这里对于二维码的生成,使用的是第三方插件weapp.qrcode.min.js,主要用到的文件是 /dist/weapp-qrcode.js 文件。
<canvas class="code"
width: 250rpx;
height:250rpx;" />
data(){ return{ qrcode:"",//导出的二维码图片 textcode:""//获取到的二维码字符串 } }, onLoad: function () { this.createCode() }, //主要是生成二维码的字符串 createCode(){ let that = this; const userId = uni.getStorageSync('loginResult').userId let params = { url: '/outer/dy/getAuthUri', method: 'GET', data: { userId :userId }, callBack: (res) => { that.textcode=res // 调用二维码的生成 this.codeqrcode() } } http.request(params); }, //绘制二维码 codeqrcode () { let that = this; new Promise((resolve) => { wx.getImageInfo({ success: (res) => { resolve(res.path); }, fail: () => { resolve(); } }) }).then((path) => { let options = ('canvas', { width: that.createRpx2px(250), height: that.createRpx2px(250), canvasId: 'myQrcode', text: that.textcode,//这是绘制二维码的字符串 callback: (res) => { // 把当前画布指定区域的内容导出生成指定大小的图片,并返回文件路径。 setTimeout(() => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'myQrcode', x: 0, y: 0, width: that.createRpx2px(300), height: that.createRpx2px(300), success: (res) => { that.setData({ qrcode: res.tempFilePath }); } }) }, 0); } }) QRCode(options); }) }, //该方法主要是将px单位转换为rpx createRpx2px (rpx) { return wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth / 750 * rpx },
savecode(){ uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: this.qrcode, success: function () { uni.showToast({ title:"保存图片至本地相册", icon:"success" }) }, fail: function() { uni.showModal({ content:'您没打开获取图片功能的权限,是否去设置打开?', confirmText: "确认", cancelText:'取消', success: (res) => { if(res.confirm){ uni.openSetting({ success: () => { uni.showToast({ title: "请重新点击保存图片~", icon: "none" }); } }) }else{ uni.showToast({ title: "保存失败,请打开权限功能重试", icon: "none" }); } } }) } }); },
authorization () { var params = { url: "/user/expertInfo", method: "GET", data: { size: this.size, current: this.current }, callBack: (res) => { uni.hideLoading(); // 如果有返回值 if (Boolean(res)) { this.setData({ nickName: res.nickName, pic: res.pic }); uni.showToast({ title: "授权成功", icon: "success", duration: 1000 }); const eventChannel = this.getOpenerEventChannel() let obj = { nickName: this.nickName, pic: this.pic } eventChannel.emit('acceptDataFromOpenedPage', { data: JSON.stringify(obj) }); uni.navigateBack({ delta: 1, }); } else { uni.showToast({ title: '授权失败', icon: 'error' }) setTimeout(() => { uni.redirectTo({ url: '/packageActivities/pages/authorization/authorization' }); }, 1000) } } }; http.request(params); }
<image show-menu-by-longpress src='' class='img'></image>
onLoad () {
// show-menu-by-longpress核心js代码:
// 获取用户系统信息的js代码:show-menu-by-longpress和基础库的版本有关系(兼容性差的)
wx.getSystemInfo({ /* 获取系统信息 */
success: (res) => {
console.log('微信版本号:', res.version, ';客户端基础库版本:', res.SDKVersion, ';设备型号:', res.model, ';操作系统及版本:', res.system)
<image @longpress="previewImage" data-url="https://xcx.hzxsykj.cn:1443/dfs2/group1/M00/00/35/CtosLGGAzluAABA_AAbExELpGPY989.png" src='' class='img'></image> // 长按保存的兼容方案 previewImage (e) { console.log( '长安使劲按', e ) let that = this wx.showActionSheet({ itemList: ['保存到相册'], success (res) { let url = e.currentTarget.dataset.url wx.getSetting({ success: (res) => { if (!res.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) { wx.authorize({ scope: 'scope.writePhotosAlbum', success: () => { // 同意授权 that.saveImgInner(url) }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) wx.showModal({ title: '保存失败', content: '请开启访问手机相册权限', success (res) { wx.openSetting() } }) } }) } else { // 已经授权了 that.saveImgInner(url) } }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) }, fail (res) { console.log(res.errMsg) } }) }, saveImgInner (url) { wx.getImageInfo({ src: url, success: (res) => { let path = res.path wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: path, success: (res) => { console.log(res) wx.showToast({ title: '已保存到相册' }) }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) }, fail: (res) => { console.log(res) } }) }
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