设备 / 蓝牙-通用 / wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery (qq.com)
1 | deviceid | 蓝牙设备的id | 这个参数是蓝牙设备的唯一id |
2 | uuid | 服务的id | 这个是通过deviceid获取到的这个设备服务的uuid |
3 | characteristic | 特性值 | 这个是通过deviceid、uuid获取到的特性值 |
- initBlue:function(){
- var that = this;
- wx.openBluetoothAdapter({
- success: function (res) {
- wx.showToast({
- title: '初始化成功',
- icon: 'success',
- duration: 800
- })
- that.findBlue();//2.0
- },
- fail: function (res) {//如果手机上的蓝牙没有打开,可以提醒用户
- wx.showToast({
- title: '请开启蓝牙',
- icon: 'fails',
- duration: 1000
- })
- }
- })
- },

- findBlue(){
- var that = this
- wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({
- allowDuplicatesKey: true,
- interval: 0,
- powerLevel: 'high',
- success: function (res) {
- that.getBlue()//3.0
- }
- })
- },
- getBlue(){
- var that = this;
- wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound(function (devices) {
- if (devices.devices) {
- if(devices.devices[0].name=="这个要自己修改看要怎样的设备")
- {
- that.setData({
- deviceid: devices.devices[0].deviceId,
- })
- that.connetBlue();
- }
- }
- })
- },
- connetBlue(){
- var that = this;
- var deviceid = that.data.deviceid;
- wx.createBLEConnection({
- // 这里的 deviceid 需要已经通过 createBLEConnection 与对应设备建立链接
- deviceId: deviceid,//设备id
- timeout: 10000, // 10s连接超时
- success: function (res)
- wx.showToast({
- title: '连接成功',
- icon: 'fails',
- duration: 800
- })
- wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery()
- that.getServiceId()//5.0
- }
- })
- },

- getServiceId(){
- var that = this
- wx.getBLEDeviceServices({
- // 这里的 deviceid 需要已经通过 createBLEConnection 与对应设备建立链接
- deviceId: that.data.deviceid,
- success: function (res) {
- var model = res.services[0].uuid
- that.getCharacteId()//6.0
- }
- })
- },
- getCharacteId(){
- var that = this
- wx.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics({
- deviceId: that.data.deviceid,
- serviceId: that.data.services,
- success: function (res) {
- // 遍历特征值列表
- for (let i = 0; i < res.characteristics.length; i++) {
- let characteristic = res.characteristics[i];
- // 检查特征值是否具有 read 属性为 false
- if (!characteristic.properties.read) {
- // 当找到 read 属性为 false 的特征值时,设置 writeId 为该特征值的 UUID
- that.setData({
- writeId: characteristic.uuid
- });
- break; // 找到符合条件的特征值后,结束循环
- }
- }
- },
- fail: function (res) {
- // 处理获取特征值失败的情况
- console.log("失败的原因",res);
- }
- })
- },

- startNotice(uuid){
- var that = this;
- wx.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange({
- state: true, // 启用 notify 功能
- deviceId: that.data.deviceid,
- serviceId: that.data.services,
- characteristicId: uuid, //第一步 开启监听 notityid 第二步发送指令 write
- success: function (res) {
- wx.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(function (res) {
- // 这里面需要把回你的数据下转换格式
- })
- }
- })
- },
- sendmmm:function(sendData){
- var that = this;
- //向蓝牙发送数据
- let buffer = that.string2buffer(sendData);//转16进制
- let pos = 0;
- let bytes = buffer.byteLength;
- var result = ''
- let tmpBuffer;
- var sdtim= setInterval(function(){
- if (bytes > 20) {
- tmpBuffer = buffer.slice(pos, pos + 20);
- console.log('字节:');
- console.log(tmpBuffer);
- pos += 20;
- bytes -= 20;
- wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue({
- deviceId: that.data.deviceid,
- serviceId: that.data.services,
- characteristicId: that.data.writeId,//第二步写入的特征值
- value: tmpBuffer,
- success(res) {
- console.log('发送成功!', res)
- }
- })
- } else {
- tmpBuffer = buffer.slice(pos, pos + bytes);
- console.log('字节:');
- console.log(tmpBuffer);
- pos += bytes;
- bytes -= bytes;
- wx.writeBLECharacteristicValue({
- deviceId: that.data.deviceid,
- serviceId: that.data.services,
- characteristicId: that.data.writeId,//第二步写入的特征值
- value: tmpBuffer,
- success(res) {
- console.log('最后次发送', res)
- })
- clearInterval(sdtim);
- },
- fail: function (res) {
- console.log('发送失败', res)
- }
- })
- }
- }, 30);
- },

- string2buffer(str) {
- let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length * 2); // 每个字符占2个字节
- let bufferView = new Uint16Array(buffer);
- for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- bufferView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- return buffer;
- },
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