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调用using unityengine的 monobehaviour



Unity3D研究院之深入理解Unity脚本的执行顺序(六十二) - 雨松MOMO程序研究院 - 1



Unity3D研究院之深入理解Unity脚本的执行顺序(六十二) - 雨松MOMO程序研究院 - 2






Unity3D研究院之深入理解Unity脚本的执行顺序(六十二) - 雨松MOMO程序研究院 - 3









       后台的方法 Awake、Update、LateUpdate、FixedUpdate等等都是按照顺序,等所有子脚本中的Awake执行完毕后在去执行 Start 、Update、LateUpdate等等。所以这里也就解释了Unity没有多线程的概念。











          如果脚本的执行顺序是 先执行Script2 然后在执行Script0那么Script0中的Awake就可以获取到该立方体对象,可是如果脚本的执行顺序是先Script0然后在Script2,那么Script0肯定会报空指针错误的。

          那么实际项目中的脚本会非常非常多,他们的先后顺序我们谁也不知道。所以我的建议一般在Awake方法中创建游戏对象或在Resources.Load(Prefab) 对象。在Start方法中去获取游戏对象,或者游戏组件,这样就可以确保万无一失了。

     如果说你非要控制脚本的执行先后顺序,也不是完全不行!Unity可以设置脚本执行的顺序。如下图所示,选择任意脚本在Inspector视图中点击Execution Order..按钮。

Unity3D研究院之深入理解Unity脚本的执行顺序(六十二) - 雨松MOMO程序研究院 - 4

如下图所示,点击右下角的“+”将弹出下拉窗口,包括游戏中的所有脚本。添加脚本完毕后,Default Time下方数值越小的排在越前面脚本将率先执行,如果没有设置的脚本将按默认的顺序执行。

Unity3D研究院之深入理解Unity脚本的执行顺序(六十二) - 雨松MOMO程序研究院 - 5






It's rather complicated.

A simple test with 3.5.2 revealed, most concurrent functions (well, at least the ones I tested: Awake, Start, OnEnable, FixedUpdate/Update/LateUpdate) abide by the execution order defined for the scripts. The execution order of OnLevelWasLoaded is not affected by that, and therefore cannot be influenced by the user. This could be considered a bug.

The order of the four methods of a script related to initialization is always:

  • Awake()

  • OnEnable()

  • OnLevelWasLoaded() // (only on scene changes)

  • Start()

However, if your script was disabled in the first place(via Script.enabled=false), this order changes to:

  • OnLevelWasLoaded() // is now called first, before Awake()! (only on scene changes)

  • Awake()

  • [OnEnable()/Start() are not executed until the script is actually enabled]

In addition, note that Awake() and OnEnable() calls are connected/interleaved. Meaning, assuming a particular, user-defined execution order A and B with A*<*B,

  • each individual script of type A will execute its Awake(), immediately! followed by its OnEnabled()

  • then all scripts of type B will do the same

  • then all OnLevelWasLoaded() will be executed, in a (presumably) fixed but unpredictable order (assuming this scene was freshly loaded - otherwise this step is skipped completely)

  • then all Start() will be executed, in the order A,B

In particular, this means that OnEnable() of type A will be executed before Awake() of type B, while OnEnable() of type B will be executed after Awake() of type A. This overview explains it more clearly:

  • Awake() of Type A, instance 1

  • OnEnable() of Type A, instance 1

  • Awake() of Type A, instance 2 // order of instances cannot be influenced

  • OnEnable() of Type A, instance 2 // order of instances cannot be influenced

  • Awake() of Type B

  • OnEnable() of Type B

  • OnLevelWasLoaded() of Type ? // order cannot be influenced

  • OnLevelWasLoaded() of Type ? // order cannot be influenced

  • Start() of Type A

  • Start() of Type B

EDIT: Hm, this is a total mess. If DontDestroyOnLoad() is activated for such a script, this will get even more complicated, and the order changes yet again to:

  • [Awake() is never called again, only the very first time]

  • OnEnable()

  • OnLevelWasLoaded() // as opposed to being called before OnEnable(), when DontDestroyOnLoad() is notactivated

  • [Start() is never called again, only the very first time]

EDIT2: In addition, when DontDestroyOnLoad() is active, the user-defined execution order is no longer abided by!, neither by OnEnable(), nor by OnDestroyOnLoad().

EDIT3: WAH! I'm gonna stop testing now, this is a neverending story... As @Noisecrime noticed, there is actually another bug, where user-defined execution order is overriden if the script has an OnEnable() function!

Script A has OnEnable, Script B has not:

  • Awake() of Type A

  • OnEnable() of Type A

  • Awake() of Type B

Script B has OnEnable, Script A has not:

  • Awake() of Type B

  • OnEnable() of Type B

  • Awake() of Type A // after Type B!


