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# 指向 OpenCV cmake 目录
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "~/opencv/build/x64/vc16/lib")

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
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把上述内容添加到 cmake 中,此时我们已经可以在 C++ 中使用 OpenCV 库

2. 读取灰度图像


cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(R"(~/ImageToGCode/image/tigger.jpg)", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
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确保替换 ~/ImageToGCode/image/tigger.jpg 为你自己的图像文件路径。

3. 图像预处理


cv::flip(mat, mat, 0);
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4. 生成GCode


cv::Mat image;
cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));
int top = 0, bottom = image.rows - 1, left = 0, right = image.cols - 1;
while(top <= bottom && left <= right) {
    for(int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
        internal(image, i, top);
    for(int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) {
        internal(image, right, i);
    if(top <= bottom) {
        for(int i = right; i >= left; --i) {
            internal(image, i, bottom);
    if(left <= right) {
        for(int i = bottom; i >= top; --i) {
            internal(image, left, i);
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5. 保存生成的GCode


std::fstream file;
file.open(fileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
if(!file.is_open()) {
for(auto &&v: command | std::views::transform([](auto item) { return item += "\n"; })) {
    file.write(v.c_str(), v.length());
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确保替换 ‘fileName’ 为你自己想要保存的文件路径。

6. 灰度图像螺旋扫描代码示例

#pragma once
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <print>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>

struct G0 {
    std::optional<float> x, y;
    std::optional<int> s;

    std::string toString() {
        std::string command = "G0";
        if(x.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
        if(y.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
        if(s.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
        return command;

    explicit  operator std::string() const {
        std::string command = "G0";
        if(x.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
        if(y.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
        if(s.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
        return command;

struct G1 {
    std::optional<float> x, y;
    std::optional<int> s;

    std::string toString() {
        std::string command = "G1";
        if(x.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
        if(y.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
        if(s.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
        return command;

    explicit operator std::string() const {
        std::string command = "G1";
        if(x.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" X{:.3f}", x.value());
        if(y.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" Y{:.3f}", y.value());
        if(s.has_value()) {
            command += std::format(" S{:d}", s.value());
        return command;

class ImageToGCode
    // 激光模式
    enum class LaserMode {
        Cutting,    // 切割 M3 Constant Power
        Engraving,  // 雕刻 M4 Dynamic Power

    // 扫描方式
    enum class ScanMode {
        Unidirection,  // 单向
        Bidirection,   // 双向
        Diagonal,      // 斜向
        Spiral,        // 螺旋
        Block,         // 分块 根据像素的灰度级别进行扫描,例如255像素分8个级别,那么0-32就是一个级别,32-64就是另外一个级别,以此类推。
        // (Block scanning is performed based on the gray level of the pixels. For example, 255 pixels are divided into 8 levels, then 0-32 is one level, 32-64 is another level, and so on.)

    struct kEnumToStringLaserMode {
        constexpr std::string_view operator[](const LaserMode mode) const noexcept {
            switch(mode) {
                case LaserMode::Cutting: return "M3";
                case LaserMode::Engraving: return "M4";
            return {};

        constexpr LaserMode operator[](const std::string_view mode) const noexcept {
            if(mode.compare("M3")) {
                return LaserMode::Cutting;
            if(mode.compare("M4")) {
                return LaserMode::Engraving;
            return {};

    ImageToGCode() = default;

    ~ImageToGCode() = default;

    auto &setInputImage(const cv::Mat &mat) {
        this->mat = mat;
        return *this;

    auto &setOutputTragetSize(double width, double height, double resolution = 10.0 /* lin/mm */) {
        this->width      = width;
        this->height     = height;
        this->resolution = resolution;
        return *this;

    auto &builder() {
        try {
        } catch(cv::Exception &e) {
            std::println("cv Exception {}", e.what());

        std::vector<std::string> header;
        header.emplace_back("G17G21G90G54");                                                 // XY平面;单位毫米;绝对坐标模式;选择G54坐标系(XY plane; unit mm; absolute coordinate mode; select G54 coordinate system)
        header.emplace_back(std::format("F{:d}", 30000));                                // 移动速度 毫米/每分钟(Moving speed mm/min)
        header.emplace_back(std::format("G0 X{:.3f} Y{:.3f}", 0.f, 0.f));                // 设置工作起点及偏移(Set the starting point and offset of the work)
        header.emplace_back(std::format("{} S0", kEnumToStringLaserMode()[laserMode]));  // 激光模式(laser mode)
        if(airPump.has_value()) {
            header.emplace_back(std::format("M16 S{:d}", 300));  // 打开气泵(Turn on the air pump)

        std::vector<std::string> footer;
        if(airPump.has_value()) {
            footer.emplace_back("M9");  // 关闭气泵,保持 S300 功率(Turn off air pump and maintain S300 power)

        command.insert_range(command.begin(), header);

        return *this;

    bool exportGCode(const std::string &fileName) {
        std::fstream file;
        file.open(fileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
        if(!file.is_open()) {
            return false;

        for(auto &&v: command | std::views::transform([](auto item) { return item += "\n"; })) {
            file.write(v.c_str(), v.length());

        return true;

    auto setLaserMode(LaserMode mode) {
        laserMode = mode;
        return *this;

    auto setScanMode(ScanMode mode) {
        scanMode = mode;
        return *this;

    void matToGCode() {
        assert(mat.channels() == 1);
        assert(std::isgreaterequal(resolution, 1e-5f));
        assert(!((width * resolution < 1.0) || (height * resolution < 1.0)));

        // different conversion strategy functions are called here

    void internal(cv::Mat &image, auto x /*width*/, auto y /*height*/) {
        auto pixel = image.at<cv::uint8_t>(y, x);
        if(pixel == 255) {
            command.emplace_back(G0(x / resolution, y / resolution, std::nullopt));
        } else {
            auto power = static_cast<int>((1.0 - static_cast<double>(pixel) / 255.0) * 1000.0);
            command.emplace_back(G1(x / resolution, y / resolution, power));

    // 螺旋扫描 从外到里的方向
    // Spiral scan from outside to inside direction
    void spiralStrategy() {
        cv::Mat image;
        cv::resize(mat, image, cv::Size(static_cast<int>(width * resolution), static_cast<int>(height * resolution)));

        int top = 0, bottom = image.rows - 1, left = 0, right = image.cols - 1;
        while(top <= bottom && left <= right) {
            for(int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
                internal(image, i, top);

            for(int i = top; i <= bottom; ++i) {
                internal(image, right, i);

            if(top <= bottom) {
                for(int i = right; i >= left; --i) {
                    internal(image, i, bottom);

            if(left <= right) {
                for(int i = bottom; i >= top; --i) {
                    internal(image, left, i);

    // Define additional strategy functions here

    cv::Mat mat;                                 // 灰度图像
    double width {0};                            // 工作范围 x 轴
    double height {0};                           // 工作范围 y 轴
    double resolution {0};                       // 精度 lin/mm
    ScanMode scanMode {ScanMode::Bidirection};   // 默认双向
    LaserMode laserMode {LaserMode::Engraving};  // 默认雕刻模式
    std::optional<int> airPump;                  // 自定义指令 气泵 用于吹走加工产生的灰尘 范围 [0,1000]
    // add more custom cmd
    std::vector<std::string> command;            // G 代码

int main() {
    cv::Mat mat = cv::imread(R"(~\ImageToGCode\image\tigger.jpg)", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    cv::flip(mat, mat, 0);

    ImageToGCode handle;
    // 50x50 mm 1.0 line/mm
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