1.1.3面向对象编程 (OOP-Object Oriented Programming)
- class ATM():
- # 属性
- money = 50000
- country = "china"
- bank = "gonghang"
- # 方法
- def get_money(self, money):
- print(f'get money:{money}')
- # 实例化:创建一个类的实例
- # a1,a2 就是实例
- a1 = ATM()
- a2 = ATM()
- print(dir(a1))
- print(a1.money, a2.country)
- a1.get_money(500)
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/01.面向对象.py
- ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'bank', 'country', 'get_money', 'money']
- 50000 china
- get money:500
- Process finished with exit code 0

- class A:
- pass
- class B():
- pass
- class C(object):
- pass
所以 class A 和 classB 都是经典类, classC是新式类
- class ATM():
- # 属性
- money = 50000
- country = "china"
- bank = "gonghang"
- # 方法
- def get_money(self, money):
- print(f'get money:{money}')
a1,a2 就是实例
- # 实例化:创建一个类的实例
- # a1,a2 就是实例
- a1 = ATM()
- a2 = ATM()
- print(dir(a1))
- # 属性访问
- print("实例访问".center(20, '*'))
- print(a1.money, a2.country)
- a1.get_money(500)
- print("类访问".center(20, '*'))
- print(ATM.money)
- print('='*30)
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/02.类的定义和使用.py
- ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'bank', 'country', 'get_money', 'money']
- ********实例访问********
- 50000 china
- get money:500
- ********类访问*********
- 50000
- ==============================

- # 给a1添加属性,只有a1有这个属性,a2没有,ATM也没有
- a1.area = "hunan"
- print(a1.area, a2.area)
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "E:\tlbb\2022-05-28-python面向对象\02.类的定义和使用.py", line 52, in <module>
- print(a1.area, a2.area)
- AttributeError: 'ATM' object has no attribute 'area'
- # 给ATM类添加属性
- ATM.color = "blue"
- print(a1.color, a2.color)
- blue blue
- class ATM():
- # 属性
- money = 50000
- country = "china"
- bank = "gonghang"
- # 方法
- def get_money(self, money):
- print(f'get money:{money}')
- # 类空间和实例空间相互独立,但是实例空间可以访问类空间
- print("类空间".center(30, '*'))
- print(ATM.__dict__)
- print("a1的空间".center(30, '*'))
- print(a1.__dict__)
- print("a2的空间".center(30, '*'))
- print(a2.__dict__)
- *************类空间**************
- {'__module__': '__main__', 'money': 50000, 'country': 'china', 'bank': 'gonghang', 'get_money': <function ATM.get_money at 0x000001E9A3C76AF0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ATM' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ATM' objects>, '__doc__': None, 'color': 'blue'}
- ************a1的空间*************
- {'area': 'hunan'}
- ************a2的空间*************
- {}

- # 指针可以访问类空间,但是不能修改类空间
- a1.money = 20000
- print(a1.money, a2.money)
- 20000 50000
类创建的时候会生产类空间 实例化对象生产实例空间,不同的实例空间,空间都是独立的 实例查找属性方法的时候,先在实例空间查找,找不到就去类空间查找 类空间找不到,就去父类空间找 实例空间会有一个类对象指针,通过这个指针实例就可以访问类的属性方法了
- class ATM():
- # 类属性
- money = 50000
- country = "china"
- bank = "gonghang"
- # 这个area是形参
- def __init__(self, area):
- # 这个area是实例属性
- self.area = area
- # 方法
- def get_money(self, money):
- print(f'get money:{money}')
- # 实例化
- atm1 = ATM("hunan")
- atm2 = ATM("hubei")
- print(atm1.area, atm2.area)
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/02.类的定义和使用.py
- hunan hubei
- Process finished with exit code 0

- class ATM():
- # 类属性
- money = 50000
- country = "china"
- bank = "gonghang"
- # 这个area是形参
- def __init__(self, area):
- # 这个area是实例属性
- print("this is init>>>>>")
- self.area = area
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- print("this is new method:", cls)
- print(args, kwargs)
- # cls 代表当前类
- return object.__new__(A)
- # 方法
- def get_money(self, money):
- print(f'get money:{money}')
- atm1 = ATM("changsha")
- # 这里因为 __new__没有
- atm1.get_money(500)
- print(atm1)

2.5.1 总结
__new__ 是创建实例的方法
__init__的self就表示__new__返回的实例, __init__再对这份实例进行初始化
如果实例化对象和本身class不一致, __init__不会执行
- # 单例模式
- # 无论实例化多少次,都返回同一个对象实例
- # __new__
- # 实例空间从class开始就已经存在,
- class Danli:
- instance = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if cls.instance is None:
- cls.instance = object.__new__(cls)
- return cls.instance
- # 创建一个实例空间
- d1 = Danli()
- d2 = Danli()
- print(id(d1), id(d2))
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/02.类的定义和使用.py
- 2309763436448 2309763436448
- Process finished with exit code 0

- class User():
- name = "sc"
- def info(self):
- print(f"i am {self.name}")
- print(self)
- print(self.__class__)
- user1 = User()
- user1.info()
- user2 = User()
- user2.info()
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/03.self详解.py
- i am sc
- <__main__.User object at 0x00000263B7210FD0>
- <class '__main__.User'>
- i am sc
- <__main__.User object at 0x00000263B7210FA0>
- <class '__main__.User'>
- Process finished with exit code 0

- class User():
- name = "sc"
- def info(this):
- print(f"i am {this.name}")
- print(this)
- print(this.__class__)
- user1 = User()
- user1.info()
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/03.self详解.py
- i am sc
- <__main__.User object at 0x000001DF0F44FE80>
- <class '__main__.User'>
- Process finished with exit code 0

- # self 可以不写
- # 但是不可以使用实例进行调用,因为实例调用会自动将实例作为一个参数穿进去
- class User():
- name = "sc"
- def info(this):
- print(f"i am {this.name}")
- print(this)
- print(this.__class__)
- def info2():
- print("this is info2")
- user1 = User()
- user1.info() # ---->User.info(user1)
- user1.info2() # --->user.info2(user1)
- user2 = User()
- user2.info() # --->User.info(user2)
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/03.self详解.py
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "E:\tlbb\2022-05-28-python面向对象\03.self详解.py", line 53, in <module>
- user1.info2() # --->user.info2(user1)
- TypeError: info2() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
- i am sc
- <__main__.User object at 0x0000021C0AFD0FD0>
- <class '__main__.User'>
- Process finished with exit code 1

# 用户名 # 属性 名字, 密码,余额 # 行为 # 购物 --》余额减少 商品库存减少 # 商品类 # 属性 类别, 名字, 单价, 库存(斤)
- class User():
- goods_name = 'apple'
- goods_price = 5
- goods_num = 500
- def __init__(self, name, pd):
- if name == 'wang' and pd == '123456':
- print("sucessfully login".center(30, '*'))
- print(f"今日商品: {self.goods_name}")
- print(f"商品单价: {self.goods_price}")
- print(f"商品数量: {self.goods_num}")
- self.flag = 1
- self.money = 500
- else:
- print("error to login")
- def buy_goods(self, goodname, goodcount):
- if self.flag == 1:
- self.goods_num -= goodcount
- print(f"当前实时库存:{self.goods_num}")
- self.money = self.money - goodcount * self.goods_price
- print(f"您当前余额:{self.money}")
- user1 = User('wang', '123456')
- user1.buy_goods('apple', 1)
- ******sucessfully login*******
- 今日商品: apple
- 商品单价: 5
- 商品数量: 500
- 当前实时库存:499
- 您当前余额:495
- Process finished with exit code 0

- class User:
- def __init__(self, name, passwd, money):
- self.name = name
- self.passwd = passwd
- self.money = money
- def buy_goods(self, good, weight):
- if weight > good.store:
- print("库存不足!")
- else:
- pay = weight * good.price
- if self.money >= pay:
- self.money -= pay
- good.store -= weight
- print(f"购买成功,{self.name}剩余{self.money}元,"
- f"{good.product_name},剩余库存{good.store}斤")
- else:
- print("余额不足!")
- class Goods:
- def __init__(self, classify, product_name, price, store):
- self.classify = classify
- self.product_name = product_name
- self.price = price
- self.store = store
- user1 = User("zhangj", "123456", 5000)
- user2 = User("wangsh", "1234567", 8000)
- apple = Goods("fruits", "apple", 8, 30)
- orange = Goods("fruits", "orange", 4, 100)
- user1.buy_goods(apple, 3)
- E:\python\python3.9.1\python.exe E:/tlbb/2022-05-28-python面向对象/03.self详解.py
- 购买成功,zhangj剩余4976元,apple,剩余库存27斤
- Process finished with exit code 0

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