1. 用户接口主有三个:CLI、JDBC/ODBC和WebGUI。
2. 元数据存储:Hive 将元数据存储在数据库mysql , derby中。
Hive 中的元数据包括表的名字,表的列和分区及其属性,表的属性(是否为外部表等),表的数据所在目录等。
3. Hive的数据存储
Hive中所有的数据都存储在 HDFS 中,没有专门的数据存储格式(可支持Text,SequenceFile,ParquetFile,RCFILE等)
Hive 中包含以下数据模型:DB、Table,External Table,Partition,Bucket
- CREATE TABLE employees (
- name STRING,
- salary FLOAT,
- subordinates ARRAY<STRING>,
- deductions MAP<STRING, FLOAT>,
- address STRUCT<street:STRING, city:STRING, state:STRING, zip:INT>
- ) PARTITIONED BY (country STRING, state STRING);
- create table if not exists mytable(sid int, sname string) \
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\005' \
- stored as textfile;
- create table if not exists mytable_2
- Like mytable;
我的本地文件 /home/hadoop/Data/stocks/stocks.txt , 如下:
- 1,RMB,2018-08-01,1,1,1,
- 2,HKD,2018-08-02,1.18,1.19,1.20,
- 3,USD,2018-08-03,0.14,0.15,0.16,
- 4,GBP,2018-08-04,0.11,0.12,0.13,
- 5,TWD,2018-08-05,4.48,4.49,4.50,
- 6,AUD,2018-08-06,0.19,0.20,0.21,
- hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/external/data
- hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hive/external/data/stocks
- hadoop fs -put stocks.txt /user/hive/external/data/stocks/
- create external table if not exists stocks(
- stock_id int,
- money string,
- ymd string,
- price_open float,
- price_mid float,
- price_close float)
- row format delimited fields terminated by ','
- location '/user/hive/external/data/stocks';
刚开始我用exchange string, 一直报错,出现NoViableAltException问题
- NoViableAltException(109@[2238:1: columnNameTypeOrPKOrFK : ( ( foreignKeyWithName ) | ( primaryKeyWithName ) | ( primaryKeyWithoutName ) | ( foreignKeyWithoutName ) | ( columnNameType ) );])
- 。。。。。。
- FAILED: ParseException line 1:58 cannot recognize input near 'exchange' 'STRING' ',' in column name or primary key or foreign key
后来我将exchange string改成money string, 就可以了,在数据库中 exchange是更改的意思,不要使用!!
- hive> select * from stocks;
- OK
- 1 RMB 2018-08-01 1.0 1.0 1.0
- 2 HKD 2018-08-02 1.18 1.19 1.2
- 3 USD 2018-08-03 0.14 0.15 0.16
- 4 GBP 2018-08-04 0.11 0.12 0.13
- 5 TWD 2018-08-05 4.48 4.49 4.5
- 6 AUD 2018-08-06 0.19 0.2 0.21
- Time taken: 1.366 seconds, Fetched: 6 row(s)
本地有 /home/hadoop/Data/order.txt 如下:
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234
- create table order_par(order_number string, event_time string)
- partitioned by (event_month string)
- row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
- 方法一: 通过load方式加载
- load data local inpath "/home/hadoop/Data/order.txt" overwrite into table order_par
- partition (event_month='2017-09');
- 方法二: 查询装入
- insert overwrite table order_par partition(event_month='2017-09')
- select order_number,event_time from order_par where event_month='2018-05';
方法三: 手工创建hdfs目录和上传文件,从而达到添加分区的目的
- 手动在HDFS上创建了分区目录,并手动上传了数据文件,之后:
- select * from order_par where event_month='2018-05';
- 此时是查不到该分区的, 修复表信息之后可以查询
- MSCK REPAIR TABLE order_par;
查看数据文件:select * from order_par ; 或者 select * from order_par where event_month='2017-09';
- hive> select * from order_par where event_month='2017-09';
- OK
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789 2017-09
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890 2017-09
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901 2017-09
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012 2017-09
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123 2017-09
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234 2017-09
- Time taken: 0.572 seconds, Fetched: 6 row(s)
查看HDFS 中的数据文件: /user/hive/warehouse/srt.db/order_par/event_month=2017-09/order.txt
- hadoop@Master:~/Data$ hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/srt.db/order_par/event_month=2017-09/order.txt
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234
使用where子句,过滤分区字段,遍历某个分区; 以上两个SQL可以查到列event_month信息,而使用hdfs dfs -cat看不到该列,说明Hive分区表的分区列是伪列
- 添加新的分区:
- alter table order_par add partition(event_month='2018-05');
- 加载数据:
- load data local inpath "/home/hadoop/Data/order.txt" overwrite into table order_par
- partition(event_month='2018-05');
- 查看分区记录:
- hive> select * from order_par where event_month='2018-05';
- OK
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789 2018-05
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890 2018-05
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901 2018-05
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012 2018-05
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123 2018-05
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234 2018-05
- Time taken: 0.153 seconds, Fetched: 6 row(s)
- 查看表的分区数:
- hive> show partitions order_par;
- OK
- event_month=2017-09
- event_month=2018-05
- Time taken: 0.067 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
- 两个分区的数据合并
- select * from order_par where event_month='2018-05'
- union
- select * from order_par where event_month='2017-09';
- 查看合并之后的结果:
- hive> select * from order_par;
- OK
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789 2017-09
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890 2017-09
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901 2017-09
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012 2017-09
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123 2017-09
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234 2017-09
- 1 2017-06-20 00:01:02.123456789 2018-05
- 2 2017-09-21 00:03:04.234567890 2018-05
- 3 2018-02-22 05:06:07.345678901 2018-05
- 4 2018-05-23 06:07:08.456789012 2018-05
- 5 2018-07-24 07:08:09.567890123 2018-05
- 6 2018-08-25 08:09:10.678901234 2018-05
- Time taken: 0.12 seconds, Fetched: 12 row(s)
- 删除分区:
- alter table order_par drop partition(event_month='2018-05');

如果用上述的静态分区,插入的时候必须首先要知道有什么分区类型,而且每个分区写一个load data,太烦人。使用动态分区可解决以上问题,其可以根据查询得到的数据动态分配到分区里。其实动态分区就是不指定分区目录,由系统自己选择。
首先Hive 有一张表 person_par,如下:
- hive> select * from person_par;
- OK
- lily china man 2013-03-28
- nancy china woman 2013-03-28
- hanmei america man 2013-03-28
- jan china woman 2013-03-29
- mary america man 2013-03-29
- lilei china man 2013-03-29
语句中所有字段的最后set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
,表示是否开启动态分区)set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
模式表示不需要指定静态分区)- 设置动态分区
- hive> set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
- 创建新表person_par_dnm
- hive> create table person_par_dnm ( name string, nation string) partitioned by (sex string, dt string)
- > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- OK
- Time taken: 0.334 seconds
- 现在查询分区,并没有
- hive> show partitions person_par_dnm;
- OK
- Time taken: 0.073 seconds
- 从旧表person_par导入数据到新表中person_par_dnm,自动实现分区sex="man",dt,按照最后的dt分区
- hive> insert overwrite table person_par_dnm partition(sex="man",dt) select name, nation, dt from person_par;
- 现在查询分区,有以下分区sex=man/dt=2013-03-28和sex=man/dt=2013-03-29
- hive> show partitions person_par_dnm;
- OK
- sex=man/dt=2013-03-28
- sex=man/dt=2013-03-29

查看HDFS上面的目录,有 /user/hive/warehouse/person_par_dnm/sex=man,说明系统按照时间自动分区了
Hive采用对列值哈希来组织数据的方式, 称之为分桶, 适合采样和map-join. 使用用户ID来确定如何划分桶(Hive使用对值进行哈希并将结果除 以桶的个数取余数。这样,任何一桶里都会有一个随机的用户集合(PS:其实也能说是随机)
- 建立原表person_srt
- hive> create table person_srt (srtid int, name string, nation string, sex string, dt string)
- > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 装入数据
- hive>load data local inpath '/home/hadoop/Data/person_srt.txt' overwrite into table person_srt;
- 查看数据
- hive> select * from person_srt;
- OK
- 1 lily china man 2013-03-28
- 2 nancy china woman 2013-03-28
- 3 hanmei america man 2013-03-28
- 4 jan china woman 2013-03-29
- 5 mary america man 2013-03-29
- 6 lilei china man 2013-03-29
- *****************************************************************************
- 建立新的分桶表person_srt2,要求:
- 1.指定根据哪一列来划分桶: clustered by (srtid)
- 2. 以srtid降序排列:sorted by(srtid desc)
- 3. 指定划分几个桶: into 2 buckets
- distribute by 类似于mapreduce中分区partition,对数据进行分区,结合sort by进行使用
- cluster by 当distribute by和sort by字段相同时 可以用cluster by代替
- **********************************************************************************
- hive> create table person_srt2( srtid int, name string, nation string, sex string, dt string)
- > clustered by (srtid) sorted by(srtid desc) into 2 buckets
- > row format delimited fields terminated by ',';
- 设置相关参数
- hive> set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
- hive> set mapreduce.job.reduces=2;
- 把旧表person_srt的数据装入分桶表person_srt2中
- hive> insert into table person_srt2 select srtid,name,nation,sex,dt from person_srt
- distribute by(srtid) sort by(srtid asc);
- 查询分桶表,以降序排列
- hive> select * from person_srt2;
- OK
- 6 lilei china man 2013-03-29
- 4 jan china woman 2013-03-29
- 2 nancy china woman 2013-03-28
- 5 mary america man 2013-03-29
- 3 hanmei america man 2013-03-28
- 1 lily china man 2013-03-28
- 对桶中的数据进行采样
- 从2个桶的第1个中获取所有的用户
- hive> select * from person_srt2 tablesample(bucket 1 out of 2);
- OK
- 6 lilei china man 2013-03-29
- 4 jan china woman 2013-03-29
- 2 nancy china woman 2013-03-28
- 从2个桶的第2个中获取所有的用户
- hive> select * from person_srt2 tablesample(bucket 2 out of 2);
- OK
- 5 mary america man 2013-03-29
- 3 hanmei america man 2013-03-28
- 1 lily china man 2013-03-28

创建分桶表成功,HDFS有如下目录: /user/hive/warehouse/srt.db/person_srt2
- hadoop@Master:~/Data$ hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/srt.db/person_srt2/000000_0
- 6,lilei,china,man,2013-03-29
- 4,jan,china,woman,2013-03-29
- 2,nancy,china,woman,2013-03-28
- hadoop@Master:~/Data$ hadoop fs -cat /user/hive/warehouse/srt.db/person_srt2/000001_0
- 5,mary,america,man,2013-03-29
- 3,hanmei,america,man,2013-03-28
- 1,lily,china,man,2013-03-28
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