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数据结构 - 二叉树的遍历








1. 中序遍历(LNR)的递归算法:





2. 前序遍历(NLR)的递归算法:





3. 后序遍历(LRN)的递归算法:







1. 非递归前序遍历:遇到一个结点,就访问该结点,并把此结点推入栈中,然后下降去遍历它的左子树。遍历完它的左子树后,从栈顶托出这个结点,并按照它的右链接指示的地址再去遍历该结点的右子树结构。

2. 非递归中序遍历:遇到一个结点,就把它推入栈中,并去遍历它的左子树。遍历完左子树后,从栈顶托出这个结点并访问之,然后按照它的右链接指示的地址再去遍历该结点的右子树。

3. 非递归后序遍历:遇到一个结点,把它推入栈中,遍历它的左子树。遍历结束后,还不能马上访问处于栈顶的该结点,而是要再按照它的右链接结构指示的地址去遍历该结点的右子树。遍历完右子树后才能从栈顶托出该结点并访问之。另外,还需要给栈中的每个元素加上一个特征位,以便当从栈顶托出一个结点时区别是从栈顶元素左边回来的(则要继续遍历右子树),还是从右边回来的(则该结点的左、右子树均已遍历)。特征为Left表示已进入该结点的左子树,将从左边回来;特征为Right表示已进入该结点的右子树,将从右边回来。




1. 初始化一个队列,并把根结点入队列;

2. 当队列为非空时,循环执行步骤3到步骤5,否则执行6;

3. 出队列取得一个结点,访问该结点;

4. 若该结点的左子树为非空,则将该结点的左子树入队列;

5. 若该结点的右子树为非空,则将该结点的右子树入队列;

6. 结束。

  1. /*
  2. * Binary Tree Breadth-First Traverse - by Chimomo
  3. */
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. #define _OK 1
  6. #define _ERROR 0
  7. using namespace std;
  8. // Define node element type in binary tree.
  9. typedef char Element;
  10. // Binary tree node.
  11. typedef struct BTNode {
  12. Element data;
  13. BTNode *lChild, *rChild; // Define left, right subtree.
  14. } BTNode, *BTree;
  15. // Define node element type in queue. (The node element type in queue is the pointer to binary tree node)
  16. typedef BTNode *QElementType;
  17. typedef int status;
  18. // We need use queue to perform level traverse. So, define queue first.
  19. typedef struct QNode {
  20. QElementType data;
  21. QNode *next;
  22. } QNode, *QueuePtr;
  23. // Definition of queue.
  24. typedef struct {
  25. QueuePtr front;
  26. QueuePtr rear;
  27. } LinkQueue;
  28. status InitQueue(LinkQueue &Q) {
  29. Q.front = NULL;
  30. Q.rear = NULL;
  31. return _OK;
  32. }
  33. bool IsEmpty(LinkQueue Q) {
  34. return Q.front == NULL;
  35. }
  36. /**
  37. * Enqueue.
  38. * @param Q The queue.
  39. * @param e The queue element.
  40. * @return 1 for ok, 0 for error.
  41. */
  42. status EnQueue(LinkQueue &Q, QElementType e) {
  43. // Construct queue node.
  44. QNode *ptrNode = (QNode *) malloc(sizeof(QNode));
  45. if (!ptrNode) {
  46. return _ERROR;
  47. }
  48. ptrNode->data = e;
  49. ptrNode->next = NULL;
  50. if (IsEmpty(Q)) {
  51. Q.front = Q.rear = ptrNode;
  52. return _OK;
  53. }
  54. Q.rear->next = ptrNode;
  55. Q.rear = ptrNode;
  56. return _OK;
  57. }
  58. /**
  59. * Dequeue.
  60. * @param Q The queue.
  61. * @param e The queue element.
  62. * @return 1 for ok, 0 for error.
  63. */
  64. status DeQueue(LinkQueue &Q, QElementType &e) {
  65. if (IsEmpty(Q)) {
  66. return _ERROR;
  67. }
  68. QNode *tempPtr = Q.front;
  69. e = tempPtr->data;
  70. Q.front = tempPtr->next;
  71. free(tempPtr);
  72. return _OK;
  73. }
  74. /**
  75. * Create binary tree.
  76. * @param T The binary tree address.
  77. * @return 1 for success, 0 for fail.
  78. */
  79. int CreateBTree(BTree &T) {
  80. char ch;
  81. cout << "Please input a character:" << endl;
  82. cin >> ch;
  83. if (ch == '#') {
  84. T = NULL;
  85. } else {
  86. // Allocate memory for new node.
  87. if (!(T = (BTNode *) malloc(sizeof(BTNode)))) {
  88. return 0; // Allocation fails.
  89. }
  90. T->data = ch;
  91. // Create left subtree.
  92. CreateBTree(T->lChild);
  93. // Create right subtree.
  94. CreateBTree(T->rChild);
  95. }
  96. return 1;
  97. }
  98. void VisitBTNode(BTNode *BT) {
  99. cout << BT->data << " ";
  100. }
  101. void VisitQNode(QNode *Q) {
  102. VisitBTNode(Q->data);
  103. }
  104. /**
  105. * Breadth-first traverse.
  106. * @param T The binary tree.
  107. */
  108. void LevelTraverse(BTree T) {
  109. QElementType e;
  110. LinkQueue Q;
  111. InitQueue(Q);
  112. EnQueue(Q, T);
  113. while (!IsEmpty(Q)) {
  114. VisitQNode(Q.front);
  115. if (Q.front->data->lChild != NULL) {
  116. EnQueue(Q, Q.front->data->lChild);
  117. }
  118. if (Q.front->data->rChild != NULL) {
  119. EnQueue(Q, Q.front->data->rChild);
  120. }
  121. DeQueue(Q, e);
  122. }
  123. }
  124. int main() {
  125. BTree T;
  126. CreateBTree(T);
  127. cout << "Breadth-first traverse: ";
  128. LevelTraverse(T);
  129. return 0;
  130. }
  131. // Output:
  132. /*
  133. Please input a character:
  134. 1
  135. 1
  136. Please input a character:
  137. 2
  138. 2
  139. Please input a character:
  140. 3
  141. 3
  142. Please input a character:
  143. 4
  144. 4
  145. Please input a character:
  146. 5
  147. 5
  148. Please input a character:
  149. 6
  150. 6
  151. Please input a character:
  152. #
  153. #
  154. Please input a character:
  155. #
  156. #
  157. Please input a character:
  158. #
  159. #
  160. Please input a character:
  161. #
  162. #
  163. Please input a character:
  164. #
  165. #
  166. Please input a character:
  167. #
  168. #
  169. Please input a character:
  170. #
  171. #
  172. Breadth-first traverse: 1 2 3 4 5 6
  173. */

