClose(rightUp,closePointList) and right.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE and up.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE: surroundList.append(rightUp) #左下角的点存在 if point.x < gameMapWidth - 1 and point.y > 0: leftDown = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x+1) + point.y - 1] if notObstacleAndClose(leftDown,closePointList) and left.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE and down.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE: surroundList.append(leftDown) #右下角的点存在 if point.x < gameMapWidth - 1 and point.y < gameMapHeight - 1: rightDown = gameMap[gameMapHeight*(point.x+1) + point.y + 1] if notObstacleAndClose(rightDown,closePointList) and right.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE and down.status != ITEM_STAT_OBSTACLE: surroundList.append(rightDown) return surroundList #查找list中最小的f值 def findPointWithMinF(openPointList): f = 0xffffff temp = None for pc in openPointList: if pc.mf < f: temp = pc f = pc.mf return temp def main(): initMap() ##初始化地图 printMap() ##输出初始化地图信息 findPath() ##查找最优路径 #入口 main()
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