(Required VRM Add-on for Blender)*.x3d
- class SMPLSnapGroundPlane(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_snap_ground_plane"
- bl_label = "Snap To Ground Plane"
- bl_description = ("Snaps mesh to the XY ground plane")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh or armature is active object
- return ((context.object.type == 'MESH') or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
- armature = obj
- obj = bpy.context.object.children[0]
- else:
- armature = obj.parent
- # Get vertices with applied skin modifier in object coordinates
- depsgraph = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- object_eval = obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
- mesh_from_eval = object_eval.to_mesh()
- # Get vertices in world coordinates
- matrix_world = obj.matrix_world
- vertices_world = [matrix_world @ vertex.co for vertex in mesh_from_eval.vertices]
- z_min = (min(vertices_world, key=lambda item: item.z)).z
- object_eval.to_mesh_clear() # Remove temporary mesh
- # Translate armature edit bones
- context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- for edit_bone in armature.data.edit_bones:
- if edit_bone.name != "root":
- edit_bone.translate(Vector((0.0, 0.0, -z_min)))
- # Translate skinned mesh and apply translation
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- obj.location = (0.0, 0.0, -z_min)
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location = True)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLWritePose(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_write_pose"
- bl_label = "Write Pose1"
- bl_description = ("Writes SMPL pose thetas to console window")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh or armature is active object
- return (context.object.type == 'MESH') or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE')
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
- armature = obj.parent
- else:
- armature = obj
- # Get armature pose in rodrigues representation
- pose = [0.0] * (len(SMPL_JOINT_NAMES) * 3)
- for index in range(len(SMPL_JOINT_NAMES)):
- joint_name = SMPL_JOINT_NAMES[index]
- joint_pose = rodrigues_from_pose(armature, joint_name)
- pose[index*3 + 0] = joint_pose[0]
- pose[index*3 + 1] = joint_pose[1]
- pose[index*3 + 2] = joint_pose[2]
- print("pose = " + str(pose))
- npz_file="1234.npz"
- np.savez_compressed(npz_file, joints_3d={"data": pose})
- return {'FINISHED'}
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #
- # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
- import logging
- bl_info = {
- "name": "SMPL for Blender",
- "author": "Joachim Tesch, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems",
- "version": (2021, 6, 11),
- "blender": (2, 80, 0),
- "location": "Viewport > Right panel",
- "description": "SMPL for Blender",
- "wiki_url": "https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/",
- "category": "SMPL"}
- import bpy
- import bmesh
- from bpy_extras.io_utils import ExportHelper # ExportHelper is a helper class, defines filename and invoke() function which calls the file selector.
- from mathutils import Vector, Quaternion
- from math import radians
- import numpy as np
- import os
- import pickle
- from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, PointerProperty )
- from bpy.types import ( PropertyGroup )
- # SMPL globals
- 0: 'Pelvis',
- 1: 'L_Hip', 4: 'L_Knee', 7: 'L_Ankle', 10: 'L_Foot',
- 2: 'R_Hip', 5: 'R_Knee', 8: 'R_Ankle', 11: 'R_Foot',
- 3: 'Spine1', 6: 'Spine2', 9: 'Spine3', 12: 'Neck', 15: 'Head',
- 13: 'L_Collar', 16: 'L_Shoulder', 18: 'L_Elbow', 20: 'L_Wrist', 22: 'L_Hand',
- 14: 'R_Collar', 17: 'R_Shoulder', 19: 'R_Elbow', 21: 'R_Wrist', 23: 'R_Hand',
- }
- smpl_joints = len(SMPL_JOINT_NAMES)
- # End SMPL globals
- def rodrigues_from_pose(armature, bone_name):
- # Ensure that rotation mode is AXIS_ANGLE so the we get a correct readout of current pose
- armature.pose.bones[bone_name].rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- axis_angle = armature.pose.bones[bone_name].rotation_axis_angle
- angle = axis_angle[0]
- rodrigues = Vector((axis_angle[1], axis_angle[2], axis_angle[3]))
- rodrigues.normalize()
- rodrigues = rodrigues * angle
- return rodrigues
- def update_corrective_poseshapes(self, context):
- if self.smpl_corrective_poseshapes:
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_set_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- else:
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_reset_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- # Property groups for UI
- class PG_SMPLProperties(PropertyGroup):
- smpl_gender: EnumProperty(
- name = "Model",
- description = "SMPL model",
- items = [ ("female", "Female", ""), ("male", "Male", "") ]
- )
- smpl_texture: EnumProperty(
- name = "",
- description = "SMPL model texture",
- items = [ ("NONE", "None", ""), ("UV_GRID", "UV Grid", ""), ("COLOR_GRID", "Color Grid", "") ]
- )
- smpl_corrective_poseshapes: BoolProperty(
- name = "Corrective Pose Shapes",
- description = "Enable/disable corrective pose shapes of SMPL model",
- update = update_corrective_poseshapes
- )
- smpl_export_setting_shape_keys: EnumProperty(
- name = "",
- description = "Blend shape export settings",
- items = [ ("SHAPE_POSE", "All: Shape + Posecorrectives", "Export shape keys for body shape and pose correctives"), ("SHAPE", "Reduced: Shape space only", "Export only shape keys for body shape"), ("NONE", "None: Apply shape space", "Do not export any shape keys, shape keys for body shape will be baked into mesh") ],
- )
- class SMPLAddGender(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.smpl_add_gender"
- bl_label = "Add"
- bl_description = ("Add SMPL model of selected gender to scene")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if in Object Mode
- if (context.active_object is None) or (context.active_object.mode == 'OBJECT'):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- gender = context.window_manager.smpl_tool.smpl_gender
- print("Adding gender: " + gender)
- path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- objects_path = os.path.join(path, "data", "smpl-model-20200803.blend", "Object")
- object_name = "SMPL-mesh-" + gender
- bpy.ops.wm.append(filename=object_name, directory=str(objects_path))
- # Select imported mesh
- object_name = context.selected_objects[0].name
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- context.view_layer.objects.active = bpy.data.objects[object_name]
- bpy.data.objects[object_name].select_set(True)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLSetTexture(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "scene.smpl_set_texture"
- bl_label = "Set"
- bl_description = ("Set selected texture")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if in active object is mesh
- if (context.object.type == 'MESH'):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- texture = context.window_manager.smpl_tool.smpl_texture
- print("Setting texture: " + texture)
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if (len(obj.data.materials) == 0) or (obj.data.materials[0] is None):
- self.report({'WARNING'}, "Selected mesh has no material: %s" % obj.name)
- return {'CANCELLED'}
- mat = obj.data.materials[0]
- links = mat.node_tree.links
- nodes = mat.node_tree.nodes
- # Find texture node
- node_texture = None
- for node in nodes:
- if node.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':
- node_texture = node
- break
- # Find shader node
- node_shader = None
- for node in nodes:
- if node.type.startswith('BSDF'):
- node_shader = node
- break
- if texture == 'NONE':
- # Unlink texture node
- if node_texture is not None:
- for link in node_texture.outputs[0].links:
- links.remove(link)
- nodes.remove(node_texture)
- # 3D Viewport still shows previous texture when texture link is removed via script.
- # As a workaround we trigger desired viewport update by setting color value.
- node_shader.inputs[0].default_value = node_shader.inputs[0].default_value
- else:
- if node_texture is None:
- node_texture = nodes.new(type="ShaderNodeTexImage")
- if texture == 'UV_GRID':
- if texture not in bpy.data.images:
- bpy.ops.image.new(name=texture, generated_type='UV_GRID')
- image = bpy.data.images[texture]
- else:
- if texture not in bpy.data.images:
- bpy.ops.image.new(name=texture, generated_type='COLOR_GRID')
- image = bpy.data.images[texture]
- node_texture.image = image
- # Link texture node to shader node if not already linked
- if len(node_texture.outputs[0].links) == 0:
- links.new(node_texture.outputs[0], node_shader.inputs[0])
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLRandomShapes(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_random_shapes"
- bl_label = "Random Shapes"
- bl_description = ("Sets all shape blend shape keys to a random value")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object
- return context.object.type == 'MESH'
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- for key_block in obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
- if key_block.name.startswith("Shape"):
- key_block.value = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0)
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_update_joint_locations('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLResetShapes(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_reset_shapes"
- bl_label = "Reset"
- bl_description = ("Resets all blend shape keys for shape")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object
- return context.object.type == 'MESH'
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- for key_block in obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
- if key_block.name.startswith("Shape"):
- key_block.value = 0.0
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_update_joint_locations('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLSnapGroundPlane(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_snap_ground_plane"
- bl_label = "Snap To Ground Plane"
- bl_description = ("Snaps mesh to the XY ground plane")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh or armature is active object
- return ((context.object.type == 'MESH') or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
- armature = obj
- obj = bpy.context.object.children[0]
- else:
- armature = obj.parent
- # Get vertices with applied skin modifier in object coordinates
- depsgraph = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- object_eval = obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
- mesh_from_eval = object_eval.to_mesh()
- # Get vertices in world coordinates
- matrix_world = obj.matrix_world
- vertices_world = [matrix_world @ vertex.co for vertex in mesh_from_eval.vertices]
- z_min = (min(vertices_world, key=lambda item: item.z)).z
- object_eval.to_mesh_clear() # Remove temporary mesh
- # Translate armature edit bones
- context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- for edit_bone in armature.data.edit_bones:
- if edit_bone.name != "root":
- edit_bone.translate(Vector((0.0, 0.0, -z_min)))
- # Translate skinned mesh and apply translation
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- obj.location = (0.0, 0.0, -z_min)
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location = True)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLUpdateJointLocations(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_update_joint_locations"
- bl_label = "Update Joint Locations"
- bl_description = ("Update joint locations after shape/expression changes")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- j_regressor_male = None
- j_regressor_female = None
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object
- return ((context.object.type == 'MESH') and (context.object.parent.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- if self.j_regressor_female is None:
- path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- regressor_path = os.path.join(path, "data", "smpl_joint_regressor_female.npz")
- with np.load(regressor_path) as data:
- self.j_regressor_female = data['joint_regressor']
- if self.j_regressor_male is None:
- path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- regressor_path = os.path.join(path, "data", "smpl_joint_regressor_male.npz")
- with np.load(regressor_path) as data:
- self.j_regressor_male = data['joint_regressor']
- if "female" in obj.name:
- j_regressor = self.j_regressor_female
- else:
- j_regressor = self.j_regressor_male
- # Store current bone rotations
- armature = obj.parent
- bone_rotations = {}
- for pose_bone in armature.pose.bones:
- pose_bone.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- axis_angle = pose_bone.rotation_axis_angle
- bone_rotations[pose_bone.name] = (axis_angle[0], axis_angle[1], axis_angle[2], axis_angle[3])
- # Set model in default pose
- for bone in armature.pose.bones:
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_reset_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- bone.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- bone.rotation_axis_angle = (0, 0, 1, 0)
- # Reset corrective poseshapes if used
- if context.window_manager.smpl_tool.smpl_corrective_poseshapes:
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_reset_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- # Get vertices with applied skin modifier
- depsgraph = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
- object_eval = obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph)
- mesh_from_eval = object_eval.to_mesh()
- # Get Blender vertices as numpy matrix
- vertices_np = np.zeros((len(mesh_from_eval.vertices)*3), dtype=np.float)
- mesh_from_eval.vertices.foreach_get("co", vertices_np)
- vertices_matrix = np.reshape(vertices_np, (len(mesh_from_eval.vertices), 3))
- object_eval.to_mesh_clear() # Remove temporary mesh
- # Note: Current joint regressor uses 6890 vertices as input which is slow numpy operation
- joint_locations = j_regressor @ vertices_matrix
- # Set new bone joint locations
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
- for index in range(smpl_joints):
- bone = armature.data.edit_bones[SMPL_JOINT_NAMES[index]]
- bone.head = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- bone.tail = (0.0, 0.0, 0.1)
- bone_start = Vector(joint_locations[index])
- bone.translate(bone_start)
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj
- # Restore pose
- for pose_bone in armature.pose.bones:
- pose_bone.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- pose_bone.rotation_axis_angle = bone_rotations[pose_bone.name]
- # Restore corrective poseshapes if used
- if context.window_manager.smpl_tool.smpl_corrective_poseshapes:
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_set_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLSetPoseshapes(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_set_poseshapes"
- bl_label = "Set Pose Shapes"
- bl_description = ("Sets corrective poseshapes for current pose")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object and parent is armature
- return ( ((context.object.type == 'MESH') and (context.object.parent.type == 'ARMATURE')) or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- # https://github.com/gulvarol/surreal/blob/master/datageneration/main_part1.py
- # Computes rotation matrix through Rodrigues formula as in cv2.Rodrigues
- def rodrigues_to_mat(self, rotvec):
- theta = np.linalg.norm(rotvec)
- r = (rotvec/theta).reshape(3, 1) if theta > 0. else rotvec
- cost = np.cos(theta)
- mat = np.asarray([[0, -r[2], r[1]],
- [r[2], 0, -r[0]],
- [-r[1], r[0], 0]])
- return(cost*np.eye(3) + (1-cost)*r.dot(r.T) + np.sin(theta)*mat)
- # https://github.com/gulvarol/surreal/blob/master/datageneration/main_part1.py
- # Calculate weights of pose corrective blend shapes
- # Input is pose of all 24 joints, output is weights for all joints except pelvis (23)
- def rodrigues_to_posecorrective_weight(self, pose):
- joints_posecorrective = smpl_joints
- rod_rots = np.asarray(pose).reshape(joints_posecorrective, 3)
- mat_rots = [self.rodrigues_to_mat(rod_rot) for rod_rot in rod_rots]
- bshapes = np.concatenate([(mat_rot - np.eye(3)).ravel() for mat_rot in mat_rots[1:]])
- return(bshapes)
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- # Get armature pose in rodrigues representation
- if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
- armature = obj
- obj = bpy.context.object.children[0]
- else:
- armature = obj.parent
- pose = [0.0] * (smpl_joints * 3)
- for index in range(smpl_joints):
- joint_name = SMPL_JOINT_NAMES[index]
- joint_pose = rodrigues_from_pose(armature, joint_name)
- pose[index*3 + 0] = joint_pose[0]
- pose[index*3 + 1] = joint_pose[1]
- pose[index*3 + 2] = joint_pose[2]
- # print("Current pose: " + str(pose))
- poseweights = self.rodrigues_to_posecorrective_weight(pose)
- # Set weights for pose corrective shape keys
- for index, weight in enumerate(poseweights):
- obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks["Pose%03d" % index].value = weight
- # Set checkbox without triggering update function
- context.window_manager.smpl_tool["smpl_corrective_poseshapes"] = True
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLResetPoseshapes(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_reset_poseshapes"
- bl_label = "Reset"
- bl_description = ("Resets corrective poseshapes for current pose")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object and parent is armature
- return ( ((context.object.type == 'MESH') and (context.object.parent.type == 'ARMATURE')) or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
- obj = bpy.context.object.children[0]
- for key_block in obj.data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
- if key_block.name.startswith("Pose"):
- key_block.value = 0.0
- return {'FINISHED'}
- def set_pose_from_rodrigues(armature, bone_name, rodrigues, rodrigues_reference=None, frame=1): # I wish frame=bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_current worked here, but it doesn't
- rod = Vector((rodrigues[0], rodrigues[1], rodrigues[2]))
- angle_rad = rod.length
- axis = rod.normalized()
- pbone = armature.pose.bones[bone_name]
- pbone.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
- quat = Quaternion(axis, angle_rad)
- if rodrigues_reference is None:
- pbone.rotation_quaternion = quat
- else:
- # SMPL-X is adding the reference rodrigues rotation to the
- # relaxed hand rodrigues rotation, so we have to do the same here.
- # This means that pose values for relaxed hand model cannot be
- # interpreted as rotations in the local joint coordinate system of the relaxed hand.
- # https://github.com/vchoutas/smplx/blob/f4206853a4746139f61bdcf58571f2cea0cbebad/smplx/body_models.py#L1190
- # full_pose += self.pose_mean
- rod_reference = Vector((rodrigues_reference[0], rodrigues_reference[1], rodrigues_reference[2]))
- rod_result = rod + rod_reference
- angle_rad_result = rod_result.length
- axis_result = rod_result.normalized()
- quat_result = Quaternion(axis_result, angle_rad_result)
- pbone.rotation_quaternion = quat_result
- pbone.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_quaternion", frame=frame)
- if bone_name == 'pelvis':
- pbone.keyframe_insert('location', frame=frame)
- return
- class SMPLLoadPose(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_load_pose"
- bl_label = "Load Pose"
- bl_description = ("Load SMPL pose thetas to console window")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh or armature is active object
- return (context.object.type == 'MESH') or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE')
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- self.frame_number=5
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
- armature = obj.parent
- else:
- armature = obj
- obj = armature.children[0]
- context.view_layer.objects.active = obj # mesh needs to be active object for recalculating joint locations
- joint_names = SMPL_JOINT_NAMES
- obj = bpy.context.object
- npz_path = r"C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0\1234.npz"
- npz_data = np.load(npz_path, allow_pickle=True)
- if 'joints_3d' not in npz_data:
- print('joints_3d not find')
- return
- data = npz_data['joints_3d'].item()['data']
- body_pose = data.reshape(( 24, 3))
- logging.error("np.array(data):"+str(len(np.array(data))))
- # pose_index = max(0, min(self.frame_number, (len(np.array(data))))) # clamp the frame they give you from 0 and the max number of frames in this poses array
- # body_pose = np.array(data[pose_index]).reshape(len(joint_names), 3)
- # pose the entire body
- for index in range(len(joint_names)):
- pose_rodrigues = body_pose[index]
- bone_name = joint_names[index]
- set_pose_from_rodrigues(armature, bone_name, pose_rodrigues, frame=bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_current)
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLWritePose(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_write_pose"
- bl_label = "Write Pose1"
- bl_description = ("Writes SMPL pose thetas to console window")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh or armature is active object
- return (context.object.type == 'MESH') or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE')
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
- armature = obj.parent
- else:
- armature = obj
- # Get armature pose in rodrigues representation
- pose = [0.0] * (len(SMPL_JOINT_NAMES) * 3)
- for index in range(len(SMPL_JOINT_NAMES)):
- joint_name = SMPL_JOINT_NAMES[index]
- joint_pose = rodrigues_from_pose(armature, joint_name)
- pose[index*3 + 0] = joint_pose[0]
- pose[index*3 + 1] = joint_pose[1]
- pose[index*3 + 2] = joint_pose[2]
- print("pose = " + str(pose))
- npz_file="1234.npz"
- np.savez_compressed(npz_file, joints_3d={"data": np.array([pose])})
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLResetPose(bpy.types.Operator):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_reset_pose"
- bl_label = "Reset Pose"
- bl_description = ("Resets pose to default zero pose")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object
- return ( ((context.object.type == 'MESH') and (context.object.parent.type == 'ARMATURE')) or (context.object.type == 'ARMATURE'))
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- if obj.type == 'MESH':
- armature = obj.parent
- else:
- armature = obj
- for bone in armature.pose.bones:
- bone.rotation_mode = 'AXIS_ANGLE'
- bone.rotation_axis_angle = (0, 0, 1, 0)
- # Reset corrective pose shapes
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_reset_poseshapes('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPLExportUnityFBX(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
- bl_idname = "object.smpl_export_unity_fbx"
- bl_label = "Export Unity FBX"
- bl_description = ("Export skinned mesh to Unity in FBX format")
- bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
- # ExportHelper mixin class uses this
- filename_ext = ".fbx"
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- try:
- # Enable button only if mesh is active object
- return (context.object.type == 'MESH')
- except: return False
- def execute(self, context):
- obj = bpy.context.object
- export_shape_keys = context.window_manager.smpl_tool.smpl_export_setting_shape_keys
- armature_original = obj.parent
- skinned_mesh_original = obj
- # Operate on temporary copy of skinned mesh and armature
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- skinned_mesh_original.select_set(True)
- armature_original.select_set(True)
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = skinned_mesh_original
- bpy.ops.object.duplicate()
- skinned_mesh = bpy.context.object
- armature = skinned_mesh.parent
- # Reset pose
- bpy.ops.object.smpl_reset_pose('EXEC_DEFAULT')
- if export_shape_keys != 'SHAPE_POSE':
- # Remove pose corrective shape keys
- print('Removing pose corrective shape keys')
- num_shape_keys = len(skinned_mesh.data.shape_keys.key_blocks.keys())
- current_shape_key_index = 0
- for index in range(0, num_shape_keys):
- bpy.context.object.active_shape_key_index = current_shape_key_index
- if bpy.context.object.active_shape_key is not None:
- if bpy.context.object.active_shape_key.name.startswith('Pose'):
- bpy.ops.object.shape_key_remove(all=False)
- else:
- current_shape_key_index = current_shape_key_index + 1
- if export_shape_keys == 'NONE':
- # Bake and remove shape keys
- print("Baking shape and removing shape keys for shape")
- # Create shape mix for current shape
- bpy.ops.object.shape_key_add(from_mix=True)
- num_shape_keys = len(skinned_mesh.data.shape_keys.key_blocks.keys())
- # Remove all shape keys except newly added one
- bpy.context.object.active_shape_key_index = 0
- for count in range(0, num_shape_keys):
- bpy.ops.object.shape_key_remove(all=False)
- # Model (skeleton and skinned mesh) needs to have rotation of (90, 0, 0) when exporting so that it will have rotation (0, 0, 0) when imported into Unity
- bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT')
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- skinned_mesh.select_set(True)
- skinned_mesh.rotation_euler = (radians(-90), 0, 0)
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = skinned_mesh
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation = True)
- skinned_mesh.rotation_euler = (radians(90), 0, 0)
- skinned_mesh.select_set(False)
- armature.select_set(True)
- armature.rotation_euler = (radians(-90), 0, 0)
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
- bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(rotation = True)
- armature.rotation_euler = (radians(90), 0, 0)
- # Select armature and skinned mesh for export
- skinned_mesh.select_set(True)
- # Rename armature and skinned mesh to not contain Blender copy suffix
- if "female" in skinned_mesh.name:
- gender = "female"
- else:
- gender = "male"
- target_mesh_name = "SMPL-mesh-%s" % gender
- target_armature_name = "SMPL-%s" % gender
- if target_mesh_name in bpy.data.objects:
- bpy.data.objects[target_mesh_name].name = "SMPL-temp-mesh"
- skinned_mesh.name = target_mesh_name
- if target_armature_name in bpy.data.objects:
- bpy.data.objects[target_armature_name].name = "SMPL-temp-armature"
- armature.name = target_armature_name
- bpy.ops.export_scene.fbx(filepath=self.filepath, use_selection=True, apply_scale_options="FBX_SCALE_ALL", add_leaf_bones=False)
- print("Exported: " + self.filepath)
- # Remove temporary copies of armature and skinned mesh
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- skinned_mesh.select_set(True)
- armature.select_set(True)
- bpy.ops.object.delete()
- bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
- skinned_mesh_original.select_set(True)
- bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = skinned_mesh_original
- if "SMPL-temp-mesh" in bpy.data.objects:
- bpy.data.objects["SMPL-temp-mesh"].name = target_mesh_name
- if "SMPL-temp-armature" in bpy.data.objects:
- bpy.data.objects["SMPL-temp-armature"].name = target_armature_name
- return {'FINISHED'}
- class SMPL_PT_Model(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_label = "SMPL Model"
- bl_category = "SMPL"
- bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
- bl_region_type = "UI"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- col = layout.column(align=True)
- row = col.row(align=True)
- col.prop(context.window_manager.smpl_tool, "smpl_gender")
- col.operator("scene.smpl_add_gender", text="Add")
- col.separator()
- col.label(text="Texture:")
- row = col.row(align=True)
- split = row.split(factor=0.75, align=True)
- split.prop(context.window_manager.smpl_tool, "smpl_texture")
- split.operator("scene.smpl_set_texture", text="Set")
- class SMPL_PT_Shape(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_label = "Shape"
- bl_category = "SMPL"
- bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
- bl_region_type = "UI"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- col = layout.column(align=True)
- row = col.row(align=True)
- split = row.split(factor=0.75, align=True)
- split.operator("object.smpl_random_shapes")
- split.operator("object.smpl_reset_shapes")
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_snap_ground_plane")
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_update_joint_locations")
- class SMPL_PT_Pose(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_label = "Pose"
- bl_category = "SMPL"
- bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
- bl_region_type = "UI"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- col = layout.column(align=True)
- col.prop(context.window_manager.smpl_tool, "smpl_corrective_poseshapes")
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_set_poseshapes")
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_load_pose")
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_write_pose")
- col.separator()
- class SMPL_PT_Export(bpy.types.Panel):
- bl_label = "Export"
- bl_category = "SMPL"
- bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
- bl_region_type = "UI"
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- col = layout.column(align=True)
- col.label(text="Shape Keys (Blend Shapes):")
- col.prop(context.window_manager.smpl_tool, "smpl_export_setting_shape_keys")
- col.separator()
- col.separator()
- col.operator("object.smpl_export_unity_fbx")
- col.separator()
- # export_button = col.operator("export_scene.obj", text="Export OBJ [m]", icon='EXPORT')
- # export_button.global_scale = 1.0
- # export_button.use_selection = True
- # col.separator()
- row = col.row(align=True)
- row.operator("ed.undo", icon='LOOP_BACK')
- row.operator("ed.redo", icon='LOOP_FORWARDS')
- col.separator()
- (year, month, day) = bl_info["version"]
- col.label(text="Version: %s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day))
- classes = [
- PG_SMPLProperties,
- SMPLAddGender,
- SMPLSetTexture,
- SMPLRandomShapes,
- SMPLResetShapes,
- SMPLSnapGroundPlane,
- SMPLUpdateJointLocations,
- SMPLSetPoseshapes,
- SMPLResetPoseshapes,
- SMPLLoadPose,
- SMPLWritePose,
- SMPLResetPose,
- SMPLExportUnityFBX,
- SMPL_PT_Model,
- SMPL_PT_Shape,
- SMPL_PT_Pose,
- SMPL_PT_Export
- ]
- def register():
- from bpy.utils import register_class
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
- # Store properties under WindowManager (not Scene) so that they are not saved in .blend files and always show default values after loading
- bpy.types.WindowManager.smpl_tool = PointerProperty(type=PG_SMPLProperties)
- def unregister():
- from bpy.utils import unregister_class
- for cls in classes:
- bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
- del bpy.types.WindowManager.smpl_tool
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- register()
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