#pragma once struct CarMsg//对应车辆信息结构体 { long long utime; int nauto; float steerPos; int steerSpe; int light; float speLeft; // KM/H float speRight; float vot; int shift; //PRND float disLeft; float disRight; float speo; float yawRate; //y轴角速度 弧度/秒 float accelerationLon; float accelerationLat; }; struct GPSMsg//对应GPS信息结构体 { long long utime; double longitude; double latitude; float altitude; float yaw; float roll; float pitch; float yawRate; float velocityNorth; float velocityEast; float velocityDown; float accelerationLongitudinal; float accelerationLateral; float acceleration; float velocity; float locationStatus; float confidenceLevel; float yawEstimate; double longitudeEstimate; double latitudeEstimate; short satelliteNumber; }; struct ControlMsg//对应控制信息结构体 { long long utime; double throttle; double brake; double steeringRate; //方向盘转动速率绝对值 0~100 double steeringTarget; //+-520,左正右负 double speed; double acceleration; bool engineOnOff; bool leftTurn; bool rightTurn; bool horn; bool parkingBrake; bool resetModel; short drivingMode; short gearLocation; }; struct TrafficLightMsg//交通灯信息结构体 { long utime; unsigned char light; //0,1,2,3三种状态,分别表示未知,红灯,黄灯,绿灯 float distance; //距停止线的距离 float time; //剩余时间 }; struct ControlMsgChangeBS//控制信息大小端转换暂存数据结构体 { long long utime; double throttle; double brake; double steeringRate; //方向盘转动速率绝对值 0~100 double steeringTarget; //+-520,左正右负 double speed; double acceleration; bool engineOnOff; bool leftTurn; bool rightTurn; bool horn; bool parkingBrake; bool resetModel; short drivingMode; short gearLocation; };
#include "UDPClient.h"//引入头文件 #include <iostream> using namespace std; UDPClient::UDPClient(const char name[14])//构造函数与类名相同,初始化类时自动执行 { WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &ws);//初始化 clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);//创建socket std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; cout << name << " Client Socket initialized Successful" << endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } UDPClient::~UDPClient()//析构函数,在对象销毁时自动执行,用于清理工作 { closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); cout << "Client Socket released" << endl; } void UDPClient::setSockAddr(char *destAddr,int destPort)//设置IP和Port { clientSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; clientSockAddr.sin_port = htons(destPort); clientSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(destAddr); } void UDPClient::sendData(char *buf,int len)//发送函数 { sendto(clientSocket, buf, len, 0, (SOCKADDR*)&clientSockAddr, sizeof(clientSockAddr)); }
#pragma once #include <WINSOCK2.H> #pragma comment(lib, "WS2_32.lib") using namespace std; class UDPClient { private: WSADATA ws; SOCKET clientSocket; SOCKADDR_IN clientSockAddr; public: UDPClient(const char name[14]);//函数声明,与UDPClient.cpp对应 void setSockAddr(char *destAddr,int destPort); void sendData(char *buf,int len); ~UDPClient(); };
#include"UDPServer.h" #include<iostream> using namespace std; UDPServer::UDPServer()//构造函数,与类名相同,初始化类时自动执行 { WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);//初始化 serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);//创建socket } void UDPServer::listen(int port,const char name[14])//绑定端口 { serverSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; serverSockAddr.sin_port = htons(port); serverSockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(serverSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&serverSockAddr, sizeof(serverSockAddr)) == 0) { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; cout << name << " Server Socket initialized Successful" << endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; cout << name << "Server Socket initialized Failed" << endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } } void UDPServer::receive(char *buf,int len)//接收函数 { int serverSockAddrSize = sizeof(SOCKADDR); recvfrom(serverSocket, buf, len, 0, (SOCKADDR *)&serverSockAddr, &serverSockAddrSize); } UDPServer::~UDPServer()//析构函数,在对象销毁时自动执行,用于清理工作 { closesocket(serverSocket); WSACleanup(); cout << "Server Socket released" << endl; }
#pragma once #include <WINSOCK2.H> #pragma comment(lib, "WS2_32.lib") using namespace std; class UDPServer { private: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET serverSocket; sockaddr_in serverSockAddr; public: UDPServer();//函数声明,与UDPServer.cpp对应 void listen(int port, const char name[14]); void receive(char *buf,int len); ~UDPServer(); };
;UDPSend IP or Port//;代表屏蔽这一行,起到提示作用 [UdpCarMsgReceive]//[]代表标志头,用来识别读取哪个标志头下在内容 IP= IP为变量名 Port=8025 [UdpCarMsgSend] IP= Port=8029 [UdpGpsMsgReceive] IP= Port=8026 [UdpControlMsgReceive] IP= Port=8027 [UdpControlMsgSend] IP= Port=8027
void readINI()//初始化函数,只运行一次 { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " SIMULATOR DATA OF UDP RECEIVE AND SEND " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; //声明ini初始化接口ini CIniFileA ini; //加载ini文件,所以ini文件一定要放在当前目录 ini.Load("SimulatorDataExchange.ini"); //ReceiveCarMsg ip and port std::string carReceiveIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgReceive", "IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveCarMsg, carReceiveIP.c_str()); std::string carReceivePort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveCarMsg = std::atoi(carReceivePort.c_str()); //SendCarMsg ip and port std::string carSendIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgSend", "IP"); strcpy(ip_SendCarMsg, carSendIP.c_str()); std::string carSendPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgSend", "Port"); port_SendCarMsg = std::atoi(carSendPort.c_str()); //ReceiveGPS ip and port std::string gpsIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpGpsMsgReceive","IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveGPSMsg, gpsIP.c_str()); std::string gpsPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpGpsMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveGPSMsg = std::atoi(gpsPort.c_str()); //ReceiveControlMsg ip and port std::string controlReceiveIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgReceive", "IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveControlMsg, controlReceiveIP.c_str()); std::string controlReceivePort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveControlMsg = std::atoi(controlReceivePort.c_str()); //SendControlMsg ip and port std::string controlSendIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgSend", "IP"); strcpy(ip_SendControlMsg, controlSendIP.c_str()); std::string controlSendPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgSend", "Port"); port_SendControlMsg = std::atoi(controlSendPort.c_str()); if (!ip_ReceiveCarMsg && !port_ReceiveCarMsg && !ip_SendCarMsg && !port_SendCarMsg) { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " CONFIGURE COMMUNICATION IP AND PORT FAILED " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " CONFIGURE COMMUNICATION IP AND PORT SUCCESS " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; } }
#include "stdafx.h" #include "ChangeBS.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif CChangeBS::CChangeBS() { } CChangeBS::~CChangeBS() { } void CChangeBS::OnChange(short InParam, short &OutParam) { union { char ch[2]; unsigned short iTemp; }u,r; u.iTemp = InParam; r.ch[0] = u.ch[1]; r.ch[1] = u.ch[0]; OutParam = r.iTemp; } void CChangeBS::OnChange(int InParam, int &OutParam) { union { char ch[4]; int iTemp; }u,r; u.iTemp = InParam; r.ch[0] = u.ch[3]; r.ch[1] = u.ch[2]; r.ch[2] = u.ch[1]; r.ch[3] = u.ch[0]; OutParam = r.iTemp; } void CChangeBS::OnChange(float InParam, float &OutParam) { union { char ch[4]; float iTemp; }u,r; u.iTemp = InParam; r.ch[0] = u.ch[3]; r.ch[1] = u.ch[2]; r.ch[2] = u.ch[1]; r.ch[3] = u.ch[0]; OutParam = r.iTemp; } void CChangeBS::OnChange(double InParam, double &OutParam) { union { char ch[8]; double iTemp; }u,r; u.iTemp = InParam; r.ch[0] = u.ch[7]; r.ch[1] = u.ch[6]; r.ch[2] = u.ch[5]; r.ch[3] = u.ch[4]; r.ch[4] = u.ch[3]; r.ch[5] = u.ch[2]; r.ch[6] = u.ch[1]; r.ch[7] = u.ch[0]; OutParam = r.iTemp; } void CChangeBS::OnChange(long long InParam, long long &OutParam) { union { char ch[8]; long long iTemp; }u, r; u.iTemp = InParam; r.ch[0] = u.ch[7]; r.ch[1] = u.ch[6]; r.ch[2] = u.ch[5]; r.ch[3] = u.ch[4]; r.ch[4] = u.ch[3]; r.ch[5] = u.ch[2]; r.ch[6] = u.ch[1]; r.ch[7] = u.ch[0]; OutParam = r.iTemp; }
#if !defined(AFX_CHANGEBS_H__A852EEC4_2B3E_431B_B522_12BA81B648DA__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_CHANGEBS_H__A852EEC4_2B3E_431B_B522_12BA81B648DA__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 class CChangeBS { public: CChangeBS(); virtual ~CChangeBS(); public: static void OnChange(short InParam, short &OutParam); static void OnChange(int InParam, int &OutParam); static void OnChange(float InParam, float &OutParam); static void OnChange(double InParam, double &OutParam); static void OnChange(long long InParam, long long &OutParam); }; #endif // !defined(AFX_CHANGEBS_H__A852EEC4_2B3E_431B_B522_12BA81B648DA__INCLUDED_)
#include "chassis.pb.h" #include "drive_state.pb.h" #include "error_code.pb.h" #include "geometry.pb.h" #include "header.pb.h" #include "vehicle_signal.pb.h" #include "control_cmd.pb.h" #include "pad_msg.pb.h" #include "UDPClient.h" #include "UDPServer.h" #include "inifile.h" #include "Message.h" #include "ChangeBS.h" #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <thread>//引入多线程头文件 #include <iostream> //创建空字符,用于存储读取在IP char ip1[12] = { NULL }; char ip2[12] = { NULL }; char ip3[12] = { NULL }; char ip4[12] = { NULL }; char ip5[12] = { NULL }; //ReceiveCarMsg ip and port char* ip_ReceiveCarMsg = ip1; int port_ReceiveCarMsg = NULL; const int buffer_ReceiveCarMsg = 1024; //SendCarMsg ip and port char* ip_SendCarMsg = ip2; int port_SendCarMsg = NULL; const int buffer_SendCarMsg = 1024; //SendControlMsg ip and port char* ip_SendControlMsg = ip3; int port_SendControlMsg = NULL; const int buffer_SendControlMsg = 1024; //ReceiveControlMsg ip and port char* ip_ReceiveControlMsg = ip4; int port_ReceiveControlMsg = NULL; const int buffer_ReceiveControlMsg = 1024; //ReceiveGPS ip and port char* ip_ReceiveGPSMsg = ip5; int port_ReceiveGPSMsg = NULL; const int buffer_ReceiveGPSMsg = 1024; CarMsg carmsg;//创建结构体数据别名 ControlMsg controlmsg;//创建结构体数据别名 ControlMsgChangeBS bs;//创建结构体数据别名 readINI()//读取ini配置文件在IP和Port { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " SIMULATOR DATA OF UDP RECEIVE AND SEND " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; CIniFileA ini; ini.Load("SimulatorDataExchange.ini"); //ReceiveCarMsg ip and port std::string carReceiveIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgReceive", "IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveCarMsg, carReceiveIP.c_str()); std::string carReceivePort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveCarMsg = std::atoi(carReceivePort.c_str()); //SendCarMsg ip and port std::string carSendIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgSend", "IP"); strcpy(ip_SendCarMsg, carSendIP.c_str()); std::string carSendPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpCarMsgSend", "Port"); port_SendCarMsg = std::atoi(carSendPort.c_str()); //ReceiveGPS ip and port std::string gpsIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpGpsMsgReceive","IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveGPSMsg, gpsIP.c_str()); std::string gpsPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpGpsMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveGPSMsg = std::atoi(gpsPort.c_str()); //ReceiveControlMsg ip and port std::string controlReceiveIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgReceive", "IP"); strcpy(ip_ReceiveControlMsg, controlReceiveIP.c_str()); std::string controlReceivePort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgReceive", "Port"); port_ReceiveControlMsg = std::atoi(controlReceivePort.c_str()); //SendControlMsg ip and port std::string controlSendIP = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgSend", "IP"); strcpy(ip_SendControlMsg, controlSendIP.c_str()); std::string controlSendPort = ini.GetKeyValue("UdpControlMsgSend", "Port"); port_SendControlMsg = std::atoi(controlSendPort.c_str()); if (!ip_ReceiveCarMsg && !port_ReceiveCarMsg && !ip_SendCarMsg && !port_SendCarMsg) { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " CONFIGURE COMMUNICATION IP AND PORT FAILED " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; std::cout << " CONFIGURE COMMUNICATION IP AND PORT SUCCESS " << std::endl; std::cout << "**********************************************************" << std::endl; } } //车辆信息接收,字节流解析 void carMsgReceive(int port,const char name[14]) { char receivebuff[buffer_ReceiveCarMsg] = { 0 }; UDPServer* server = new UDPServer; server->listen(port,name); while (true) { server->receive(receivebuff, sizeof(receivebuff)); memcpy(&carmsg.utime,&receivebuff[0],8); memcpy(&carmsg.nauto,&receivebuff[8],4); memcpy(&carmsg.steerPos, &receivebuff[12],4); memcpy(&carmsg.steerSpe, &receivebuff[16], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.light, &receivebuff[20], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.speLeft, &receivebuff[24], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.speRight, &receivebuff[28], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.vot, &receivebuff[32], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.shift, &receivebuff[36], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.disLeft, &receivebuff[40], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.disRight, &receivebuff[44], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.speo, &receivebuff[48], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.yawRate, &receivebuff[52], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.accelerationLon, &receivebuff[56], 4); memcpy(&carmsg.accelerationLat, &receivebuff[60], 4); std::cout << "CarMsg:" << carmsg.utime <<std::endl; } delete server; std::cout << "ReceiveCarMsg Server Destroyed" << std::endl; } //控制信息接收,protobuf解析 void controlMsgReceive(int port, const char name[14]) { char receivebuff[buffer_ReceiveControlMsg] = { 0 }; UDPServer* server = new UDPServer; server->listen(port, name); ab::control::ControlCommand *control = new ab::control::ControlCommand(); while (true) { server->receive(receivebuff, sizeof(receivebuff)); control->ParseFromArray(receivebuff, sizeof(receivebuff)); controlmsg.throttle = control->throttle(); controlmsg.brake = control->brake(); controlmsg.steeringRate = control->steering_rate(); controlmsg.steeringTarget = control->steering_target() * 520; controlmsg.speed = control->speed(); controlmsg.acceleration = control->acceleration(); controlmsg.engineOnOff = control->engine_on_off(); controlmsg.parkingBrake = control->parking_brake(); controlmsg.horn = control->horn(); controlmsg.resetModel = control->reset_model(); int turn = control->turnsignal(); if (turn == 0) { controlmsg.leftTurn = 0; controlmsg.rightTurn = 0; } else if (turn == 1) { controlmsg.leftTurn = 1; controlmsg.rightTurn = 0; } else { controlmsg.leftTurn = 0; controlmsg.rightTurn = 1; } controlmsg.drivingMode = control->driving_mode(); controlmsg.gearLocation = control->gear_location(); } delete server; std::cout << "ReceiveControlMsg Server Destroyed" << std::endl; } //车辆信息发送,protobuf序列化 void carMsgSend(const int port,char *address, float time, const char name[14]) { char sendbuff[buffer_SendCarMsg] = { 0 }; clock_t start, end; start = clock(); UDPClient* client = new UDPClient(name); client->setSockAddr(address, port); ab::vehicle::Chassis *carmsg_send = new ab::vehicle::Chassis(); ab::common::VehicleSignal *vehiclesignal = new ab::common::VehicleSignal(); while (true) { //时间戳 carmsg_send->set_steering_timestamp(carmsg.utime); //驾驶模式 carmsg_send->set_driving_mode(ab::vehicle::Chassis_DrivingMode(carmsg.nauto)); //挡位 carmsg_send->set_gear_location(ab::vehicle::Chassis_GearPosition(carmsg.shift)); //转角百分比 = 转角/520 carmsg_send->set_steering_percentage(carmsg.steerPos/520); //转向灯 vehiclesignal->set_turn_signal(ab::common::VehicleSignal_TurnSignal(carmsg.light)); //前轮速度 carmsg_send->set_speed_mps((carmsg.speLeft+carmsg.speRight)/7.2); carmsg_send->SerializeToArray(sendbuff, sizeof(sendbuff)); end = clock(); if (end - start > time) { client->sendData(sendbuff, sizeof(sendbuff)); start = end; } Sleep(1); } delete client; } //控制信息发送,字节流发送 void controlMsgSend(const int port, char *address, float time, const char name[14]) { char sendbuff[buffer_SendControlMsg] = { 0 }; clock_t start, end; start = clock(); UDPClient* client = new UDPClient(name); client->setSockAddr(address, port); while (true) { //大小端转换 CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.utime, bs.utime); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.throttle, bs.throttle); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.brake, bs.brake); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.steeringRate, bs.steeringRate); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.steeringTarget, bs.steeringTarget); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.speed, bs.speed); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.acceleration, bs.acceleration); bs.engineOnOff = controlmsg.engineOnOff; bs.leftTurn = controlmsg.leftTurn; bs.rightTurn = controlmsg.rightTurn; bs.horn = controlmsg.horn; bs.parkingBrake = controlmsg.parkingBrake; bs.resetModel = controlmsg.resetModel; CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.drivingMode, bs.drivingMode); CChangeBS::OnChange(controlmsg.gearLocation, bs.gearLocation); char* pack = (char *)&bs; end = clock(); if (end - start > time) { client->sendData(pack, sizeof(sendbuff)); start = end; } Sleep(1); } delete client; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //初始化配置 readINI(); //子线程UDP发送、接收 std::thread udpReceiveCarMsg(carMsgReceive, port_ReceiveCarMsg, "ReceiveCarMsg"); udpReceiveCarMsg.detach(); std::thread udpSendCarMsg(carMsgSend, port_SendCarMsg, ip_SendCarMsg,99, "SendCarMsg"); udpSendCarMsg.detach(); std::thread udpReceiveControlMsg(controlMsgReceive, port_ReceiveControlMsg, "ReceiveControlMsg"); udpReceiveControlMsg.detach(); std::thread udpSendControlMsg(controlMsgSend, port_SendControlMsg, ip_SendControlMsg, 99, "SendControlMsg"); udpSendControlMsg.detach(); //主线程一定要有,否则子线程无法运行 while (true) { Sleep(100); } }
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