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Java swing




































        Java在解决网络方面的问题上有不错的优势,体现在两个方面。一方面,基于applet和Java Web Start的游戏很容易更新,不需要用户手动下载新版本。另一方面,Java在网络交互的API相对友好。









Windows 11




JDK Version1.8.0  







Java swing

Java.awt是Java内置的包,属于Java基本库(JFC)一部分,要使用到该包中的类,必须显式声明import java.awt.*。Component是所有组件的父类,Component类或之类创建的对象叫组件。Button、Scrollbar、Canvas、List、Checkbox、TextField、TextArea、Label是包java.awt中的类,并且是包中Component的子类。容器也是组件,可以嵌套。上图中,Applet不是java.awt中的类。



由Sun公司与Adobe系统公司合作推出的Java 2D API,提供了一个功能强大而且非常灵活的二维图形框架。Java 2D API扩展了java.awt包中定义的Graphics类和Image类,提供了高性能的二维图形、图像和文字,同时又维持了对现有AWT应用的兼容。


Java 2D API是JFC(Java Fundation Classes)的一员,加强了传统AWT的描绘功能。在 JDK1.2中已经支援 Java 2D 的使用。透过Java 2D API ,程序员可以轻松地描绘出任意的几何图形、运用不同的填色效果、对图形做旋转( rotate)、缩放( scale)、扭曲( shear)等。




paint( ):进行绘图的具体操作,必须有程序员重写,系统自动调用;

update( ):用于更新图形,先清除背景、前景,再调用paint();



repaint( ):用于重绘图形,在组件外形发生变化,即大小改变或位置移动repaint( )方法立即被系统自动调用,而实际上repaint()方法是自动调用update()方法。














第八,游戏闯关: 每一个难度下可以有很多关卡,每一个关游戏过关后可以直接进入下一关,最好能实现每一关较上一关略有难度。

















  1. if (remainTimes == 0) {
  2. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "游戏开始?");









  1. super.paintComponent(g);
  2. g.setColor(Color.green);
  3. for (int i = 0; i < 56; i++) {
  4. g.drawLine(x1 + i / 22, y1 + i, x2 - i / 2 - 2, y1 + i);
  5. }
  6. if (remainTimes < 55) {
  7. for (int i = 0; i < remainTimes; i++) {
  8. g.drawLine(x1+i/22, y2-i-1,x2-i/2-2, y2-i-1);
  9. }
  10. g.drawLine((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, (x1 + x2) / 2, y2 - 2);
  11. g.drawLine((x1+x2)/21, (y1+y2)/21, (x1+x2)/21, y2-2);
  12. g.setColor(getBackground());
  13. for (int i = 0; i < remainTimes; i++) {
  14. g.drawLine(x1 + i / 22, y1 + i, x2 - i / 2 - 2, y1 + i);
  15. }
  16. }
  17. if (remainTimes >= 50 && remainTimes <= 55)
  18. overJLabel.setText((55-remainTimes) + "second");
  19. if (remainTimes == 56)
  20. overJLabel.setText("OVER");
  21. remainTimes++;
  22. repaint();


















  1. if (e.getSource() == reLoad) {
  2. chongzai();
  3. reLoad.setEnabled(false);
  4. chongzai()中部分代码如下:
  5. for (int i = 0; i < jishushengyu / 2; i++) {
  6. kind = random.nextInt(Kinds) + 1;
  7. do {
  8. randomx1 = random.nextInt(8);//0-8随机数
  9. randomy1 = random.nextInt(8);
  10. } while (map[randomy1][randomx1] > 0);
  11. map[randomy1][randomx1] = kind;
  12. do {
  13. randomx = random.nextInt(8);
  14. randomy = random.nextInt(8);
  15. } while (map[randomy][randomx] > 0);
  16. map[randomy][randomx] = kind;
  17. }
























  1. // 判断在一列之内两图片之间是否全部是空白或直接相邻
  2. // 直接相连,因而不包含空白
  3. if (Math.abs(posY1 - posY2) == 0) {
  4. return true;
  5. }
  6. int a = posY1 < posY2 ? posY1 : posY2;
  7. int b = posY1 < posY2 ? posY2 : posY1;
  8. for (int j = a + 1; j < b; j++) {
  9. if (map[posX1][j] != 0) {
  10. return false;
  11. }
  12. }
  13. // 是否可以一直线相连
  14. if (posX1 != posX2 && posY1 != posY2) {
  15. return false;
  16. }
  17. if (posX1 == posX2) {
  18. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  19. return true;
  20. }
  21. }
  22. if (posY1 == posY2) {
  23. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  24. return true;
  25. }
  26. }
  27. // 是否可以三直线相连,似之字形N
  28. if (isOnZigzagWith1Row2Cols(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  29. return true;
  30. }
  31. if (isOnZigzagWith2Rows1Col(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  32. return true;
  33. }
  34. // 是否处于游戏区域的4条边的同一边上
  35. if ((posY1 == posY2 && posY2 == 0)
  36. || (posY1 == posY2 && posY2 == 8 - 1)
  37. || (posX1 == posX2 && posX2 == 0)
  38. || (posX1 == posX2 && posX2 == 8 - 1)) {
  39. return true;
  40. }
  41. // 是否可以三直线相连,似之字形, 两行一列 Z
  42. int moreX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX2 : posX1;
  43. int lessX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX1 : posX2;
  44. for (int i = lessX + 1; i < moreX; i++) {
  45. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(i, posY1, i, posY2)
  46. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY1, posX1, posY1)
  47. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY2, posX2, posY2)
  48. && map[i][posY1] == 0 && map[i][posY2] == 0) {
  49. return true;
  50. }
  51. }


  1. package com.ctb.swing;
  2. import java.awt.Button;
  3. import java.awt.Choice;//下拉列表
  4. import java.awt.Color;
  5. import java.awt.Graphics;
  6. import java.awt.Point;
  7. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
  8. import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
  9. import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
  10. import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
  11. import java.util.ArrayList;
  12. import java.util.Collections;
  13. import java.util.Random;
  14. import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
  15. import javax.swing.JButton;
  16. import javax.swing.JDialog;
  17. import javax.swing.JFrame;
  18. import javax.swing.JLabel;
  19. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  20. import javax.swing.JPanel;
  21. import javax.swing.UIManager;
  22. import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
  23. public class LianLianKan extends JFrame {
  24. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  25. public LianLianKan() {
  26. LianLianKanJPanel llk = new LianLianKanJPanel();
  27. add(llk);
  28. }
  29. class LianLianKanJPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
  30. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;// 序列化时为了保持版本的兼容性,即在版本升级时反序列化仍保持对象的唯一性。
  31. private int[][] map = new int[8][8];// 8*8的正方形
  32. private int kind, randomx, randomy, randomx1, randomy1; // 种类,随机x
  33. private int coordinatex, coordinatey, coordinatex1, coordinatey1; // 坐标X
  34. private Point lineStart = new Point(0, 0);// 判断两点之间的距离
  35. private int clicktimes;
  36. private int jishushengyu;// 计数剩余
  37. private int Kinds = 4;
  38. private int score;
  39. private int guanshu;// 关数
  40. loudou ld = new loudou();// 漏斗
  41. JButton BlockButton[][] = new JButton[8][8];//
  42. Choice difficultChoice = new Choice();// 下拉列表
  43. JButton newgameButton = new JButton("重新开始");
  44. JButton reLoad = new JButton("刷新");
  45. ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon("src/im/bk.jpg");
  46. ImageIcon aIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/1.jpg");
  47. ImageIcon bIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/2.gif");
  48. ImageIcon cIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/3.gif");
  49. ImageIcon dIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/4.gif");
  50. ImageIcon eIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/5.gif");
  51. ImageIcon fIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/6.gif");
  52. ImageIcon gIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/7.gif");
  53. ImageIcon hIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/8.gif");
  54. ImageIcon iIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/9.gif");
  55. ImageIcon jIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/10.gif");
  56. ImageIcon kIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/11.gif");
  57. ImageIcon lIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/12.gif");
  58. ImageIcon mIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/13.gif");
  59. ImageIcon nIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/14.gif");
  60. ImageIcon oIcon = new ImageIcon("src/im/15.gif");
  61. public LianLianKanJPanel() {
  62. this.setLayout(null);
  63. newMap();
  64. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  65. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  66. BlockButton[i][j] = new JButton();
  67. add(BlockButton[i][j]);
  68. BlockButton[i][j].addActionListener(this);// 监听器
  69. // setBounds设置该view的左上角的坐标 进而影响子视图的问题
  70. // frame: 该view在父view坐标系统中的位置和大小。(参照点是,父亲的坐标系统)
  71. // bounds:该view在本地坐标系统中的位置和大小。(参照点是,本地坐标系统,就相当于ViewB自己的坐标系统,以0,0点为起点)
  72. // center:该view的中心点在父view坐标系统中的位置和大小。(参照点是,父亲的坐标系统)
  73. BlockButton[i][j].setBounds(30 + j * 40, 30 + i * 40, 31, 34);
  74. // BlockButton[i][j].setBorderPainted(false);
  75. // BlockButton[i][j].setVisible(true);
  76. }
  77. }
  78. difficultChoice.add("简单");
  79. difficultChoice.add("中等");
  80. difficultChoice.add("困难");
  81. difficultChoice.add("变态");
  82. newgameButton.setBounds(map[0].length * 40 + 80, 40, 100, 20);
  83. newgameButton.setBackground(Color.white);
  84. newgameButton.setBorderPainted(false); // 去边框
  85. reLoad.setBounds(map[0].length * 40 + 100, 80, 60, 20);
  86. reLoad.setBackground(Color.white);
  87. reLoad.setBorderPainted(false);
  88. difficultChoice.setBounds(map[0].length * 40 + 100, 120, 60, 20);
  89. difficultChoice.addItemListener(this);
  90. newgameButton.addActionListener(this);
  91. reLoad.addActionListener(this);
  92. this.add(newgameButton);
  93. this.add(reLoad);
  94. this.add(difficultChoice);
  95. // /-------------------------漏斗
  96. ld.setBounds(map[0].length * 40 + 100, 200, 70, 150);// 漏斗
  97. ld.setBackground(Color.black);
  98. this.add(ld);
  99. }
  100. class loudou extends JPanel implements Runnable {// 实现runnable接口
  101. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  102. private int dijiguan;
  103. int remainTimes = 0; // 时间
  104. int x1 = 0;
  105. int y1 = 30;
  106. int x2 = 60;
  107. int y2 = 150;
  108. Thread nThread1;// 线程
  109. JLabel overJLabel = new JLabel();
  110. JDialog dialog = new JDialog();// 对话框
  111. public loudou() {
  112. nThread1 = new Thread(this);
  113. nThread1.start();
  114. // :FlowLayout、BorderLayout、GridLayout、CardLayout、GridBagLayout
  115. this.setLayout(null);// 默认为流式布局
  116. this.add(overJLabel);
  117. overJLabel.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 50);
  118. // 使对话框在最前面显示
  119. overJLabel.setForeground(Color.white);
  120. }
  121. public void setdijiguan(int x) {
  122. this.dijiguan = x;
  123. }
  124. public void paintComponent(Graphics g) // 画画函数
  125. {
  126. super.paintComponent(g);
  127. g.setColor(Color.white);
  128. for (int i = 0; i < 56; i++) {
  129. // drawLine画一条线
  130. g.drawLine(x1 + i / 2 + 2, y1 + i, x2 - i / 2 - 2, y1 + i);
  131. }
  132. if (remainTimes < 55) {
  133. for (int i = 0; i < remainTimes; i++) {
  134. g.drawLine(x1 + i / 2 + 2, y2 - i - 1, x2 - i / 2 - 2, y2 - i - 1);
  135. }
  136. g.drawLine((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, (x1 + x2) / 2, y2 - 2);
  137. g.drawLine((x1 + x2) / 2 + 1, (y1 + y2) / 2 + 1, (x1 + x2) / 2 + 1, y2 - 2);// 两条竖线
  138. g.setColor(getBackground());
  139. for (int i = 0; i < remainTimes; i++) {
  140. g.drawLine(x1 + i / 2 + 2, y1 + i, x2 - i / 2 - 2, y1 + i);// 覆盖上边的倒三角
  141. }
  142. }
  143. if (remainTimes >= 50 && remainTimes <= 55)
  144. overJLabel.setText(55 - remainTimes + "s");
  145. if (remainTimes == 56)
  146. overJLabel.setText("OVER");
  147. }
  148. public void setTimes(int x) {
  149. this.remainTimes = x;
  150. }
  151. public int getTimes() {
  152. return remainTimes;
  153. }
  154. private int sid;
  155. public void run() {
  156. while (dijiguan < 20) {
  157. if (remainTimes == 0) {
  158. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "游戏开始?");
  159. }
  160. if (remainTimes == 56) {
  161. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "时间到!游戏结束!");
  162. }
  163. remainTimes++;
  164. repaint();// 重新----重绘组件,调用paint方法
  165. try {
  166. if (dijiguan < 6)
  167. Thread.sleep(1500 - dijiguan * 100);
  168. if (dijiguan >= 6 && dijiguan <= 8)
  169. Thread.sleep(1000 - (dijiguan - 5) * 50);
  170. if (dijiguan > 8)
  171. Thread.sleep(850 - (dijiguan - 8) * 20);
  172. } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  173. e.printStackTrace();
  174. }
  175. }
  176. }
  177. }
  178. public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {// Graphics 制图法
  179. super.paintComponent(g);
  180. // 是父类JPanel里的方法,会把整个面板用背景色重画一遍,起到清屏的作用
  181. g.drawImage(ii.getImage(), 0, 0, this);
  182. // 绘制两个文本字符串
  183. g.setColor(Color.white);
  184. g.drawString("得分: " + score, 430, 165);
  185. g.drawString("第 " + (guanshu + 1) + " 关", 430, 190);
  186. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  187. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  188. switch (map[i][j]) {
  189. case 0:
  190. BlockButton[i][j].setVisible(false);
  191. break;
  192. case 1:
  193. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(aIcon);
  194. break;
  195. case 2:
  196. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(bIcon);
  197. break;
  198. case 3:
  199. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(cIcon);
  200. break;
  201. case 4:
  202. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(dIcon);
  203. break;
  204. case 5:
  205. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(eIcon);
  206. break;
  207. case 6:
  208. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(fIcon);
  209. break;
  210. case 7:
  211. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(gIcon);
  212. break;
  213. case 8:
  214. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(hIcon);
  215. break;
  216. case 9:
  217. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(iIcon);
  218. break;
  219. case 10:
  220. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(jIcon);
  221. break;
  222. case 11:
  223. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(kIcon);
  224. break;
  225. case 12:
  226. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(lIcon);
  227. break;
  228. case 13:
  229. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(mIcon);
  230. break;
  231. case 14:
  232. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(nIcon);
  233. break;
  234. case 15:
  235. BlockButton[i][j].setIcon(oIcon);
  236. break;
  237. default:
  238. break;
  239. }
  240. }
  241. }
  242. }
  243. // 重载
  244. public void chongzai() {
  245. jishushengyu = 0;
  246. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  247. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  248. if (map[i][j] > 0) {
  249. jishushengyu++;
  250. }
  251. }
  252. }
  253. int[][] map1 = new int[8][8];
  254. this.map = map1;
  255. Random random = new Random();
  256. for (int i = 0; i < jishushengyu / 2; i++) {
  257. kind = random.nextInt(Kinds) + 1;// 03+1 === 14
  258. do {
  259. randomx1 = random.nextInt(8);// 0-8随机数
  260. randomy1 = random.nextInt(8);
  261. } while (map[randomy1][randomx1] > 0);
  262. map[randomy1][randomx1] = kind;
  263. do {
  264. randomx = random.nextInt(8);
  265. randomy = random.nextInt(8);
  266. } while (map[randomy][randomx] > 0);
  267. map[randomy][randomx] = kind;
  268. }
  269. repaint();
  270. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  271. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  272. BlockButton[i][j].setVisible(true);
  273. }
  274. }
  275. }
  276. public void newGame() {
  277. // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"你按了开始按钮");
  278. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  279. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  280. // 设置为false,该控件永远不会活动,不管设置为什么属性,都无效;
  281. // 设置为true,表明激活该控件,控件处于活动状态,处于活动状态,就能响应事件了,比如触摸、点击、按键事件等;
  282. BlockButton[i][j].setEnabled(true);// 启用--相当于开关
  283. BlockButton[i][j].setVisible(true);//显示--false--隐藏
  284. Button button = new Button();
  285. button.setDropTarget(getDropTarget());
  286. }
  287. }
  288. int[][] map = new int[8][8];
  289. this.map = map;
  290. newMap();
  291. ld.setTimes(0);
  292. score = 0;
  293. guanshu = 0;
  294. ld.setdijiguan(guanshu);
  295. }
  296. public void guoguan() {
  297. int jishushengyu2 = 0;
  298. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  299. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  300. if (map[i][j] > 0) {
  301. jishushengyu2++;
  302. }
  303. }
  304. }
  305. if (jishushengyu2 == 0) {
  306. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  307. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  308. BlockButton[i][j].setEnabled(true);// 启用
  309. BlockButton[i][j].setVisible(true);// 显示
  310. }
  311. }
  312. int[][] map = new int[8][8];
  313. this.map = map;
  314. newMap();
  315. ld.setTimes(0);
  316. guanshu++;
  317. ld.setdijiguan(guanshu);
  318. reLoad.setEnabled(true);
  319. }
  320. }
  321. public void newMap() {
  322. ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();// 链表
  323. for (int i = 0; i < Kinds; i++) {
  324. numbers.add(i + 1);// 加到列表尾部
  325. numbers.add(i + 1);
  326. } // 每一次重新布局的时候,能保证一定有前几种难度中的图片类型
  327. Random random = new Random();
  328. int temp = 0;
  329. for (int i = 0; i < 32 - Kinds; i++) {
  330. temp = random.nextInt(Kinds) + 1;// 0~kinds-1之间的随机数在加1
  331. numbers.add(temp);
  332. numbers.add(temp);
  333. }
  334. Collections.shuffle(numbers);// 随机打乱原来的顺序
  335. map = new int[8][8];
  336. temp = 0;
  337. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  338. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  339. // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, numbers.get(temp));
  340. map[i][j] = numbers.get(temp++).intValue();// get方法返回第i个元素,intvalue 返回int类型
  341. }
  342. }
  343. }
  344. public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
  345. // TODO 自动生成的方法存根
  346. if (e.getSource() == difficultChoice) {
  347. String selected = difficultChoice.getSelectedItem();
  348. if (selected == "简单") {
  349. Kinds = 4;
  350. newGame();
  351. repaint();
  352. } else if (selected == "中等") {
  353. Kinds = 8;
  354. newGame();
  355. repaint();
  356. } else if (selected == "困难") {
  357. Kinds = 12;
  358. newGame();
  359. repaint();
  360. } else if (selected == "变态") {
  361. Kinds = 15;
  362. newGame();
  363. repaint();
  364. }
  365. }
  366. }
  367. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {// 侦听器
  368. // TODO 自动生成的方法存根
  369. if (ld.getTimes() > 56) {
  370. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  371. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  372. BlockButton[j][i].setEnabled(false);
  373. }
  374. }
  375. }
  376. if (e.getSource() == reLoad) {
  377. chongzai();
  378. reLoad.setEnabled(false);
  379. }
  380. if (e.getSource() == newgameButton) {
  381. newGame();
  382. reLoad.setEnabled(true);
  383. }
  384. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  385. for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  386. if (e.getSource() == BlockButton[j][i]) {
  387. clicktimes++; // 点击的时间
  388. lineStart.move(i, j);
  389. if (clicktimes % 2 == 1) {
  390. coordinatex1 = i;
  391. coordinatey1 = j;
  392. BlockButton[coordinatey1][coordinatex1].setEnabled(false);
  393. BlockButton[coordinatey][coordinatex].setEnabled(true);
  394. // BlockButton[j][i].setEnabled(false);
  395. }
  396. if (clicktimes % 2 == 0) {
  397. coordinatex = i;
  398. coordinatey = j;
  399. BlockButton[coordinatey][coordinatex].setEnabled(false);
  400. BlockButton[coordinatey1][coordinatex1].setEnabled(true);
  401. }
  402. }
  403. }
  404. }
  405. this.requestFocus();
  406. clearBlock();
  407. /*
  408. * for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
  409. * BlockButton[j][i].setEnabled(true); }
  410. *
  411. * }
  412. */
  413. repaint();
  414. }
  415. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  416. // 判断在一列之内两图片之间是否全部是空白或直接相邻
  417. private boolean containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  418. // 直接相连,因而不包含空白
  419. if (Math.abs(posY1 - posY2) == 0) {
  420. return true;
  421. }
  422. int a = posY1 < posY2 ? posY1 : posY2;
  423. int b = posY1 < posY2 ? posY2 : posY1;// y值:a小 b大
  424. for (int j = a + 1; j < b; j++) {
  425. if (map[posX1][j] != 0) {
  426. return false;
  427. }
  428. }
  429. return true;
  430. }
  431. // 判断在一行之内两图片之间是否全部是空白或直接相邻
  432. private boolean containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  433. // 直接相连,因而不包含空白
  434. if (Math.abs(posX1 - posX2) == 0) {
  435. return true;
  436. }
  437. int a = posX1 < posX2 ? posX1 : posX2;
  438. int b = posX1 < posX2 ? posX2 : posX1;
  439. for (int i = a + 1; i < b; i++) {
  440. if (map[i][posY1] != 0) {
  441. return false;
  442. }
  443. }
  444. return true;
  445. }
  446. // 是否可以一直线相连
  447. private boolean isLinkByOneLine(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  448. if (posX1 != posX2 && posY1 != posY2) {
  449. return false;
  450. }
  451. if (posX1 == posX2) {
  452. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  453. return true;
  454. }
  455. }
  456. if (posY1 == posY2) {
  457. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  458. return true;
  459. }
  460. }
  461. return false;
  462. }
  463. // 是否可以两直线相连
  464. private boolean isLinkByTwoLines(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  465. if (posX1 != posX2 && posY1 != posY2) {
  466. // x1,y1 to x2,y1 to x2,y2
  467. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY1) && map[posX2][posY1] == 0
  468. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  469. return true;
  470. }
  471. // x1,y1 to x1,y2 to x2,y2
  472. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, posY2) && map[posX1][posY2] == 0
  473. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, posY2, posX2, posY2)) {
  474. return true;
  475. }
  476. }
  477. return false;
  478. }
  479. // 是否可以三直线相连
  480. private boolean isLinkByThreeLines(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  481. if (isOnSameEdge(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  482. return true;
  483. }
  484. if (isOnThreeLinesLikeArc(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  485. return true;
  486. }
  487. if (isOnThreeLinesLikeZigzag(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  488. return true;
  489. }
  490. return false;
  491. }
  492. // 是否可以三直线相连,似U形
  493. private boolean isOnThreeLinesLikeArc(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  494. if (isOnUpArc(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  495. return true;
  496. }
  497. if (isOnDownArc(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  498. return true;
  499. }
  500. if (isOnLeftArc(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  501. return true;
  502. }
  503. if (isOnRightArc(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  504. return true;
  505. }
  506. return false;
  507. }
  508. //
  509. private boolean isOnUpArc(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  510. // Y --> 0
  511. int lessY = posY1 < posY2 ? posY1 : posY2; // 找小y
  512. for (int j = lessY - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
  513. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, j, posX2, j)
  514. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, j)
  515. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY2, posX2, j) && map[posX1][j] == 0
  516. && map[posX2][j] == 0) {
  517. return true;
  518. }
  519. }
  520. if (isOnSameEdge(posX1, 0, posX2, 0) && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, 0)
  521. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY2, posX2, 0)
  522. && (map[posX1][0] == 0 && map[posX2][0] == 0
  523. || map[posX1][0] == 0 && map[posX2][0] == map[posX2][posY2]
  524. || map[posX1][0] == map[posX1][posY1] && map[posX2][0] == 0)) {
  525. return true;
  526. }
  527. return false;
  528. }
  529. //
  530. private boolean isOnDownArc(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  531. int moreY = posY1 < posY2 ? posY2 : posY1;
  532. for (int j = moreY + 1; j <= 8 - 1; j++) {
  533. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, j, posX2, j)
  534. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, j)
  535. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY2, posX2, j) && map[posX1][j] == 0
  536. && map[posX2][j] == 0) {
  537. return true;
  538. }
  539. }
  540. if (isOnSameEdge(posX1, 8 - 1, posX2, 8 - 1) && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, 8 - 1)
  541. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY2, posX2, 8 - 1)
  542. && (map[posX1][8 - 1] == 0 && map[posX2][8 - 1] == 0
  543. || map[posX1][8 - 1] == map[posX1][posY1] && map[posX2][8 - 1] == 0
  544. || map[posX1][8 - 1] == 0 && map[posX2][8 - 1] == map[posX2][posY2])) {
  545. return true;
  546. }
  547. return false;
  548. }
  549. //
  550. private boolean isOnLeftArc(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  551. int lessX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX1 : posX2;
  552. for (int i = lessX - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  553. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(i, posY1, i, posY2)
  554. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY1, posX1, posY1)
  555. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY2, posX2, posY2) && map[i][posY1] == 0
  556. && map[i][posY2] == 0) {
  557. return true;
  558. }
  559. }
  560. if (isOnSameEdge(0, posY1, 0, posY2) && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(0, posY1, posX1, posY1)
  561. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(0, posY2, posX2, posY2)
  562. && (map[0][posY1] == 0 && map[0][posY2] == 0
  563. || map[0][posY1] == map[posX1][posY1] && map[0][posY2] == 0
  564. || map[0][posY1] == 0 && map[0][posY2] == map[posX2][posY2])) {
  565. return true;
  566. }
  567. return false;
  568. }
  569. //
  570. private boolean isOnRightArc(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  571. int moreX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX2 : posX1;
  572. for (int i = moreX + 1; i <= 8 - 1; i++) {
  573. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(i, posY1, i, posY2)
  574. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY1, posX1, posY1)
  575. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY2, posX2, posY2) && map[i][posY1] == 0
  576. && map[i][posY2] == 0) {
  577. return true;
  578. }
  579. }
  580. if (isOnSameEdge(8 - 1, posY1, 8 - 1, posY2) && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, posY1, 8 - 1, posY1)
  581. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX2, posY2, 8 - 1, posY2)
  582. && (map[8 - 1][posY1] == 0 && map[8 - 1][posY2] == 0
  583. || map[8 - 1][posY1] == map[posX1][posY1] && map[8 - 1][posY2] == 0
  584. || map[8 - 1][posY1] == 0 && map[8 - 1][posY2] == map[posX2][posY2])) {
  585. return true;
  586. }
  587. return false;
  588. }
  589. // 是否可以三直线相连,似之字形N
  590. private boolean isOnThreeLinesLikeZigzag(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  591. if (isOnZigzagWith1Row2Cols(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  592. return true;
  593. }
  594. if (isOnZigzagWith2Rows1Col(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  595. return true;
  596. }
  597. return false;
  598. }
  599. // 是否可以三直线相连,似之字形, 两行一列 Z
  600. private boolean isOnZigzagWith2Rows1Col(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  601. int moreX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX2 : posX1;
  602. int lessX = posX1 < posX2 ? posX1 : posX2;
  603. for (int i = lessX + 1; i < moreX; i++) {
  604. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(i, posY1, i, posY2)
  605. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY1, posX1, posY1)
  606. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(i, posY2, posX2, posY2) && map[i][posY1] == 0
  607. && map[i][posY2] == 0) {
  608. return true;
  609. }
  610. }
  611. return false;
  612. }
  613. // 是否可以三直线相连,似之字形, 一行两列
  614. private boolean isOnZigzagWith1Row2Cols(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  615. int moreY = posY1 < posY2 ? posY2 : posY1;
  616. int lessY = posY1 < posY2 ? posY1 : posY2;
  617. for (int j = lessY + 1; j < moreY; j++) {
  618. if (containsAllOrNoneZeroInRow(posX1, j, posX2, j)
  619. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX1, posY1, posX1, j)
  620. && containsAllOrNoneZeroInColumn(posX2, posY2, posX2, j) && map[posX1][j] == 0
  621. && map[posX2][j] == 0) {
  622. return true;
  623. }
  624. }
  625. return false;
  626. }
  627. // 是否处于游戏区域的4条边的同一边上
  628. private boolean isOnSameEdge(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  629. if ((posY1 == posY2 && posY2 == 0) || (posY1 == posY2 && posY2 == 8 - 1) || (posX1 == posX2 && posX2 == 0)
  630. || (posX1 == posX2 && posX2 == 8 - 1)) {
  631. return true;
  632. }
  633. return false;
  634. }
  635. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  636. public boolean ifcanTouch(int posX1, int posY1, int posX2, int posY2) {
  637. if (isLinkByOneLine(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  638. return true;
  639. }
  640. // 是否可以两直线相连
  641. if (isLinkByTwoLines(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  642. return true;
  643. }
  644. // 是否可以三直线相连
  645. if (isLinkByThreeLines(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2)) {
  646. return true;
  647. }
  648. return false;
  649. }
  650. public void clearBlock() {
  651. if (clicktimes >= 2) {
  652. if (map[coordinatey1][coordinatex1] == map[coordinatey][coordinatex]
  653. && !((coordinatex1 == coordinatex) && (coordinatey1 == coordinatey))) {
  654. if (ifcanTouch(coordinatey1, coordinatex1, coordinatey, coordinatex)) {
  655. if (map[coordinatey1][coordinatex1] > 0)
  656. score = score + 10;
  657. map[coordinatey1][coordinatex1] = 0;
  658. map[coordinatey][coordinatex] = 0;
  659. guoguan();
  660. }
  661. }
  662. }
  663. }
  664. }
  665. public static void main(String[] args) {
  666. // Swing 由 MVC 结构组成的---模型、视图、控制器
  667. String lookAndFeel = "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel";// swing 外观和感觉
  668. try {
  669. UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel);
  670. } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  671. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  672. e.printStackTrace();
  673. } catch (InstantiationException e) {
  674. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  675. e.printStackTrace();
  676. } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
  677. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  678. e.printStackTrace();
  679. } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
  680. // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  681. e.printStackTrace();
  682. }
  683. LianLianKan frame = new LianLianKan();
  684. frame.setTitle("连连看");
  685. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  686. frame.setBounds(100, 100, 560, 430);
  687. frame.setLocation(600, 570);// 设置位置
  688. // frame.setSize(600, 500);
  689. frame.setSize(600, 480);// 定型--设置大小
  690. frame.setVisible(true);// 设置可见
  691. }
  692. }







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