用MATLAB 2017b GUI写的一款小工具。
% 得到以坐标轴为边界的矩形图像
% 将像素坐标转换为图片坐标
% 除目标曲线外全部清空
% 等间距扫描取相应点数
% 所有数据点存储在EXCEL中
涉及到一些线性代数和数字图像的知识,基本都是经典的图像算法,为了交互友好自己添加了一些 “算子” 做成了Slider。
以下是Matlab GUI代码。
- classdef Graph2Data < matlab.apps.AppBase
- % Properties that correspond to app components
- properties (Access = public)
- Graph2DataUIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
- TabGroup matlab.ui.container.TabGroup
- Tab matlab.ui.container.Tab
- CoordinateSystemPanel matlab.ui.container.Panel
- X_StartEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- X_StartEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
- X_EndEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- X_EndEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
- Y_EndEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- Y_EndEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
- Y_StartEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- Y_StartEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
- XscaleTypeButtonGroup matlab.ui.container.ButtonGroup
- LinearButton matlab.ui.control.RadioButton
- LogarithmicButton matlab.ui.control.RadioButton
- YscaleTypeButtonGroup matlab.ui.container.ButtonGroup
- LinearButton_2 matlab.ui.control.RadioButton
- LogarithmicButton_2 matlab.ui.control.RadioButton
- ClearAllButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- PrepareImagePanel matlab.ui.container.Panel
- CropButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- LoadButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- PerspectiveButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- Tab2 matlab.ui.container.Tab
- UndoButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- ColorSegmentationPanel matlab.ui.container.Panel
- TargetButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- H_FactorSliderLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- H_FactorSlider matlab.ui.control.Slider
- S_FactorSliderLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- S_FactorSlider matlab.ui.control.Slider
- V_FactorSliderLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- V_FactorSlider matlab.ui.control.Slider
- GraySegmentationPanel matlab.ui.container.Panel
- ThresholdingButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- FactorSliderLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- FactorSlider matlab.ui.control.Slider
- CleanButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- RefreshButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- Tab3 matlab.ui.container.Tab
- GetDataPanel matlab.ui.container.Panel
- SaveAsButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- PointNumberEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- PointNumberEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
- PlotButton matlab.ui.control.Button
- PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- UIAxes matlab.ui.control.UIAxes
- Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
- end
- properties (Access = public)
- Image % Description
- Image_hsv
- Image_target
- Image_target_hsv
- row
- col
- x_target % Description
- y_target
- xOriginal
- yOriginal
- xFinal
- yFinal
- data
- end
- methods (Access = private)
- % Button pushed function: CleanButton
- function CleanButtonPushed(app, event)
- imshow(app.Image_target);
- mask = roipoly(app.Image_target);
- close;
- [r_mask c_mask] = find(mask==1);
- app.Image_target(r_mask,c_mask,1)=255;
- app.Image_target(r_mask,c_mask,2)=255;
- app.Image_target(r_mask,c_mask,3)=255;
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: ClearAllButton
- function ClearAllButtonPushed(app, event)
- app.Image = []; % Clear Image
- imshow(app.Image,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: CropButton
- function CropButtonPushed(app, event)
- app.Image = imcrop(app.Image);
- close;
- imshow(app.Image,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Value changed function: FactorSlider
- function FactorSliderValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.FactorSlider.Value;
- threshold = graythresh(app.Image)+app.FactorSlider.Value;
- app.Image_target = im2bw(app.Image,threshold);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Value changed function: H_FactorSlider
- function H_FactorSliderValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.H_FactorSlider.Value;
- app.Image_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image);
- app.Image_target = 255*ones(size(app.Image));
- app.Image_target_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image_target);
- H = app.Image_hsv(:,:,1);
- S = app.Image_hsv(:,:,2);
- V = app.Image_hsv(:,:,3);
- [app.row, app.col] = ind2sub(size(app.Image_hsv),find(app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)>H(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)< H(app.x_target,app.y_target)+app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,2)>S(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.S_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,3)>V(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.V_FactorSlider.Value));
- for i = 1 : length(app.row)
- app.Image_target_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:) = app.Image_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:);
- end
- app.Image_target = hsv2rgb(app.Image_target_hsv);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: LoadButton
- function LoadButtonPushed(app, event)
- [file,path] = uigetfile('*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png');
- app.Image = imread(fullfile(path,file));
- imshow(app.Image,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: PerspectiveButton
- function PerspectiveButtonPushed(app, event)
- imshow(app.Image);
- %set(gcf,'outerposition',get(0,'screensize'));
- dot = ginput(4);
- weight = round(sqrt((dot(1,1)-dot(2,1))^2+(dot(1,2)-dot(2,2))^2));
- height = round(sqrt((dot(1,1)-dot(3,1))^2+(dot(1,2)-dot(3,2))^2));
- X=[dot(1,2) dot(1,2)+weight dot(1,2) dot(1,2)+weight];
- Y=[dot(1,1) dot(1,1) dot(1,1)+height dot(1,1)+height];
- base = [X(1) Y(1);X(2) Y(2);X(3) Y(3);X(4) Y(4)];
- tform = cp2tform(dot,base,'projective');
- app.Image = imtransform(app.Image,tform,'XData',[X(1) X(2)],'YData',[Y(1) Y(4)]);
- close;
- imshow(app.Image,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: PlotButton
- function PlotButtonPushed(app, event)
- % app.X_StartEditField.Value
- % app.X_EndEditField.Value
- % app.Y_StartEditField.Value
- % app.Y_EndEditField.Value
- % app.PointNumberEditField.Value
- weight = size(app.Image,2);
- height = size(app.Image,1);
- % number = round(app.PointNumberSlider.Value);
- interval = floor(weight/app.PointNumberEditField.Value);
- app.xOriginal = [];
- app.yOriginal = [];
- if interval == 0
- for i = 1:1:weight
- colum = app.Image(:,i);
- index = sort(find(colum == 0));
- if isempty(index) == 0
- app.xOriginal = [app.xOriginal i];
- app.yOriginal = [app.yOriginal index(1)+floor(length(index)/2)];
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1:interval:weight
- colum = app.Image(:,i);
- index = sort(find(colum == 0));
- if isempty(index) == 0
- app.xOriginal = [app.xOriginal i];
- app.yOriginal = [app.yOriginal index(1)+floor(length(index)/2)];
- end
- end
- end
- app.yOriginal = height-app.yOriginal;
- app.xFinal = (app.xOriginal./weight).*(app.X_EndEditField.Value-app.X_StartEditField.Value)+app.X_StartEditField.Value;
- app.yFinal = (app.yOriginal./height).*(app.Y_EndEditField.Value-app.Y_StartEditField.Value)+app.Y_StartEditField.Value;
- plot(app.xFinal,app.yFinal,'.');
- end
- % Value changed function: PointNumberEditField
- function PointNumberEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.PointNumberEditField.Value;
- end
- % Button pushed function: RefreshButton
- function RefreshButtonPushed(app, event)
- app.Image = app.Image_target;
- end
- % Value changed function: S_FactorSlider
- function S_FactorSliderValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.S_FactorSlider.Value;
- app.Image_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image);
- app.Image_target = 255*ones(size(app.Image));
- app.Image_target_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image_target);
- H = app.Image_hsv(:,:,1);
- S = app.Image_hsv(:,:,2);
- V = app.Image_hsv(:,:,3);
- [app.row, app.col] = ind2sub(size(app.Image_hsv),find(app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)>H(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)< H(app.x_target,app.y_target)+app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,2)>S(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.S_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,3)>V(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.V_FactorSlider.Value));
- for i = 1 : length(app.row)
- app.Image_target_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:) = app.Image_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:);
- end
- app.Image_target = hsv2rgb(app.Image_target_hsv);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: SaveAsButton
- function SaveAsButtonPushed(app, event)
- app.data = [app.xFinal' app.yFinal'];
- xlswrite('C:\Users\BAR\Desktop\data_sheet_001.xlsx',app.data);
- winopen('C:\Users\BAR\Desktop\data_sheet_001.xlsx');
- end
- % Button pushed function: TargetButton
- function TargetButtonPushed(app, event)
- app.Image_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image);
- app.Image_target = 255*ones(size(app.Image));
- app.Image_target_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image_target);
- H = app.Image_hsv(:,:,1);
- S = app.Image_hsv(:,:,2);
- V = app.Image_hsv(:,:,3);
- imshow(app.Image);
- [app.y_target app.x_target] = ginput(1);
- app.x_target = round(app.x_target);
- app.y_target = round(app.y_target);
- close;
- [app.row, app.col] = ind2sub(size(app.Image_hsv),find(app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)>H(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)< H(app.x_target,app.y_target)+app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,2)>S(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.S_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,3)>V(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.V_FactorSlider.Value));
- for i = 1 : length(app.row)
- app.Image_target_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:) = app.Image_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:);
- end
- app.Image_target = hsv2rgb(app.Image_target_hsv);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: ThresholdingButton
- function ThresholdingButtonPushed(app, event)
- threshold = graythresh(app.Image);
- app.Image_target = im2bw(app.Image,threshold);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Button pushed function: UndoButton
- function UndoButtonPushed(app, event)
- imshow(app.Image,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Value changed function: V_FactorSlider
- function V_FactorSliderValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.V_FactorSlider.Value;
- app.Image_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image);
- app.Image_target = 255*ones(size(app.Image));
- app.Image_target_hsv = rgb2hsv(app.Image_target);
- H = app.Image_hsv(:,:,1);
- S = app.Image_hsv(:,:,2);
- V = app.Image_hsv(:,:,3);
- [app.row, app.col] = ind2sub(size(app.Image_hsv),find(app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)>H(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,1)< H(app.x_target,app.y_target)+app.H_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,2)>S(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.S_FactorSlider.Value & app.Image_hsv(:,:,3)>V(app.x_target,app.y_target)-app.V_FactorSlider.Value));
- for i = 1 : length(app.row)
- app.Image_target_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:) = app.Image_hsv(app.row(i),app.col(i),:);
- end
- app.Image_target = hsv2rgb(app.Image_target_hsv);
- imshow(app.Image_target,'Parent',app.UIAxes,'InitialMagnification','fit','border','tight');
- end
- % Value changed function: X_EndEditField
- function X_EndEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.X_EndEditField.Value;
- end
- % Value changed function: X_StartEditField
- function X_StartEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.X_StartEditField.Value;
- end
- % Selection changed function: XscaleTypeButtonGroup
- function XscaleTypeButtonGroupSelectionChanged(app, event)
- selectedButton = app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.SelectedObject;
- end
- % Value changed function: Y_EndEditField
- function Y_EndEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.Y_EndEditField.Value;
- end
- % Value changed function: Y_StartEditField
- function Y_StartEditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
- value = app.Y_StartEditField.Value;
- end
- % Selection changed function: YscaleTypeButtonGroup
- function YscaleTypeButtonGroupSelectionChanged(app, event)
- selectedButton = app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.SelectedObject;
- end
- end
- % App initialization and construction
- methods (Access = private)
- % Create UIFigure and components
- function createComponents(app)
- % Create Graph2DataUIFigure
- app.Graph2DataUIFigure = uifigure;
- app.Graph2DataUIFigure.Color = [0.9412 0.9412 0.9412];
- app.Graph2DataUIFigure.Position = [300 50 960 750];
- app.Graph2DataUIFigure.Name = 'Graph2Data';
- % Create TabGroup
- app.TabGroup = uitabgroup(app.Graph2DataUIFigure);
- app.TabGroup.Position = [1 631 960 120];
- % Create Tab
- app.Tab = uitab(app.TabGroup);
- app.Tab.Title = 'Tab';
- app.Tab.BackgroundColor = [0.9412 0.9412 0.9412];
- % Create CoordinateSystemPanel
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel = uipanel(app.Tab);
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel.TitlePosition = 'centertop';
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel.Title = 'Coordinate System';
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel.BackgroundColor = [0.9412 0.9412 0.9412];
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.CoordinateSystemPanel.Position = [261 0 560 96];
- % Create X_StartEditFieldLabel
- app.X_StartEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.X_StartEditFieldLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.X_StartEditFieldLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.X_StartEditFieldLabel.Position = [21 48 46 15];
- app.X_StartEditFieldLabel.Text = 'X_Start';
- % Create X_StartEditField
- app.X_StartEditField = uieditfield(app.CoordinateSystemPanel, 'numeric');
- app.X_StartEditField.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @X_StartEditFieldValueChanged, true);
- app.X_StartEditField.Position = [81 44 58 22];
- % Create X_EndEditFieldLabel
- app.X_EndEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.X_EndEditFieldLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.X_EndEditFieldLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.X_EndEditFieldLabel.Position = [21 18 40 15];
- app.X_EndEditFieldLabel.Text = 'X_End';
- % Create X_EndEditField
- app.X_EndEditField = uieditfield(app.CoordinateSystemPanel, 'numeric');
- app.X_EndEditField.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @X_EndEditFieldValueChanged, true);
- app.X_EndEditField.Position = [81 14 58 22];
- % Create Y_EndEditFieldLabel
- app.Y_EndEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.Y_EndEditFieldLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.Y_EndEditFieldLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.Y_EndEditFieldLabel.Position = [301 18 40 15];
- app.Y_EndEditFieldLabel.Text = 'Y_End';
- % Create Y_EndEditField
- app.Y_EndEditField = uieditfield(app.CoordinateSystemPanel, 'numeric');
- app.Y_EndEditField.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @Y_EndEditFieldValueChanged, true);
- app.Y_EndEditField.Position = [361 14 58 22];
- % Create Y_StartEditFieldLabel
- app.Y_StartEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.Y_StartEditFieldLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.Y_StartEditFieldLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.Y_StartEditFieldLabel.Position = [301 48 45 15];
- app.Y_StartEditFieldLabel.Text = 'Y_Start';
- % Create Y_StartEditField
- app.Y_StartEditField = uieditfield(app.CoordinateSystemPanel, 'numeric');
- app.Y_StartEditField.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @Y_StartEditFieldValueChanged, true);
- app.Y_StartEditField.Position = [361 44 58 22];
- % Create XscaleTypeButtonGroup
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup = uibuttongroup(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.SelectionChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @XscaleTypeButtonGroupSelectionChanged, true);
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.BorderType = 'none';
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.Title = 'XscaleType';
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup.Position = [151 2 123 74];
- % Create LinearButton
- app.LinearButton = uiradiobutton(app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup);
- app.LinearButton.Text = 'Linear';
- app.LinearButton.Position = [1 34 57 15];
- app.LinearButton.Value = true;
- % Create LogarithmicButton
- app.LogarithmicButton = uiradiobutton(app.XscaleTypeButtonGroup);
- app.LogarithmicButton.Text = 'Logarithmic';
- app.LogarithmicButton.Position = [1 13 86 15];
- % Create YscaleTypeButtonGroup
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup = uibuttongroup(app.CoordinateSystemPanel);
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.SelectionChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @YscaleTypeButtonGroupSelectionChanged, true);
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.BorderType = 'none';
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.Title = 'YscaleType';
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup.Position = [431 2 123 74];
- % Create LinearButton_2
- app.LinearButton_2 = uiradiobutton(app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup);
- app.LinearButton_2.Text = 'Linear';
- app.LinearButton_2.Position = [1 34 57 15];
- app.LinearButton_2.Value = true;
- % Create LogarithmicButton_2
- app.LogarithmicButton_2 = uiradiobutton(app.YscaleTypeButtonGroup);
- app.LogarithmicButton_2.Text = 'Logarithmic';
- app.LogarithmicButton_2.Position = [1 13 86 15];
- % Create ClearAllButton
- app.ClearAllButton = uibutton(app.Tab, 'push');
- app.ClearAllButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @ClearAllButtonPushed, true);
- app.ClearAllButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.ClearAllButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.ClearAllButton.Position = [901 12 52.625 54];
- app.ClearAllButton.Text = 'ClearAll';
- % Create PrepareImagePanel
- app.PrepareImagePanel = uipanel(app.Tab);
- app.PrepareImagePanel.TitlePosition = 'centertop';
- app.PrepareImagePanel.Title = 'Prepare Image';
- app.PrepareImagePanel.BackgroundColor = [0.9412 0.9412 0.9412];
- app.PrepareImagePanel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PrepareImagePanel.Position = [1 0 261 96];
- % Create CropButton
- app.CropButton = uibutton(app.PrepareImagePanel, 'push');
- app.CropButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @CropButtonPushed, true);
- app.CropButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.CropButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.CropButton.Position = [91 12 51 54];
- app.CropButton.Text = 'Crop';
- % Create LoadButton
- app.LoadButton = uibutton(app.PrepareImagePanel, 'push');
- app.LoadButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @LoadButtonPushed, true);
- app.LoadButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.LoadButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.LoadButton.Position = [21 12 50 54];
- app.LoadButton.Text = 'Load';
- % Create PerspectiveButton
- app.PerspectiveButton = uibutton(app.PrepareImagePanel, 'push');
- app.PerspectiveButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @PerspectiveButtonPushed, true);
- app.PerspectiveButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.PerspectiveButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PerspectiveButton.Position = [157 12 88 54];
- app.PerspectiveButton.Text = 'Perspective';
- % Create Tab2
- app.Tab2 = uitab(app.TabGroup);
- app.Tab2.Title = 'Tab2';
- % Create UndoButton
- app.UndoButton = uibutton(app.Tab2, 'push');
- app.UndoButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @UndoButtonPushed, true);
- app.UndoButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.UndoButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.UndoButton.Position = [811 11 59.5 55];
- app.UndoButton.Text = 'Undo';
- % Create ColorSegmentationPanel
- app.ColorSegmentationPanel = uipanel(app.Tab2);
- app.ColorSegmentationPanel.TitlePosition = 'centertop';
- app.ColorSegmentationPanel.Title = 'Color Segmentation';
- app.ColorSegmentationPanel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.ColorSegmentationPanel.Position = [341 0 341 96];
- % Create TargetButton
- app.TargetButton = uibutton(app.ColorSegmentationPanel, 'push');
- app.TargetButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @TargetButtonPushed, true);
- app.TargetButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.TargetButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.TargetButton.Position = [21 12 50 54];
- app.TargetButton.Text = 'Target';
- % Create H_FactorSliderLabel
- app.H_FactorSliderLabel = uilabel(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.H_FactorSliderLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
- app.H_FactorSliderLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.H_FactorSliderLabel.Position = [95 51 56 15];
- app.H_FactorSliderLabel.Text = 'H_Factor';
- % Create H_FactorSlider
- app.H_FactorSlider = uislider(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.H_FactorSlider.Limits = [0 0.15];
- app.H_FactorSlider.MajorTicks = [];
- app.H_FactorSlider.MajorTickLabels = {};
- app.H_FactorSlider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @H_FactorSliderValueChanged, true);
- app.H_FactorSlider.MinorTicks = [];
- app.H_FactorSlider.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.H_FactorSlider.Position = [165 57 157 3];
- app.H_FactorSlider.Value = 0.06;
- % Create S_FactorSliderLabel
- app.S_FactorSliderLabel = uilabel(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.S_FactorSliderLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
- app.S_FactorSliderLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.S_FactorSliderLabel.Position = [95 31 54 15];
- app.S_FactorSliderLabel.Text = 'S_Factor';
- % Create S_FactorSlider
- app.S_FactorSlider = uislider(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.S_FactorSlider.Limits = [0.1 0.8];
- app.S_FactorSlider.MajorTicks = [];
- app.S_FactorSlider.MajorTickLabels = {};
- app.S_FactorSlider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @S_FactorSliderValueChanged, true);
- app.S_FactorSlider.MinorTicks = [];
- app.S_FactorSlider.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.S_FactorSlider.Position = [165 37 155 3];
- app.S_FactorSlider.Value = 0.4;
- % Create V_FactorSliderLabel
- app.V_FactorSliderLabel = uilabel(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.V_FactorSliderLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
- app.V_FactorSliderLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.V_FactorSliderLabel.Position = [95 11 55 15];
- app.V_FactorSliderLabel.Text = 'V_Factor';
- % Create V_FactorSlider
- app.V_FactorSlider = uislider(app.ColorSegmentationPanel);
- app.V_FactorSlider.Limits = [0 1];
- app.V_FactorSlider.MajorTicks = [];
- app.V_FactorSlider.MajorTickLabels = {};
- app.V_FactorSlider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @V_FactorSliderValueChanged, true);
- app.V_FactorSlider.MinorTicks = [];
- app.V_FactorSlider.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.V_FactorSlider.Position = [165 17 156 3];
- app.V_FactorSlider.Value = 0.6;
- % Create GraySegmentationPanel
- app.GraySegmentationPanel = uipanel(app.Tab2);
- app.GraySegmentationPanel.TitlePosition = 'centertop';
- app.GraySegmentationPanel.Title = 'Gray Segmentation';
- app.GraySegmentationPanel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.GraySegmentationPanel.Position = [1 0 341 96];
- % Create ThresholdingButton
- app.ThresholdingButton = uibutton(app.GraySegmentationPanel, 'push');
- app.ThresholdingButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @ThresholdingButtonPushed, true);
- app.ThresholdingButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.ThresholdingButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.ThresholdingButton.Position = [19.5 13 91 54];
- app.ThresholdingButton.Text = 'Thresholding';
- % Create FactorSliderLabel
- app.FactorSliderLabel = uilabel(app.GraySegmentationPanel);
- app.FactorSliderLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.FactorSliderLabel.Position = [130 31 39 15];
- app.FactorSliderLabel.Text = 'Factor';
- % Create FactorSlider
- app.FactorSlider = uislider(app.GraySegmentationPanel);
- app.FactorSlider.Limits = [-0.2 0.2];
- app.FactorSlider.MajorTickLabels = {'', '', '', '', '', ''};
- app.FactorSlider.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @FactorSliderValueChanged, true);
- app.FactorSlider.Position = [168 37 162 3];
- % Create CleanButton
- app.CleanButton = uibutton(app.Tab2, 'push');
- app.CleanButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @CleanButtonPushed, true);
- app.CleanButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.CleanButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.CleanButton.Position = [701 11 52 55];
- app.CleanButton.Text = 'Clean';
- % Create RefreshButton
- app.RefreshButton = uibutton(app.Tab2, 'push');
- app.RefreshButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @RefreshButtonPushed, true);
- app.RefreshButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.RefreshButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.RefreshButton.Position = [891 11 59.5 55];
- app.RefreshButton.Text = 'Refresh';
- % Create Tab3
- app.Tab3 = uitab(app.TabGroup);
- app.Tab3.Title = 'Tab3';
- % Create GetDataPanel
- app.GetDataPanel = uipanel(app.Tab3);
- app.GetDataPanel.TitlePosition = 'centertop';
- app.GetDataPanel.Title = 'Get Data';
- app.GetDataPanel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.GetDataPanel.Position = [1 0 380 96];
- % Create SaveAsButton
- app.SaveAsButton = uibutton(app.GetDataPanel, 'push');
- app.SaveAsButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @SaveAsButtonPushed, true);
- app.SaveAsButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.SaveAsButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.SaveAsButton.Position = [301 12 60 54];
- app.SaveAsButton.Text = 'Save As';
- % Create PointNumberEditFieldLabel
- app.PointNumberEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.GetDataPanel);
- app.PointNumberEditFieldLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'center';
- app.PointNumberEditFieldLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PointNumberEditFieldLabel.Position = [11 48 87 15];
- app.PointNumberEditFieldLabel.Text = 'Point Number';
- % Create PointNumberEditField
- app.PointNumberEditField = uieditfield(app.GetDataPanel, 'numeric');
- app.PointNumberEditField.ValueChangedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @PointNumberEditFieldValueChanged, true);
- app.PointNumberEditField.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PointNumberEditField.Position = [111 44 90 22];
- % Create PlotButton
- app.PlotButton = uibutton(app.GetDataPanel, 'push');
- app.PlotButton.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @PlotButtonPushed, true);
- app.PlotButton.BackgroundColor = [1 1 1];
- app.PlotButton.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PlotButton.Position = [229 10 50 56];
- app.PlotButton.Text = 'Plot';
- % Create PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel
- app.PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel = uilabel(app.GetDataPanel);
- app.PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel.FontName = 'Microsoft YaHei UI';
- app.PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel.Position = [11 11 190 15];
- app.PleaseenteranINTEGERLabel.Text = 'Please enter an INTEGER. ';
- % Create UIAxes
- app.UIAxes = uiaxes(app.Graph2DataUIFigure);
- app.UIAxes.FontName = 'Consolas';
- app.UIAxes.MinorGridLineStyle = '-';
- app.UIAxes.GridColor = [0.8275 0.8275 0.8275];
- app.UIAxes.GridAlpha = 0.6;
- app.UIAxes.GridColorMode = 'manual';
- app.UIAxes.MinorGridAlpha = 0.2;
- app.UIAxes.Box = 'on';
- app.UIAxes.XColor = [0.8275 0.8275 0.8275];
- app.UIAxes.XColorMode = 'manual';
- app.UIAxes.YColor = [0.8275 0.8275 0.8275];
- app.UIAxes.YColorMode = 'manual';
- app.UIAxes.Color = [0.9412 0.9412 0.9412];
- app.UIAxes.XGrid = 'on';
- app.UIAxes.XMinorGrid = 'on';
- app.UIAxes.YGrid = 'on';
- app.UIAxes.YMinorGrid = 'on';
- app.UIAxes.Position = [2 2 960 630];
- % Create Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel = uilabel(app.Graph2DataUIFigure);
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'center';
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.VerticalAlignment = 'bottom';
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.FontName = 'Consolas';
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.FontSize = 11;
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.FontColor = [1 1 1];
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.Position = [511.5 736 449 15];
- app.Version1020200301CopyrightC2020Haotian_WAllrightsreservedLabel.Text = 'Version: 1.0 20200301; Copyright (C) 2020 Haotian_W All rights reserved.';
- end
- end
- methods (Access = public)
- % Construct app
- function app = Graph2Data
- % Create and configure components
- createComponents(app)
- % Register the app with App Designer
- registerApp(app, app.Graph2DataUIFigure)
- if nargout == 0
- clear app
- end
- end
- % Code that executes before app deletion
- function delete(app)
- % Delete UIFigure when app is deleted
- delete(app.Graph2DataUIFigure)
- end
- end
- end

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