需要用到openai 密钥,所以没有完全跑通openai.api_key = os.environ[‘OPENAI_API_KEY’]
(1)scaler 放缩
vec_num2repr(val, base, prec, max_val)#将数字转化为指定进制和精度的表示
def vec_num2repr(val, base, prec, max_val): """ 将数字转换为指定进制和精度的表示 Convert numbers to a representation in a specified base with precision. Parameters: - val (np.array): The numbers to represent. - base (int): The base of the representation. - prec (int): The precision after the 'decimal' point in the base representation. - max_val (float): The maximum absolute value of the number. Returns: - tuple: Sign and digits in the specified base representation. Examples: With base=10, prec=2: 0.5 -> 50 3.52 -> 352 12.5 -> 1250 """ base = float(base) bs = val.shape[0] sign = 1 * (val >= 0) - 1 * (val < 0)#if val[i]>0,sign[i]=1 else sign[i]=-1 val = np.abs(val) max_bit_pos = int(np.ceil(np.log(max_val) / np.log(base)).item()) #计算最大位数 #使用循环迭代计算整数部分的每一位数字,存储在before_decimals中。每次迭代将相应的位数从val中减去。 before_decimals = [] for i in range(max_bit_pos): digit = (val / base**(max_bit_pos - i - 1)).astype(int) before_decimals.append(digit) val -= digit * base**(max_bit_pos - i - 1) before_decimals = np.stack(before_decimals, axis=-1) if prec > 0: after_decimals = [] for i in range(prec): digit = (val / base**(-i - 1)).astype(int) after_decimals.append(digit) val -= digit * base**(-i - 1) after_decimals = np.stack(after_decimals, axis=-1) digits = np.concatenate([before_decimals, after_decimals], axis=-1) else: digits = before_decimals #包含符号和数字的元组,其中符号是一个数组(sign),数字是一个二维数组(digits),表示了数字在指定进制下的表示。 return sign, digits
def tokenize(arr):
return ‘’.join([settings.bit_sep+str(b) for b in arr])
truncate_input(input_arr, input_str, settings, model, steps)
模型:可以看到处理过的输入input_str和提前预设好的chatgpt_sys_messsage信息、extra_input 信息拼接成为发送给GPT的messages。
model if model in ['gpt-3.5-turbo','gpt-4']: chatgpt_sys_message = "You are a helpful assistant that performs time series predictions. The user will provide a sequence and you will predict the remaining sequence. The sequence is represented by decimal strings separated by commas." extra_input = "Please continue the following sequence without producing any additional text. Do not say anything like 'the next terms in the sequence are', just return the numbers. Sequence:\n" response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": chatgpt_sys_message}, {"role": "user", "content": extra_input+input_str+settings.time_sep} ], max_tokens=int(avg_tokens_per_step*steps), temperature=temp, logit_bias=logit_bias, n=num_samples, ) return [choice.message.content for choice in response.choices]
pred = handle_prediction(deserialize_str(completion, settings, ignore_last=False, steps=steps), expected_length=steps, strict=strict_handling)
def deserialize_str(bit_str, settings: SerializerSettings, ignore_last=False, steps=None): """ Deserialize a string into an array of numbers (a time series) based on the provided settings. Parameters: - bit_str (str): String representation of an array of numbers. - settings (SerializerSettings): Settings for deserialization. - ignore_last (bool): If True, ignores the last time step in the string (which may be incomplete due to token limit etc.). Default is False. - steps (int, optional): Number of steps or entries to deserialize. Returns: - None if deserialization failed for the very first number, otherwise - np.array: Array of numbers corresponding to the string. """ # ignore_last is for ignoring the last time step in the prediction, which is often a partially generated due to token limit orig_bitstring = bit_str bit_strs = bit_str.split(settings.time_sep) # remove empty strings bit_strs = [a for a in bit_strs if len(a) > 0] if ignore_last: bit_strs = bit_strs[:-1] if steps is not None: bit_strs = bit_strs[:steps] vrepr2num = partial(vec_repr2num,base=settings.base,prec=settings.prec,half_bin_correction=settings.half_bin_correction) max_bit_pos = int(np.ceil(np.log(settings.max_val)/np.log(settings.base)).item()) sign_arr = [] digits_arr = [] try: for i, bit_str in enumerate(bit_strs): if bit_str.startswith(settings.minus_sign): sign = -1 elif bit_str.startswith(settings.plus_sign): sign = 1 else: assert settings.signed == False, f"signed bit_str must start with {settings.minus_sign} or {settings.plus_sign}" bit_str = bit_str[len(settings.plus_sign):] if sign==1 else bit_str[len(settings.minus_sign):] if settings.bit_sep=='': bits = [b for b in bit_str.lstrip()] else: bits = [b[:1] for b in bit_str.lstrip().split(settings.bit_sep)] if settings.fixed_length: assert len(bits) == max_bit_pos+settings.prec, f"fixed length bit_str must have {max_bit_pos+settings.prec} bits, but has {len(bits)}: '{bit_str}'" digits = [] for b in bits: if b==settings.decimal_point: continue # check if is a digit if b.isdigit(): digits.append(int(b)) else: break #digits = [int(b) for b in bits] sign_arr.append(sign) digits_arr.append(digits) except Exception as e: print(f"Error deserializing {settings.time_sep.join(bit_strs[i-2:i+5])}{settings.time_sep}\n\t{e}") print(f'Got {orig_bitstring}') print(f"Bitstr {bit_str}, separator {settings.bit_sep}") # At this point, we have already deserialized some of the bit_strs, so we return those below if digits_arr: # add leading zeros to get to equal lengths max_len = max([len(d) for d in digits_arr]) for i in range(len(digits_arr)): digits_arr[i] = [0]*(max_len-len(digits_arr[i])) + digits_arr[i] return vrepr2num(np.array(sign_arr), np.array(digits_arr)) else: # errored at first step return None
# Compute NLL/D on the true test series conditioned on the (truncated) input series
if nll_fn is not None:
BPDs = [nll_fn(input_arr=input_arrs[i], target_arr=test[i].values, settings=settings, transform=scalers[i].transform, count_seps=True, temp=temp) for i in range(len(train))]
out_dict['NLL/D'] = np.mean(BPDs)
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