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Do you want to track conversions on your WooCommerce store? Conversion tracking helps you understand what’s working on your online store and what needs more attention.

您要跟踪WooCommerce商店上的转化吗? 转化跟踪可帮助您了解在线商店上正在运行的内容以及需要更多注意的内容。

It helps you keep track of your best-performing products while also allowing you to see what’s stopping customers from completing a purchase.


In this guide, we’ll show you how to easily setup WooCommerce conversion tracking, step by step.


Setting up conversion tracking on your WooCommerce store
为什么要设置WooCommerce转化跟踪? (Why Set up WooCommerce Conversion Tracking?)

WooCommerce makes it easy to sell anything online. However, once you have set up your WooCommerce store, you would need to learn what works on your website to grow your business.

WooCommerce使在线销售任何东西变得容易。 但是,一旦建立了WooCommerce商店,您将需要学习在网站上有效的方法来发展您的业务。

You will need to learn which products are popular among your users, what they are viewing the most, how many users end up making a purchase, how are they finding your website, and more.


To get all this information, you need to set up conversion tracking on your WooCommerce store. This helps you get access to insights you need to make informed decisions about growing your business.

要获取所有这些信息,您需要在WooCommerce商店上设置转化跟踪。 这可以帮助您获得所需的见解,以制定有关业务发展的明智决策。

Conversion tracking helps you unlock key performance indicators including your eCommerce conversion rate, average order value, shopping cart abandonment, cost per acquisition, top referral sources, and more.


Apart from that you also get to learn about:


  • Shopping behavior – It tells you what products users are adding to carts, which products are being abandoned, what pages lead users to a successful purchase, and more.购物行为 –它告诉您用户向购物车中添加了哪些产品,哪些产品被废弃,哪些页面引导用户成功购物等等。
  • Checkout behavior – Helps you view how users successfully complete a checkout.结帐行为 –帮助您查看用户如何成功完成结帐。
  • Product performance – Tells you which products are bringing you most sales.产品性能 –告诉您哪些产品为您带来最多的销售额。
  • Product list performance – This report allows you to group products and see their performance as a list. This comes in handy when you want to see how different product categories are doing on your store.产品列表效果 –该报告可让您对产品进行分组并以列表形式查看其性能。 当您想查看商店中不同产品类别的表现时,这非常方便。

That being said, let’s take a look at how to unlock all this useful information by setting up conversion tracking on your store.


设置WooCommerce转化跟踪 (Setting up WooCommerce Conversion Tracking)

The easiest way to track WooCommerce conversions is by using Google Analytics. It shows you where your visitors are coming from and what they do when they are on your website.

跟踪WooCommerce转化的最简单方法是使用Google Analytics(分析)。 它显示了访问者的来源以及访问者在您的网站上的行为。

The challenge is that setting up Google Analytics with WooCommerce requires a lot of custom coding, event tracking, etc. The good news is that there are plugins that can make it super easy to setup conversion tracking, and you can do it without writing any code.

挑战在于,使用WooCommerce设置Google Analytics(分析)需要大量的自定义编码,事件跟踪等。好消息是,有些插件可以非常轻松地设置转化跟踪,您无需编写任何代码就可以做到这一点。 。

For this tutorial, we will be using MonsterInsights. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WooCommerce, and comes with an eCommerce addon that literally enables all the tracking within few clicks.

在本教程中,我们将使用MonsterInsights 。 它是WooCommerce最好的Google Analytics(分析)插件,并带有一个电子商务插件,可在几次单击中立即启用所有跟踪。

See our guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress for complete installation instructions.

有关完整的安装说明,请参见有关如何在WordPress中安装Google Analytics(分析)的指南。

Once you have installed Google Analytics using MonsterInsights, you can move on to setting up WooCommerce conversion tracking.

使用MonsterInsights安装Google Analytics(分析)后,您可以继续设置WooCommerce转化跟踪。

Step 1. Turn on Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

步骤1.在Google Analytics(分析)中启用增强型电子商务跟踪

First, you need to enable enhanced eCommerce tracking in your Google Analytics account. Go to your Google Analytics dashboard and select your website.

首先,您需要在Google Analytics(分析)帐户中启用增强型电子商务跟踪。 转到您的Google Analytics(分析)信息中心,然后选择您的网站。

From here, you need to click on the Admin button located at the bottom left corner of the screen.


Google analytics admin

Next, you need to click on the ‘Ecommerce settings’ option.


eCommerce settings

After that, you need to turn on ‘Enable eCommerce’ and ‘Enable Enhanced Commerce’ options.


Google Analytics will now turn on the eCommerce reporting feature for your account.

Google Analytics(分析)现在将为您的帐户启用电子商务报告功能。

Step 2. Install eCommerce Addon in MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights comes with the eCommerce addon which helps you properly set up WooCommerce conversion tracking in Google Analytics.

MonsterInsights随附了电子商务插件 ,可帮助您在Google Analytics(分析)中正确设置WooCommerce转化跟踪。

First, you need to visit the Insights » Addons page to install and activate the eCommerce addon.


Ecommerce addon

Next, you need to head over to Insights » Settings page and switch to the eCommerce tab. From here, you need to turn on ‘Use Enhanced Ecommerce’ option.

接下来,您需要转到“数据分析»设置”页面,然后切换到“电子商务”标签。 在这里,您需要打开“使用增强型电子商务”选项。

Turn on eCommerce reporting in MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights will automatically detect your eCommerce software. Currently, it supports WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, MemberPress, and LifterLMS.

MonsterInsights将自动检测您的电子商务软件。 当前,它支持WooCommerce, Easy Digital DownloadsMemberPress和LifterLMS。

That’s all, you have successfully setup WooCommerce conversion tracking on your store.


查看WooCommerce转换报告 (Viewing WooCommerce Conversion Reports)

Now that you have setup conversion tracking on your WooCommerce store, you need to give Google Analytics some time to collect data.

现在,您已经在WooCommerce商店上进行了设置转化跟踪,现在需要给Google Analytics(分析)一些时间来收集数据。

After a while, you would be able to view your eCommerce reports in both MonsterInsights and Google Analytics.

一段时间后,您将能够在MonsterInsights和Google Analytics(分析)中查看您的电子商务报告。

Let’s start with your eCommerce reports in MonsterInsights.


Ecommerce Reporting in MonsterInsights


Log in to your WordPress site and go to Insights » Reports page and switch to the eCommerce tab.

登录到您的WordPress网站,然后转到“ 见解”»“报告”页面,然后切换到“电子商务”标签。

MonsterInsights eCommerce reporting overview

At the top, you’ll get your most important conversion metrics including the conversion rate, transactions, revenue, and average order value.


Below that you will see a list of your top products with quantity, sale percentage, and total revenue.


Next, you’ll see your top conversion sources and shopper behavior reports including the number of times products were added and removed from the cart.


Add to cart and abandoned cart reports

That’s not all the data. You can dig down deeper with more advanced reports under your Google Analytics account.

这还不是全部数据。 您可以在Google Analytics(分析)帐户下使用更高级的报告进行更深入的研究。

WooCommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

Google Analytics(分析)中的WooCommerce跟踪

Google Analytics provides even more in-depth reporting for your WooCommerce store.

Google Analytics(分析)为您的WooCommerce商店提供了更深入的报告。

Simply visit your Google Analytics dashboard and click on Conversions » Ecommerce from the left column.

只需访问您的Google Analytics(分析)信息中心,然后点击左侧栏中的“ 转化”»“电子商务 ”即可。

Google Analytics eCommerce conversion reports

First, the overview report will provide you important numbers such as revenue, conversion rate, transactions, and average order value.


You can then switch to different reports for more in-depth analysis. For example, shopping behavior report will break down user sessions to add to cart, cart abandonment, and sessions that resulted in the checkout.

然后,您可以切换到其他报告以进行更深入的分析。 例如,购物行为报告将细分用户会话以添加到购物车,放弃购物车以及导致结帐的会话。

Shopping behavior
促进您的WooCommerce转换并增加销售 (Boost Your WooCommerce Conversions and Increase Sales)

Now that you have the data you needed to track your WooCommerce conversions, let’s take a look at how to improve your conversion rates and make more sales.


1. Improve Speed and Performance


According to a StrangeLoop case study, a 1 second delay in page load time can lead to 7% loss in conversions, 11% fewer page views, and 16% decrease in customer satisfaction.


Strangeloop case study

Slower websites create bad user experience which results in lower conversion rates. See our complete step by step guide to improve your WooCommerce speed and performance.

较慢的网站会带来不良的用户体验,从而导致较低的转化率。 请参阅我们完整的分步指南,以提高您的WooCommerce速度和性能

2. Recover Abandoned Cart Sales


On average 60 – 80% of people who “add to cart” do not end up buying. This means if you have an online store, then you’re losing out on a lot of sales.

平均而言,“加入购物车”的人中有60-80%的人最终没有购买。 这意味着,如果您有在线商店,那么您将损失很多销售​​额。

Luckily, there are several best practices that help you recover some of those abandoned cart sales. See our tips on how to recover abandoned cart sales and increase your conversions.

幸运的是,有几种最佳实践可以帮助您恢复一些废弃的购物车销售。 请参阅我们的提示, 了解如何恢复废弃的购物车销售并增加转化次数。

3. Provide Users Alternatives


If users decide to leave your website without making a purchase, then there is very little chance that they will ever see your website again.


You need to provide users a chance to stay in touch even if they don’t end up making a purchase.


You can do this by creating an email newsletter for your WooCommerce store.


We recommend using Constant Contact or SendinBlue. Both of them are in our list of the best email marketing service for small businesses.

我们建议使用Constant ContactSendinBlue 。 两者均在我们为小型企业提供最佳电子邮件营销服务列表中。

For more techniques, see our guide on how to convert WooCommerce visitors into customers.


We hope this article helped you setup WooCommerce conversion tracking on your eCommerce store. You may also want to see our list of the best WooCommerce plugins that you can install right away.

我们希望本文能帮助您在电子商务商店上设置WooCommerce转化跟踪。 您可能还想查看我们可以立即安装的最佳WooCommerce插件列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-setup-woocommerce-conversion-tracking/

