Stopped using Spotify and switched to another service? If you don’t want to keep your account dormant, you can permanently close your Spotify account. Here’s how you can delete your Spotify account in a couple of clicks.
停止使用Spotify并切换到其他服务? 如果您不想让您的帐户处于Hibernate状态,则可以永久关闭您的Spotify帐户。 几次单击即可删除您的Spotify帐户。
You can delete your Spotify account from a web browser on your smartphone or from your computer. The option is not available on mobile or desktop apps.
您可以从智能手机或计算机上的网络浏览器删除Spotify帐户。 该选项在移动或桌面应用程序上不可用。
Keep in mind that once you delete your Spotify account, you’ll lose all your playlists and your followers. If you have a student discount, you won’t be able to use it for another year.
请记住,一旦删除Spotify帐户,您将失去所有播放列表和关注者。 如果您有学生折扣,则无法再使用一年。
Because of the way that Spotify works, you won’t be able to claim the same username again either, but you can create a new account with the same email address. If you don’t want to delete your Spotify account, you can simply cancel your Spotify Premium membership as well.
由于Spotify的工作方式,您也将无法再次声明相同的用户名,但可以使用相同的电子邮件地址创建一个新帐户。 如果您不想删除您的Spotify帐户,也可以直接取消您的Spotify Premium会员资格。
Once you’ve gone over all the details and are sure that you want to permanently delete your Spotify account, open the Spotify website in your browser of choice and log in to your account.
Next, open Spotify’s Customer Support page. Here, click the “Account” button.
接下来,打开Spotify的客户支持页面。 在这里,单击“帐户”按钮。
Select the “I Want To Close My Account” option.
From the next section, click the “Close Account” button.
Select the “Close Account” button again.
Spotify will now ask you to confirm the details of the account. Once you’ve made sure that it’s the right account, click the “Continue” button.
现在,Spotify将要求您确认帐户的详细信息。 确定帐户正确后,请点击“继续”按钮。
From the next step, select the checkmark next to the “I Understand” option and then click the “Continue” button.
Spotify will ask you to check your email for a link. Open your inbox and find the email from Spotify. Click the “Close My Account” button found in the email. This link is only valid for 24 hours.
Spotify会要求您检查电子邮件中的链接。 打开收件箱,找到来自Spotify的电子邮件。 点击电子邮件中的“关闭我的帐户”按钮。 此链接仅在24小时内有效。
Once you click the button, Spotify will open a new tab, and you’ll see a confirmation that your account has been closed and deleted. You won’t be able to log in with the same account anymore.
单击按钮后,Spotify将打开一个新选项卡,您将看到确认您的帐户已关闭并删除的确认。 您将无法再使用同一帐户登录。
If you change your mind, you have 7 days to reactivate your account. You’ll find the link to do this in your inbox.
如果您改变主意,则有7天的时间可以重新激活您的帐户。 您会在收件箱中找到执行此操作的链接。
Looking for a Spotify alternative? Check out our list of the best free music-streaming services.
寻找Spotify替代品? 查看我们最好的免费音乐流媒体服务列表。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678279/how-to-delete-your-spotify-account/
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