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We’ve explained the Jamstack, a popular new way to build secure, scalable, high-performance sites. Now we’ll introduce you to the tools, services, and APIs that power Jamstack sites.

我们已经解释了Jamstack ,这是一种构建安全,可扩展的高性能站点的流行新方法。 现在,我们将向您介绍为Jamstack网站提供支持的工具,服务和API。

The A in Jamstack stands for API. APIs can do anything for you, from sending a form to authenticating a user, or from storing and retrieving data in real time to shopping for products.

Jamstack中的A代表API 。 从发送表单到验证用户身份,或者从实时存储和检索数据到购买产品,API都能为您做任何事情

In this article, we’ll do an extensive review of existing APIs and how they compare to one another. This review couldn’t possibly encompass the whole spectrum of third-party APIs that you can integrate into your website, but hopefully you’ll still find the coverage enlightening enough.

在本文中,我们将对现有的API以及它们之间的比较进行广泛的审查。 这篇评论可能无法涵盖您可以集成到您的网站中的所有第三方API,但是希望您仍然能够找到足够有启发性的报道。

We’ll use the words “headless”, “detached”, and “serverless” a lot in this article. If you haven’t already, check out our introduction to the Jamstack, which covers all the basics.

在本文中,我们将大量使用“无头”,“分离”和“无服务器”一词。 如果还没有,请查看我们对Jamstack的介绍 ,其中介绍了所有基础知识。

托管(大部分免费) (Hosting (Mostly for Free))

Provided: Netlify


Hosting a Jamstack site usually involves automated deployment pipelines. For example, you might have a repository in GitHub which, on every push, automatically triggers an online deployment (via webhooks), running the necessary build tools (such as Jekyll) and regression tests (via Travis CI).

托管Jamstack站点通常涉及自动部署管道。 例如,您可能在GitHub中有一个存储库,该存储库在每次推送时都会自动触发在线部署(通过webhooks ),运行必要的构建工具 (例如Jekyll)和回归测试 (通过Travis CI)。

Sound difficult? It can be a surprisingly simple process!

听起来很难? 这可能是一个非常简单的过程!

Most of the services here include these goodies out of the box:


  • SSD drives

  • CDN deployments

  • free SSL (including for custom domains)

  • command line deployments and rollbacks


Note: look out for another article in this series, coming soon, covering how to use these services.


服务 (Services)

Google Firebase和AWS Amplify (Google Firebase and AWS Amplify)

Firebase Hosting is Google’s take on a hosting service that’s easy to understand and implement, and it’s free to use (limits apply). Firebase’s backbone actually lies on top of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and you can in fact access and tweak some Firebase deployments through the GCP console. But by implementing something of an “gateway” (Firebase) that transparently handles GCP resources for us, Google gave developers a brand new and highly improved user experience (UX) … and the Firebase’s YouTube channel is just brilliant!
