#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import time import random from datetime import datetime, timedelta from faker import Faker import string fake = Faker('zh_CN') class Base_conn: # 数据库连接配置初始化 def __init__(self, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME): self.DB_HOST = DB_HOST self.DB_USER = DB_USER self.DB_PASSWORD = DB_PASSWORD self.DB_NAME = DB_NAME class TimeShift: def starttime(self): self.start_time = time.time() return self.start_time def endtime(self): self.end_time = time.time() return self.end_time def executiontime(self): self.execution_time = self.end_time - self.start_time return self.execution_time def timeshift(self, execution_time): if execution_time < 60: return f"{int(execution_time)}秒" elif execution_time >= 60 or execution_time <= 3600: return f"{execution_time / 60:.1f}分钟" else: return f"{int(execution_time / 60 / 60):.1f}小时" class Table_Employee: # 生成身份证信息的模拟函数,可根据实际情况调整 def generate_id_card(self): # region_code = "420100" # 地区编码 region_code = "{:.6f}".format(random.random()).split('.')[1] # 地区编码 birth_date = datetime.strptime("19900101", "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 365 * 50)) # 出生日期 seq_code = str(random.randint(100, 999)) # 序列码 gender_code = str(random.randint(0, 9)) # 性别码 check_code = str(random.randint(0, 9)) # 校验码(这里仅用于示例) id_card = f"{region_code}{birth_date.strftime('%Y%m%d')}{seq_code}{gender_code}{check_code}" # 确保生成的身份证号码长度正好是 18 个字符 return id_card[:18] def __init__(self, work_id=None, name=None, age=None, gender=None, id_card=None, entry_date=None, department=None): # self.work_id = work_id if work_id else fake.pystr(min_chars=3, max_chars=10) self.work_id = work_id if work_id else "{:.6f}".format(random.random()).split('.')[1] self.name = name if name else fake.name() self.age = age if age else random.randint(18, 65) self.gender = gender if gender else fake.random_element(elements=('男', '女')) self.id_card = id_card if id_card else self.generate_id_card() self.entry_date = entry_date if entry_date else ( datetime.now() - timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 365 * 10))).date() self.department = department if department else random.randint(1, 7) class Table_Students: def Email_data(self): num_letters = random.randint(5, 10) random_letters = random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=num_letters) Email = "www." + ''.join(random_letters) + '.com' return Email def Address_data(self): provinces = ['北京市', '天津市', '山西省'] cities = { '北京市': ['东城区', '西城区', '朝阳区', '海淀区', '丰台区'], '天津市': ['和平区', '河东区', '河西区', '南开区', '红桥区'], '山西省': ['太原市', '大同市', '阳泉市', '长治市', '晋城市'] } roads = ['长安街', '和平路', '人民大街', '建国路', '中山路', '解放街', '青年路', '光明街', '文化路', '新华街'] province = random.choice(provinces) city = random.choice(cities[province]) random_province = random.choice(provinces) random_road = random.choice(roads) random_address = random_province + random_road random_init = str(random.randint(100, 999)) address = province + city + random_address + random_init + '号' return address def __init__(self, SNo=None, Sname=None, Gender=None, Birthday=None, Mobile=None, Email=None, Address=None, Image='null'): # self.work_id = work_id if work_id else fake.pystr(min_chars=3, max_chars=10) self.SNo = SNo if SNo else str((datetime.now() - timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 365 * 10))).date()).split('-')[0] + str(random.randint(100,999)) self.Sname = Sname if Sname else fake.name() self.Gender = Gender if Gender else fake.random_element(elements=('男', '女')) self.Birthday = Birthday if Birthday else ( datetime.now() - timedelta(days=random.randint(0, 365 * 10))).date() self.Mobile = Mobile if Mobile else str(random.randint(130, 199)) + "{:.8f}".format(random.random()).split('.')[ 1] self.Email = Email if Email else self.Email_data() self.Address = Address if Address else self.Address_data() self.Image = Image
import re import time import pymysql import threading from faker import Faker from pymysql.constants import CLIENT from base import Base_conn, TimeShift, Table_Employee, Table_Students fake = Faker('zh_CN') # 数据库连接配置 # connect = Base_conn('localhost', 'root', 'iotplatform', 'test') connect = Base_conn('localhost', 'root', 'iotplatform', 'student_profile_db') def connect_db(): try: connection = pymysql.connect( host=connect.DB_HOST, user=connect.DB_USER, password=connect.DB_PASSWORD, database=connect.DB_NAME, client_flag=CLIENT.MULTI_STATEMENTS, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor, charset='utf8mb4' ) return connection except pymysql.MySQLError as e: print(f"Database connection failed: {e}") return None # 数据插入函数 def insert_data(start, end, thread_id, sql): # 创建数据库连接 connection = connect_db() try: # 创建 cursor 用于执行 SQL 语句 with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql_cmd = sql for i in range(start, end): # 记录最后一次用于插入的数据 table_employee = Table_Employee() table_students = Table_Students() # last_values = (table_employee.work_id, # table_employee.name, # table_employee.age, # table_employee.gender, # table_employee.id_card, # table_employee.entry_date, # table_employee.department) last_values = ( table_students.SNo, table_students.Sname, table_students.Gender, table_students.Birthday, table_students.Mobile, table_students.Email, table_students.Address, table_students.Image ) # 执行 SQL 语句 cursor.execute(sql_cmd, last_values) connection.commit() # 提交事务 # connection.commit() # print(f"Thread {thread_id}: Inserted rows {start} to {end}") except Exception as e: print(f"Thread {thread_id}: Error occurred: {e}") finally: # if last_values: # print(f"Thread {thread_id}: Inserted rows {start} to {end}. Last row data: {last_values}") # 关闭数据库连接 connection.close() def perform_sql_operation(sql, operation): conn = connect_db() num = 0 try: with conn.cursor() as cursor: if operation in ('select', 'show'): cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor.fetchall(): print(row) elif operation in ('update', 'delete'): cursor.execute(sql) num += 1 conn.commit() print('执行sql数:', num) except pymysql.MySQLError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") conn.rollback() finally: conn.close() def insert_sql(sql_command, total_records, num_threads): total_records = total_records # 总共需要插入的记录数 num_threads = num_threads # 线程数量 records_per_thread = total_records // num_threads # 每个线程需要插入的记录数 sql_cmd = sql_command threads = [] for i in range(num_threads): start_index = i * records_per_thread end_index = start_index + records_per_thread end_index = min(end_index, total_records) thread_id = i + 1 # 创建线程 thread = threading.Thread(target=insert_data, args=(start_index, end_index, thread_id, sql_cmd)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() # 等待所有线程完成 for thread in threads: thread.join() def up_del_sel_sql(sql_cmd): sql_command = sql_cmd perform_sql_operation(sql_command, command) # 主函数,负责创建线程并分配任务 def main(sql): if sql.lower() == 'insert': insert_sql(sql_cmd, total_records, num_threads) elif sql.lower() in ('update', 'delete', 'select', 'show'): up_del_sel_sql(sql_cmd) else: print('请传入执行的sql类型: [insert|update|delete|select]') if __name__ == '__main__': # 总共需要插入的记录数 total_records = 1000000 # 开启线程数量 num_threads = 1 # 执行sql # sql_cmd = """ insert into `employee` (`workid`, `name`, `age`, `gender`, `idcard`, `entrydate`, `department`) # values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ sql_cmd = """ insert into `Student` (`SNo`, `Sname`, `Gender`, `Birthday`, `Mobile`, `Email`, `Address` , `Image`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,%s) """ # sql_cmd = "delete from employee limit 100000" # sql_cmd = "select count(*) from employee" # sql_cmd = "show tables like '%employee%'" # sql_cmd = "" command = re.search(r'\binsert|update|delete|select|show\b', sql_cmd, re.IGNORECASE) command = command.group().lower() if command else None if command: time_shift = TimeShift() start_time = time_shift.starttime() main(command) end_time = time_shift.endtime() execution_time = time_shift.timeshift(time_shift.executiontime()) print(f"执行时间: {execution_time}") else: print('未找到匹配的命令')
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