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MySQL基本语句 增删改查_mysql增删改查语句csdn

* 1.update employee set salary=3000
* 2.update employee set salary=5000 where user_name ='小妖怪'
* 细节:1.set子句指示要修改 哪些列 和要给予哪些值
* 2.where子句指定更新哪些行,如果没有子句,则更新所有行
* 3.如果要修改多个字段,可以通过 set字段1=值1,字段2=值2...
* delete 删除内容语句:
* delete from employee where user_name='老妖怪';
* 细节:1.delete from employee;  会删除所有记录
* 2.delete不能删除一整列的值(可以用update设为null 或者'')
* 3.使用delete仅仅删除记录,并不能删除表,删除表 需要使用drop table 语句: drop table 表名;
/* select语句 查找  重要!
* select * {column1,column2,column3...} from table_name;
*select * from student;
* select `name` ,`english` from student;
* select distinct(有它查询重复只留一个) english from student;  要查询一样才会去重
        * select `name`,(chinese+english+math) as total from student;
*between ...and...   显示在某一区间的值
        * in(set)  显示在in列表中的值   如:in(100,200)
        * like ''         模糊查询
        * not like        模糊查询
* is null         判断是否为空
        * 例: select * from student where `name`='赵云'
        * select * from student where `english` > 90
        *select * from student where `english` > 90 and `math`>60
        * select * from student where `english` > 90 and `math`>60 like '韩%'
        * like +'韩%'    表示名字是以韩为开头的符合条件的人
* 升序 (order by)    select * from student order by math (desc); 想降序在后面加上 desc就好了
* 降序 : 对姓韩 学生成绩降序输出: where + order by
        * select * from student   where `name` like '韩%'   order by math (desc);
* */
