根据图片大小,按比例生成水印文字和水印的黑色“圆角矩形”背景,其中圆角矩形 是由填充长方形和弧度圆角组成,此时,如果不做抗锯齿,生成的水印会有很明显的锯齿,于是从网上查找资料找到抗锯齿的解决办法,于是我把我的圆角矩形方法也融合了进去,我就是把前人的精华融合了一下,希望对有需要的人能起到帮助作用,由于时间比较急,新加的功能参数什么的没有和原有代码融合,但是可以用,并实现我想要的效果
photo.php 所有的图片调用都会走该路径,进行水印化处理
$url = empty($_GET['url'])?'':$_GET['url'];
$hight = empty($_GET['hight'])?null:$_GET['hight'];
$width = empty($_GET['width'])?300:$_GET['width'];
$sql="select nickname from ".tname("cattle_herds")." where headimg='$trueurl' or photo like '%$trueurl%' and isdel=0";
$herds = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_first($sql);
$title="牛编号 ".$herds['nickname'];
代码2 function.php 功能方法
function img2thumb($src_img, $dst_img, $width = 75, $height = 75, $cut = 0, $proportion = 0,$title=''){ if(!is_file($src_img)){ return false; } $ot = GetFileType($src_img); $otfunc = 'image' . ($ot == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $ot); $srcinfo = getimagesize($src_img); $src_w = $srcinfo[0]; $src_h = $srcinfo[1]; $type = strtolower(substr(image_type_to_extension($srcinfo[2]), 1)); $createfun = 'imagecreatefrom' . ($type == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : $type); $dst_h = $height; $dst_w = $width; $x = $y = 0; /** * 缩略图不超过源图尺寸(前提是宽或高只有一个) */ if(($width> $src_w && $height> $src_h) || ($height> $src_h && $width == 0) || ($width> $src_w && $height == 0)){ $proportion = 1; } if($width> $src_w){ $dst_w = $width = $src_w; } if($height> $src_h){ $dst_h = $height = $src_h; } if(!$width && !$height && !$proportion){ return false; } if(!$proportion){ if($cut == 0){ if($dst_w && $dst_h){ if($dst_w/$src_w> $dst_h/$src_h){ $dst_w = $src_w * ($dst_h / $src_h); $x = 0 - ($dst_w - $width) / 2; }else{ $dst_h = $src_h * ($dst_w / $src_w); $y = 0 - ($dst_h - $height) / 2; } }else if($dst_w xor $dst_h){ //有宽无高 if($dst_w && !$dst_h) { $propor = $dst_w / $src_w; $height = $dst_h = $src_h * $propor; //有高无宽 }else if(!$dst_w && $dst_h) { $propor = $dst_h / $src_h; $width = $dst_w = $src_w * $propor; } } }else{ //裁剪时无高 if(!$dst_h) { $height = $dst_h = $dst_w; } //裁剪时无宽 if(!$dst_w){ $width = $dst_w = $dst_h; } $propor = min(max($dst_w / $src_w, $dst_h / $src_h), 1); $dst_w = (int)round($src_w * $propor); $dst_h = (int)round($src_h * $propor); $x = ($width - $dst_w) / 2; $y = ($height - $dst_h) / 2; } }else{ $proportion = min($proportion, 1); $height = $dst_h = $src_h * $proportion; $width = $dst_w = $src_w * $proportion; } $src = $createfun($src_img); $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($width ? $width : $dst_w, $height ? $height : $dst_h); $white = imagecolorallocate($dst, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $white); if(function_exists('imagecopyresampled')){ imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, $x, $y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); }else{ imagecopyresized($dst, $src, $x, $y, 0, 0, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h); } //***该步骤是加水印,上面是对文件压缩指定大小 if($title){ //var_dump($dst,$title,$width); waterMark($dst,$title,$width); }else{ if($dst_img){ $otfunc($dst, $dst_img); }else{ header('Content-type: image/jpg'); imagejpeg($dst); //echo $dst; } } imagedestroy($dst); //imagedestroy($src); return true; }
代码3 waterMark()方法
function waterMark($img,$title,$img_width){ require 'xDraw.class.php'; $dst=$img; $xdraw = new \SimpleChart\xDraw($dst,400,300); $xdraw->useAntialias(true); //打上文字,由于我用到的是中文水印,所以不能用默认字体,需要自己下载一个字体放进来,或者从本地字体库复制一个过来,务必将字体库的名称改为英文,中文不识别 $font = realpath('./fangzheng.ttf');//字体路径 $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($dst, 123, 12, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($dst, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);//字体颜色 $white = imagecolorallocate($dst,255, 255, 255);//字体颜色 // 下面是按比例生成带文字的圆角矩形水印的代码 $im = imagecreatetruecolor(80,50); $fontSize=0.025*$img_width; $textInfo=imagefttext($im, $fontSize, 0, 37, 100, $white,$font,$title); $t_width=$textInfo[2] - $textInfo[0]; $t_height=abs($textInfo[5] - $textInfo[3]); $bacWidth=$t_width+15/300*$img_width; $bacHeight=$t_height+0.03*$img_width; $bac_x=2/30*$img_width; $bac_y=1/25*$img_width; $font_x=27/300*$img_width; $font_y=26.5/300*$img_width; if($img_width<300){ $radios=0.035*$img_width; }else{ $radius=10; } //画背景 $xdraw->arcRec(intval($bac_x), intval($bac_y), intval($bacWidth), intval($bacHeight), intval($radius)); //文字 $xdraw->drawFont(intval($fontSize), 0, intval($font_x), intval($font_y), $white,$font,$title); $xdraw->stroke(); }
代码4 xDraw.class.php
<?php namespace SimpleChart; /** * use the same as pDraw,based on GD2 * this is a free software! * * 支持line,arc,image,rect,text,eclipse,beziercurve(future features) * 支持阴影,反锯齿 * * @todo arc条纹问题,beziercurve,lineSize,textAlign * @license http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * @author xilei */ class xDraw{ public $AntialiasQuality = 0;//0-100 //抗锯齿 protected $Antialias = true; protected $UseAlpha = true; protected $Width = NULL; protected $Height = NULL; protected $Image = NULL; protected $TransparentBackground = false; protected $Shadow = false; protected $CommonFormat = array( "FontName"=>"", "FontSize"=>12, "FontColor"=>array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>100), "Color"=>array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>100), "BorderColor"=>false ); protected $ShadowFormat = NULL; public function __construct($Src,$Width, $Height, $TransparentBackground = false) { $this->TransparentBackground = $TransparentBackground; $this->Width = $Width; $this->Height = $Height; if($Src){ $this->Image = $Src; }else{ $this->Image = imagecreatetruecolor($Width, $Height); } if ($this->TransparentBackground) { imagealphablending($this->Image, false); imagefilledRectangle($this->Image, 0, 0, $Width, $Height, imagecolorallocatealpha($this->Image, 255, 255, 255, 127)); imagealphablending($this->Image, true); imagesavealpha($this->Image, true); } else { //$C_White = $this->allocateColor(255, 255, 255); //imagefilledRectangle($this->Image, 0, 0, $Width, $Height, $C_White); } } /** * 设置阴影 * @param type $Format */ public function setShadow($Format = "") { if(is_bool($Format)){ $this->Shadow = $Format; if($Format && empty($this->ShadowFormat)){ $this->ShadowFormat=array( 'X'=>2,'Y'=>2,'Color'=> array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>10) ); } }elseif(is_array($Format)){ if($Format["X"] == 0 || $Format["Y"] == 0){ $this->Shadow=false; }else{ $this->Shadow=true; } $this->ShadowFormat= array( 'X'=>isset($Format["X"]) ? $Format["X"] : 2, 'Y'=>isset($Format["Y"]) ? $Format["Y"] : 2, 'Color'=>isset($Format['Color'])? $Format['Color'] : array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>10) ); } } /** * 设置格式 * @param type $Key * @param type $Value */ public function setFormat($Key,$Value){ if(is_array($Key)){ $this->CommonFormat=array( "FontName"=>isset($Key['FontName']) ? $Key['FontName'] :"", "FontSize"=>isset($Key["FontSize"]) ? $Key["FontSize"] : 12, "FontColor"=>isset($Key['FontColor']) ? $Key['FontColor'] : array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>100), "Color"=>isset($Key['Color']) ? $Key['Color'] : array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>100), "BorderColor"=>isset($Key['Color']) ? $Key['Color'] : array('R'=>0,'G'=>0,'B'=>0,'Alpha'=>100) ); }elseif(is_string($Key)&&$Value!==''&&$Value!==NULL){ $this->CommonFormat[$Key]=$Value; } } /** * 启用/禁用alpha * @param type $enable */ public function useAlpha($enable=true){ if(!$enable){ $this->Antialias = false;//disabled antialias $this->UseAlpha=false; }else{ $this->UseAlpha=true; } } /** * 使用/禁用 反锯齿 * @param type $enable */ public function useAntialias($enable=true){ $this->Antialias = ($enable == true); } /** * 设置线宽 * @param type $thickness * @return boolean */ public function setLineSize($thickness) { if (is_numeric($thickness) && $thickness > 0) { $this->LineSize = $thickness; imagesetthickness($this->Image, $thickness); } } /** * 图片 PNG * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $FileName */ public function drawFromPNG($X, $Y, $FileName) { $this->drawFromImage(1, $FileName, $X, $Y); } /** * 图片 GIF * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $FileName */ public function drawFromGIF($X, $Y, $FileName) { $this->drawFromImage(2, $FileName, $X, $Y); } /** * 图片 JPG * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $FileName */ public function drawFromJPG($X, $Y, $FileName) { $this->drawFromImage(3, $FileName, $X, $Y); } /** * 图片 * @param type $PicType * @param type $FileName * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @return boolean */ public function drawFromImage($PicType, $FileName, $X, $Y) { if (!file_exists($FileName)){ return false; } list($Width, $Height) = self::getPicInfo($FileName); if ($PicType == 1) { $Raster = imagecreatefrompng($FileName); } elseif ($PicType == 2) { $Raster = imagecreatefromgif($FileName); } elseif ($PicType == 3) { $Raster = imagecreatefromjpeg($FileName); } else { return false; } $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; if ($PicType == 3) { $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $X + $Width + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $Height + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], array('Color'=>$this->ShadowFormat['Color'])); } else { imagecolortransparent($Raster); $ShadowI = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; for ($Xc = 0; $Xc <= $Width - 1; $Xc++) { for ($Yc = 0; $Yc <= $Height - 1; $Yc++) { $RGBa = imagecolorat($Raster, $Xc, $Yc); $Values = imagecolorsforindex($Raster, $RGBa); if ($Values["alpha"] < 120) { $ShadowI['Alpha'] = floor(($this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha'] / 100) * ((100 / 127) * (127 - $Values["alpha"]))); $this->drawAlphaPixel($X + $Xc + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $Yc + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'],$ShadowI); } } } } } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; imagecopy($this->Image, $Raster, $X, $Y, 0, 0, $Width, $Height); imagedestroy($Raster); } /** * 文字 * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $Text * @param type $Format */ public function drawText($X, $Y, $Text, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] :$this->CommonFormat['FontColor']; $FontName = isset($Format["FontName"]) ? $Format["FontName"] : $this->CommonFormat['FontName']; $FontSize = isset($Format['FontSize']) ? $Format['FontSize'] : $this->CommonFormat['FontSize']; $Angle = isset($Format["Angle"]) ? $Format["Angle"] : 0; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow) { $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $C_ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor($ShadowColor); imagettftext($this->Image, $FontSize, $Angle, $X + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $C_ShadowColor, $FontName, $Text); unset($ShadowColor,$C_ShadowColor); } $C_TextColor = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagettftext($this->Image, $FontSize, $Angle, $X, $Y, $C_TextColor, $FontName, $Text); $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 圆/椭圆 * @param type $Xc * @param type $Yc * @param type $Width * @param type $Height * @param type $Format */ public function drawCircle($Xc, $Yc, $Width, $Height, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawCircle($Xc + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Yc + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Width, $Height,array('Color'=>$ShadowColor)); unset($ShadowColor); } if(!$this->Antialias){ $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imageellipse($this->Image, $Xc, $Yc, $Width<<1, $Height<<1, $C_Color); }else{ $Step = 360 / (2 * M_PI * max($Width,$Height)); for($i=0;$i<=360;$i=$i+$Step){ //这里把sin cos交换不影响绘图 $Y = cos($i*M_PI/180) * $Height + $Yc; $X = sin($i*M_PI/180) * $Width + $Xc; $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color); } } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 填充圆/椭圆 * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $Radius * @param type $Format */ public function drawFilledCircle($X, $Y,$Width,$Height,$Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $BorderColor = isset($Format['BorderColor']) ? $Format['BorderColor'] : $this->CommonFormat['BorderColor']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawFilledCircle($X + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $Width, $Height,array('Color'=>$ShadowColor)); unset($ShadowColor); } $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagefilledellipse($this->Image, $X, $Y, $Width<<1, $Height<<1, $C_Color); if ( $this->Antialias && empty($BorderColor)){ $this->drawCircle($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,array('Color'=>$Color)); } if (!empty($BorderColor)) { $this->drawCircle($X, $Y, $Width, $Height,array('Color'=>$BorderColor)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 填充圆弧 * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $Width * @param type $Height * @param type $Start * @param type $End * @param type $Format */ public function drawFilledArc($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,$Start,$End,$Format=''){ $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $BorderColor = isset($Format['BorderColor']) ? $Format['BorderColor'] : $this->CommonFormat['BorderColor']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if($this->Shadow){ $this->Shadow = false; //这里简单处理 $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawFilledArc($X+$this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y+$this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $Width, $Height, $Start, $End, array('Color'=>$ShadowColor,'BorderColor'=>false)); unset($ShadowColor); } $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); //imagefilledarc($this->Image,$X,$Y,$Width<<1,$Height<<1,$Start,$End,$C_Color,IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($this->Image,$X,$Y,$Width<<1,$Height<<1,$Start,$End,$C_Color,IMG_ARC_PIE); if($this->Antialias && empty($BorderColor)){ $this->drawArc($X,$Y,$Width,$Height,$Start,$End,array("Border"=>true,'Color'=>$Color)); } if (!empty($BorderColor)) { $this->drawArc($X, $Y, $Width, $Height, $Start, $End,array('Color'=>$BorderColor,'Border'=>true)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 圆弧(顺时针方向) * @param type $Xc * @param type $Yc * @param type $Width * @param type $Height * @param type $Start * @param type $End * @param type $Format */ public function drawArc($Xc,$Yc,$Width,$Height,$Start,$End,$Format=''){ $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; //是否绘制边侧 $Border = isset($Format['Border']) ? $Format['Border'] : false; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if($this->Shadow ){ $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawArc($Xc+$this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Yc+$this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $Width, $Height, $Start, $End,array('Color'=>$ShadowColor,'Border'=>$Border)); unset($ShadowColor); } if($this->Antialias){ $Step = 360 / (2 * M_PI * max($Width,$Height)); $End = $End>=$Start ? $End : 360+$End; for($i=$Start;$i<=$End;$i=$i+$Step){ $Y = sin($i*M_PI/180) * $Height + $Yc; $X = cos($i*M_PI/180) * $Width + $Xc; $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color); } }else{ $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagearc($this->Image, $Xc, $Yc, $Width<<1, $Height<<1, $Start, $End, $C_Color); } if($Border){ $this->drawLine($Xc, $Yc, cos($Start*M_PI/180) * $Width + $Xc, sin($Start*M_PI/180) * $Height + $Yc,array('Color'=>$Color)); $this->drawLine($Xc, $Yc, cos($End*M_PI/180) * $Width + $Xc, sin($End*M_PI/180) * $Height + $Yc,array('Color'=>$Color)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * @todo 贝塞尔曲线 */ public function drawBeziercurve(){ } /** * 填充矩形 * @param type $X1 * @param type $Y1 * @param type $X2 * @param type $Y2 * @param type $Format */ public function drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $BorderColor = isset($Format['BorderColor']) ? $Format['BorderColor'] : $this->CommonFormat['BorderColor']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y1 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $X2 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y2 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], array('Color'=>$ShadowColor,'BorderColor'=>false)); unset($ShadowColor); } $C_Color = $this->allocateColor( $Color); imagefilledrectangle($this->Image, ceil($X1), ceil($Y1), floor($X2), floor($Y2), $C_Color); if (!empty($BorderColor)) { $this->drawRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, array('Color'=>$BorderColor)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 矩形 * @param type $X1 * @param type $Y1 * @param type $X2 * @param type $Y2 * @param type $Format */ public function drawRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if($this->Shadow){ $this->Shadow=false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawRectangle($X1 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y1 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $X2 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y2 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], array('Color'=>$ShadowColor)); unset($ShadowColor); } $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagerectangle($this->Image, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $C_Color); $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 线 * @param type $X1 * @param type $Y1 * @param type $X2 * @param type $Y2 * @param type $Format */ public function drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $Style = isset($Format["Style"]) ? $Format["Style"] : -1;//just for no Antialias $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow){ $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); imageline($this->Image, $X1 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y1 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $X2 + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y2 + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $this->allocateColor($ShadowColor)); unset($ShadowColor); } //仅仅在斜线的时候需要 if($this->Antialias && !($X1==$X2 || $Y1 == $Y2)){ $distance = sqrt(pow($X2-$X1,2)+pow($Y2-$Y1,2)); $xstep = ($X2-$X1)/$distance; $ystep = ($Y2-$Y1)/$distance; for($i=0;$i<$distance;$i++){ $X = $i*$xstep + $X1; $Y = $i*$ystep + $Y1; $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color); } }else{ if (is_array($Style)) { imagesetstyle($this->Image, $Style); imageline($this->Image, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } elseif (is_resource($Style)) { imagesetbrush($this->Image, $Style); imageline($this->Image, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLEDBRUSHE); } else { $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imageline($this->Image, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $C_Color); } } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 多边形 * @param type $Points * @param type $Format * @return boolean */ public function drawPolygon($Points, $Format = "") { $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $count = count($Points); $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($count < 6) return false; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowPoints = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i = $i + 2) { $ShadowPoints[] = $Points[$i] + $this->ShadowFormat['X']; $ShadowPoints[] = $Points[$i + 1] + $this->ShadowFormat['Y']; } $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawPolygon($ShadowPoints, array('Color'=>$ShadowColor)); unset($ShadowPoints,$ShadowColor); } if($this->Antialias){ for($i=0;$i < $count; $i = $i + 2){ if(!isset($Points[$i+2])){ $this->drawLine($Points[$i], $Points[$i+1], $Points[0], $Points[1],array('Color'=>$Color)); }else{ $this->drawLine($Points[$i], $Points[$i+1], $Points[$i+2], $Points[$i+3],array('Color'=>$Color)); } } }else{ imagepolygon($this->Image, $Points, $count/2, $this->allocateColor($Color)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } public function drawFilledPolygon($Points,$Format=""){ $Color = isset($Format['Color']) ? $Format['Color'] : $this->CommonFormat['Color']; $BorderColor = isset($Format['BorderColor']) ? $Format['BorderColor'] : $this->CommonFormat['BorderColor']; $count = count($Points); $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($count < 6) return false; if ($this->Shadow) { $this->Shadow = false; $ShadowPoints = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i = $i + 2) { $ShadowPoints[] = $Points[$i] + $this->ShadowFormat['X']; $ShadowPoints[] = $Points[$i + 1] + $this->ShadowFormat['Y']; } $ShadowColor = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $ShadowColor['Alpha'] = ceil(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) * $this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); $this->drawFilledPolygon($ShadowPoints, array('Color'=>$ShadowColor, "BorderColor" => false)); unset($ShadowPoints,$ShadowColor); } $FillColor = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagefilledpolygon($this->Image, $Points, $count / 2, $FillColor); if($this->Antialias && empty($BorderColor)){ $this->drawPolygon($Points,array('Color'=>$Color)); } if (!empty($BorderColor)) { $this->drawPolygon($Points,array('Color'=>$BorderColor)); } $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 像素点 * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $Color * @return boolean */ public function drawAlphaPixel($X, $Y, $Color='') { $Color = !empty($Color) ? $Color :$this->CommonFormat['Color']; $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow; if ($this->Shadow){ $this->Shadow = false; $L_Shadow = $this->ShadowFormat['Color']; $L_Shadow['Alpha'] = floor(($Color['Alpha'] / 100) *$this->ShadowFormat['Color']['Alpha']); imagesetpixel($this->Image, $X + $this->ShadowFormat['X'], $Y + $this->ShadowFormat['Y'], $this->allocateColor($L_Shadow)); uset($L_Shadow); } $C_Color = $this->allocateColor($Color); imagesetpixel($this->Image, $X, $Y, $C_Color); $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow; } /** * 抗锯齿像素点 * @param type $X * @param type $Y * @param type $Color * @return boolean */ public function drawAntialiasPixel($X,$Y,$Color=''){ $Color = !empty($Color) ? $Color :$this->CommonFormat['Color']; $Alpha = $Color['Alpha']; $Xi = floor($X); $Yi = floor($Y); if( $Xi == $X && $Yi == $Y){ $this->drawAlphaPixel($X,$Y,$Color); }else{ $Alpha1 = (1 - ($X - $Xi)) * (1 - ($Y - $Yi)) * $Alpha; if ( $Alpha1 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $Color['Alpha']=$Alpha1; $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi,$Yi,$Color); } $Alpha2 = ($X - $Xi) * (1 - ($Y - $Yi)) * $Alpha; if ( $Alpha2 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $Color['Alpha']=$Alpha2; $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi+1,$Yi,$Color); } $Alpha3 = (1 - ($X - $Xi)) * ($Y - $Yi) * $Alpha; if ( $Alpha3 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $Color['Alpha']=$Alpha3; $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi,$Yi+1, $Color); } $Alpha4 = ($X - $Xi) * ($Y - $Yi) * $Alpha; if ( $Alpha4 > $this->AntialiasQuality ) { $Color['Alpha']=$Alpha4; $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi+1,$Yi+1, $Color); } } } public function filter($filtertype, $params) { if ($filtertype == IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE) { $params = func_get_args(); $R = isset($params[1]) ? $params[1] : 0; $G = isset($params[2]) ? $params[2] : 0; $B = isset($params[3]) ? $params[3] : 0; return imagefilter($this->Image, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $R, $G, $B); } else { return imagefilter($this->Image, $filtertype, $params); } } public function render($FileName,$type="png") { if ($this->TransparentBackground) { imagealphablending($this->Image, false); imagesavealpha($this->Image, true); } imagepng($this->Image, $FileName); switch ($type){ case 'jpeg': header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($this->Image,$FileName); break; default: header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($this->Image,$FileName); } } public function stroke($BrowserExpire = false,$type="png") { if ($this->TransparentBackground) { imagealphablending($this->Image, false); imagesavealpha($this->Image, true); } if ($BrowserExpire) { header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } switch ($type){ case 'jpeg'://Lost too much header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($this->Image); break; default: header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($this->Image); } } /** * alpha颜色 * @param type $R * @param type $G * @param type $B * @param type $Alpha * @return type */ public function allocateColor($Format, $G='', $B='', $Alpha = 100) { if(is_array($Format)){ extract($Format,EXTR_OVERWRITE); }else{ $R = $Format; } if ($R < 0) {$Format = 0;} if ($R > 255) {$R = 255;} if ($G < 0) {$G = 0;} if ($G > 255) {$G = 255;} if ($B < 0) {$B = 0;} if ($B > 255) {$B = 255;} if ($Alpha < 0) {$Alpha = 0;} if ($Alpha > 100) {$Alpha = 100;} $Alpha = (127 / 100) * (100 - $Alpha); return ($this->UseAlpha ? imagecolorallocatealpha($this->Image, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha) : imagecolorallocate($this->Image, $R, $G, $B)); } public function __destruct() { if (!empty($this->Image)){ imagedestroy($this->Image); } } /** * 图片信息 * @param type $FileName * @return type */ static public function getPicInfo($FileName) { $Infos = getimagesize($FileName); $Width = $Infos[0]; $Height = $Infos[1]; $Type = $Infos["mime"]; if ($Type == "image/png") { $Type = 1; } if ($Type == "image/gif") { $Type = 2; } if ($Type == "image/jpeg ") { $Type = 3; } return(array($Width, $Height, $Type)); } /** * 文字信息 */ static public function getTextBox($Text, $FontSize, $FontFile, $FontAngle) { $Rect = imagettfbbox($FontSize, $FontAngle, $FontFile, $Text); $MinX = min(array($Rect[0], $Rect[2], $Rect[4], $Rect[6])); $MaxX = max(array($Rect[0], $Rect[2], $Rect[4], $Rect[6])); $MinY = min(array($Rect[1], $Rect[3], $Rect[5], $Rect[7])); $MaxY = max(array($Rect[1], $Rect[3], $Rect[5], $Rect[7])); return array( "left" => abs($MinX) - 1, "top" => abs($MinY) - 1, "width" => $MaxX - $MinX, "height" => $MaxY - $MinY, "box" => $Rect ); } /**下面的这两个方法是我新建的 用于 创建圆角矩形,并加上文字**/ /** * 创建圆角矩形 * * @param [object] $imageObj [imagecreatefromjpeg() 返回一图像标识符] * @param [int] $arcRec_SX [圆角矩形开始的X坐标] * @param [int] $arcRec_SY [圆角矩形开始的Y坐标] * @param [int] $arcRec_W [圆角矩形的宽度] * @param [int] $arcRec_H [圆角矩形的高度] * @param [int] $redius [圆角矩形的圆角弧度] * @param [] $color [php gd库里创建的颜色对象] * * @return [] [没有返回值] */ public function arcRec($arcRec_SX, $arcRec_SY, $arcRec_W, $arcRec_H, $redius) { // $arcRec_SX = 50; //开始点X坐标 // $arcRec_SY = 50; //开始点Y坐标 // $arcRec_EX = 500; //结束点X坐标 // $arcRec_EY = 500; //结束点Y坐标 // $redius = 50; //圆角半径 //$arcRec_W = $arcRec_EX - $arcRec_SX; //$arcRec_H = $arcRec_EY - $arcRec_SY; $arcRec_EX = $arcRec_SX + $arcRec_W; $arcRec_EY = $arcRec_SY + $arcRec_H; $this->drawFilledRectangle($arcRec_SX + $redius, $arcRec_SY, $arcRec_SX + ($arcRec_W - $redius), $arcRec_SY + $redius); //矩形一 $this->drawFilledRectangle($arcRec_SX, $arcRec_SY + $redius, $arcRec_SX + $arcRec_W, $arcRec_SY + ($arcRec_H - ($redius * 1)));//矩形二 $this->drawFilledRectangle($arcRec_SX + $redius, $arcRec_SY + ($arcRec_H - ($redius * 1)), $arcRec_SX + ($arcRec_W - ($redius * 1)), $arcRec_SY + $arcRec_H);//矩形三 $this->drawFilledArc($arcRec_SX + $redius, $arcRec_SY + $redius, $redius, $redius, 180, 270); //四分之一圆 - 左上 $this->drawFilledArc($arcRec_SX + ($arcRec_W - $redius), $arcRec_SY + $redius, $redius, $redius, 270, 360); //四分之一圆 - 右上 $this->drawFilledArc($arcRec_SX + $redius, $arcRec_SY + ($arcRec_H - $redius), $redius, $redius, 90, 180); //四分之一圆 - 左下 $this->drawFilledArc($arcRec_SX + ($arcRec_W - $redius), $arcRec_SY + ($arcRec_H - $redius), $redius, $redius, 0, 90); //四分之一圆 - 右下 } public function drawFont($fontSize, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $white,$font,$title){ imagefttext($this->Image, $fontSize, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $white,$font,$title); } }
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