- /*
- * EHCI Specification 0.95 Section 3.5
- * QTD: describe data transfer components (buffer, direction, ...)
- * See Fig 3-6 "Queue Element Transfer Descriptor Block Diagram".
- *
- * These are associated only with "QH" (Queue Head) structures,
- * used with control, bulk, and interrupt transfers.
- */
- struct ehci_qtd {
- /* first part defined by EHCI spec */
- __hc32 hw_next; /* see EHCI 3.5.1 */
- __hc32 hw_alt_next; /* see EHCI 3.5.2 */
- __hc32 hw_token; /* see EHCI 3.5.3 */
- #define QTD_TOGGLE (1 << 31) /* data toggle */
- #define QTD_LENGTH(tok) (((tok)>>16) & 0x7fff)
- #define QTD_IOC (1 << 15) /* interrupt on complete */
- #define QTD_CERR(tok) (((tok)>>10) & 0x3)
- #define QTD_PID(tok) (((tok)>>8) & 0x3)
- #define QTD_STS_ACTIVE (1 << 7) /* HC may execute this */
- #define QTD_STS_HALT (1 << 6) /* halted on error */
- #define QTD_STS_DBE (1 << 5) /* data buffer error (in HC) */
- #define QTD_STS_BABBLE (1 << 4) /* device was babbling (qtd halted) */
- #define QTD_STS_XACT (1 << 3) /* device gave illegal response */
- #define QTD_STS_MMF (1 << 2) /* incomplete split transaction */
- #define QTD_STS_STS (1 << 1) /* split transaction state */
- #define QTD_STS_PING (1 << 0) /* issue PING? */
- #define ACTIVE_BIT(ehci) cpu_to_hc32(ehci, QTD_STS_ACTIVE)
- #define HALT_BIT(ehci) cpu_to_hc32(ehci, QTD_STS_HALT)
- #define STATUS_BIT(ehci) cpu_to_hc32(ehci, QTD_STS_STS)
- __hc32 hw_buf [5]; /* see EHCI 3.5.4 */
- __hc32 hw_buf_hi [5]; /* Appendix B */
- /* the rest is HCD-private */
- dma_addr_t qtd_dma; /* qtd address */
- struct list_head qtd_list; /* sw qtd list */
- struct urb *urb; /* qtd's urb */
- size_t length; /* length of buffer */
- } __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));

- /*
- * EHCI Specification 0.95 Section 3.6
- * QH: describes control/bulk/interrupt endpoints
- * See Fig 3-7 "Queue Head Structure Layout".
- *
- * These appear in both the async and (for interrupt) periodic schedules.
- */
- /* first part defined by EHCI spec */
- struct ehci_qh_hw {
- __hc32 hw_next; /* see EHCI 3.6.1 */
- __hc32 hw_info1; /* see EHCI 3.6.2 */
- #define QH_HEAD 0x00008000
- __hc32 hw_info2; /* see EHCI 3.6.2 */
- #define QH_SMASK 0x000000ff
- #define QH_CMASK 0x0000ff00
- #define QH_HUBADDR 0x007f0000
- #define QH_HUBPORT 0x3f800000
- #define QH_MULT 0xc0000000
- __hc32 hw_current; /* qtd list - see EHCI 3.6.4 */
- /* qtd overlay (hardware parts of a struct ehci_qtd) */
- __hc32 hw_qtd_next;
- __hc32 hw_alt_next;
- __hc32 hw_token;
- __hc32 hw_buf [5];
- __hc32 hw_buf_hi [5];
- } __attribute__ ((aligned(32)));

- maxp = usb_maxpacket(dev, pipe, !is_input);
- unsigned multi = hb_mult(maxp);
- maxp = max_packet(maxp)*multi//计算一次同步传输,所包含的最大包的长度
- stream->usecs = HS_USECS_ISO (maxp);//由包长换算成带宽时间
- //bandwidth = stream->usecs * 8;
- //bandwidth /= interval;
- /*
- * EHCI Specification 0.95 Section 3.3
- * Fig 3-4 "Isochronous Transaction Descriptor (iTD)"
- *
- * Schedule records for high speed iso xfers
- */
- struct ehci_itd {
- /* first part defined by EHCI spec */
- __hc32 hw_next; /* see EHCI 3.3.1 */
- __hc32 hw_transaction [8]; /* see EHCI 3.3.2 */
- #define EHCI_ISOC_ACTIVE (1<<31) /* activate transfer this slot */
- #define EHCI_ISOC_BUF_ERR (1<<30) /* Data buffer error */
- #define EHCI_ISOC_BABBLE (1<<29) /* babble detected */
- #define EHCI_ISOC_XACTERR (1<<28) /* XactErr - transaction error */
- #define EHCI_ITD_LENGTH(tok) (((tok)>>16) & 0x0fff)
- #define EHCI_ITD_IOC (1 << 15) /* interrupt on complete */
- #define ITD_ACTIVE(ehci) cpu_to_hc32(ehci, EHCI_ISOC_ACTIVE)
- __hc32 hw_bufp [7]; /* see EHCI 3.3.3 */
- __hc32 hw_bufp_hi [7]; /* Appendix B */
- /* the rest is HCD-private */
- dma_addr_t itd_dma; /* for this itd */
- union ehci_shadow itd_next; /* ptr to periodic q entry */
- struct urb *urb;
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream; /* endpoint's queue */
- struct list_head itd_list; /* list of stream's itds */
- /* any/all hw_transactions here may be used by that urb */
- unsigned frame; /* where scheduled */
- unsigned pg;
- unsigned index[8]; /* in urb->iso_frame_desc */
- } __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));

- /*
- * EHCI Specification 0.95 Section 3.4
- * siTD, aka split-transaction isochronous Transfer Descriptor
- * ... describe full speed iso xfers through TT in hubs
- * see Figure 3-5 "Split-transaction Isochronous Transaction Descriptor (siTD)
- */
- struct ehci_sitd {
- /* first part defined by EHCI spec */
- __hc32 hw_next;
- /* uses bit field macros above - see EHCI 0.95 Table 3-8 */
- __hc32 hw_fullspeed_ep; /* EHCI table 3-9 */
- __hc32 hw_uframe; /* EHCI table 3-10 */
- __hc32 hw_results; /* EHCI table 3-11 */
- #define SITD_IOC (1 << 31) /* interrupt on completion */
- #define SITD_PAGE (1 << 30) /* buffer 0/1 */
- #define SITD_LENGTH(x) (0x3ff & ((x)>>16))
- #define SITD_STS_ACTIVE (1 << 7) /* HC may execute this */
- #define SITD_STS_ERR (1 << 6) /* error from TT */
- #define SITD_STS_DBE (1 << 5) /* data buffer error (in HC) */
- #define SITD_STS_BABBLE (1 << 4) /* device was babbling */
- #define SITD_STS_XACT (1 << 3) /* illegal IN response */
- #define SITD_STS_MMF (1 << 2) /* incomplete split transaction */
- #define SITD_STS_STS (1 << 1) /* split transaction state */
- #define SITD_ACTIVE(ehci) cpu_to_hc32(ehci, SITD_STS_ACTIVE)
- __hc32 hw_buf [2]; /* EHCI table 3-12 */
- __hc32 hw_backpointer; /* EHCI table 3-13 */
- __hc32 hw_buf_hi [2]; /* Appendix B */
- /* the rest is HCD-private */
- dma_addr_t sitd_dma;
- union ehci_shadow sitd_next; /* ptr to periodic q entry */
- struct urb *urb;
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream; /* endpoint's queue */
- struct list_head sitd_list; /* list of stream's sitds */
- unsigned frame;
- unsigned index;
- } __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));

该结构的开始部分是用于host controller来访问的,后面是hcd使用的,其中sitd_list 成员将该sitd结构连入到列表中。这样便于hcd来遍历这个列表(我们称为软件列表)。而该结构的hw_next则是用于连接硬件列表,是专供host controller来访问的。
该周期调度帧列表,是传输数据接口(指qtd,qh,itd,sitd等)在内存中的组织结构,这个组织结构将被host controller自动访问。但需要软件(hcd driver)来初始化好,并动态维护他(往这个结构中添加传输数据接口(对应enqueue操作),删除传输数据接口(dequeue操作))
- if (usb_pipecontrol (urb->pipe)) {//为控制的setup数据建立阶段,分配和填充qtd结构,并将它联入到head list列表头中
- /* SETUP pid */
- qtd_fill(ehci, qtd, urb->setup_dma,
- sizeof (struct usb_ctrlrequest),
- token | (2 /* "setup" */ << 8), 8);
- /* ... and always at least one more pid */
- token ^= QTD_TOGGLE;
- qtd_prev = qtd;
- qtd = ehci_qtd_alloc (ehci, flags);
- if (unlikely (!qtd))
- goto cleanup;
- qtd->urb = urb;
- qtd_prev->hw_next = QTD_NEXT(ehci, qtd->qtd_dma);
- list_add_tail (&qtd->qtd_list, head);
- /* for zero length DATA stages, STATUS is always IN */
- if (len == 0)
- token |= (1 /* "in" */ << 8);
- }

- if (one_more) {
- qtd_prev = qtd;
- qtd = ehci_qtd_alloc (ehci, flags);
- if (unlikely (!qtd))
- goto cleanup;
- qtd->urb = urb;
- qtd_prev->hw_next = QTD_NEXT(ehci, qtd->qtd_dma);
- list_add_tail (&qtd->qtd_list, head);
- /* never any data in such packets */
- qtd_fill(ehci, qtd, 0, 0, token, 0);
- }
- static struct ehci_qh *qh_append_tds (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- struct list_head *qtd_list,
- int epnum,
- void **ptr
- )
- {
- struct ehci_qh *qh = NULL;
- __hc32 qh_addr_mask = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, 0x7f);
- qh = (struct ehci_qh *) *ptr;
- if (unlikely (qh == NULL)) { //如果该端点还没有对应的qh队列头,则就调用<span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">qh_make函数</span>分配一个QH队列头
- /* can't sleep here, we have ehci->lock... */
- qh = qh_make (ehci, urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
- *ptr = qh;
- }
- if (likely (qh != NULL)) {
- struct ehci_qtd *qtd;
- if (unlikely (list_empty (qtd_list)))
- qtd = NULL;
- else
- qtd = list_entry (qtd_list->next, struct ehci_qtd,//获得列表节点所在的qtd结构
- qtd_list);
- /* control qh may need patching ... */
- if (unlikely (epnum == 0)) {
- /* usb_reset_device() briefly reverts to address 0 */
- if (usb_pipedevice (urb->pipe) == 0)
- qh->hw->hw_info1 &= ~qh_addr_mask;
- }
- /* just one way to queue requests: swap with the dummy qtd.
- * only hc or qh_refresh() ever modify the overlay.
- */
- if (likely (qtd != NULL)) {
- struct ehci_qtd *dummy;
- dma_addr_t dma;
- __hc32 token;
- /* to avoid racing the HC, use the dummy td instead of
- * the first td of our list (becomes new dummy). both
- * tds stay deactivated until we're done, when the
- * HC is allowed to fetch the old dummy (4.10.2).
- */
- token = qtd->hw_token;
- qtd->hw_token = HALT_BIT(ehci);
- dummy = qh->dummy;
- dma = dummy->qtd_dma;
- *dummy = *qtd;
- dummy->qtd_dma = dma;
- list_del (&qtd->qtd_list);//将qtd_list列表中的第一个元素删除,将dummy添加到这个位置,此时dummy->hw_next是指向qtd->hw_next的
- list_add (&dummy->qtd_list, qtd_list);
- list_splice_tail(qtd_list, &qh->qtd_list);//将带dummy的qtd list列表添加到qh->qtd_list列表的末尾
- ehci_qtd_init(ehci, qtd, qtd->qtd_dma);
- qh->dummy = qtd; //将qh->dummy指向原qtd list列表的第一个元素(已从list删除下来)
- /* hc must see the new dummy at list end */
- dma = qtd->qtd_dma;
- qtd = list_entry (qh->qtd_list.prev,
- struct ehci_qtd, qtd_list);//
- qtd->hw_next = QTD_NEXT(ehci, dma);//让qh->qtd_list列表的尾端链上这个新的dummy元素
- /* let the hc process these next qtds */
- wmb ();
- dummy->hw_token = token;
- urb->hcpriv = qh_get (qh);
- }
- }
- return qh;
- }

- static void qh_link_async (struct ehci_hcd *ehci, struct ehci_qh *qh)
- {
- __hc32 dma = QH_NEXT(ehci, qh->qh_dma);
- struct ehci_qh *head;
- /* Don't link a QH if there's a Clear-TT-Buffer pending */
- if (unlikely(qh->clearing_tt))
- return;
- WARN_ON(qh->qh_state != QH_STATE_IDLE);
- /* (re)start the async schedule? */
- head = ehci->async;//软件上的异步循环调度队列的头,并不是host controller所标识的队列头
- timer_action_done (ehci, TIMER_ASYNC_OFF);
- if (!head->qh_next.qh) {
- u32 cmd = ehci_readl(ehci, &ehci->regs->command);
- if (!(cmd & CMD_ASE)) {//对cmd寄存器中的cmd_ase位的控制,并不是立即使能的,需要结合status寄存器来最终确定。
- /* in case a clear of CMD_ASE didn't take yet */
- (void)handshake(ehci, &ehci->regs->status,
- STS_ASS, 0, 150);
- cmd |= CMD_ASE;
- ehci_writel(ehci, cmd, &ehci->regs->command);
- /* posted write need not be known to HC yet ... */
- }
- }
- /* clear halt and/or toggle; and maybe recover from silicon quirk */
- qh_refresh(ehci, qh);
- /* splice right after start */
- qh->qh_next = head->qh_next;
- qh->hw->hw_next = head->hw->hw_next;
- wmb ();
- head->qh_next.qh = qh;
- head->hw->hw_next = dma;
- qh_get(qh);
- qh->xacterrs = 0;
- qh->qh_state = QH_STATE_LINKED;
- /* qtd completions reported later by interrupt */
- }

- static int intr_submit (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- struct list_head *qtd_list,
- gfp_t mem_flags
- ) {
- unsigned epnum;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct ehci_qh *qh;
- int status;
- struct list_head empty;
- /* get endpoint and transfer/schedule data */
- epnum = urb->ep->desc.bEndpointAddress;
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ehci->lock, flags);
- if (unlikely(!HCD_HW_ACCESSIBLE(ehci_to_hcd(ehci)))) {
- status = -ESHUTDOWN;
- goto done_not_linked;
- }
- status = usb_hcd_link_urb_to_ep(ehci_to_hcd(ehci), urb);
- if (unlikely(status))
- goto done_not_linked;
- /* get qh and force any scheduling errors */
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&empty);
- qh = qh_append_tds(ehci, urb, &empty, epnum, &urb->ep->hcpriv);
- if (qh == NULL) {
- status = -ENOMEM;
- goto done;
- }
- if (qh->qh_state == QH_STATE_IDLE) {
- if ((status = qh_schedule (ehci, qh)) != 0)
- goto done;
- }
- /* then queue the urb's tds to the qh */
- qh = qh_append_tds(ehci, urb, qtd_list, epnum, &urb->ep->hcpriv);
- BUG_ON (qh == NULL);
- /* ... update usbfs periodic stats */
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_int_reqs++;
- done:
- if (unlikely(status))
- usb_hcd_unlink_urb_from_ep(ehci_to_hcd(ehci), urb);
- done_not_linked:
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ehci->lock, flags);
- if (status)
- qtd_list_free (ehci, urb, qtd_list);
- return status;
- }

- {
- struct ehci_qh *qh = ehci_qh_alloc (ehci, flags);
- u32 info1 = 0, info2 = 0;
- int is_input, type;
- int maxp = 0;
- struct usb_tt *tt = urb->dev->tt;
- struct ehci_qh_hw *hw;
- if (!qh)
- return qh;
- /*
- * init endpoint/device data for this QH
- */
- info1 |= usb_pipeendpoint (urb->pipe) << 8;
- info1 |= usb_pipedevice (urb->pipe) << 0;
- is_input = usb_pipein (urb->pipe);
- type = usb_pipetype (urb->pipe);
- maxp = usb_maxpacket (urb->dev, urb->pipe, !is_input);
- /* 1024 byte maxpacket is a hardware ceiling. High bandwidth
- * acts like up to 3KB, but is built from smaller packets.
- */
- if (max_packet(maxp) > 1024) {
- ehci_dbg(ehci, "bogus qh maxpacket %d\n", max_packet(maxp));
- goto done;
- }
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//下面这段英文的注释,就是在初始化中断端点对应的QH时,需要考虑的问题,是难点!!!
- /* Compute interrupt scheduling parameters just once, and save.
- * - allowing for high bandwidth, how many nsec/uframe are used?
- * - split transactions need a second CSPLIT uframe; same question
- * - splits also need a schedule gap (for full/low speed I/O)
- * - qh has a polling interval
- *
- * For control/bulk requests, the HC or TT handles these.
- */
- if (type == PIPE_INTERRUPT) {//for 中断传输
- qh->usecs = NS_TO_US(usb_calc_bus_time(USB_SPEED_HIGH,
- is_input, 0,
- hb_mult(maxp) * max_packet(maxp)));//计算该中断端点对应的最大包长度,在高速总线下需要的带宽()
- qh->start = NO_FRAME;
- qh->stamp = ehci->periodic_stamp;
- if (urb->dev->speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH) {//高速中断传输
- qh->c_usecs = 0;
- qh->gap_uf = 0;
- qh->period = urb->interval >> 3;
- if (qh->period == 0 && urb->interval != 1) {//对于那些中断间隔为2,4个uframe的中断传输,直接都upscale到间隔为1个uframe的中断传输
- /* NOTE interval 2 or 4 uframes could work.//这样更便于管理,带宽更高
- * But interval 1 scheduling is simpler, and
- * includes high bandwidth.
- */
- urb->interval = 1;
- } else if (qh->period > ehci->periodic_size) {//对于那些周期超过1024*8的中断传输,则都直接upscale到间隔为1024*8个uframe的中断传输
- qh->period = ehci->periodic_size;
- urb->interval = qh->period << 3;
- }
- } else { //全速中断传输
- int think_time;
- /* gap is f(FS/LS transfer times) */
- qh->gap_uf = 1 + usb_calc_bus_time (urb->dev->speed,//针对全速和低速设备的中断传输,首先计算出该中断端点的最大包长度在全速总线上所占的总线带宽
- is_input, 0, maxp) / (125 * 1000); //并计算出该总线带宽对应几个高速总线时隙,即对应几个uframe
- /* FIXME this just approximates SPLIT/CSPLIT times */
- if (is_input) { // 分裂中断IN传输的操作模型:SPLIT(对应带宽:HS_USECS(1)), gap, CSPLIT+DATA(对应带宽:qh->c_usecs)<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">qh->c_usecs)</span>
- qh->c_usecs = qh->usecs + HS_USECS (0);
- qh->usecs = HS_USECS (1);
- } else { //分裂中断OUT传输的操作模型: SPLIT+DATA, gap, CSPLIT
- qh->usecs += HS_USECS (1);
- qh->c_usecs = HS_USECS (0);
- }
- think_time = tt ? tt->think_time : 0;
- qh->tt_usecs = NS_TO_US (think_time +
- usb_calc_bus_time (urb->dev->speed,
- is_input, 0, max_packet (maxp)));//即这个长度的包在全速总线上传输,所需要的时间
- qh->period = urb->interval;
- if (qh->period > ehci->periodic_size) {
- qh->period = ehci->periodic_size;
- urb->interval = qh->period;
- }
- }
- }
- /* support for tt scheduling, and access to toggles */
- qh->dev = urb->dev;
- /* using TT? */
- switch (urb->dev->speed) {
- info1 |= (1 << 12); /*更新QH结构中的 EPS域到 "low" */
- /* EPS 0 means "full" */
- if (type != PIPE_INTERRUPT)
- info1 |= (EHCI_TUNE_RL_TT << 28);
- if (type == PIPE_CONTROL) {
- info1 |= (1 << 27); /*field:"C" for TT */
- info1 |= 1 << 14; /*field:"dtc" toggle from qtd */
- }
- info1 |= maxp << 16; /*field:"Maximum package length"*/
- info2 |= (EHCI_TUNE_MULT_TT << 30); /*field:"Mult"*/
- /* Some Freescale processors have an erratum in which the
- * port number in the queue head was 0..N-1 instead of 1..N.
- */
- if (ehci_has_fsl_portno_bug(ehci))/*Port number*/
- info2 |= (urb->dev->ttport-1) << 23;
- else
- info2 |= urb->dev->ttport << 23;
- /* set the address of the TT; for TDI's integrated
- * root hub tt, leave it zeroed.
- */
- if (tt && tt->hub != ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.root_hub)/*Hub address*/
- info2 |= tt->hub->devnum << 16;
- /* NOTE: if (PIPE_INTERRUPT) { scheduler sets c-mask } */
- break;
- case USB_SPEED_HIGH: /* no TT involved */
- info1 |= (2 << 12); /* EPS "high" */
- if (type == PIPE_CONTROL) {
- info1 |= (EHCI_TUNE_RL_HS << 28);
- info1 |= 64 << 16; /* usb2 fixed maxpacket */
- info1 |= 1 << 14; /* toggle from qtd */
- info2 |= (EHCI_TUNE_MULT_HS << 30);
- } else if (type == PIPE_BULK) {
- info1 |= (EHCI_TUNE_RL_HS << 28);
- /* The USB spec says that high speed bulk endpoints
- * always use 512 byte maxpacket. But some device
- * vendors decided to ignore that, and MSFT is happy
- * to help them do so. So now people expect to use
- * such nonconformant devices with Linux too; sigh.
- */
- info1 |= max_packet(maxp) << 16;
- info2 |= (EHCI_TUNE_MULT_HS << 30);
- } else { /* PIPE_INTERRUPT */
- info1 |= max_packet (maxp) << 16;
- info2 |= hb_mult (maxp) << 30;
- }
- break;
- default:
- dbg ("bogus dev %p speed %d", urb->dev, urb->dev->speed);
- done:
- qh_put (qh);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* NOTE: if (PIPE_INTERRUPT) { scheduler sets s-mask } */
- /* init as live, toggle clear, advance to dummy */
- qh->qh_state = QH_STATE_IDLE;
- hw = qh->hw;
- hw->hw_info1 = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, info1);
- hw->hw_info2 = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, info2);
- qh->is_out = !is_input;
- usb_settoggle (urb->dev, usb_pipeendpoint (urb->pipe), !is_input, 1);
- qh_refresh (ehci, qh);
- return qh;
- }

- /* "first fit" scheduling policy used the first time through,
- * or when the previous schedule slot can't be re-used.
- */
- static int qh_schedule(struct ehci_hcd *ehci, struct ehci_qh *qh)
- {
- int status;
- unsigned uframe;
- __hc32 c_mask;
- unsigned frame; /* 0..(qh->period - 1), or NO_FRAME */
- struct ehci_qh_hw *hw = qh->hw;
- qh_refresh(ehci, qh);
- hw->hw_next = EHCI_LIST_END(ehci);
- frame = qh->start;
- /* reuse the previous schedule slots, if we can */
- if (frame < qh->period) {
- uframe = ffs(hc32_to_cpup(ehci, &hw->hw_info2) & QH_SMASK);
- status = check_intr_schedule (ehci, frame, --uframe,
- qh, &c_mask);
- } else {
- uframe = 0;
- c_mask = 0;
- status = -ENOSPC;
- }
- /* else scan the schedule to find a group of slots such that all
- * uframes have enough periodic bandwidth available.
- */
- if (status) {
- /* "normal" case, uframing flexible except with splits */
- if (qh->period) {
- int i;
- for (i = qh->period; status && i > 0; --i) {
- frame = ++ehci->random_frame % qh->period;
- for (uframe = 0; uframe < 8; uframe++) {
- status = check_intr_schedule (ehci,
- frame, uframe, qh,
- &c_mask);
- if (status == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* qh->period == 0 means every uframe */
- } else {
- frame = 0;
- status = check_intr_schedule (ehci, 0, 0, qh, &c_mask);
- }
- if (status)
- goto done;
- qh->start = frame; //选定了该frame帧对应的uframe微帧,是符合条件的。
- /* reset S-frame and (maybe) C-frame masks */
- hw->hw_info2 &= cpu_to_hc32(ehci, ~(QH_CMASK | QH_SMASK));
- hw->hw_info2 |= qh->period
- ? cpu_to_hc32(ehci, 1 << uframe) //qh->period == 0 means every uframe都有中断传输,
- : cpu_to_hc32(ehci, QH_SMASK); //不为0,则意味着只有制定的那个微帧才有中断传输或start split传输
- hw->hw_info2 |= c_mask;//制定csplit传输的位置,只有全速、低速中断才有意义,如果其他情况,应该都为0.
- } else
- ehci_dbg (ehci, "reused qh %p schedule\n", qh);
- /* stuff into the periodic schedule */
- status = qh_link_periodic (ehci, qh);
- done:
- return status;
- }

- static int check_intr_schedule (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- unsigned frame,
- unsigned uframe,
- const struct ehci_qh *qh,
- __hc32 *c_maskp
- )
- {
- int retval = -ENOSPC;
- u8 mask = 0;
- if (qh->c_usecs && uframe >= 6) /* FSTN territory? */目前usb驱动还不支持分裂传输跨H帧边界,所以需要这样一个判断
- goto done;
- if (!check_period (ehci, frame, uframe, qh->period, qh->usecs))//计算frame帧中的uframe微帧对应的时隙组,是否有足够多可用的同步带宽来容纳qh->usecs对应的带宽
- goto done;
- if (!qh->c_usecs) {//对于全速、低速设备而言,如果中断OUT传输,则qh->c_usecs为0,如果是中断IN传输,则不为0
- retval = 0;
- *c_maskp = 0;
- goto done;
- }
- if (tt_available (ehci, qh->period, qh->dev, frame, uframe,//该函数判断tt下行的fs、ls设备对应于frame帧的时隙组,是否有足够同步带宽来容纳qh->tt_usecs
- qh->tt_usecs)) {
- unsigned i;
- /* TODO : this may need FSTN for SSPLIT in uframe 5. */
- for (i=uframe+1; i<8 && i<uframe+4; i++)
- if (!check_period (ehci, frame, i,
- qh->period, qh->c_usecs))//判断对应的uframe微帧所对应的时隙组,是否有足够带宽发起csplit传输
- goto done;
- else
- mask |= 1 << i;
- retval = 0;
- *c_maskp = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, mask << 8);//设定在哪些帧发起csplit传输,固定为3个csplit传输。
- }
- #else
- /* Make sure this tt's buffer is also available for CSPLITs.
- * We pessimize a bit; probably the typical full speed case
- * doesn't need the second CSPLIT.
- *
- * NOTE: both SPLIT and CSPLIT could be checked in just
- * one smart pass...
- */
- mask = 0x03 << (uframe + qh->gap_uf);
- *c_maskp = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, mask << 8);
- mask |= 1 << uframe;
- if (tt_no_collision (ehci, qh->period, qh->dev, frame, mask)) {
- if (!check_period (ehci, frame, uframe + qh->gap_uf + 1,
- qh->period, qh->c_usecs))
- goto done;
- if (!check_period (ehci, frame, uframe + qh->gap_uf,
- qh->period, qh->c_usecs))
- goto done;
- retval = 0;
- }
- #endif
- done:
- return retval;
- }

- /* periodic schedule slots have iso tds (normal or split) first, then a
- * sparse tree for active interrupt transfers.
- *
- * this just links in a qh; caller guarantees uframe masks are set right.
- * no FSTN support (yet; ehci 0.96+)
- */
- static int qh_link_periodic (struct ehci_hcd *ehci, struct ehci_qh *qh)
- {
- unsigned i;
- unsigned period = qh->period;
- dev_dbg (&qh->dev->dev,
- "link qh%d-%04x/%p start %d [%d/%d us]\n",
- period, hc32_to_cpup(ehci, &qh->hw->hw_info2)
- qh, qh->start, qh->usecs, qh->c_usecs);
- /* high bandwidth, or otherwise every microframe */
- if (period == 0)
- period = 1;
- for (i = qh->start; i < ehci->periodic_size; i += period) {
- union ehci_shadow *prev = &ehci->pshadow[i];
- __hc32 *hw_p = &ehci->periodic[i];
- union ehci_shadow here = *prev;
- __hc32 type = 0;
- /* skip the iso nodes at list head */跳过前面的itd和sitd节点
- while (here.ptr) {
- type = Q_NEXT_TYPE(ehci, *hw_p);
- if (type == cpu_to_hc32(ehci, Q_TYPE_QH))
- break;
- prev = periodic_next_shadow(ehci, prev, type);
- hw_p = shadow_next_periodic(ehci, &here, type);
- here = *prev;
- }
- /* sorting each branch by period (slow-->fast)//由于中断端点对应的qh在数据结构的组织上,根据poll rate从低到高连接在一起的。
- * enables sharing interior tree nodes//所以要根据他们的qh->period来确定合适的插入位置
- */
- while (here.ptr && qh != here.qh) {
- if (qh->period > here.qh->period)
- break;
- prev = &here.qh->qh_next;
- hw_p = &here.qh->hw->hw_next;
- here = *prev; //在这里需要特别注意的是:here不是指针,而prev是指针,prev指向的是列表的前一个,而here指向的列表的当前节点
- }
- /* link in this qh, unless some earlier pass did that */
- if (qh != here.qh) { // before insert: prev--->here ; after insert: prev-->qh--->here
- qh->qh_next = here;
- if (here.qh)
- qh->hw->hw_next = *hw_p;
- wmb ();
- prev->qh = qh;
- *hw_p = QH_NEXT (ehci, qh->qh_dma);
- }
- }
- qh->qh_state = QH_STATE_LINKED;
- qh->xacterrs = 0;
- qh_get (qh);
- /* update per-qh bandwidth for usbfs */
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_allocated += qh->period
- ? ((qh->usecs + qh->c_usecs) / qh->period)
- : (qh->usecs * 8);
- /* maybe enable periodic schedule processing */
- return enable_periodic(ehci);
- }

- static void
- iso_stream_init (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream,
- struct usb_device *dev,
- int pipe,
- unsigned interval
- )
- {
- static const u8 smask_out [] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x3f };//该数组表示以microframe的数目为index,相应的值为在哪些uframe slot需要发起start split传输
- u32 buf1;
- unsigned epnum, maxp;
- int is_input;
- long bandwidth;
- /*
- * this might be a "high bandwidth" highspeed endpoint,
- * as encoded in the ep descriptor's wMaxPacket field
- */
- epnum = usb_pipeendpoint (pipe);
- is_input = usb_pipein (pipe) ? USB_DIR_IN : 0;
- maxp = usb_maxpacket(dev, pipe, !is_input);
- if (is_input) {
- buf1 = (1 << 11);
- } else {
- buf1 = 0;
- }
- /* knows about ITD vs SITD */
- if (dev->speed == USB_SPEED_HIGH) {//高速同步传输
- unsigned multi = hb_mult(maxp);//陪乘数,表示在一个uframe中连续发起multi个IN/OUT传输
- stream->highspeed = 1;
- maxp = max_packet(maxp);
- buf1 |= maxp;
- maxp *= multi;
- stream->buf0 = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, (epnum << 8) | dev->devnum);
- stream->buf1 = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, buf1);
- stream->buf2 = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, multi);
- /* usbfs wants to report the average usecs per frame tied up
- * when transfers on this endpoint are scheduled ...
- */
- stream->usecs = HS_USECS_ISO (maxp);//同步带宽
- bandwidth = stream->usecs * 8;
- bandwidth /= interval;
- } else {//全速同步分裂传输
- u32 addr;
- int think_time;
- int hs_transfers;
- addr = dev->ttport << 24;
- if (!ehci_is_TDI(ehci)
- || (dev->tt->hub !=
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.root_hub))
- addr |= dev->tt->hub->devnum << 16;
- addr |= epnum << 8;
- addr |= dev->devnum;
- stream->usecs = HS_USECS_ISO (maxp);//同步带宽
- think_time = dev->tt ? dev->tt->think_time : 0;
- stream->tt_usecs = NS_TO_US (think_time + usb_calc_bus_time (//这个最大包长度在全速总线上,所占的总线带宽(以时间us计量)
- dev->speed, is_input, 1, maxp));
- hs_transfers = max (1u, (maxp + 187) / 188);//这个全速同步传输时间,跨越了几个uframe微帧,由于在一个微帧(125us)的时间里,全速同步传输最多可以传送188个字节。
- if (is_input) {// 同步端点IN传输的操作模式:SSplit+IN , CSplit+IN+DATA
- u32 tmp;
- addr |= 1 << 31;
- stream->c_usecs = stream->usecs;//同步IN传输csplist阶段所需的最大带宽
- stream->usecs = HS_USECS_ISO (1);//同步In传输ssplit阶段所需的最大带宽
- stream->raw_mask = 1;
- /* c-mask as specified in USB 2.0 11.18.4 3.c */该语句的含义,见下面的示意图
- tmp = (1 << (hs_transfers + 2)) - 1;
- stream->raw_mask |= tmp << (8 + 2);
- } else //同步端点OUT传输的操作模式:SSplist+OUT+DATA,没有csplist阶段,因为同步传输是不不可靠传输,不需要响应
- stream->raw_mask = smask_out [hs_transfers - 1];//对应那些位置需要发起ssplist out传输,如果数据包大于188byte,则需要多个ssplist
- bandwidth = stream->usecs + stream->c_usecs;
- bandwidth /= interval << 3;
- /* stream->splits gets created from raw_mask later */
- stream->address = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, addr);
- }
- stream->bandwidth = bandwidth;
- stream->udev = dev;
- stream->bEndpointAddress = is_input | epnum;
- stream->interval = interval;
- stream->maxp = maxp;
- }

- /* description of one iso transaction (up to 3 KB data if highspeed) */
- struct ehci_iso_packet {
- /* These will be copied to iTD when scheduling */
- u64 bufp; /* itd->hw_bufp{,_hi}[pg] |= */
- __hc32 transaction; /* itd->hw_transaction[i] |= */
- u8 cross; /* buf crosses pages */
- /* for full speed OUT splits */
- u32 buf1;
- };
- /* temporary schedule data for packets from iso urbs (both speeds)
- * each packet is one logical usb transaction to the device (not TT),
- * beginning at stream->next_uframe
- */
- struct ehci_iso_sched {
- struct list_head td_list;
- unsigned span;
- struct ehci_iso_packet packet [0];
- };
- static int
- itd_urb_transaction (
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream,
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- gfp_t mem_flags
- )
- {
- struct ehci_itd *itd;
- dma_addr_t itd_dma;
- int i;
- unsigned num_itds;
- struct ehci_iso_sched *sched;
- unsigned long flags;
- sched = iso_sched_alloc (urb->number_of_packets, mem_flags);
- if (unlikely (sched == NULL))
- return -ENOMEM;
- itd_sched_init(ehci, sched, stream, urb);
- if (urb->interval < 8)
- num_itds = 1 + (sched->span + 7) / 8;//计算一个urb需要多少个itd接口数据
- else
- num_itds = urb->number_of_packets;
- /* allocate/init ITDs */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ehci->lock, flags);
- for (i = 0; i < num_itds; i++) {
- /* free_list.next might be cache-hot ... but maybe
- * the HC caches it too. avoid that issue for now.
- */
- /* prefer previously-allocated itds */
- if (likely (!list_empty(&stream->free_list))) {
- itd = list_entry (stream->free_list.prev,
- struct ehci_itd, itd_list);
- list_del (&itd->itd_list);
- itd_dma = itd->itd_dma;
- } else {
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ehci->lock, flags);
- itd = dma_pool_alloc (ehci->itd_pool, mem_flags,
- &itd_dma);
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ehci->lock, flags);
- if (!itd) {
- iso_sched_free(stream, sched);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ehci->lock, flags);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- }
- memset (itd, 0, sizeof *itd);
- itd->itd_dma = itd_dma;
- list_add (&itd->itd_list, &sched->td_list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ehci->lock, flags);
- /* temporarily store schedule info in hcpriv */
- urb->hcpriv = sched;
- urb->error_count = 0;
- return 0;
- }

- /*
- * This scheduler plans almost as far into the future as it has actual
- * periodic schedule slots. (Affected by TUNE_FLS, which defaults to
- * "as small as possible" to be cache-friendlier.) That limits the size
- * transfers you can stream reliably; avoid more than 64 msec per urb.
- * Also avoid queue depths of less than ehci's worst irq latency (affected
- * by the per-urb URB_NO_INTERRUPT hint, the log2_irq_thresh module parameter,
- * and other factors); or more than about 230 msec total (for portability,
- * given EHCI_TUNE_FLS and the slop). Or, write a smarter scheduler!
- */
- #define SCHEDULE_SLOP 80 /* microframes */
- static int
- iso_stream_schedule (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream
- )
- {
- u32 now, next, start, period, span;
- int status;
- unsigned mod = ehci->periodic_size << 3;
- struct ehci_iso_sched *sched = urb->hcpriv;
- period = urb->interval;
- span = sched->span;
- if (!stream->highspeed) {
- period <<= 3;
- span <<= 3;
- }
- if (span > mod - SCHEDULE_SLOP) {
- ehci_dbg (ehci, "iso request %p too long\n", urb);
- status = -EFBIG;
- goto fail;
- }
- now = ehci_read_frame_index(ehci) & (mod - 1);//当前hc在哪个周期列表元素中执行
- /* Typical case: reuse current schedule, stream is still active.
- * Hopefully there are no gaps from the host falling behind
- * (irq delays etc), but if there are we'll take the next
- * slot in the schedule, implicitly assuming URB_ISO_ASAP.
- */
- if (likely (!list_empty (&stream->td_list))) {//这个说明这个周期端点,之前已经被调度过了只要按对应的时隙间隔填充,不用再去判断对应的时隙组是否有足够可用的总线带宽,因为已经判断过了。
- u32 excess;
- /* For high speed devices, allow scheduling within the
- * isochronous scheduling threshold. For full speed devices
- * and Intel PCI-based controllers, don't (work around for
- * Intel ICH9 bug).
- */
- if (!stream->highspeed && ehci->fs_i_thresh)
- next = now + ehci->i_thresh;
- else
- next = now;
- /* Fell behind (by up to twice the slop amount)?
- * We decide based on the time of the last currently-scheduled
- * slot, not the time of the next available slot.
- */
- excess = (stream->next_uframe - period - next) & (mod - 1);
- if (excess >= mod - 2 * SCHEDULE_SLOP)
- start = next + excess - mod + period *
- DIV_ROUND_UP(mod - excess, period);//保证在对应的间隔为period的时隙slot中。
- else
- start = next + excess + period; //基于上次被调度的地方,而不是最近hc被访问的地方
- if (start - now >= mod) {
- ehci_dbg(ehci, "request %p would overflow (%d+%d >= %d)\n",
- urb, start - now - period, period,
- mod);
- status = -EFBIG;
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- /* need to schedule; when's the next (u)frame we could start?
- * this is bigger than ehci->i_thresh allows; scheduling itself
- * isn't free, the slop should handle reasonably slow cpus. it
- * can also help high bandwidth if the dma and irq loads don't
- * jump until after the queue is primed.
- */
- else {
- int done = 0;
- start = SCHEDULE_SLOP + (now & ~0x07);
- /* NOTE: assumes URB_ISO_ASAP, to limit complexity/bugs */
- /* find a uframe slot with enough bandwidth.
- * Early uframes are more precious because full-speed
- * iso IN transfers can't use late uframes,
- * and therefore they should be allocated last.
- */
- next = start;
- start += period;
- do {
- start--;
- /* check schedule: enough space? */
- if (stream->highspeed) {
- if (itd_slot_ok(ehci, mod, start,
- stream->usecs, period))//详细见下面的解析
- done = 1;
- } else {
- if ((start % 8) >= 6)
- continue;
- if (sitd_slot_ok(ehci, mod, stream,
- start, sched, period))//详细见下面的解析
- done = 1;
- }
- } while (start > next && !done);
- /* no room in the schedule */
- if (!done) {
- ehci_dbg(ehci, "iso resched full %p (now %d max %d)\n",
- urb, now, now + mod);
- status = -ENOSPC;
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- /* Tried to schedule too far into the future? */
- if (unlikely(start - now + span - period
- >= mod - 2 * SCHEDULE_SLOP)) {
- ehci_dbg(ehci, "request %p would overflow (%d+%d >= %d)\n",
- urb, start - now, span - period,
- mod - 2 * SCHEDULE_SLOP);
- status = -EFBIG;
- goto fail;
- }
- stream->next_uframe = start & (mod - 1);//该值在新的itd或sitd被连入到这个周期列表后,会被更新(详见itd_link_urb和sitd_link_urb函数)
- /* report high speed start in uframes; full speed, in frames */
- urb->start_frame = stream->next_uframe;
- if (!stream->highspeed)
- urb->start_frame >>= 3;
- return 0;
- fail:
- iso_sched_free(stream, sched);
- urb->hcpriv = NULL;
- return status;
- }

- /* how many of the uframe's 125 usecs are allocated? */
- static unsigned short
- periodic_usecs (struct ehci_hcd *ehci, unsigned frame, unsigned uframe)
- {
- __hc32 *hw_p = &ehci->periodic [frame];
- union ehci_shadow *q = &ehci->pshadow [frame];
- unsigned usecs = 0;
- struct ehci_qh_hw *hw;
- while (q->ptr) {
- switch (hc32_to_cpu(ehci, Q_NEXT_TYPE(ehci, *hw_p))) {
- case Q_TYPE_QH: //该QH只能对应的就是中断端点,
- hw = q->qh->hw;
- /* is it in the S-mask? */
- if (hw->hw_info2 & cpu_to_hc32(ehci, 1 << uframe))//对于高速中断设备,表示在S-mask对应的位置发起中断传输,对应的最大可能的带宽包存在qh->usecs变量中。
- usecs += q->qh->usecs;
- /* ... or C-mask? */
- if (hw->hw_info2 & cpu_to_hc32(ehci,
- 1 << (8 + uframe)))//对于高速中断设备而言,该域为0,而对于全速设备而言,该域就是csplist传输,对应的带宽
- usecs += q->qh->c_usecs;
- hw_p = &hw->hw_next;
- q = &q->qh->qh_next;
- break;
- // case Q_TYPE_FSTN:
- default:
- /* for "save place" FSTNs, count the relevant INTR
- * bandwidth from the previous frame
- */
- if (q->fstn->hw_prev != EHCI_LIST_END(ehci)) {
- ehci_dbg (ehci, "ignoring FSTN cost ...\n");
- }
- hw_p = &q->fstn->hw_next;
- q = &q->fstn->fstn_next;
- break;
- case Q_TYPE_ITD:
- if (q->itd->hw_transaction[uframe])//高速同步端点,一个itd保存了8个微帧的传输,如果对应的微帧位置没有事务传输,则应该为0,如果有对应的传输,则最大可能的带宽保存在stream->usecs变量中
- usecs += q->itd->stream->usecs;
- hw_p = &q->itd->hw_next;
- q = &q->itd->itd_next;
- break;
- case Q_TYPE_SITD:
- /* is it in the S-mask? (count SPLIT, DATA) */
- if (q->sitd->hw_uframe & cpu_to_hc32(ehci,
- 1 << uframe)) {
- if (q->sitd->hw_fullspeed_ep &
- cpu_to_hc32(ehci, 1<<31))
- usecs += q->sitd->stream->usecs;// 全速设备的,In同步端点传输,对应的start split传输,最大可能的带宽保存在stream->usecs里
- else /* worst case for OUT start-split */
- usecs += HS_USECS_ISO (188);//全速设备的OUT同步端点传输,只有start-split+data传输,没有cspllist传输,out传输所允许最大的包大小就是188个字节
- }
- /* ... C-mask? (count CSPLIT, DATA) */
- if (q->sitd->hw_uframe &
- cpu_to_hc32(ehci, 1 << (8 + uframe))) {
- /* worst case for IN complete-split */
- usecs += q->sitd->stream->c_usecs;//全速设备的IN同步端点,他的csplit传输,包含了data阶段,所允许的最大带宽保存在stream->usecs里。
- }
- hw_p = &q->sitd->hw_next;
- q = &q->sitd->sitd_next;
- break;
- }
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (usecs > ehci->uframe_periodic_max)
- ehci_err (ehci, "uframe %d sched overrun: %d usecs\n",
- frame * 8 + uframe, usecs);
- #endif
- return usecs;
- }

- static inline int
- itd_slot_ok (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- u32 mod, //mod即为1024*8
- u32 uframe,
- u8 usecs,
- u32 period //每隔多少个微帧发起一个同步传输
- )
- {
- uframe %= period;//uframe的范围为0...(period-1)
- do {
- /* can't commit more than uframe_periodic_max usec */
- if (periodic_usecs (ehci, uframe >> 3, uframe & 0x7)
- > (ehci->uframe_periodic_max - usecs))
- return 0;
- /* we know urb->interval is 2^N uframes */
- uframe += period;
- } while (uframe < mod);//遍历整个周期帧列表,即有个1024个列表,而每个列表中的每项又包含了8个微帧的带宽分布情况
- return 1;
- }

- static inline int
- sitd_slot_ok (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- u32 mod,
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream,
- u32 uframe,
- struct ehci_iso_sched *sched,
- u32 period_uframes
- )
- {
- u32 mask, tmp;
- u32 frame, uf;
- mask = stream->raw_mask << (uframe & 7);
- /* for IN, don't wrap CSPLIT into the next frame */
- if (mask & ~0xffff) //目前尚不支持分裂传输跨H frame边界
- return 0;
- /* this multi-pass logic is simple, but performance may
- * suffer when the schedule data isn't cached.
- */
- /* check bandwidth */
- uframe %= period_uframes;// 范围:0<uframe<(period_uframes-1),单位是微帧
- do {
- u32 max_used;
- frame = uframe >> 3;//计算对应的大帧
- uf = uframe & 7; //计算对应的微帧
- /* The tt's fullspeed bus bandwidth must be available.
- * tt_available scheduling guarantees 10+% for control/bulk.
- */
- if (!tt_available (ehci, period_uframes << 3,
- stream->udev, frame, uf, stream->tt_usecs))//确定在对应的大帧是否有足够可用的低速周期带宽来发起这次分裂周期传输
- return 0;
- #else
- /* tt must be idle for start(s), any gap, and csplit.
- * assume scheduling slop leaves 10+% for control/bulk.
- */
- if (!tt_no_collision (ehci, period_uframes << 3,
- stream->udev, frame, mask))
- return 0;
- #endif
- /* check starts (OUT uses more than one) */
- max_used = ehci->uframe_periodic_max - stream->usecs;
- for (tmp = stream->raw_mask & 0xff; tmp; tmp >>= 1, uf++) {//如果是OUT分裂传输,我们要确定在连续的这几个分裂OUT周期传输所对应的微帧是否有足够可用的周期带宽
- if (periodic_usecs (ehci, frame, uf) > max_used)
- return 0;
- }
- /* for IN, check CSPLIT */
- if (stream->c_usecs) { //如果是IN分裂传输,我们要判断,在多个csplit传输对应的微帧是否都有足够可用的周期带宽
- uf = uframe & 7;
- max_used = ehci->uframe_periodic_max - stream->c_usecs;
- do {
- tmp = 1 << uf;
- tmp <<= 8;
- if ((stream->raw_mask & tmp) == 0)
- continue;
- if (periodic_usecs (ehci, frame, uf)
- > max_used)
- return 0;
- } while (++uf < 8);
- }
- /* we know urb->interval is 2^N uframes */
- uframe += period_uframes;
- } while (uframe < mod);
- stream->splits = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, stream->raw_mask << (uframe & 7));//保存移位后的smask和cmask
- return 1;
- }

- /*
- * Return true if the device's tt's downstream bus is available for a
- * periodic transfer of the specified length (usecs), starting at the
- * specified frame/uframe. Note that (as summarized in section 11.19
- * of the usb 2.0 spec) TTs can buffer multiple transactions for each
- * uframe.
- *
- * The uframe parameter is when the fullspeed/lowspeed transfer
- * should be executed in "B-frame" terms, which is the same as the
- * highspeed ssplit's uframe (which is in "H-frame" terms). For example
- * a ssplit in "H-frame" 0 causes a transfer in "B-frame" 0.
- * See the EHCI spec sec 4.5 and fig 4.7.
- *
- * This checks if the full/lowspeed bus, at the specified starting uframe,
- * has the specified bandwidth available, according to rules listed
- * in USB 2.0 spec section 11.18.1 fig 11-60.
- *
- * This does not check if the transfer would exceed the max ssplit
- * limit of 16, specified in USB 2.0 spec section 11.18.4 requirement #4,
- * since proper scheduling limits ssplits to less than 16 per uframe.
- */
- static int tt_available (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- unsigned period,
- struct usb_device *dev,
- unsigned frame,
- unsigned uframe,
- u16 usecs
- )
- {
- if ((period == 0) || (uframe >= 7)) /* error */
- return 0;
- for (; frame < ehci->periodic_size; frame += period) {
- unsigned short tt_usecs[8];
- periodic_tt_usecs (ehci, dev, frame, tt_usecs);//确定在frame大帧中(对应1000us),有多少带宽已经被全速周期传输占用了,并将他们记录在tt_usecs数组中。
- ehci_vdbg(ehci, "tt frame %d check %d usecs start uframe %d in"
- " schedule %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d\n",
- frame, usecs, uframe,
- tt_usecs[0], tt_usecs[1], tt_usecs[2], tt_usecs[3],
- tt_usecs[4], tt_usecs[5], tt_usecs[6], tt_usecs[7]);
- if (max_tt_usecs[uframe] <= tt_usecs[uframe]) {
- ehci_vdbg(ehci, "frame %d uframe %d fully scheduled\n",
- frame, uframe);
- return 0;
- }
- /* special case for isoc transfers larger than 125us:
- * the first and each subsequent fully used uframe
- * must be empty, so as to not illegally delay
- * already scheduled transactions
- */
- if (125 < usecs) {//对于那些带宽大于125us的周期传输,我们要求第一个和随后的几个微帧都必须是空的,不然当前的周期传输就会被非法的延迟。
- int ufs = (usecs / 125);
- int i;
- for (i = uframe; i < (uframe + ufs) && i < 8; i++)
- if (0 < tt_usecs[i]) {
- ehci_vdbg(ehci,
- "multi-uframe xfer can't fit "
- "in frame %d uframe %d\n",
- frame, i);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- tt_usecs[uframe] += usecs;
- carryover_tt_bandwidth(tt_usecs);
- /* fail if the carryover pushed bw past the last uframe's limit */
- if (max_tt_usecs[7] < tt_usecs[7]) {
- ehci_vdbg(ehci,
- "tt unavailable usecs %d frame %d uframe %d\n",
- usecs, frame, uframe);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }

- static const unsigned char
- max_tt_usecs[] = { 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 125, 30, 0 };
- /* How many of the tt's periodic downstream 1000 usecs are allocated?
- *
- * While this measures the bandwidth in terms of usecs/uframe,
- * the low/fullspeed bus has no notion of uframes, so any particular
- * low/fullspeed transfer can "carry over" from one uframe to the next,
- * since the TT just performs downstream transfers in sequence.
- *
- * For example two separate 100 usec transfers can start in the same uframe,
- * and the second one would "carry over" 75 usecs into the next uframe.
- */
- static void
- periodic_tt_usecs (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct usb_device *dev,
- unsigned frame,
- unsigned short tt_usecs[8]
- )
- {
- __hc32 *hw_p = &ehci->periodic [frame];
- union ehci_shadow *q = &ehci->pshadow [frame];
- unsigned char uf;
- memset(tt_usecs, 0, 16);
- while (q->ptr) {
- switch (hc32_to_cpu(ehci, Q_NEXT_TYPE(ehci, *hw_p))) {
- case Q_TYPE_ITD:
- hw_p = &q->itd->hw_next;
- q = &q->itd->itd_next;
- continue;
- case Q_TYPE_QH:
- if (same_tt(dev, q->qh->dev)) {
- uf = tt_start_uframe(ehci, q->qh->hw->hw_info2);//通过查看s-mask位,全速、低速中断传输将在哪个微帧被发起
- tt_usecs[uf] += q->qh->tt_usecs;//对应的全速、低速中断传输的最大带宽
- }
- hw_p = &q->qh->hw->hw_next;
- q = &q->qh->qh_next;
- continue;
- case Q_TYPE_SITD:
- if (same_tt(dev, q->sitd->urb->dev)) {
- uf = tt_start_uframe(ehci, q->sitd->hw_uframe);//通过查看s-mask位,全速、低速同步传输在哪个微帧被发起
- tt_usecs[uf] += q->sitd->stream->tt_usecs;//低速同步带宽的最大带宽
- }
- hw_p = &q->sitd->hw_next;
- q = &q->sitd->sitd_next;
- continue;
- // case Q_TYPE_FSTN:
- default:
- ehci_dbg(ehci, "ignoring periodic frame %d FSTN\n",
- frame);
- hw_p = &q->fstn->hw_next;
- q = &q->fstn->fstn_next;
- }
- }
- carryover_tt_bandwidth(tt_usecs);
- if (max_tt_usecs[7] < tt_usecs[7])
- ehci_err(ehci, "frame %d tt sched overrun: %d usecs\n",
- frame, tt_usecs[7] - max_tt_usecs[7]);
- }

- /* fit urb's itds into the selected schedule slot; activate as needed */
- static int
- itd_link_urb (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- unsigned mod,
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream
- )
- {
- int packet;
- unsigned next_uframe, uframe, frame;
- struct ehci_iso_sched *iso_sched = urb->hcpriv;
- struct ehci_itd *itd;
- next_uframe = stream->next_uframe & (mod - 1);//itd被连入的位置
- if (unlikely (list_empty(&stream->td_list))) {
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_allocated
- += stream->bandwidth;
- ehci_vdbg (ehci,
- "schedule devp %s ep%d%s-iso period %d start %d.%d\n",
- urb->dev->devpath, stream->bEndpointAddress & 0x0f,
- (stream->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN) ? "in" : "out",
- urb->interval,
- next_uframe >> 3, next_uframe & 0x7);
- }
- if (ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_isoc_reqs == 0) {
- if (ehci->amd_pll_fix == 1)
- usb_amd_quirk_pll_disable();
- }
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_isoc_reqs++;
- /* fill iTDs uframe by uframe */
- for (packet = 0, itd = NULL; packet < urb->number_of_packets; ) {//注意一个itd可能包含多个struct ehci_iso_packet包,
- if (itd == NULL) {
- /* ASSERT: we have all necessary itds */
- // BUG_ON (list_empty (&iso_sched->td_list));
- /* ASSERT: no itds for this endpoint in this uframe */
- itd = list_entry (iso_sched->td_list.next,
- struct ehci_itd, itd_list); //iso_sched结构对应一个urb(是一一对应的),里面保存了用于填充itd的成员,iso_sched结构可以对应多个itd成员(1对多)。
- list_move_tail (&itd->itd_list, &stream->td_list);//将这个itd连入到stream->td_list列表中
- itd->stream = iso_stream_get (stream);
- itd->urb = urb;
- itd_init (ehci, stream, itd);//初始化itd,主要是包含一些同步端点的信息
- }
- uframe = next_uframe & 0x07;
- frame = next_uframe >> 3;
- itd_patch(ehci, itd, iso_sched, packet, uframe);//初始化同步端点在uframe微帧位置对应的传输描述,包括:itd->hw_transaction,pg,itd->hw_bufp
- next_uframe += stream->interval;//跳到下一个填充微帧的位置
- next_uframe &= mod - 1;
- packet++;
- /* link completed itds into the schedule */
- if (((next_uframe >> 3) != frame)
- || packet == urb->number_of_packets) {//如果越过了itd结构对应的大帧frame,则这个itd连入到周期调度列表中
- itd_link(ehci, frame & (ehci->periodic_size - 1), itd);//详细见下面的描述
- itd = NULL;
- }
- }
- stream->next_uframe = next_uframe;//用于下次调度的插入位置
- /* don't need that schedule data any more */
- iso_sched_free (stream, iso_sched);
- urb->hcpriv = NULL;
- timer_action (ehci, TIMER_IO_WATCHDOG);
- return enable_periodic(ehci);
- }

- static inline void
- itd_link (struct ehci_hcd *ehci, unsigned frame, struct ehci_itd *itd)
- {
- union ehci_shadow *prev = &ehci->pshadow[frame];//取得这个周期调度列表对应的软件部分
- __hc32 *hw_p = &ehci->periodic[frame];//取得这个周期调度列表对应的硬件部分
- union ehci_shadow here = *prev;
- __hc32 type = 0;
- /* skip any iso nodes which might belong to previous microframes */ //注意要跳过前面已经链入的所有同步节点。因为可以肯定的是,他们都是在当前要连入的微帧之前
- while (here.ptr) {
- type = Q_NEXT_TYPE(ehci, *hw_p);
- if (type == cpu_to_hc32(ehci, Q_TYPE_QH))//已连入的同步节点之后,中断节点之前: itd--itd--itd(new added node)---qh---qh
- break;
- prev = periodic_next_shadow(ehci, prev, type);
- hw_p = shadow_next_periodic(ehci, &here, type);
- here = *prev;
- }
- itd->itd_next = here;//操作如下:itd--itd(prev)--itd(new added node)--qh(here)
- itd->hw_next = *hw_p;
- prev->itd = itd;
- itd->frame = frame;
- wmb ();
- *hw_p = cpu_to_hc32(ehci, itd->itd_dma | Q_TYPE_ITD);
- }

- /* fit urb's sitds into the selected schedule slot; activate as needed */
- static int
- sitd_link_urb (
- struct ehci_hcd *ehci,
- struct urb *urb,
- unsigned mod,
- struct ehci_iso_stream *stream
- )
- {
- int packet;
- unsigned next_uframe;
- struct ehci_iso_sched *sched = urb->hcpriv;
- struct ehci_sitd *sitd;
- next_uframe = stream->next_uframe; //该sitds列表插入的开始位置
- if (list_empty(&stream->td_list)) {
- /* usbfs ignores TT bandwidth */
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_allocated
- += stream->bandwidth;
- ehci_vdbg (ehci,
- "sched devp %s ep%d%s-iso [%d] %dms/%04x\n",
- urb->dev->devpath, stream->bEndpointAddress & 0x0f,
- (stream->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN) ? "in" : "out",
- (next_uframe >> 3) & (ehci->periodic_size - 1),
- stream->interval, hc32_to_cpu(ehci, stream->splits));
- }
- if (ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_isoc_reqs == 0) {
- if (ehci->amd_pll_fix == 1)
- usb_amd_quirk_pll_disable();
- }
- ehci_to_hcd(ehci)->self.bandwidth_isoc_reqs++;
- /* fill sITDs frame by frame *///将urb中的数据填充到对应的sitd结构体中。
- for (packet = 0, sitd = NULL;
- packet < urb->number_of_packets;
- packet++) {//需要注意的是:
- /* ASSERT: we have all necessary sitds */
- BUG_ON (list_empty (&sched->td_list));
- /* ASSERT: no itds for this endpoint in this frame */
- sitd = list_entry (sched->td_list.next,
- struct ehci_sitd, sitd_list);
- list_move_tail (&sitd->sitd_list, &stream->td_list);
- sitd->stream = iso_stream_get (stream);
- sitd->urb = urb;
- sitd_patch(ehci, stream, sitd, sched, packet);//填充sitd结构
- sitd_link(ehci, (next_uframe >> 3) & (ehci->periodic_size - 1),//将该sitd连入到周期帧列表中
- sitd);
- next_uframe += stream->interval << 3;//指向下次调度插入的地方
- }
- stream->next_uframe = next_uframe & (mod - 1);
- /* don't need that schedule data any more */
- iso_sched_free (stream, sched);
- urb->hcpriv = NULL;
- timer_action (ehci, TIMER_IO_WATCHDOG);
- return enable_periodic(ehci);

TT 采用流水的方式处理周期型的分离传输,一次周期型的分离传输在 TT 中共有四种状态:New、Pending、Ready 以及 Old。一次分离传输依次经历这四种状态。其中 New 态为这次分离传输在 TT 中建立的状态,是一个暂态、最长不能超过 1 个微帧的时间; Pending为等待传输完成的状态,最长不能超过 4 个微帧;Ready 为传输已经完成,等待 Host 取回结果的状态,最长不能超过 2 个微帧;Old 表示传输已经全部完成,TT 中该传输所占用的Buffer 可以重新利用。
由于速度不匹配,在一个微帧里,最多可以在全速总线上传输 188 字节的数据,在传输的数据量较大的情况下,例如同步传输的最大包长度为 1023 字节,如果等到整个包传完再响应 HOST 的 C-Split,不但要求 TT 有更多的 Buffer,并且会使 HOST 浪费较多的时间在等待数据传输完成。因此 TT 采用了如下的处理方式:
上行方向上,即 IN 型的传输:无论何时,只要 TT 收到超过 2 个字节的数据,就响应HOST 的 C-Split,向 HOST 发回数据,并在 PID 中以 MDATA,DATA1/0 表明还有没有未传完的数据。如果还有数据,则以 MDATA 发送,否则以 DATA1/0 发送。 HOST 在收到 MDATA后,应继续在下一个微帧里发起 C-Split 传输,向 HUB 请求数据,知道收到一个 DATA0/1
下行方向上,即 OUT 型的传输:HOST 把一个大的数据包拆成最大 188 字节的若干个小包,在连续的多个微帧里用 S-Split 向 TT 发送数据
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