本章简要介绍如何如何用C++实现一个目标检测器模型,该模型具有训练和预测的功能。本文的分割模型架构使用yolov4-tiny结构,代码结构参考了bubbliiiing yolov4-tiny,本文分享的c++模型几乎完美复现了pytorch的版本,且具有速度优势,30-40%的速度提升。
简单介绍一下yolov4-tiny模型。yolov4-tiny模型是YOLO(you only look once)系列模型中,version 4的轻巧版,相比于yolov4,它牺牲了部分精度以实现速度上的大幅提升。yolov4_tiny模型结构如图(图片来源自这):
可以发现模型结构非常简单,以CSPDarknet53-tiny为骨干网络,FPN为颈部(neck),Yolo head为头部。最后输出两个特征层,分别是原图下采样32倍和下采样16倍的特征图。训练时,以这两个特征图分别输入损失计算中计算损失,再将损失求和(或平均,怎么都好),后做反向传播,预测时将两个特征图解码出的结果做并集再做NMS(非极大值抑制)。
默认看过我的libtorch系列教程的前部分,直接上代码。首先是基本单元,由Conv2d + BatchNorm2d + LeakyReLU构成。
- //Conv2d + BatchNorm2d + LeakyReLU
- class BasicConvImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- BasicConvImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels, int kernel_size, int stride = 1);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- private:
- // Declare layers
- torch::nn::Conv2d conv{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::BatchNorm2d bn{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::LeakyReLU acitivation{ nullptr };
- }; TORCH_MODULE(BasicConv);
- BasicConvImpl::BasicConvImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels, int kernel_size,
- int stride) :
- conv(conv_options(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride,
- int(kernel_size / 2), 1, false)),
- bn(torch::nn::BatchNorm2d(out_channels)),
- acitivation(torch::nn::LeakyReLU(torch::nn::LeakyReLUOptions().negative_slope(0.1)))
- {
- register_module("conv", conv);
- register_module("bn", bn);
- }
- torch::Tensor BasicConvImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x)
- {
- x = conv->forward(x);
- x = bn->forward(x);
- x = acitivation(x);
- return x;
- }
- class Resblock_bodyImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- Resblock_bodyImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels);
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> forward(torch::Tensor x);
- private:
- int out_channels;
- BasicConv conv1{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv2{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv3{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv4{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::MaxPool2d maxpool{ nullptr };
- }; TORCH_MODULE(Resblock_body);
- Resblock_bodyImpl::Resblock_bodyImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels) {
- this->out_channels = out_channels;
- conv1 = BasicConv(in_channels, out_channels, 3);
- conv2 = BasicConv(out_channels / 2, out_channels / 2, 3);
- conv3 = BasicConv(out_channels / 2, out_channels / 2, 3);
- conv4 = BasicConv(out_channels, out_channels, 1);
- maxpool = torch::nn::MaxPool2d(maxpool_options(2, 2));
- register_module("conv1", conv1);
- register_module("conv2", conv2);
- register_module("conv3", conv3);
- register_module("conv4", conv4);
- }
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> Resblock_bodyImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- auto c = out_channels;
- x = conv1->forward(x);
- auto route = x;
- x = torch::split(x, c / 2, 1)[1];
- x = conv2->forward(x);
- auto route1 = x;
- x = conv3->forward(x);
- x = torch::cat({ x, route1 }, 1);
- x = conv4->forward(x);
- auto feat = x;
- x = torch::cat({ route, x }, 1);
- x = maxpool->forward(x);
- return std::vector<torch::Tensor>({ x,feat });
- }
- class CSPdarknet53_tinyImpl : public torch::nn::Module
- {
- public:
- CSPdarknet53_tinyImpl();
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> forward(torch::Tensor x);
- private:
- BasicConv conv1{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv2{ nullptr };
- Resblock_body resblock_body1{ nullptr };
- Resblock_body resblock_body2{ nullptr };
- Resblock_body resblock_body3{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv3{ nullptr };
- int num_features = 1;
- }; TORCH_MODULE(CSPdarknet53_tiny);
- CSPdarknet53_tinyImpl::CSPdarknet53_tinyImpl() {
- conv1 = BasicConv(3, 32, 3, 2);
- conv2 = BasicConv(32, 64, 3, 2);
- resblock_body1 = Resblock_body(64, 64);
- resblock_body2 = Resblock_body(128, 128);
- resblock_body3 = Resblock_body(256, 256);
- conv3 = BasicConv(512, 512, 3);
- register_module("conv1", conv1);
- register_module("conv2", conv2);
- register_module("resblock_body1", resblock_body1);
- register_module("resblock_body2", resblock_body2);
- register_module("resblock_body3", resblock_body3);
- register_module("conv3", conv3);
- }
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> CSPdarknet53_tinyImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- // 416, 416, 3 -> 208, 208, 32 -> 104, 104, 64
- x = conv1(x);
- x = conv2(x);
- // 104, 104, 64 -> 52, 52, 128
- x = resblock_body1->forward(x)[0];
- // 52, 52, 128 -> 26, 26, 256
- x = resblock_body2->forward(x)[0];
- // 26, 26, 256->xΪ13, 13, 512
- # // -> feat1Ϊ26,26,256
- auto res_out = resblock_body3->forward(x);
- x = res_out[0];
- auto feat1 = res_out[1];
- // 13, 13, 512 -> 13, 13, 512
- x = conv3->forward(x);
- auto feat2 = x;
- return std::vector<torch::Tensor>({ feat1, feat2 });
- }
- //conv+upsample
- class UpsampleImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- UpsampleImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels);
- torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x);
- private:
- // Declare layers
- torch::nn::Sequential upsample = torch::nn::Sequential();
- }; TORCH_MODULE(Upsample);
- UpsampleImpl::UpsampleImpl(int in_channels, int out_channels)
- {
- upsample = torch::nn::Sequential(
- BasicConv(in_channels, out_channels, 1)
- //torch::nn::Upsample(torch::nn::UpsampleOptions().scale_factor(std::vector<double>({ 2 })).mode(torch::kNearest).align_corners(false))
- );
- register_module("upsample", upsample);
- }
- torch::Tensor UpsampleImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x)
- {
- x = upsample->forward(x);
- x = at::upsample_nearest2d(x, { x.sizes()[2] * 2 , x.sizes()[3] * 2 });
- return x;
- }
- torch::nn::Sequential yolo_head(std::vector<int> filters_list, int in_filters);
- torch::nn::Sequential yolo_head(std::vector<int> filters_list, int in_filters) {
- auto m = torch::nn::Sequential(BasicConv(in_filters, filters_list[0], 3),
- torch::nn::Conv2d(conv_options(filters_list[0], filters_list[1], 1)));
- return m;
- }
- class YoloBody_tinyImpl : public torch::nn::Module {
- public:
- YoloBody_tinyImpl(int num_anchors, int num_classes);
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> forward(torch::Tensor x);
- private:
- // Declare layers
- CSPdarknet53_tiny backbone{ nullptr };
- BasicConv conv_for_P5{ nullptr };
- Upsample upsample{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential yolo_headP5{ nullptr };
- torch::nn::Sequential yolo_headP4{ nullptr };
- }; TORCH_MODULE(YoloBody_tiny);
- YoloBody_tinyImpl::YoloBody_tinyImpl(int num_anchors, int num_classes) {
- backbone = CSPdarknet53_tiny();
- conv_for_P5 = BasicConv(512, 256, 1);
- yolo_headP5 = yolo_head({ 512, num_anchors * (5 + num_classes) }, 256);
- upsample = Upsample(256, 128);
- yolo_headP4 = yolo_head({ 256, num_anchors * (5 + num_classes) }, 384);
- register_module("backbone", backbone);
- register_module("conv_for_P5", conv_for_P5);
- register_module("yolo_headP5", yolo_headP5);
- register_module("upsample", upsample);
- register_module("yolo_headP4", yolo_headP4);
- }
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> YoloBody_tinyImpl::forward(torch::Tensor x) {
- //return feat1 with shape of {26,26,256} and feat2 of {13, 13, 512}
- auto backbone_out = backbone->forward(x);
- auto feat1 = backbone_out[0];
- auto feat2 = backbone_out[1];
- //13,13,512 -> 13,13,256
- auto P5 = conv_for_P5->forward(feat2);
- //13, 13, 256 -> 13, 13, 512 -> 13, 13, 255
- auto out0 = yolo_headP5->forward(P5);
- //13,13,256 -> 13,13,128 -> 26,26,128
- auto P5_Upsample = upsample->forward(P5);
- //26, 26, 256 + 26, 26, 128 -> 26, 26, 384
- auto P4 = torch::cat({ P5_Upsample, feat1 }, 1);
- //26, 26, 384 -> 26, 26, 256 -> 26, 26, 255
- auto out1 = yolo_headP4->forward(P4);
- return std::vector<torch::Tensor>({ out0, out1 });
- }
像前面章节中一样,生成torchscript模型。bubbliiiing yolov4-tiny中有提供一个coco训练版本,通过下述代码生成.pt文件:
- import torch
- from torchsummary import summary
- import numpy as np
- from nets.yolo4_tiny import YoloBody
- from train import get_anchors, get_classes,YOLOLoss
- device = torch.device('cpu')
- model = YoloBody(3,80).to(device)
- model_path = "model_data/yolov4_tiny_weights_coco.pth"
- print('Loading weights into state dict...')
- model_dict = model.state_dict()
- pretrained_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))
- pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if np.shape(model_dict[k]) == np.shape(v)}
- model_dict.update(pretrained_dict)
- model.load_state_dict(model_dict)
- print('Finished!')
- #生成pt模型,按照官网来即可
- model=model.to(torch.device("cpu"))
- model.eval()
- var=torch.ones((1,3,416,416))
- traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(model, var)
- traced_script_module.save("yolo4_tiny.pt")
- auto model = YoloBody_tiny(3, 80);
- torch::load(model, "weights/yolo4_tiny.pt");
- torch::Tensor DecodeBox(torch::Tensor input, torch::Tensor anchors, int num_classes, int img_size[])
- {
- int num_anchors = anchors.sizes()[0];
- int bbox_attrs = 5 + num_classes;
- int batch_size = input.sizes()[0];
- int input_height = input.sizes()[2];
- int input_width = input.sizes()[3];
- //计算步长
- //每一个特征点对应原来的图片上多少个像素点
- //如果特征层为13x13的话,一个特征点就对应原来的图片上的32个像素点
- //416 / 13 = 32
- auto stride_h = img_size[1] / input_height;
- auto stride_w = img_size[0] / input_width;
- //把先验框的尺寸调整成特征层大小的形式
- //计算出先验框在特征层上对应的宽高
- auto scaled_anchors = anchors.clone();
- scaled_anchors.select(1, 0) = scaled_anchors.select(1, 0) / stride_w;
- scaled_anchors.select(1, 1) = scaled_anchors.select(1, 1) / stride_h;
- //bs, 3 * (5 + num_classes), 13, 13->bs, 3, 13, 13, (5 + num_classes)
- //cout << "begin view"<<input.sizes()<<endl;
- auto prediction = input.view({ batch_size, num_anchors,bbox_attrs, input_height, input_width }).permute({ 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 }).contiguous();
- //cout << "end view" << endl;
- //先验框的中心位置的调整参数
- auto x = torch::sigmoid(prediction.select(-1, 0));
- auto y = torch::sigmoid(prediction.select(-1, 1));
- //先验框的宽高调整参数
- auto w = prediction.select(-1, 2); // Width
- auto h = prediction.select(-1, 3); // Height
- //获得置信度,是否有物体
- auto conf = torch::sigmoid(prediction.select(-1, 4));
- //种类置信度
- auto pred_cls = torch::sigmoid(prediction.narrow(-1, 5, num_classes));// Cls pred.
- auto LongType = x.clone().to(torch::kLong).options();
- auto FloatType = x.options();
- //生成网格,先验框中心,网格左上角 batch_size, 3, 13, 13
- auto grid_x = torch::linspace(0, input_width - 1, input_width).repeat({ input_height, 1 }).repeat(
- { batch_size * num_anchors, 1, 1 }).view(x.sizes()).to(FloatType);
- auto grid_y = torch::linspace(0, input_height - 1, input_height).repeat({ input_width, 1 }).t().repeat(
- { batch_size * num_anchors, 1, 1 }).view(y.sizes()).to(FloatType);
- //生成先验框的宽高
- auto anchor_w = scaled_anchors.to(FloatType).narrow(1, 0, 1);
- auto anchor_h = scaled_anchors.to(FloatType).narrow(1, 1, 1);
- anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat({ batch_size, 1 }).repeat({ 1, 1, input_height * input_width }).view(w.sizes());
- anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat({ batch_size, 1 }).repeat({ 1, 1, input_height * input_width }).view(h.sizes());
- //计算调整后的先验框中心与宽高
- auto pred_boxes = torch::randn_like(prediction.narrow(-1, 0, 4)).to(FloatType);
- pred_boxes.select(-1, 0) = x + grid_x;
- pred_boxes.select(-1, 1) = y + grid_y;
- pred_boxes.select(-1, 2) = w.exp() * anchor_w;
- pred_boxes.select(-1, 3) = h.exp() * anchor_h;
- //用于将输出调整为相对于416x416的大小
- std::vector<int> scales{ stride_w, stride_h, stride_w, stride_h };
- auto _scale = torch::tensor(scales).to(FloatType);
- //cout << pred_boxes << endl;
- //cout << conf << endl;
- //cout << pred_cls << endl;
- pred_boxes = pred_boxes.view({ batch_size, -1, 4 }) * _scale;
- conf = conf.view({ batch_size, -1, 1 });
- pred_cls = pred_cls.view({ batch_size, -1, num_classes });
- auto output = torch::cat({ pred_boxes, conf, pred_cls }, -1);
- return output;
- }
- std::vector<int> nms_libtorch(torch::Tensor bboxes, torch::Tensor scores, float thresh) {
- auto x1 = bboxes.select(-1, 0);
- auto y1 = bboxes.select(-1, 1);
- auto x2 = bboxes.select(-1, 2);
- auto y2 = bboxes.select(-1, 3);
- auto areas = (x2 - x1)*(y2 - y1); //[N, ] 每个bbox的面积
- auto tuple_sorted = scores.sort(0, true); //降序排列
- auto order = std::get<1>(tuple_sorted);
- std::vector<int> keep;
- while (order.numel() > 0) {// torch.numel()返回张量元素个数
- if (order.numel() == 1) {// 保留框只剩一个
- auto i = order.item();
- keep.push_back(i.toInt());
- break;
- }
- else {
- auto i = order[0].item();// 保留scores最大的那个框box[i]
- keep.push_back(i.toInt());
- }
- //计算box[i]与其余各框的IOU(思路很好)
- auto order_mask = order.narrow(0, 1, order.size(-1) - 1);
- x1.index({ order_mask });
- x1.index({ order_mask }).clamp(x1[keep.back()].item().toFloat(), 1e10);
- auto xx1 = x1.index({ order_mask }).clamp(x1[keep.back()].item().toFloat(), 1e10);// [N - 1, ]
- auto yy1 = y1.index({ order_mask }).clamp(y1[keep.back()].item().toFloat(), 1e10);
- auto xx2 = x2.index({ order_mask }).clamp(0, x2[keep.back()].item().toFloat());
- auto yy2 = y2.index({ order_mask }).clamp(0, y2[keep.back()].item().toFloat());
- auto inter = (xx2 - xx1).clamp(0, 1e10) * (yy2 - yy1).clamp(0, 1e10);// [N - 1, ]
- auto iou = inter / (areas[keep.back()] + areas.index({ order.narrow(0,1,order.size(-1) - 1) }) - inter);//[N - 1, ]
- auto idx = (iou <= thresh).nonzero().squeeze();//注意此时idx为[N - 1, ] 而order为[N, ]
- if (idx.numel() == 0) {
- break;
- }
- order = order.index({ idx + 1 }); //修补索引之间的差值
- }
- return keep;
- }
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> non_maximum_suppression(torch::Tensor prediction, int num_classes, float conf_thres, float nms_thres) {
- prediction.select(-1, 0) -= prediction.select(-1, 2) / 2;
- prediction.select(-1, 1) -= prediction.select(-1, 3) / 2;
- prediction.select(-1, 2) += prediction.select(-1, 0);
- prediction.select(-1, 3) += prediction.select(-1, 1);
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> output;
- for (int image_id = 0; image_id < prediction.sizes()[0]; image_id++) {
- auto image_pred = prediction[image_id];
- auto max_out_tuple = torch::max(image_pred.narrow(-1, 5, num_classes), -1, true);
- auto class_conf = std::get<0>(max_out_tuple);
- auto class_pred = std::get<1>(max_out_tuple);
- auto conf_mask = (image_pred.select(-1, 4) * class_conf.select(-1, 0) >= conf_thres).squeeze();
- image_pred = image_pred.index({ conf_mask }).to(torch::kFloat);
- class_conf = class_conf.index({ conf_mask }).to(torch::kFloat);
- class_pred = class_pred.index({ conf_mask }).to(torch::kFloat);
- if (!image_pred.sizes()[0]) {
- output.push_back(torch::full({ 1, 7 }, 0));
- continue;
- }
- //获得的内容为(x1, y1, x2, y2, obj_conf, class_conf, class_pred)
- auto detections = torch::cat({ image_pred.narrow(-1,0,5), class_conf, class_pred }, 1);
- //获得种类
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> img_classes;
- for (int m = 0, len = detections.size(0); m < len; m++)
- {
- bool found = false;
- for (size_t n = 0; n < img_classes.size(); n++)
- {
- auto ret = (detections[m][6] == img_classes[n]);
- if (torch::nonzero(ret).size(0) > 0)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) img_classes.push_back(detections[m][6]);
- }
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> temp_class_detections;
- for (auto c : img_classes) {
- auto detections_class = detections.index({ detections.select(-1,-1) == c });
- auto keep = nms_libtorch(detections_class.narrow(-1, 0, 4), detections_class.select(-1, 4)*detections_class.select(-1, 5), nms_thres);
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> temp_max_detections;
- for (auto v : keep) {
- temp_max_detections.push_back(detections_class[v]);
- }
- auto max_detections = torch::cat(temp_max_detections, 0);
- temp_class_detections.push_back(max_detections);
- }
- auto class_detections = torch::cat(temp_class_detections, 0);
- output.push_back(class_detections);
- }
- return output;
- }
- void show_bbox_coco(cv::Mat image, torch::Tensor bboxes, int nums) {
- //设置绘制文本的相关参数
- int font_face = cv::FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX;
- double font_scale = 0.4;
- int thickness = 1;
- float* bbox = new float[bboxes.size(0)]();
- std::cout << bboxes << std::endl;
- memcpy(bbox, bboxes.cpu().data_ptr(), bboxes.size(0) * sizeof(float));
- for (int i = 0; i < bboxes.size(0); i = i + 7)
- {
- cv::rectangle(image, cv::Rect(bbox[i + 0], bbox[i + 1], bbox[i + 2] - bbox[i + 0], bbox[i + 3] - bbox[i + 1]), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255));
- //将文本框居中绘制
- cv::Point origin;
- origin.x = bbox[i + 0];
- origin.y = bbox[i + 1] + 8;
- cv::putText(image, std::to_string(int(bbox[i + 6])), origin, font_face, font_scale, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), thickness, 1, 0);
- }
- delete bbox;
- cv::imshow("test", image);
- cv::waitKey(0);
- cv::destroyAllWindows();
- }
- void Predict(YoloBody_tiny detector, cv::Mat image, bool show, float conf_thresh, float nms_thresh) {
- int origin_width = image.cols;
- int origin_height = image.rows;
- cv::resize(image, image, { 416,416 });
- auto img_tensor = torch::from_blob(image.data, { image.rows, image.cols, 3 }, torch::kByte);
- img_tensor = img_tensor.permute({ 2, 0, 1 }).unsqueeze(0).to(torch::kFloat) / 255.0;
- float anchor[12] = { 10,14, 23,27, 37,58, 81,82, 135,169, 344,319 };
- auto anchors_ = torch::from_blob(anchor, { 6,2 }, torch::TensorOptions(torch::kFloat32));
- int image_size[2] = { 416,416 };
- img_tensor = img_tensor.cuda();
- auto outputs = detector->forward(img_tensor);
- std::vector<torch::Tensor> output_list = {};
- auto tensor_input = outputs[1];
- auto output_decoded = DecodeBox(tensor_input, anchors_.narrow(0, 0, 3), 80, image_size);
- output_list.push_back(output_decoded);
- tensor_input = outputs[0];
- output_decoded = DecodeBox(tensor_input, anchors_.narrow(0, 3, 3), 80, image_size);
- output_list.push_back(output_decoded);
- //std::cout << tensor_input << anchors_.narrow(0, 3, 3);
- auto output = torch::cat(output_list, 1);
- auto detection = non_maximum_suppression(output, 80, conf_thresh, nms_thresh);
- float w_scale = float(origin_width) / 416;
- float h_scale = float(origin_height) / 416;
- for (int i = 0; i < detection.size(); i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < detection[i].size(0) / 7; j++)
- {
- detection[i].select(0, 7 * j + 0) *= w_scale;
- detection[i].select(0, 7 * j + 1) *= h_scale;
- detection[i].select(0, 7 * j + 2) *= w_scale;
- detection[i].select(0, 7 * j + 3) *= h_scale;
- }
- }
- cv::resize(image, image, { origin_width,origin_height });
- if (show)
- show_bbox_coco(image, detection[0], 80);
- return;
- }
- cv::Mat image = cv::imread("2007_005331.jpg");
- auto model = YoloBody_tiny(3, 80);
- torch::load(model, "weights/yolo4_tiny.pt");
- model->to(torch::kCUDA);
- Predict(model, image, true, 0.1, 0.3);
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