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}  function destroy()  public  onlyowner  {  selfdestruct(payable(


by Pablo Ruiz

帕勃罗·鲁伊斯(Pablo Ruiz)

可出售智能合约的协议 (A Protocol for Sellable Smart Contracts)

Ethereum doesn’t have the concept of smart contract ownership built into it.Even though the creation and deployment of a smart contract is done by an account — be it an External Owned Account (EOA) or another contract — being the creator of the smart contract doesn’t give the account any special privileges over the contract they deployed.


Most use cases for smart contracts require someone to own the contracts. This “owner” is given privileges — and responsibilities — over the smart contract.

智能合约的大多数用例要求有人拥有合约。 该“所有者”拥有智能合约的特权和责任。

In a crowdsale contract they might be tasked with managing the whole process and pausing the crowdsale if something goes wrong.


In a Lottery/Ruffle Dapp they might be tasked with executing the number draw.


In any contract that holds funds, they might be set as the beneficiary upon construct destruction.


A common pattern used by many smart contracts is to set the owner to the account deploying the contract like so:


pragma solidity 0.4.19;
contract MyContract {  address owner;
function MyContract(){    owner = msg.sender;  }}

Then, adding a modifier:


modifier onlyOwner {  require(msg.sender == owner);  _;    }

And finally, using that modifier to enforce that critical operations can only be performed by the owner of the contract:


// Suicide the contract and transfer funds to the owner// Only available to the owner, for obvious reasons.
function destroyContract() public onlyOwner {  selfdestruct(owner);}

变更合同所有权的问题 (The Problem with Changing Contract Ownership)

There are some situations that would require ownership of a contract to be given to someone else. To name a few:

在某些情况下,需要将合同所有权授予其他人。 仅举几例:

  • The person that deployed the contract did it on behalf of someone else


    A developer or consultant doing a contracting job for a company


  • A company wants to liquidate / sell its assets, which include smart contracts


    Which might or not have ether balance


  • The owner of the smart contract wants to give it away, donate it, or just flip it for profit


Some contracts, but unfortunately not many, include a function to give ownership of the contract to some other account. And some of them also include another function for that person to accept the ownership that has been bestowed upon him.

某些合同(但不幸的是数量不多)具有将合同所有权分配给其他帐户的功能。 其中一些功能还包括该人接受已授予他的所有权的另一个功能。

function changeOwner(address _newOwner)public onlyOwner {  ownerCandidate = _newOwner;}
function acceptOwnership()public {  require(msg.sender == ownerCandidate);    owner = ownerCandidate;}

Now, the situations mentioned above share a few common issues that these not-so-widely-used changeOwner() and acceptOwnership() functions don’t address:


  • How can the buyer of the contract be certain that once they pay for the ownership of the contract, the seller will actually execute the corresponding changeOwner() function?


  • This can happen the other way around. How can the seller of the contract be certain that they will get paid if they cede ownership first?

    反之亦然。 合同的卖方如何确定如果他们首先放弃所有权,他们将获得报酬?
  • How can the buyer of the contract be certain that the current owner of the contract will not modify it (well, it’s data) before giving away its ownership?


可出售合同协议 (The Sellable Contract Protocol)

The solution I propose is implementing a series of functions that would allow the owner of a smart contract to sell it in exchange of ether to someone of his choosing or just put it up for sale for anyone to buy at the asking price on a first-come first-save basis. This could be extended to allow different sale methods using different auction styles.

我建议的解决方案是实现一系列功能,该功能允许智能合约的所有者将其出售以换取以太币给其选择的某人,或者将其出售给任何人以第一要价的价格购买,首先保存。 这可以扩展为允许使用不同拍卖方式的不同销售方式。

The details of the protocol can be read — and discussed — on the corresponding EIP.


In the following paragraphs I’ll go through an implementation example, which is available on my Github Repository.


处理所有权 (Handling Ownership)

Handling ownership of the contract is pretty basic. As typically done, we set the owner of the deployed contract to msg.sender upon initialization:

处理合同所有权是非常基本的。 通常,我们在初始化时将已部署合同的所有者设置为msg.sender

function Sellable() public {        owner = msg.sender;        Transfer(now,address(0),owner,0);    }

Then, we add the onlyOwner modifier, which will be used on every function that we want to make only executable by the person currently owning the contract:


modifier onlyOwner {        require(msg.sender == owner);        _;    }

What we’ll want our contract to do is to allow the owner to be changed under certain conditions.


出售合同 (Putting the Contract for Sale)

The owner of the contract can put it up for sale by calling the following function:


function initiateSale(uint _price, address _to) onlyOwner public {        require(_to != address(this) && _to != owner);        require(!selling);                selling = true;                // Set the target buyer, if specified.        sellingTo = _to;                askingPrice = _price;    }

initiateSale() takes two parameters:


  • uint _price: which is the price the owner wants to sell the contract for.

    uint _price :所有者要出售合同的价格。

  • address _to: which is optional, and corresponds to who the owner wants to sell the contract to.


When putting the contract up for sale, the owner has two options: They can choose the buyer, in that case the sale has been prearrange. Or they can simply “announce” the contract is for sale and the first person to claim it (and paying its price) gets it.

将合同出售时,所有者有两个选择:他们可以选择买方,在这种情况下,销售已经预先安排。 或者,他们可以简单地“宣布”合同待售,而第一个声称该合同(并支付其价格)的人得到了该合同。

Additionally, the asking price can be set to 0. This means that the owner of the contract is allowed to gift, donate or give the contract away.


There’s one more important thing to notice: There’s a ifNotLocked modifier that can be added to the contract’s functions to prevent them from being executed if the contract is in a sale process. If used properly, this prevents the contract’s data from being modified just before it is purchased.

需要注意的另一件事是:可以在合同功能中添加ifNotLocked修饰符,以防止在合同处于销售过程中执行它们。 如果使用得当,可以防止在购买合同之前修改合同的数据。

Finally, there’s the cancelPurchase() function which allows the owner to cancel the sale before someone completes it.


function cancelSale() onlyOwner public {        require(selling);                // Reset sale variables        resetSale();    }
购买合同 (Buying the Contract)

Once the contract is up for sale, all it takes to complete the sale is for the buyer (if it was specified) or anyone (if no particular buyer was specified) to call the following function:


function completeSale() public payable {        require(selling);        require(msg.sender != owner);        require(msg.sender == sellingTo || sellingTo == address(0));        require(msg.value == askingPrice);                // Swap ownership        address prevOwner = owner;        address newOwner = msg.sender;        uint salePrice = askingPrice;                owner = newOwner;                // Transaction cleanup        resetSale();                prevOwner.transfer(salePrice);                Transfer(now,prevOwner,newOwner,salePrice);    }

The completeSale() function is a payable function which requires the ether to be sent. The amount to be sent must be the exactly the same the owner set as the asking price.

completeSale()函数是一个payable函数,需要发送以太币。 要发送的金额必须与所有者设置的要价完全相同。

When completeSale() is executed, the ether will be transferred to the owner and then the ownership will be transferred to the buyer. This finishes the transaction and cleans up the contract for the new owner, who can now use it normally, or even put it up for sale again.

执行completeSale() ,以太币将被转让给所有者,然后所有权将被转让给买方。 这样就完成了交易并为新所有者清理了合同,新所有者现在可以正常使用它,甚至可以再次出售。

用例范例 (An Example Use Case)

Here’s a very simple example of how this base contract could be used:


contract Kitty is Sellable {        string public name;    uint public kittyValue = 0;        function Kitty(string _name) public {        name = _name;    }        function findNewOwner() public onlyOwner {        kittyValue = kittyValue + 1 ether;           super.initiateSale(kittyValue,address(0));    }        function renameKitty(string newName) ifNotLocked public onlyOwner {        name = newName;    }        function buyKitty() public payable {        require(msg.value == kittyValue);        super.completeSale();    }}

We have a contract which represents a CryptoKitty ?. The owner can findNewOwner() to put it up for sale. Each time the kitty is bought his value increases by 1 ether. The owner of the kitty can change its name, as long as it is not being sold at the moment by implementing the ifNotLocked modifier in renameKitty .

我们有一个代表CryptoKitty的合同。 所有者可以indNewOwner()进行出售。 每次购买小猫时,他的价值增加1以太。 因为它没有被目前通过实现我公司销售的小猫的主人可以更改其名称,只要fNotLocked在r中修改enameKitty

而已! (That’s it!)

If you have further suggestions to improve this Sellable protocol, please add your comments, bugs or suggestions in the EIP I created.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-protocol-for-sellable-smart-contracts-829bc2ce02b3/


