gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) clahe_image = clahe.apply(gray) detections = detector(clahe_image, 1) for k, d in enumerate(detections): shape = predictor(clahe_image, d) xlist = [] ylist = [] landmarks = [] for i in range(0, 68): cv2.circle(clahe_image, (shape.part(i).x, shape.part(i).y), 1, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) xlist.append(float(shape.part(i).x)) ylist.append(float(shape.part(i).y)) xmean = np.mean(xlist) ymean = np.mean(ylist) x_max = np.max(xlist) x_min = np.min(xlist) y_max = np.max(ylist) y_min = np.min(ylist) cv2.rectangle(clahe_image, (int(x_min), int(y_min - ((ymean - y_min) / 3))), (int(x_max), int(y_max)), (255, 150, 0), 2) cv2.circle(clahe_image, (int(xmean), int(ymean)), 1, (0, 255, 255), thickness=2) x_start = int(x_min) y_start = int(y_min - ((ymean - y_min) / 3)) w = int(x_max) - x_start h = int(y_max) - y_start crop_img = image[y_start:y_start + h, x_start:x_start + w]
if len(detections) > 0: mywidth = 255 hsize = 255 cv2.imwrite('crop_img.png', crop_img) img = Image.open('crop_img.png') img = img.resize((mywidth, hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) img.save('resized.png') image_resized = cv2.imread('resized.png') gray = cv2.cvtColor(image_resized, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) clahe_image = clahe.apply(gray) detections = detector(clahe_image, 1) for k, d in enumerate(detections): shape = predictor(clahe_image, d) xlist = [] ylist = [] for i in range(0, 68): cv2.circle(clahe_image, (shape.part(i).x, shape.part(i).y), 1, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2) xlist.append(float(shape.part(i).x)) ylist.append(float(shape.part(i).y)) xmean = np.mean(xlist) ymean = np.mean(ylist) x_max = np.max(xlist) x_min = np.min(xlist) y_max = np.max(ylist) y_min = np.min(ylist) cv2.rectangle(clahe_image, (int(x_min), int(y_min)), (int(x_max), int(y_max)), (255, 150, 0), 2) cv2.circle(clahe_image, (int(xmean), int(ymean)), 1, (0, 255, 255), thickness=2) xlist = np.array(xlist, dtype=np.float64) ylist = np.array(ylist, dtype=np.float64) if len(detections) > 0: return xlist, ylist else: xlist = np.array([]) ylist = np.array([]) return xlist, ylist else: xlist = np.array([]) ylist = np.array([]) return xlist, ylist
AU1_1_x = xlist[19:22] AU1_1_y = ylist[19:22] AU1_1_x, AU1_1_y = linear_interpolation(AU1_1_x, AU1_1_y) AU_feature = [get_average_curvature(AU1_1_x, AU1_1_y)] AU1_2_x = xlist[22:25] AU1_2_y = ylist[22:25] AU1_2_x, AU1_2_y = linear_interpolation(AU1_2_x, AU1_2_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU1_2_x, AU1_2_y)] AU2_1_x = xlist[17:20] AU2_1_y = ylist[17:20] AU2_1_x, AU2_1_y = linear_interpolation(AU2_1_x, AU2_1_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU2_1_x, AU2_1_y)] AU2_2_x = xlist[24:27] AU2_2_y = ylist[24:27] AU2_2_x, AU2_2_y = linear_interpolation(AU2_2_x, AU2_2_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU2_2_x, AU2_2_y)] AU5_1_x = xlist[36:40] AU5_1_y = ylist[36:40] AU5_1_x, AU5_1_y = linear_interpolation(AU5_1_x, AU5_1_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU5_1_x, AU5_1_y)] AU5_2_x = xlist[42:46] AU5_2_y = ylist[42:46] AU5_2_x, AU5_2_y = linear_interpolation(AU5_2_x, AU5_2_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU5_2_x, AU5_2_y)] AU7_1_x = np.append(xlist[39:42], xlist[36]) AU7_1_y = np.append(ylist[39:42], ylist[36]) AU7_1_x, AU7_1_y = linear_interpolation(AU7_1_x, AU7_1_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU7_1_x, AU7_1_y)] AU7_2_x = np.append(xlist[46:48], xlist[42]) AU7_2_y = np.append(ylist[46:48], ylist[42]) AU7_2_x, AU7_2_y = linear_interpolation(AU7_2_x, AU7_2_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU7_2_x, AU7_2_y)] AU9_x = xlist[31:36] AU9_y = ylist[31:36] AU9_x, AU9_y = linear_interpolation(AU9_x, AU9_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU9_x, AU9_y)] AU10_x = np.append(xlist[48:51], xlist[52:55]) AU10_y = np.append(ylist[48:51], ylist[52:55]) AU10_x, AU10_y = linear_interpolation(AU10_x, AU10_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU10_x, AU10_y)] AU12_1_x = [xlist[48]] + [xlist[60]] + [xlist[67]] AU12_1_y = [ylist[48]] + [ylist[60]] + [ylist[67]] AU12_1_x, AU12_1_y = linear_interpolation(AU12_1_x, AU12_1_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU12_1_x, AU12_1_y)] AU12_2_x = [xlist[54]] + [xlist[64]] + [xlist[65]] AU12_2_y = [ylist[54]] + [ylist[64]] + [ylist[65]] AU12_2_x, AU12_2_y = linear_interpolation(AU12_2_x, AU12_2_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU12_2_x, AU12_2_y)] AU20_x = xlist[55:60] AU20_y = ylist[55:60] AU20_x, AU20_y = linear_interpolation(AU20_x, AU20_y) AU_feature = AU_feature + [get_average_curvature(AU20_x, AU20_y)] Norm_AU_feature = (AU_feature - np.min(AU_feature)) / np.ptp(AU_feature)
def getVideoFeature(path_video, path_feature): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_video): files = natsorted(files) # 排好序 for i in range(len(files)): # 初始化窗口 video_path = path_video + files[i] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) with open(path_feature + files[i][:-4] + ".txt", "a", encoding="utf-8")as f: f.write("Frame number ") for point in range(1,69): f.write("p" + str(point) + "X " + "p" + str(point) + "Y ") f.write("AU1_1 AU1_2 AU2_1 AU2_2 AU5_1 AU5_2 AU7_1 AU7_2 AU9 AU10 AU12_1 AU12_2 AU20" + "\n") frame = 0 while cap.isOpened(): ok, cv_img = cap.read() if not ok: break try: frame = frame + 1 # 从第一帧开始 [xlist, ylist] = get_landmarks(cv_img) Norm_AU_feature = extract_AU(xlist, ylist) print("No."+ str(i+1) + " " + files[i]+" FrameNumber: " + str(frame)) with open(path_feature + files[i][:-4] + ".txt", "a", encoding="utf-8")as f: f.write(files[i]+ ":" + str(frame) + " ") for pt in range(0, 68): f.write(str(float(xlist[pt])) + " " + str(float(ylist[pt])) + " ") for au_number in range(0, 13): f.write(str(format(Norm_AU_feature[au_number], ".6f")) + " ") # 小数点后保留6位数 f.write("\n") except BaseException: with open(path_feature + files[i][:-4] + ".txt", "a", encoding="utf-8")as f: f.write(files[i]+ ":" + str(frame) + " ") for index in range(149): f.write("NaN ") f.write("\n") print("No."+ str(i+1) + " " + files[i] + " FrameNumber: " + str(frame) + " Can not detect face!") cap.release()
[1] Kotsia I, Pitas I. Facial Expression Recognition in ImageSequences Using Geometric Deformation Features and SupportVector Machines[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing APublication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2007,16(1):172.
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