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【pywinauto】PC端应用自动化测试(三)等待_pywinauto 等待窗口出现

pywinauto 等待窗口出现




    def wait(self, wait_for, timeout=None, retry_interval=None):
        Wait for the window to be in a particular state/states.

        :param wait_for: The state to wait for the window to be in. It can
            be any of the following states, also you may combine the states by space key.

             * 'exists' means that the window is a valid handle
             * 'visible' means that the window is not hidden
             * 'enabled' means that the window is not disabled
             * 'ready' means that the window is visible and enabled
             * 'active' means that the window is active

        :param timeout: Raise an :func:`pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError` if the window
            is not in the appropriate state after this number of seconds.
            Default: :py:attr:`pywinauto.timings.Timings.window_find_timeout`.

        :param retry_interval: How long to sleep between each retry.
            Default: :py:attr:`pywinauto.timings.Timings.window_find_retry`.

        An example to wait until the dialog
        exists, is ready, enabled and visible: ::

            self.Dlg.wait("exists enabled visible ready")

        .. seealso::

        check_method_names, timeout, retry_interval = self.__parse_wait_args(wait_for, timeout, retry_interval)
        wait_until(timeout, retry_interval,
                   lambda: self.__check_all_conditions(check_method_names, retry_interval))

        # Return the wrapped control
        return self.wrapper_object()
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wait(self, wait_for, timeout=None, retry_interval=None)



info = app1.window(title='Info', control_type="Window")
info.wait(wait_for='exists', retry_interval=2)
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    def wait_not(self, wait_for_not, timeout=None, retry_interval=None):
        Wait for the window to not be in a particular state/states.

        :param wait_for_not: The state to wait for the window to not be in. It can be any
            of the following states, also you may combine the states by space key.

             * 'exists' means that the window is a valid handle
             * 'visible' means that the window is not hidden
             * 'enabled' means that the window is not disabled
             * 'ready' means that the window is visible and enabled
             * 'active' means that the window is active

        :param timeout: Raise an :func:`pywinauto.timings.TimeoutError` if the window is sill in the
            state after this number of seconds.
            Default: :py:attr:`pywinauto.timings.Timings.window_find_timeout`.

        :param retry_interval: How long to sleep between each retry.
            Default: :py:attr:`pywinauto.timings.Timings.window_find_retry`.

        An example to wait until the dialog is not ready, enabled or visible: ::

            self.Dlg.wait_not("enabled visible ready")

        .. seealso::

        check_method_names, timeout, retry_interval = \
            self.__parse_wait_args(wait_for_not, timeout, retry_interval)
        wait_until(timeout, retry_interval,
                   lambda: not self.__check_all_conditions(check_method_names, retry_interval))
        # None return value, since we are waiting for a `negative` state of the control.
        # Expect that you will have nothing to do with the window closed, disabled, etc.
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info = app1.window(title='Info', control_type="Window")
info.wait_not(wait_for='visiable', retry_interval=2)
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