何为LoRA?LoRA并不是扩散模型专有的技术,而是从隔壁语言模型(LLM)迁移过来的,旨在解决避免将整个模型参数拷贝下来才能对模型进行调校的问题。因为大型语言模型的参数量过于恐怖,比如最近新出的GPT-4参数量约为100 万亿。
添加是以向量(矩阵)的形式,如果这样做,LoRA势必需要存储同样大小的参数,那么LoRA又有了个好点子,直接以向量(矩阵)相乘的形式存储,最终文件大小就会小很多了。 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv22533819?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0
lora-scripts(LoRA training scripts for kohya-ss/sd-scripts)
在开始训练前,你需要选择一个适合你任务的模型。模型的选择通常取决于你的任务类型以及你的计算资源,看是训练 真人模型还是动漫模型,需要选择合适的大模型底膜。例如真人模型要选 majic_mix.safetensor.
# Train data path | 设置训练用模型、图片 pretrained_model="./sd-models/model.ckpt" # base model path | 底模路径 is_v2_model=0 # SD2.0 model | SD2.0模型 2.0模型下 clip_skip 默认无效 parameterization=0 # parameterization | 参数化 本参数需要和 V2 参数同步使用 实验性功能 train_data_dir="./train/aki" # train dataset path | 训练数据集路径 reg_data_dir="" # directory for regularization images | 正则化数据集路径,默认不使用正则化图像。 # Network settings | 网络设置 network_module="networks.lora" # 在这里将会设置训练的网络种类,默认为 networks.lora 也就是 LoRA 训练。如果你想训练 LyCORIS(LoCon、LoHa) 等,则修改这个值为 lycoris.kohya network_weights="" # pretrained weights for LoRA network | 若需要从已有的 LoRA 模型上继续训练,请填写 LoRA 模型路径。 network_dim=32 # network dim | 常用 4~128,不是越大越好 network_alpha=32 # network alpha | 常用与 network_dim 相同的值或者采用较小的值,如 network_dim的一半 防止下溢。默认值为 1,使用较小的 alpha 需要提升学习率。 # Train related params | 训练相关参数 resolution="512,512" # image resolution w,h. 图片分辨率,宽,高。支持非正方形,但必须是 64 倍数。 batch_size=1 # batch size max_train_epoches=10 # max train epoches | 最大训练 epoch save_every_n_epochs=2 # save every n epochs | 每 N 个 epoch 保存一次 train_unet_only=0 # train U-Net only | 仅训练 U-Net,开启这个会牺牲效果大幅减少显存使用。6G显存可以开启 train_text_encoder_only=0 # train Text Encoder only | 仅训练 文本编码器 stop_text_encoder_training=0 # stop text encoder training | 在第N步时停止训练文本编码器 noise_offset="0" # noise offset | 在训练中添加噪声偏移来改良生成非常暗或者非常亮的图像,如果启用,推荐参数为0.1 keep_tokens=0 # keep heading N tokens when shuffling caption tokens | 在随机打乱 tokens 时,保留前 N 个不变。 min_snr_gamma=0 # minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) value for gamma-ray | 伽马射线事件的最小信噪比(SNR)值 默认为 0 # Learning rate | 学习率 lr="1e-4" unet_lr="1e-4" text_encoder_lr="1e-5" lr_scheduler="cosine_with_restarts" # "linear", "cosine", "cosine_with_restarts", "polynomial", "constant", "constant_with_warmup", "adafactor" lr_warmup_steps=0 # warmup steps | 学习率预热步数,lr_scheduler 为 constant 或 adafactor 时该值需要设为0。 lr_restart_cycles=1 # cosine_with_restarts restart cycles | 余弦退火重启次数,仅在 lr_scheduler 为 cosine_with_restarts 时起效。 # Output settings | 输出设置 output_name="aki" # output model name | 模型保存名称 save_model_as="safetensors" # model save ext | 模型保存格式 ckpt, pt, safetensors # Resume training state | 恢复训练设置 save_state=0 # save state | 保存训练状态 名称类似于 <output_name>-??????-state ?????? 表示 epoch 数 resume="" # resume from state | 从某个状态文件夹中恢复训练 需配合上方参数同时使用 由于规范文件限制 epoch 数和全局步数不会保存 即使恢复时它们也从 1 开始 与 network_weights 的具体实现操作并不一致 # 其他设置 min_bucket_reso=256 # arb min resolution | arb 最小分辨率 max_bucket_reso=1024 # arb max resolution | arb 最大分辨率 persistent_data_loader_workers=0 # persistent dataloader workers | 容易爆内存,保留加载训练集的worker,减少每个 epoch 之间的停顿 clip_skip=2 # clip skip | 玄学 一般用 2 # 优化器设置 optimizer_type="AdamW8bit" # Optimizer type | 优化器类型 默认为 AdamW8bit,可选:AdamW AdamW8bit Lion SGDNesterov SGDNesterov8bit DAdaptation AdaFactor # LyCORIS 训练设置 algo="lora" # LyCORIS network algo | LyCORIS 网络算法 可选 lora、loha、lokr、ia3、dylora。lora即为locon conv_dim=4 # conv dim | 类似于 network_dim,推荐为 4 conv_alpha=4 # conv alpha | 类似于 network_alpha,可以采用与 conv_dim 一致或者更小的值 dropout="0" # dropout | dropout 概率, 0 为不使用 dropout, 越大则 dropout 越多,推荐 0~0.5, LoHa/LoKr/(IA)^3暂时不支持
batch_size=6 # batch size
lr学习率,如果训练的时候出现 loss=nan 一般就是学习率设大了,可以参考下述参数:
并在源代码73行改成这样,添加 --num_processes=2:
if [[ $multi_gpu == 1 ]]; then launchArgs+=("--multi_gpu --num_processes=2"); fi
c站下载相应模型后将文件放入 stable-diffusion-webui\models\Lora文件夹中
from __future__ import absolute_import import requests import logging import os from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import signal from functools import partial # Specify the API keys to use. Each API key can process 50 images per month for free. API_ENDPOINT = "https://api.remove.bg/v1.0/removebg" # List of API keys for load balancing api_keys = ['api-key'] class RemoveBg(object): def __init__(self, api_key, error_log_file): self.__api_key = api_key logging.basicConfig(filename=error_log_file) def _check_arguments(self, size, type, type_level, format, channels): """Check if arguments are valid.""" if size not in ["auto", "preview", "small", "regular", "medium", "hd", "full", "4k"]: raise ValueError("size argument wrong") if type not in ["auto", "person", "product", "animal", "car", "car_interior", "car_part", "transportation", "graphics", "other"]: raise ValueError("type argument wrong") if type_level not in ["none", "latest", "1", "2"]: raise ValueError("type_level argument wrong") if format not in ["jpg", "zip", "png", "auto"]: raise ValueError("format argument wrong") if channels not in ["rgba", "alpha"]: raise ValueError("channels argument wrong") def _output_file(self, response, new_file_name): # If successful, write out the file if response.status_code == requests.codes.ok: with open(new_file_name, 'wb') as removed_bg_file: removed_bg_file.write(response.content) # Otherwise, print out the error else: error_reason = response.json()["errors"][0]["title"].lower() logging.error("Unable to save %s due to %s", new_file_name, error_reason) def remove_background_from_img_file(self, img_file_path, size="preview", type="auto", type_level="none", format="auto", roi="0 0 100% 100%", crop=None, scale="original", position="original", channels="rgba", shadow=False, semitransparency=True, bg=None, bg_type=None, new_file_name="no-bg.png"): self._check_arguments(size, type, type_level, format, channels) img_file = open(img_file_path, 'rb') files = {'image_file': img_file} data = { 'size': size, 'type': type, 'type_level': type_level, 'format': format, 'roi': roi, 'crop': 'true' if crop else 'false', 'crop_margin': crop, 'scale': scale, 'position': position, 'channels': channels, 'add_shadow': 'true' if shadow else 'false', 'semitransparency': 'true' if semitransparency else 'false', } # Open image file to send information post request and send the post request response = requests.post( API_ENDPOINT, files=files, data=data, headers={'X-Api-Key': self.__api_key}) response.raise_for_status() self._output_file(response, new_file_name) # Close original file img_file.close() # Specify the input folder containing the images input_folder = '文件地址' # Specify the output folder to save the processed images output_folder = os.path.join(input_folder, 'cutout') error_log_path = os.path.join(input_folder, 'error.log') # Create an instance of RemoveBg for each API key removebg_instances = [RemoveBg(api_key=key, error_log_file='error.log') for key in api_keys] def remove_background_from_image(file_path, output_folder, removebg_instance): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) new_file_path = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name) try: removebg_instance.remove_background_from_img_file(file_path, new_file_name=new_file_path) print(f"Background removed for {file_path}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing {file_path} with API key {removebg_instance._RemoveBg__api_key}: {str(e)}") def remove_background_from_images_in_folder(folder_path, output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor: # Create a partial function with the fixed output folder argument remove_bg_partial = partial(remove_background_from_image, output_folder=output_folder) # List the files in the folder file_list = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)) and file_name.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg'))] # Submit tasks to the executor and store the Future objects futures = [] for i, file_name in enumerate(file_list): file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name) removebg_instance = removebg_instances[i % len(removebg_instances)] futures.append(executor.submit(remove_bg_partial, file_path, removebg_instance=removebg_instance)) try: # Wait for the tasks to complete and handle keyboard interrupts for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() print("All futures have completed.") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard interrupt received. Cancelling...") # Cancel any pending tasks for future in futures: future.cancel() # Ensure exceptions in the cancelled tasks are propagated future.exception() # Raise the KeyboardInterrupt to terminate the script raise # Set up the signal handler for SIGINT (Ctrl+C) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Remove background from PNG and JPG images in the input folder concurrently with a maximum of 2 workers and load balancing across multiple API keys remove_background_from_images_in_folder(input_folder, output_folder)
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