不管是pc应用,服务端应用以及移动应用在编程过程当中几乎都会使用到线程相关的特性,而不同的操作系统可能会有不同的线程相关的API。比如类Unix系统上会有POSIX标准的pthread,windows上也有windows版的Pthread,但windows上并不是原生支持pthread,这样在使用的时候或多或少都会有一些性能,安全性上面的影响。再有就是一些rtos系统基本上都是task级别的API,因此封装一个跨平台的通用线程API是很有必要的。(不直接封装成pthread API,是因为pthread的API有很多,但我们常用的却很少)
/** *@brief get current thread ID * *@param None * *@return return thread ID *@see */ G_API vos_thread_id vosThreadGetId(void); /** *@brief create a thread instance * *@param threadId [io] thread id output *@param loopFunc [in] thread main loop function. *@param loopParam [in] thread loop function's parameter. *@param attr [in] thread attribute. * *@return if success return G_OK, else return G_FAIL. *@see *@note thread default state(the param attr is NULL) is joinable(mean that, usr * need call function vosThreadjoin to release thread resource) * */ G_API GS32 vosThreadCreate(vos_thread_id *threadId, vosThreadFunc_t loopFunc, void* loopParam, vos_thread_attr_t* attr); /** *@brief wait for thread to release resource * *@param threadId [in] the id of thread. * *@return if sucess return G_OK(0),else return error code *@see *@note if thread not in joinable state,then will be return ' VOS_INVALID_OPERATION' */ G_API GS32 vosThreadJoin(vos_thread_id threadId);
//thread id type define
typedef void* vos_thread_id;
*@brief thread loop function type
*@return if success exit return G_OK , else return error code.
typedef GS32 (*vosThreadFunc_t)(void *);
//thread attribute define typedef struct vos_thread_attr_s { GS32 priority; /** thread priority(range: lowest 0 - 100 highest) */ /** * GTRUE: need call vosThreadJoin to wait thread exit and release thread * resource * * GFALSE: need call nothing,thread resource will be auto release. */ GBOL joinable; /** * thread name, if NULL,then thread name will be set as "unknown" */ const GS08* name; }vos_thread_attr_t;
vos_thread_id vosThreadGetId(void)
return (vos_thread_id)pthread_self();
GS32 vosThreadCreate(vos_thread_id *threadId, vosThreadFunc_t loopFunc, void* loopParam, vos_thread_attr_t* attr) { #if defined(_WIN32) /** for windows */ GS32 policy = SCHED_OTHER; /**这里包含了使用windows版本的POSIX实现的情况 */ #else /** other */ GS32 policy = SCHED_RR; #endif GS32 ret = 0; GS32 maxPri = 0; GS32 minPri = 0; GS32 rangePri = 0; struct sched_param schParam = {0}; pthread_attr_t thdattr; posixThread_t* posixThd = NULL; GS32 priority = attr->priority; GCHECK(threadId); *threadId = NULL; /** 分配线程结构的内存 */ posixThd = (posixThread_t*)memAlloc(sizeof(posixThread_t)); if (!posixThd) { THD_PRINT("allocate win thread instance failed\n"); goto ERROR; } memset(posixThd, 0, sizeof(posixThread_t)); if (attr && attr->name)/**处理线程名属性 */ { GS32 len = strlen(attr->name); if (len > THD_NAME_MAX_LEN)/**线程名最初只能31个字节,否则会被截断*/ { printf("thread name too long\n"); memcpy(posixThd->name, attr->name, THD_NAME_MAX_LEN); } else { memcpy(posixThd->name, attr->name, len); } } else { memcpy(posixThd->name, "unkown", 6); } /** 防止线程在设置好参数之前就启动的条件变量 */ ret = pthread_cond_init(&(posixThd->cond), NULL); if (0 != ret) { THD_PRINT("init condition lock failed,ret(%d),err(%d,%s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); goto ERROR; } /** 条件变量相关的互斥锁 */ ret = pthread_mutex_init(&(posixThd->lock), NULL); if (0 != ret) { THD_PRINT("init mutex lock failed,ret(%d),err(%d,%s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); goto ERROR; } /** 记录API传入的参数 */ posixThd->param = loopParam; posixThd->loopFunc = loopFunc; posixThd->initIsComplete = GFALSE; /**初始化pthread属性结构*/ pthread_attr_init(&thdattr); pthread_attr_getschedparam(&thdattr, &schParam); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&thdattr, policy); minPri = sched_get_priority_min(policy); THD_PRINT("thread [%s], policy(%d), min-max[%d-%d], pri(%d)\n", posixThd->name, policy, minPri, maxPri, prior44dity); rangePri = maxPri - minPri;/**获取线程优先级取值区间*/ schParam.sched_priority = priority * rangePri / 100; pthread_attr_setschedparam(&thdattr, &schParam); //pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, NULL); if (attr->joinable == GFALSE) {/** 设置pthread为detach模式 */ pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thdattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); } /** 创建pthread线程 */ ret = pthread_create(&(posixThd->thd), &thdattr, threadFunc, posixThd); pthread_attr_destroy (&thdattr); if (0 != ret) { THD_PRINT("===>:pthread create failed,ret(%d),err(%d, %s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); goto ERROR; } *threadId= (vos_thread_id)posixThd->thd; /** 输出线程id */ pthread_mutex_lock(&posixThd->lock); posixThd->initIsComplete = GTRUE; pthread_cond_broadcast(&(posixThd->cond)); /**完成创建以及初始化,启动线程*/ pthread_mutex_unlock(&posixThd->lock); return G_OK; ERROR: if (posixThd) { pthread_cond_destroy(&(posixThd->cond)); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(posixThd->lock)); memFree(posixThd); } return G_FAIL; }
GS32 vosThreadJoin(vos_thread_id threadId) { if (threadId != VTHD_INVALID_TID) { /**判断要等待的线程是否为当前线程,预防死等的情况发生 */ if (threadId != vosThreadGetId()) { void* retVal = NULL; pthread_t thd = (pthread_t)(threadId); /**调用pthread API等待线程结束并释放资源*/ GS32 ret = pthread_join(thd, &retVal); if (ret == 0) { return G_OK; } else { THD_PRINT("===>:pthread join failed,ret(%d),err(%d, %s)\n", ret, errno, strerror(errno)); if (ret == EINVAL) { return G_ErrorInvalidOperation; } else if (ret == EDEADLK) { return G_ErrorWouldBlock; } } } else { THD_PRINT("can not call(%s) in thread self\n", __FUNCTION__); return G_ErrorWouldBlock; } } return G_FAIL; }
class myTinyLocker /** 互斥锁 */ { public: inline myTinyLocker() { m_hMutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL); } inline ~myTinyLocker() { ::CloseHandle(m_hMutex); } inline void lock() const { ::WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, INFINITE); } inline void unlock() const { ::ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); } private: HANDLE m_hMutex; }; class myTinyAutoLock /** 利用c++的改造函数和析构函数的特性实现的自动互斥锁 */ { public: myTinyAutoLock(const myTinyLocker& lock):mLock(lock) { mLock.lock(); } ~myTinyAutoLock() { mLock.unlock(); } private: const myTinyLocker& mLock; };
struct myThdRegItem /** 线程的基本信息 */ { public: HANDLE thd; GU32 tid; GBOL joinable; }; class myThreadHandleReg { private: ~myThreadHandleReg() { GS32 ret = 0; map<GU32, myThdRegItem>::const_iterator it = mReg.begin(); for (; it != mReg.end(); it++) { myThdRegItem* item = (myThdRegItem*)&(it->second); CloseHandle(item->thd); //ret = GetLastError(); } mReg.clear(); } public: static myThreadHandleReg* getInstance() { myTinyAutoLock autoLock(mLock); static myThreadHandleReg gThdReg; return &gThdReg; } void insert(GU32 key, myThdRegItem item) { myTinyAutoLock autoLock(mLock); mReg.insert(make_pair(key, item)); } myThdRegItem* find(GU32 key) { myTinyAutoLock autoLock(mLock); map<GU32, myThdRegItem>::const_iterator it = mReg.find(key); if (it == mReg.end()) { return NULL; } return (myThdRegItem*)&(it->second); } GS32 destroyItem(GU32 key) { myTinyAutoLock autoLock(mLock); map<GU32, myThdRegItem>::const_iterator it = mReg.find(key); if (it == mReg.end()) { return G_FAIL; } myThdRegItem* item = (myThdRegItem*)&(it->second); CloseHandle(item->thd); mReg.erase(it); return G_OK; } private: static myTinyLocker mLock; map<GU32, myThdRegItem> mReg; };
vos_thread_id vosThreadGetId(void)
/** 直接调用windows的API来获取当前线程的tid */
return (vos_thread_id)GetCurrentThreadId();
GS32 vosThreadCreate(vos_thread_id *threadId, vosThreadFunc_t loopFunc, void* loopParam, vos_thread_attr_t* attr) { winThread_t* winThd = NULL; GU32 tid = 0; GCHECK(threadId); *threadId = VTHD_INVALID_TID; winThd = (winThread_t*)memAlloc(sizeof(winThread_t)); if (!winThd) { printf("allocate win thread instance failed\n"); goto EXIT; } memset(winThd, 0, sizeof(winThread_t)); if (attr && attr->name) { GS32 len = strlen((const char*)attr->name); if (len > THD_NAME_MAX_LEN) { printf("thread name too long\n"); memcpy(winThd->name, attr->name, THD_NAME_MAX_LEN); } else { memcpy(winThd->name, attr->name, len); } } else { memcpy(winThd->name, "unknown", 6); } winThd->loopFunc = loopFunc; winThd->param = loopParam; /** 调用_beginthreadex API来创建一个windows线程,默认状态为:暂停 */ winThd->thd = _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, threadFunc, winThd, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &tid);//or CREATE_SUSPENDED(start with pause state),0(with run state) if (!winThd->thd) { memFree(winThd); winThd = NULL; goto EXIT; } *threadId = (vos_thread_id)tid; //create success, here output thread instance handle. myThreadHandleReg* thdReg = myThreadHandleReg::getInstance(); myThdRegItem item; item.tid = tid; item.thd = (HANDLE)winThd->thd; if (attr) { winThd->attr = *attr; item.joinable = attr->joinable; } else { item.joinable = GFALSE; } thdReg->insert(tid, item); /** 注册线程基本信息 */ winThd->tid = tid; /** 恢复线程为运行状态 */ ResumeThread((HANDLE)winThd->thd); //here resum thread EXIT: if (!winThd) { return G_FAIL; } return G_OK; }
GS32 vosThreadJoin(vos_thread_id threadId) { if (threadId != VTHD_INVALID_TID)/** 判断线程id是否无效 */ { GU32 tid = *((GU32*)threadId); if (threadId != vosThreadGetId())/** 预防死等情况 */ { myThreadHandleReg* thdReg = myThreadHandleReg::getInstance(); myThdRegItem* item = thdReg->find(tid);/** 查询此线程id是否存在?*/ if (item) { if (item->joinable == GTRUE) {/** 如果是joinable模式就等待线程循环退出,并释放线程资源 */ DWORD ret = 0; WaitForSingleObject(item->thd, INFINITE); GetExitCodeThread(item->thd, &ret); thdReg->destroyItem(tid); return G_OK; //todo process return value. } else { return G_ErrorInvalidOperation; } } } else { printf("can not call(%s) in thread self\n", __FUNCTION__); return G_ErrorWouldBlock; } } return G_FAIL; }
/** *@brief create a thread instance * *@param name [in] the name of thread. *@param timeout_ms [in] the duration of thread timeout, in milli-second(ms), set 0 to disable this feature *@param priority [in] the priority of current thread, @see also tf_thread_priority_t. *@param looper [in] thread looper callback function. *@param opaque [in] the parameter for callback function looper(). * *@return success: thread instance, fail: NULL . *@see *@note 1. thread will not run looper() func until tfThreadResume() be called. * 2. the default state is paused. * */ G_API GPHD tfThreadCreate(const char* name, GU32 timeout_ms, GU32 priority, tfThreadFunc_t looper, void* opaque); /** *@brief destroy a thread instance * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return none. *@see *@note thread must destroy after thread. * */ G_API void tfThreadDestroy(GPHD tthd); /** *@brief resume current thread * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return success: G_OK. fail: error code. *@see *@note this operation is async * */ G_API GS32 tfThreadResume(GPHD tthd); /** *@brief pause current thread * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread *@param wait [in] how wait(see also: tf_thread_wait_t) * *@return success: G_OK. fail: error code. *@see * */ G_API GS32 tfThreadPause(GPHD tthd, tf_thread_wait_t wait); /** *@brief stop current thread * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return success: G_OK. fail: error code. *@see *@note 1. this operation is sync mode * 2. must call this API ,before destroy thread. * 3. atfer this operation, the tfThreadCheckTerminated() will return GTRUE. * */ G_API GS32 tfThreadStop(GPHD tthd); /** *@brief check is need terminate current thread * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return need: GTRUE. needn't: GFALSE. *@see *@note void thread_looper(* opaque) * { * GPHD thd = ((xxx)(opaque))->thd; * * while(tfThreadCheckTerminated(thd) != GTRUE) * { * .... * } * } * */ G_API GBOL tfThreadCheckTerminated(GPHD tthd); /** *@brief check current thread is timeout * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return timeout: GTRUE. doesn't: GFALSE. *@see * */ G_API GBOL tfThreadIsTimeout(GPHD tthd); /** *@brief get thread id by thread handle * *@param tthd [in] the handle of thread * *@return success: thread id, fail: TF_INVALID_TID *@see * */ G_API tf_thread_id tfThreadGetTid(GPHD tthd);
GPHD tfThreadCreate(const char* name, GU32 timeout_ms, GU32 priority, tfThreadFunc_t looper, void* opaque) { my_thread_t* mthd = NULL; if (looper && opaque)/** 判断参数是否有效 */ { mthd = (my_thread_t*)memAlloc(sizeof(my_thread_t)); if (mthd) { memset(mthd, 0, sizeof(*mthd)); mthd->lock = vosMutexCreate();/**创建互斥锁 */ GCHECK(mthd->lock); mthd->thread_cond = vosCondCreate(); GCHECK(mthd->thread_cond); mthd->thread_request_cond = vosCondCreate();/**创建条件变量*/ GCHECK(mthd->thread_request_cond); mthd->looper = looper; mthd->state = TTHD_StatePause; mthd->request_state = TTHD_StatePause; mthd->priority = priority; mthd->opaque = opaque; mthd->thd_name = name ? strdup(name) : name; mthd->tid = TF_INVALID_TID; if (timeout_ms > 0)/**只有当超时时间设置为大于0时,才会启动超时机制 */ {/**initialize watchdog, only when timeout > 0 */ mthd->watchdog = &(mthd->storge_watchdog); if (vosWatchdogLiteInit(mthd->watchdog) != G_OK) {/**初始化软件看门狗(模拟的,并非真实的看门狗) */ mthd->watchdog = NULL; LOGW("initialize watchdog failed, the function of thread is timeout" "will lose efficacy\n"); } else {/**如果初始化程序,就复位看门狗 */ /** start watchdog */ vosWatchdogLiteReset(mthd->watchdog, timeout_ms); } } } else { LOGE("alloc thread controller instance failed\n"); } } else { LOGE("bad parameter, get_tid is NULL\n"); } return (GPHD)mthd; }
void tfThreadDestroy(GPHD tthd) { if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; tfThreadStop(tthd);/**销毁之前必须保证线程处于stop状态 */ if (mthd->lock) {/**销毁互斥锁 */ vosMutexFree(mthd->lock); } if (mthd->thread_cond) {/**销毁条件变量*/ vosCondFree(mthd->thread_cond); } if (mthd->thread_request_cond) {/**销毁请求改变线程状态的条件变量*/ vosCondFree(mthd->thread_request_cond); } if (mthd->watchdog) {/**销毁软件看门狗*/ vosWatchdogLiteDeinit(mthd->watchdog); } if (mthd->thd_name) {/**释放存储线程名的内存*/ free((void*)mthd->thd_name); } if (mthd->tid != TF_INVALID_TID) {/**等待线程结束并释放资源*/ vosThreadJoin(mthd->tid); } memFree(tthd);/**释放线程实例的内存*/ } }
GS32 tfThreadResume(GPHD tthd) { GS32 ret = G_ErrorBadParameter; if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; vosMutexLock(mthd->lock);/**为操作加锁*/ if (mthd->state != TTHD_StateRun) {/**判断线程是否已经处于运行状态*/ if (mthd->tid == TF_INVALID_TID) {/**判断线程是否已经创建*/ vos_thread_id tid; vos_thread_attr_t attr; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.name = mthd->thd_name; attr.priority = mthd->priority; attr.joinable = GTRUE; /**调用vos封装的线程API来创建线程*/ ret = vosThreadCreate(&tid, tfThreadLooper, mthd, &attr); if (G_OK == ret) { mthd->state = TTHD_StateRun;/**initialize state to running*/ mthd->tid = tid; } } else { ret = G_OK; } if (ret == G_OK) {/**改变线程状态为运行状态,并广播通知线程等待的条件变量 */ mthd->request_state = TTHD_StateRun; /**todo ,something */ vosCondBroadcast(mthd->thread_cond); } } else { ret = G_ErrorInvalidOperation; } /**解除加锁状态*/ vosMutexUnlock(mthd->lock); } return ret; }
GS32 tfThreadPause(GPHD tthd, tf_thread_wait_t wait) { GS32 ret = G_ErrorBadParameter; if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; vosMutexLock(mthd->lock); if (mthd->tid != TF_INVALID_TID) { if (mthd->state == TTHD_StateRun) {/**只有当线程处于运行状态时才能进行暂停操作 */ mthd->request_state = TTHD_StatePause; /**表示现在请求线程进入暂停状态*/ if (wait == TTHD_WaitStateChange) {/**如果传入的参数为等待状态变化的话(同步操作),就进行等待 */ if (mthd->tid == vosThreadGetId()) {/**判断调用本API的地方是否为线程循环体,以避免死循环 */ LOGE("%s called in thread's loop function and wait state\n" "change to pause, this will be lead to endless loop, " "it's a Bug\n", __FUNCTION__); } while (mthd->state != TTHD_StatePause) {/** wait thread state really change to pause */ /**使用条件变量进行等待,直到状态变化完成 */ vosCondWait(mthd->thread_request_cond, mthd->lock); } } ret = G_OK; } else { LOGE("thread state(%s) not in running,so can't do pause\n", tfGetStateName(mthd->state)); ret = G_ErrorInvalidOperation; } } else { LOGE("thread haven't initialized\n"); ret = G_ErrorNoInit; } vosMutexUnlock(mthd->lock); } return ret; }
GS32 tfThreadStop(GPHD tthd) { GS32 ret = G_ErrorBadParameter; if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; vosMutexLock(mthd->lock); if (mthd->tid != TF_INVALID_TID) { if (mthd->state != TTHD_StateStop) { mthd->request_state = TTHD_StateStop; vosCondBroadcast(mthd->thread_cond);/**如果是暂停状态就需要唤醒条件变量*/ if (mthd->tid == vosThreadGetId()) { LOGE("%s called in thread's loop function and wait state\n" "change to pause, this will be lead to endless loop, " "it's a Bug\n", __FUNCTION__); } while (mthd->state != TTHD_StateStop) {/** wait thread state really change to stop */ vosCondWait(mthd->thread_request_cond, mthd->lock); } } else { LOGE("thread already stopped,this is invalid operation\n"); ret = G_ErrorInvalidOperation; } } else { LOGE("thread haven't initialized \n"); ret = G_ErrorNoInit; } vosMutexUnlock(mthd->lock); } return ret; }
GBOL tfThreadCheckTerminated(GPHD tthd) { GBOL ret = GFALSE; if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; vosWatchdogLite_t* watchdog = mthd->watchdog; tf_thread_state_t request_state = mthd->request_state; if (watchdog) {/**如果启动的超时机制,此处就需要进行“喂狗” 操作 */ vosWatchdogLiteReset(watchdog, mthd->timeout_ms); } if (TTHD_StatePause == request_state) {/**如果有请求暂停的操作,就进行如下操作*/ vosMutexLock(mthd->lock); if (watchdog) {/**禁止/关断看门狗*/ vosWatchdogLiteDisable(watchdog); } mthd->state = TTHD_StatePause;/**将线程状态变为:暂停*/ vosCondBroadcast(mthd->thread_request_cond); /**广播通知等待状态变化的条件变量*/ while (TTHD_StatePause == mthd->request_state) {/**线程进入暂停*/ vosCondWait(mthd->thread_cond, mthd->lock); } /**如果线程状态变为非暂停(运行或停止)状态时,退出等待, * 并将线程状态置为新的请求状态 */ mthd->state = mthd->request_state; if (watchdog) {/**使能看门狗*/ vosWatchdogLiteEnable(watchdog); } vosMutexUnlock(mthd->lock); } if (TTHD_StateStop == mthd->state) {/**如果线程状态变为了stop,返回GTRUE,表示结束当前线程,退出线程循环 */ /** when this function return ,current thread loop will be exit*/ ret = GTRUE; } } else { ret = GTRUE; } return ret; }
GBOL tfThreadIsTimeout(GPHD tthd) { GBOL ret = GFALSE; /** default as doesn't timeout */ if (tthd) { my_thread_t* mthd = (my_thread_t*)tthd; vosMutexLock(mthd->lock); if (mthd->watchdog) {/**通过软件看门狗获取是否已经发生超时*/ ret = vosWatchdogLiteIsTimeout(mthd->watchdog); } vosMutexUnlock(mthd->lock); /** unlock */ } return ret; }
tf_thread_id tfThreadGetTid(GPHD tthd)
return tthd ? ((my_thread_t*)tthd)->tid : TF_INVALID_TID;
###4.3 简单例子
#include "tiny_thread.h" #include "vos_sys.h" typedef struct myType_s { GPHD myThd; }myType_t;/**用户数据结构,包含有线程的handle*/ static void myThreadLoop(void* opaque)/**线程循环函数*/ { myType_t* mt = (myType_t*)opaque; GS64 st = vosSysTimeMs(); while (tfThreadCheckTerminated(mt->myThd)!=GTRUE)/**判断线程是否结束以及控制线程状态*/ { printf("hello my thread!!, the time: %lld (ms)\n", vosSysTimeMs() - st); vosSleepMs(100); /** sleep 100 ms */ } printf("my thread exit..., the time: %lld (ms)\n", vosSysTimeMs() - st); } void threadTest() { myType_t mt; /**创建线程*/ mt.myThd = tfThreadCreate("myThread", 500,TTHD_PriorityDefault,myThreadLoop,&mt); if (mt.myThd) { tfThreadResume(mt.myThd);/**运行线程*/ vosSleepSec(1); /** 睡眠1秒 */ tfThreadPause(mt.myThd, TTHD_WaitStateChange);/**暂停线程,并等待线程状态变化完成 */ vosSleepSec(1); /** 睡眠1秒*/ tfThreadDestroy(mt.myThd); /**销毁线程*/ } else { printf("create thread failed\n"); } }
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