本系统温湿度采集使用DHT11模块,实时读取温湿度数据。然后将数据先OLED屏幕上显示,并将数据上传到阿里云物联网平台。DHT11是一款有已校准数字信号输出的温湿度传感器。 其精度湿度±5%RH, 温度±2℃,量程湿度5~95%RH, 温度-20~+60℃。连接WIFI模块使用联盛德W800芯片,W800芯片采用40纳米工艺,芯片封装尺寸4mm*4mm,业界最小。芯片采用平头哥玄铁804(32位)CPU内核,最高主频达到240MHz;内置TEE安全引擎,为芯片提供了高性能的核心处理能力及安全可信的执行环境;内置DSP与浮点运算单元,支持2.4G IEEE802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi 标准协议,支持 BT/BLE4.2 蓝牙协议;支持丰富的MCU数字接口。
DHT11 的技术参数如下:
- #include <aos/aos.h>
- #include "aos/cli.h"
- #include "dht11.h"
- #ifndef TAG
- #define TAG "app"
- #endif
- uint8_t H_inte = 0;
- uint8_t H_frac = 0;
- uint8_t T_inte = 0;
- uint8_t T_frac = 0;
- static csi_gpio_pin_t pin_dht11;
- void delay_ms(unsigned char n)
- {
- udelay(n * 1000);
- }
- void delay_us(unsigned char n)
- {
- udelay(n);
- }
- /*DHT11复位和检测响应函数,返回值:1-检测到响应信号;0-未检测到响应信号*/
- u8 DHT11RstAndCheck(void)
- {
- u8 timer = 0;
- csi_gpio_pin_dir(&pin_dht11, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
- csi_gpio_pin_write(&pin_dht11, GPIO_PIN_LOW); //输出低电平
- delay_ms(20); //拉低至少18ms
- csi_gpio_pin_write(&pin_dht11, GPIO_PIN_HIGH); //输出高电平
- delay_us(30); //拉高20~40us
- csi_gpio_pin_dir(&pin_dht11, GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT);
- while (!csi_gpio_pin_read(&pin_dht11)) //等待总线拉低,DHT11会拉低40~80us作为响应信号
- {
- timer++; //总线拉低时计数
- delay_us(10);
- }
- if (timer>10 || timer<2) //判断响应时间
- {
- return 0;
- }
- timer = 0;
- while (csi_gpio_pin_read(&pin_dht11)) //等待DHT11释放总线,持续时间40~80us
- {
- timer++; //总线拉高时计数
- delay_us(10);
- }
- if (timer>10 || timer<2) //检测响应信号之后的高电平
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*读取一字节数据,返回值-读到的数据*/
- u8 DHT11ReadByte(void)
- {
- u8 i;
- u8 byt = 0;
- csi_gpio_pin_dir(&pin_dht11, GPIO_DIRECTION_INPUT);
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- while (csi_gpio_pin_read(&pin_dht11)); //等待低电平,数据位前都有50us低电平时隙
- while (!csi_gpio_pin_read(&pin_dht11)); //等待高电平,开始传输数据位
- delay_us(40);
- byt <<= 1; //因高位在前,所以左移byt,最低位补0
- if (csi_gpio_pin_read(&pin_dht11)) //将总线电平值读取到byt最低位中
- {
- byt |= 0x01;
- }
- }
- return byt;
- }
- /*读取一次数据,返回参数:Humi-湿度,Temp-温度;返回值: 0-成功,1-失败*/
- u8 DHT11ReadData(u8 *H_inte, u8 *H_frac, u8 *T_inte, u8 *T_frac)
- {
- s8 sta = 0;
- u8 i;
- u8 buf[5];
- // u8 H_inte = 0;
- // u8 H_frac = 0;
- // u8 T_inte = 0;
- // u8 T_frac = 0;
- if (DHT11RstAndCheck()) //检测响应信号
- {
- for(i=0;i<5;i++) //读取40位数据
- {
- buf[i]=DHT11ReadByte(); //读取1字节数据
- }
- if(buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[3] == buf[4]) //校验成功
- {
- *H_inte = buf[0]; //湿度整数部分数据
- *H_frac = buf[1]; //湿度小数部分数据
- *T_inte = buf[2]; //温度整数部分数据
- *T_frac = buf[3]; //温度小数部分数据
- // LOGD("zyd", "temp:%d.%d",*T_inte,*T_frac);
- // LOGD("zyd", "humi:%d.%d",*H_inte,*H_frac);
- // char tmp1[8], tmp2[8];
- // sprintf(tmp1, "%d.%d",H_inte,H_frac);
- // sscanf(tmp1, "%f", Humi);
- // sprintf(tmp2, "%d.%d",T_inte,T_frac);
- // sscanf(tmp2, "%f", Temp);
- }
- sta = 0;
- }
- else //响应失败返回-1
- {
- *H_inte = 0; //湿度整数部分数据
- *H_frac = 0; //湿度小数部分数据
- *T_inte = 0; //温度整数部分数据
- *T_frac = 0; //温度小数部分数据
- sta = 1;
- }
- return sta;
- }
- /*DHT11初始化函数*/
- u8 DHT11Init(void)
- {
- csi_pin_set_mux(PA7, PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
- csi_gpio_pin_init(&pin_dht11, PA7);
- csi_gpio_pin_dir(&pin_dht11, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
- return DHT11RstAndCheck(); //返回DHT11状态
- }

LVGL的作者是来自匈牙利的Gabor Kiss-Vamosikisvegabor,LVGL用C语言编写,以实现最大的兼容性(与C ++兼容),模拟器可在没有嵌入式硬件的PC上启动嵌入式GUI设计,同时LVGL作为一个图形库,它自带着接近三十多种小工具可以供开发者使用。这些强大的构建块按钮搭配上带有非常丝滑的动画以及可以做到平滑滚动的高级图形,同时兼具着不高的配置要求以及开源属性,显著的优势使得LVGL蔚然成风,成为广大开发者在选择GUI时的第一选择。
- #include <aos/aos.h>
- #include "aos/cli.h"
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "display.h"
- #include "dht11.h"
- #ifndef TAG
- #define TAG "app"
- #endif
- lv_obj_t *temp;
- lv_obj_t *humi;
- //float Humi;
- //float Temp;
- void gui_main_menu_create(void)
- {
- lv_obj_t *p0 = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
- lv_label_set_long_mode(p0, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_label_set_align(p0, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_obj_set_pos(p0, 0, 4);
- lv_obj_set_size(p0, 60, 10);
- lv_label_set_text(p0, "TEMP:");//\nGUI\nDEMO
- temp = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
- lv_label_set_long_mode(temp, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_label_set_align(temp, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_obj_set_pos(temp, 64, 4);
- lv_obj_set_size(temp, 60, 10);
- lv_label_set_text(temp, "22");//\nGUI\nDEMO
- lv_obj_t *p2 = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
- lv_label_set_long_mode(p2, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_label_set_align(p2, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_obj_set_pos(p2, 0, 32);
- lv_obj_set_size(p2, 60, 10);
- lv_label_set_text(p2, "HUMI:");//\nGUI\nDEMO
- humi = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
- lv_label_set_long_mode(humi, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_label_set_align(humi, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER);
- lv_obj_set_pos(humi, 64, 32);
- lv_obj_set_size(humi, 60, 10);
- lv_label_set_text(humi, "42%");//\nGUI\nDEMO
- }
- void set_label_temp_value(uint16_t value)
- {
- lv_label_set_text_fmt(temp, "%d.%d C",value,value%10);
- }
- void set_label_humi_value(uint16_t value)
- {
- lv_label_set_text_fmt(humi, "%d.%d %%",value/10,value%10);
- }
- void set_label_temp_float_value(uint8_t inte , uint8_t frac)
- {
- lv_label_set_text_fmt(temp, "%d.%d C",inte,frac);
- }
- void set_label_humi_float_value(uint8_t inte , uint8_t frac)
- {
- lv_label_set_text_fmt(humi, "%d.%d %%",inte,frac);
- }
- void gui_lvgl_task(void *arg)
- {
- uint16_t i=0;
- lv_init();
- /*Initialize for LittlevGL*/
- oled_init();
- DHT11Init();
- /*Select display 1*/
- // demo_create();
- // gui_label_create();
- gui_main_menu_create();
- while (1) {
- /* Periodically call the lv_task handler.
- * It could be done in a timer interrupt or an OS task too.*/
- lv_task_handler();
- i++;
- if(i>100)
- {
- i=0;
- //num = DHT11ReadData(&dht11_temp, &dht11_humi);
- DHT11ReadData(&H_inte,&H_frac,&T_inte, &T_frac);
- set_label_temp_float_value(T_inte,T_frac);
- set_label_humi_float_value(H_inte,H_frac);
- //LOGD(TAG, "Hello world! YoC");
- }
- aos_msleep(5); //zyd; long time will make error
- lv_tick_inc(1);
- }
- }

- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <aos/list.h>
- #include <aos/debug.h>
- #include <drv/gpio.h>
- #include <drv/gpio_pin.h>
- #include <drv/pin.h>
- #include <uservice/uservice.h>
- #include <uservice/eventid.h>
- #include <yoc/sysinfo.h>
- #include <board.h>
- #include <yoc/at_port.h>
- #include <yoc/netmgr.h>
- #include <devices/w800.h>
- //#include "player_demo.h"
- #include "cJSON.h"
- #include "w800_api.h"
- //#include "thp_get.h"
- #include "wifi.h"
- #include "dht11.h"
- #define TAG "APP"
- //extern Result_S res_data;
- int iot_con_flag = 0;
- netmgr_hdl_t app_netmgr_hdl;
- //extern int w800_living_wjap(const char *myssid,const char *mypassword);
- //extern int w800_living_idmau(const char *mykey,const char *myname,const char *mysecret,const char *mypsecretconst);
- //extern int w800_living_idmcon(void);
- //extern int w800_living_idmpp(const char *dev_id, const char *msg, int *packet_id);
- static csi_gpio_pin_t g;
- void led_pin_init()
- {
- csi_pin_set_mux(PA25, PIN_FUNC_GPIO);
- csi_gpio_pin_init(&g, PA25);
- csi_gpio_pin_dir(&g, GPIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT);
- csi_gpio_pin_write(&g, GPIO_PIN_HIGH);
- }
- void led_refreshed(int sw_led)
- {
- if (sw_led == 1)
- {
- csi_gpio_pin_write(&g, GPIO_PIN_LOW);
- }
- else
- {
- csi_gpio_pin_write(&g, GPIO_PIN_HIGH);
- }
- }
- unsigned char buff_accept[68];
- cJSON *str_json, *str_value; //初始化json结构体指针
- static int net_reset_err_times = 0;
- void app_exception_event(uint32_t event_id)
- {
- switch(event_id) {
- net_reset_err_times++;
- if (net_reset_err_times >= MAX_NET_RESET_ERR_TIMES) {
- LOGD(TAG, "Net Reset times %d, reboot", net_reset_err_times);
- //do reboot
- aos_reboot();
- } else {
- LOGD(TAG, "Net Reset after %d second", NET_RESET_DELAY_TIME);
- netmgr_reset(app_netmgr_hdl, NET_RESET_DELAY_TIME);
- }
- break;
- net_reset_err_times = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- void connect_tcp_server(char *server_ip, uint16_t port)
- {
- char ssid[32];
- int bssid[6];
- int channel;
- int rssi;
- w800_ap_info( ssid, bssid , &channel, &rssi);
- printf("ssid: %s\r\n", ssid);
- printf("channel: %d\r\n", channel);
- printf("rssi: %d\r\n", rssi);
- w800_connect_remote(0, NET_TYPE_TCP_CLIENT, server_ip, port);
- }
- static void network_event(uint32_t event_id, const void *param, void *context)
- {
- switch(event_id) {
- LOGD(TAG, "net got ip");
- // connect_tcp_server("",1111);
- break;
- LOGD(TAG, "net disconnect");
- break;
- }
- /*do exception process */
- app_exception_event(event_id);
- }
- //
- int iot_apply(char *strbuff)
- {
- strcpy((char *)buff_accept,strbuff);
- str_json = cJSON_Parse((char *)buff_accept); //创建JSON解析对象,返回JSON格式是否正确
- if(str_json == NULL)
- {
- LOGI(TAG"error:%s;\r\n",cJSON_GetErrorPtr());
- cJSON_Delete(str_json);//释放内存
- return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- cJSON *str_value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(str_json, "led");
- LOGI(TAG,"led powerstate:%d;\r\n",str_value->valueint);
- //led_refreshed(str_value->valueint);
- //res_data.led = str_value->valueint;
- cJSON_Delete(str_json);//释放内存
- return 1;
- }
- }
- int iot_connect_dome(void)
- {
- //char *my_ssid = "TP-LINK_AF26";//2.4GHZ WiFi ssidTP-LINK_678C14
- //char *my_password = "20190213";//2.4GHZ WiFi password
- // char *my_ssid = "dong123";//2.4GHZ WiFi ssid
- // char *my_password = "donghae12";//2.4GHZ WiFi password
- char *my_ssid = "zyd";//2.4GHZ WiFi ssid
- char *my_password = "12345678";//2.4GHZ WiFi password
- char *my_key = "a1QNjTo9nGU";//ProductKey
- char *my_name = "RVB2601";//DeviceName
- char *my_secret = "ec7d6db43764c9a480e332bf269db138";//DeviceSecret
- char *my_p_secret = "o9EvLXL7szMFH95H";//Product Secret
- int ret1 = -1;
- int ret2 = -1;
- int ret3 = -1;
- ret1 = w800_living_wjap(my_ssid,my_password);
- if (ret1 == 0){
- printf("AT+WJAP:OK!\n");
- }
- else{
- printf("AT+WJAP:ERROR!\n");
- }
- ret2 = w800_living_idmau(my_key,my_name,my_secret,my_p_secret);
- if (ret2 == 0){
- printf("AT+IDMAU:OK!\n");
- }
- else{
- printf("AT+IDMAU:ERROR!\n");
- }
- ret3 = w800_living_idmcon();
- if (ret3 == 0){
- printf("AT+IDMCON:OK!\n");
- }
- else{
- printf("AT+IDMCON:ERROR!\n");
- }
- if(ret1 == 0 && ret2 == 0 && ret3 == 0){
- return 0;
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
- }
- static void network_init()
- {
- w800_wifi_param_t w800_param;
- /* init wifi driver and network */
- w800_param.reset_pin = PA21;
- w800_param.baud = 1*1000000;
- w800_param.cs_pin = PA15;
- w800_param.wakeup_pin = PA25;
- w800_param.int_pin = PA22;
- w800_param.channel_id = 0;
- w800_param.buffer_size = 4*1024;
- wifi_w800_register(NULL, &w800_param);
- app_netmgr_hdl = netmgr_dev_wifi_init();
- if (app_netmgr_hdl) {
- utask_t *task = utask_new("netmgr", 2 * 1024, QUEUE_MSG_COUNT, AOS_DEFAULT_APP_PRI);
- netmgr_service_init(task);
- // netmgr_config_wifi(app_netmgr_hdl, "@PHICOMM_20", 11, "12345678", 8);
- // w800_packet_input_cb_register(&w800_data_receive_callback);
- netmgr_start(app_netmgr_hdl);
- // /* Subscribe */
- event_subscribe(EVENT_NETMGR_GOT_IP, network_event, NULL);
- event_subscribe(EVENT_NETMGR_NET_DISCON, network_event, NULL);
- }
- }
- void wifi_task(void *arg)
- {
- int ret = -1;
- char report_buf[80];
- const char *dev_id = "0";
- int pkt_id = 0;
- char tmp1[8];
- char tmp2[8];
- float CurrentTemperature=0;
- float CurrentHumidity=0;
- // int len = sizeof(report_buf);
- // int timeout=120;
- event_service_init(NULL);
- //ulog_init();
- aos_set_log_level(AOS_LL_DEBUG);
- network_init();
- // event_subscribe(EVENT_NETMGR_GOT_IP, network_event, NULL);
- // event_subscribe(EVENT_NETMGR_NET_DISCON, network_event, NULL);
- //
- ret = iot_connect_dome();
- // /* Subscribe */
- if (ret == 0){
- printf("connect iot success\n");
- }else{
- printf("connect iot error\n");
- }
- while (1) {
- // snprintf(report_buf,len,pdata,sht20Info.humidity,sht20Info.tempreture);
- // w800_send_data(report_buf, len, timeout);
- sprintf(tmp1, "%d.%d",H_inte,H_frac);
- sscanf(tmp1, "%f", &CurrentHumidity);
- sprintf(tmp2, "%d.%d",T_inte,T_frac);
- sscanf(tmp2, "%f", &CurrentTemperature);
- snprintf(report_buf,80,"{\\\"CurrentTemperature\\\":%.1f,\\\"CurrentHumidity\\\":%.1f}",CurrentTemperature,CurrentHumidity);
- LOGD("zyd", "temp:%.1f",CurrentTemperature);
- LOGD("zyd", "humi:%.1f",CurrentHumidity);
- //snprintf(report_buf,80,"{\\\"CurrentTemperature\\\":%.1f,\\\"CurrentHumidity\\\":%.1f}",sht20Info.tempreture,sht20Info.humidity);
- //printf( "==> start attribute upload\n");
- w800_living_idmpp(dev_id, report_buf, &pkt_id);
- aos_msleep(2000);
- }
- }

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