Combine 系列
目的: 由上游的订阅者触发多个 UI 元素更新
以下提供的示例是扩展了 通过用户输入更新声明式 UI 例子中的发布者, 添加了额外的 Combine 管道,当有人与所提供的界面交互时以更新多个 UI 元素。
)连接到 $username
发布者,该发布者发送值的更新,并尝试取回 GitHub user。 结果返回的变量 githubUserData
(也被 @Published
标记)是一个 GitHub 用户对象的列表。 尽管我们只期望在这里获得单个值,但我们使用列表是因为我们可以方便地在失败情况下返回空列表:无法访问 API 或用户名未在 GitHub 注册。passthroughSubject
来反映 GithubAPI
连接到 $githubUserData
发布者,该发布者从 github 用户数据对象中提取出仓库个数,并将其分配给要显示的文本字段。avatarViewSubscriber
连接到 $githubUserData
,尝试取回与用户的头像相关的图像进行显示。返回空列表很有用,因为当提供无效的用户名时,我们希望明确地移除以前显示的任何头像。 为此,我们需要管道始终有值可以流动,以便触发进一步的管道和相关的 UI 界面更新。 如果我们使用可选的
数组,可选的字符串不会在值是 nil 时触发某些管道,并且我们始终希望管道返回一个结果值(即使是空值)。
以 assign 和 sink 创建的订阅者被存储在 ViewController 实例的 AnyCancellable 变量中。 由于它们是在类实例中定义的,Swift 编译器创建的 deinitializers 会在类被销毁时,取消并清理发布者。
许多喜欢 RxSwift 的开发者使用的是 “CancelBag” 对象来存储可取消的引用,并在销毁时取消管道。 可以在这儿看到一个这样的例子:https://github.com/tailec/CombineExamples/blob/master/CombineExamples/Shared/CancellableBag.swift. 这与
管道使用 subscribe
操作符明确配置为在后台队列中工作。 如果没有该额外的配置,管道将被在主线程调用并执行,因为它们是从 UI 线程上调用的,这可能会导致用户界面响应速度明显减慢。 同样,当管道的结果分配给或更新 UI 元素时,receive 操作符用于将该工作转移回主线程。
为了让 UI 在
的失败类型。 这是assign
操作符所必需的。 当使用sink
操作符时,它也是一个潜在的 bug 来源。 如果来自@Published
变量的管道以一个接受 Error 失败类型的sink
将给管道发送终止信号。 这将停止管道的任何进一步处理,即使有变量仍然被更新。
import Foundation import Combine enum APIFailureCondition: Error { case invalidServerResponse } struct GithubAPIUser: Decodable { // 1 // A very *small* subset of the content available about // a github API user for example: // https://api.github.com/users/heckj let login: String let public_repos: Int let avatar_url: String } struct GithubAPI { // 2 // NOTE(heckj): I've also seen this kind of API access // object set up with with a class and static methods on the class. // I don't know that there's a specific benefit to making this a value // type/struct with a function on it. /// externally accessible publisher that indicates that network activity is happening in the API proxy static let networkActivityPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>() // 3 /// creates a one-shot publisher that provides a GithubAPI User /// object as the end result. This method was specifically designed to /// return a list of 1 object, as opposed to the object itself to make /// it easier to distinguish a "no user" result (empty list) /// representation that could be dealt with more easily in a Combine /// pipeline than an optional value. The expected return type is a /// Publisher that returns either an empty list, or a list of one /// GithubAPUser, with a failure return type of Never, so it's /// suitable for recurring pipeline updates working with a @Published /// data source. /// - Parameter username: username to be retrieved from the Github API static func retrieveGithubUser(username: String) -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> { // 4 if username.count < 3 { // 5 return Just([]).eraseToAnyPublisher() } let assembledURL = String("https://api.github.com/users/\(username)") let publisher = URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: assembledURL)!) .handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { _ in // 6 networkActivityPublisher.send(true) }, receiveCompletion: { _ in networkActivityPublisher.send(false) }, receiveCancel: { networkActivityPublisher.send(false) }) .tryMap { data, response -> Data in // 7 guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse, httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else { throw APIFailureCondition.invalidServerResponse } return data } .decode(type: GithubAPIUser.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) // 8 .map { [$0] // 9 } .catch { err in // 10 // When I originally wrote this method, I was returning // a GithubAPIUser? optional. // I ended up converting this to return an empty // list as the "error output replacement" so that I could // represent that the current value requested didn't *have* a // correct github API response. return Just([]) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() // 11 return publisher } }
结构体是从 GitHub API 返回的数据的一部分。 在由 decode
操作符是我们触发网络请求发布者更新的方式。 我们定义了在订阅和终结(完成和取消)时触发的闭包,它们会在 passthroughSubject 上调用 send()。 这是我们如何作为单独的发布者提供有关管道操作的元数据的示例。tryMap
添加了对来自 github 的 API 响应的额外检查,以将来自 API 的不是有效用户实例的正确响应转换为管道失败条件。decode
从响应中获取数据并将其解码为 GithubAPIUser 的单个实例。map
用于获取单个实例并将其转换为单元素的列表,将类型更改为 GithubAPIUser
运算符捕获此管道中的错误条件,并在失败时返回一个空列表,同时还将失败类型转换为 Never
抹去链式操作符的复杂类型,并将整个管道暴露为 AnyPublisher
的一个实例。import UIKit import Combine class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var github_id_entry: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView! @IBOutlet weak var repositoryCountLabel: UILabel! @IBOutlet weak var githubAvatarImageView: UIImageView! var repositoryCountSubscriber: AnyCancellable? var avatarViewSubscriber: AnyCancellable? var usernameSubscriber: AnyCancellable? var headingSubscriber: AnyCancellable? var apiNetworkActivitySubscriber: AnyCancellable? // username from the github_id_entry field, updated via IBAction @Published var username: String = "" // github user retrieved from the API publisher. As it's updated, it // is "wired" to update UI elements @Published private var githubUserData: [GithubAPIUser] = [] // publisher reference for this is $username, of type <String, Never> var myBackgroundQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "viewControllerBackgroundQueue") let coreLocationProxy = LocationHeadingProxy() // MARK - Actions @IBAction func githubIdChanged(_ sender: UITextField) { username = sender.text ?? "" print("Set username to ", username) } // MARK - lifecycle methods override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the view. let apiActivitySub = GithubAPI.networkActivityPublisher // 1 .receive(on: RunLoop.main) .sink { doingSomethingNow in if (doingSomethingNow) { self.activityIndicator.startAnimating() } else { self.activityIndicator.stopAnimating() } } apiNetworkActivitySubscriber = AnyCancellable(apiActivitySub) usernameSubscriber = $username // 2 .throttle(for: 0.5, scheduler: myBackgroundQueue, latest: true) // ^^ scheduler myBackGroundQueue publishes resulting elements // into that queue, resulting on this processing moving off the // main runloop. .removeDuplicates() .print("username pipeline: ") // debugging output for pipeline .map { username -> AnyPublisher<[GithubAPIUser], Never> in return GithubAPI.retrieveGithubUser(username: username) } // ^^ type returned in the pipeline is a Publisher, so we use // switchToLatest to flatten the values out of that // pipeline to return down the chain, rather than returning a // publisher down the pipeline. .switchToLatest() // using a sink to get the results from the API search lets us // get not only the user, but also any errors attempting to get it. .receive(on: RunLoop.main) .assign(to: \.githubUserData, on: self) // using .assign() on the other hand (which returns an // AnyCancellable) *DOES* require a Failure type of <Never> repositoryCountSubscriber = $githubUserData // 3 .print("github user data: ") .map { userData -> String in if let firstUser = userData.first { return String(firstUser.public_repos) } return "unknown" } .receive(on: RunLoop.main) .assign(to: \.text, on: repositoryCountLabel) let avatarViewSub = $githubUserData // 4 .map { userData -> AnyPublisher<UIImage, Never> in guard let firstUser = userData.first else { // my placeholder data being returned below is an empty // UIImage() instance, which simply clears the display. // Your use case may be better served with an explicit // placeholder image in the event of this error condition. return Just(UIImage()).eraseToAnyPublisher() } return URLSession.shared.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: firstUser.avatar_url)!) // ^^ this hands back (Data, response) objects .handleEvents(receiveSubscription: { _ in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.activityIndicator.startAnimating() } }, receiveCompletion: { _ in DispatchQueue.main.async { self.activityIndicator.stopAnimating() } }, receiveCancel: { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.activityIndicator.stopAnimating() } }) .receive(on: self.myBackgroundQueue) // ^^ do this work on a background Queue so we don't impact // UI responsiveness .map { $0.data } // ^^ pare down to just the Data object .map { UIImage(data: $0)!} // ^^ convert Data into a UIImage with its initializer .catch { err in return Just(UIImage()) } // ^^ deal the failure scenario and return my "replacement" // image for when an avatar image either isn't available or // fails somewhere in the pipeline here. .eraseToAnyPublisher() // ^^ match the return type here to the return type defined // in the .map() wrapping this because otherwise the return // type would be terribly complex nested set of generics. } .switchToLatest() // ^^ Take the returned publisher that's been passed down the chain // and "subscribe it out" to the value within in, and then pass // that further down. .receive(on: RunLoop.main) // ^^ and then switch to receive and process the data on the main // queue since we're messing with the UI .map { image -> UIImage? in image } // ^^ this converts from the type UIImage to the type UIImage? // which is key to making it work correctly with the .assign() // operator, which must map the type *exactly* .assign(to: \.image, on: self.githubAvatarImageView) // convert the .sink to an `AnyCancellable` object that we have // referenced from the implied initializers avatarViewSubscriber = AnyCancellable(avatarViewSub) // KVO publisher of UIKit interface element let _ = repositoryCountLabel.publisher(for: \.text) // 5 .sink { someValue in print("repositoryCountLabel Updated to \(String(describing: someValue))") } } }
添加一个订阅者,它将来自 GithubAPI 对象的活跃状态的通知连接到我们的 activityIndicator
更新用户名的地方(来自我们之前的示例 通过用户输入更新声明式 UI)我们让订阅者发出网络请求并将结果放入一个我们的 ViewController 的新变量中(还是 @Published
上。 此管道提取用户仓库的个数并更新到 UILabel
实例上。 当列表为空时,管道中间有一些逻辑来返回字符串 “unknown”。$githubUserData
。 这会触发网络请求以获取 github
头像的图像数据。 这是一个更复杂的管道,从 githubUser
中提取数据,组装一个 URL,然后请求它。 我们也使用 handleEvents
操作符来触发对我们视图中的 activityIndi
cator 的更新。 我们使用 receive
在后台队列上发出请求,然后将结果传递回主线程以更新 UI 元素。 catch
和失败处理在失败时返回一个空的 UIImage
自身。 任何来自 Foundation
的 Key-Value Observable
对象都可以产生一个发布者。 在此示例中,我们附加了一个发布者,该发布者触发 UI 元素已更新的打印语句。虽然我们可以在更新 UI 元素时简单地将管道连接到它们,但这使得和实际的 UI 元素本身耦合更紧密。 虽然简单而直接,但创建明确的状态,以及分别对用户行为和数据做出更新是一个好的建议,这更利于调试和理解。 在上面的示例中,我们使用两个 @Published
属性来保存与当前视图关联的状态。 其中一个由 IBAction 更新,第二个使用 Combine
发布者管道以声明的方式更新。 所有其他的 UI 元素都依赖这些属性的发布者更新时进行更新。
json from https://api.github.com/users/zgpeace
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