微信小程序项目是扫码获取蓝牙连接设备的信息,可以拿到设备的deviceId,但是安卓和IOS的deviceId格式不一样,最好是通过蓝牙名字查 询获取deviceId
<template> <view class="index-container"> <!-- 蓝牙连接状态 --> <view class="bluethoothStatus" v-if="hasEquipFlag"> <view> <!-- 蓝牙连接成功 --> <u-image v-if="hasConnectBTFlag" :show-loading="false" width="100%" height="100%" src="https://img.cdn.wxzhida.cn/lingpao-ui/%E8%93%9D%E7%89%99%E8%BF%9E%E6%8E%A5%E6%88%90%E5%8A%9F.png"> </u-image> <!-- 蓝牙连接失败 --> <u-image v-else :show-loading="false" width="100%" height="100%" src="https://img.cdn.wxzhida.cn/lingpao-ui/%E8%93%9D%E7%89%99%E8%BF%9E%E6%8E%A5%E5%A4%B1%E8%B4%A5%20%281%29.png"> </u-image> </view> <view :style="{ color: hasConnectBTFlag ? '#1890FF' : '#CDCDCD' }">{{hasConnectBTFlag ? '蓝牙已连接':'蓝牙未连接'}} </view> </view> <!-- 蓝牙已连接 --> <block v-if="hasConnectBTFlag"> <!-- 充电中显示 --> <view class="charging" v-if="hasChargeFlag"> <view class="charing-animate"></view> <view class="charge-text">充电中</view> </view> <!-- 待机显示 其他状态--> <view class="errStatus" v-if="pileErrorFlag && !hasChargeFlag && !connectionFlag"> <view class="ring">故障中</view> </view> <view class="otherStatus" v-if="(!pileErrorFlag && !hasChargeFlag && !connectionFlag && !waitChargeFlag) || (version == '010229' && !hasChargeFlag && !pileErrorFlag && !waitChargeFlag)"> <view class="ring">待机中</view> </view> <view class="otherStatuse" v-if="connectionFlag && !hasChargeFlag && version !='010229'"> <view class="ring">车枪已连接</view> </view> <view class="otherStatus" v-if="!hasChargeFlag && waitChargeFlag"> <view class="ring">充电等待</view> </view> </block> <!-- 蓝牙未连接有设备--> <block v-if="!hasConnectBTFlag && hasEquipFlag"> <view class="ont-connected"> <view class="rings">蓝牙未连接</view> </view> </block> <!-- 蓝牙未连接无设备 --> <block v-if="!hasConnectBTFlag && !hasEquipFlag"> <view class="no-bind"> <view class="rings">暂无绑定设备</view> </view> </block> <!-- 蓝牙连接成功按钮 --> <block v-if="hasConnectBTFlag"> <!-- 开始充电按钮 蓝牙模式显示 chargeMode =='00'蓝牙模式 equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='01' 充电模式--> <view class="startCharge" v-if="equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00' && !hasChargeFlag" @click="$u.throttle(startCharge,2000)"> <view></view> </view> <!-- 即插即充模式占位 01--> <view style="height: 150rpx;margin: 106rpx auto 0;" v-if="equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='01'"></view> <!-- 停止充电按钮 蓝牙模式显示 00--> <view class="offCharge" v-if="equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00' && hasChargeFlag" @click="$u.throttle(offCharge,3000)"> <view></view> </view> </block> <!-- 蓝牙连接失败按钮 --> <block v-if="!hasConnectBTFlag && hasEquipFlag"> <view class="toContect" @click="$u.throttle(restContect, 6000)"> <view></view> </view> <view class="contect-text"> <view style="margin-right: 10rpx;" v-if="0"> <u-icon name="arrow-upward" color="#1890FF"></u-icon> </view> <view style="color: #1890FF;">请确保您在设备附近,点击上方按钮重新连接</view> </view> </block> <!-- 未绑定设备去绑定设备 --> <block v-if="!hasConnectBTFlag && !hasEquipFlag"> <view class="toBind" @click="goBind"> <view></view> </view> <view class="contect-text"> <view style="margin-right: 10rpx;" v-if="0"> <u-icon name="arrow-upward" color="#1890FF"></u-icon> </view> <view style="color: #1890FF;">点击上方按钮绑定设备</view> </view> </block> <!-- 操作面板 --> <view :class="[hasConnectBTFlag?'marg100':'marg75','panel']"> <view class="btn"> <view class="switch" @click="$u.throttle(switchType,2000)"> <view :class="[equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00'? 'blueThtooth':'plug']"></view> <view :class="[equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00'? 'cutA':'cutB','cut']">切换</view> <view class="switch_describe">{{equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00' ?'蓝牙充电模式':'即插即充模式'}}</view> </view> <view class="bind-squre" @click="goBind"> <view :class="[equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00' ?'bind_item':'bind_items']"></view> <view class="device_describe">{{hasEquipFlag == false ? '设备绑定':'设备列表'}}</view> </view> <view class="device" @click="goDeviceDetail"> <view :class="[equipBaseInfo.chargeMode =='00' ?'device_item':'device_items']"></view> <view class="device_describe">设备详情</view> </view> </view> <view class="tips"> <view> <view>{{formatChargeVal(equipBaseInfo.powerCount)}}<text class="smallFont">KW</text></view> <view class="marg">实时功率</view> </view> <view class="center-tips"> <view>{{formatChargeVal(equipBaseInfo.currentChargeIVal)}}<text class="smallFont">A</text></view> <view class="marg">实时电流</view> </view> <view> <view>{{formatChargeVal(equipBaseInfo.chargeV)}}<text class="smallFont">V</text></view> <view class="marg">实时电压</view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- 提示 --> <u-toast ref="uToast" /> </view> </template> <script> import blueteeth from '../../libs/blueteeth.js'; import tuiSwipeAction from "@/components/tui-swipe-action/tui-swipe-action.vue" import blueteethCmd from '../../libs/blueteeth-cmd.js'; import store from '../../libs/store.js'; import utils from '../../libs/utils.js'; import config from '../../libs/config.js'; import { throttle } from "../../libs/throttle.js"; //引入节流函数 export default { data() { return { pileStatus: '', version: '', connectionFlag: false, //车枪连接 hasEquipFlag: false, //是否绑桩 hasConnectBTFlag: false, //有没有连上蓝牙Flag hasChargeFlag: false, //是否充电中 equipBaseInfo: { chargeMode: '01' }, //设备信息 deviceId: '', deviceName: '', canUseBlueteethFlag: false, //能否使用蓝牙 serviceId: "0000FFF0-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB", // 服务ID readCharacteristicId: "0000FFF1-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB", writeCharacteristicId: "0000FFF2-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB", statusLooper: null, //轮训查询桩状态定时器 mode: 1, //模式 1蓝牙模式 2 即插即充模式 charging: 1, // 1充电中 2 其他状态 pileErrorFlag: false, //设备故障 waitChargeFlag: false, //充电等待中 wirte0032CodeMsgId: '', // 写入的消息ID wirte0041CodeMsgId: '', // 写入的消息ID looperFlag: true, currenTempChargeMode: '', restFlag: false, mtuTimer:null, } }, onShow() { if (!uni.getStorageSync('hasLogin') == true) { uni.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/login/index' }) } else { this.bluetoothJudgment() } }, onHide() { clearTimeout(this.statusLooper) clearInterval(this.mtuTimer) this.statusLooper = null; this.mtuTimer = null; }, onUnload() { clearTimeout(this.statusLooper) clearInterval(this.mtuTimer) this.statusLooper = null; this.mtuTimer = null; }, methods: { /*判断用户有没有授权蓝牙*/ bluetoothJudgment() { let _ = this; wx.getSetting({ success(res) { let authSetting = res.authSetting; if (authSetting['scope.bluetooth']) { //已授权 _.pageInitFun() } else if (authSetting['scope.bluetooth'] === false) { wx.showModal({ title: '您未开启蓝牙授权', content: '请在系统设置中打开蓝牙授权,以便我们为您提供更好的服务', success: (res) => { if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting() } } }) } else { wx.authorize({ scope: 'scope.bluetooth', success: () => { _.pageInitFun() }, fail: () => { wx.showModal({ title: '您未开启蓝牙授权', content: '请在系统设置中打开蓝牙授权,以便我们为您提供更好的服务', success: (res) => { if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting() } } }) } }) } } }) }, /* 页面初始化*/ pageInitFun() { console.log('页面初始化') let that = this; this.hasEquipFlag = false; // this.hasConnectBTFlag = false; this.checkCurEquipInfo(); }, /*判断是否有设备*/ checkCurEquipInfo() { let that = this; this.hasEquipFlag = false; // let obj = store.getEquipBaseInfo() || {} // if (uni.getStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag')) { //缓存有值 // this.equipBaseInfo = store.getEquipBaseInfo() // this.hasEquipFlag = true; // this.checkBlueteethFun(); // } else { that.$u.api.getDefaultPile({ accessType: 'app', data: { userId: uni.getStorageSync('userId'), defaultStake: 1, mobile: uni.getStorageSync('mobile') } }).then(res => { console.log('接口查询了有没有绑桩') console.log(res.data) console.log('接口查询了有没有绑桩') if (res.data != null) { //有设备 let obj = store.getEquipBaseInfo() if (obj.deviceId && obj.deviceId != '' && obj.deviceId == res.data.deviceId) { that.equipBaseInfo = store.getEquipBaseInfo() console.log('使用缓存数据XXXX') console.log(store.getEquipBaseInfo()) console.log(this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode) console.log('使用缓存数据XXXX') } else { that.equipBaseInfo = res.data store.setEquipBaseInfo(res.data); } // that.equipBaseInfo = res.data[0] // store.setEquipBaseInfo(res.data[0]); uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: that.equipBaseInfo.personalityName || '' }); that.hasEquipFlag = true; that.deviceId = that.equipBaseInfo.deviceId that.deviceName = that.equipBaseInfo.deviceName console.log('this.deviceId') console.log(that.deviceId) console.log(that.deviceName) that.checkBlueteethFun(); } else { //无设备 that.hasConnectBTFlag = false; that.hasEquipFlag = false; store.setEquipBaseInfo({}) } }).catch(err => { uni.reLaunch({ url: '/pages/login/index' }) }) // } // 查看设备信息 // this.equipBaseInfo = store.getEquipBaseInfo() || {}; // console.log('this.equipBaseInfo') // console.log(this.equipBaseInfo) // if (this.equipBaseInfo.deviceId) { // this.hasEquipFlag = true; // this.deviceId = this.equipBaseInfo.deviceId // this.deviceName = this.equipBaseInfo.deviceName // console.log('this.deviceId') // console.log(this.deviceId) // this.checkBlueteethFun(); // } else { // this.hasConnectBTFlag = false; // } }, /*蓝牙初始化 old*/ checkBlueteethFun() { let _ = this; _.canUseBlueteethFlag = false; uni.openBluetoothAdapter({ success(e) { console.log(e) _.canUseBlueteethFlag = true; wx.getBluetoothDevices({ //判断是否已经连接设备 success: function(res) { console.log('bbbccc') console.log(res.devices.length) console.log('bbbccc') if (res.devices.length == 0) { //未连接设备 uni.showLoading({ title: '蓝牙连接中...', mask: true }) console.log('无设备连接') _.hasConnectBTFlag = false; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', false) // _.closeDeviceConnect() if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === 'android') { uni.setStorageSync('currentDeviceId', _.equipBaseInfo .deviceId) _.toConnectEquip(); } else { _.find() } } else { //有设备连接 console.log('有设备连接') _.equipBaseInfo = store.getEquipBaseInfo() || {}; _.deviceId = uni.getStorageSync('currentDeviceId'); _.serviceId = uni.getStorageSync('currentServiceId'); console.log(8888) console.log(_.deviceId) console.log(_.serviceId) console.log(_.restFlag) console.log(8888) if (_.deviceId != '' && _.serviceId != '') { console.log('未更换默认桩') if (_.restFlag == true) { console.log('点击了重新连接') _.hasConnectBTFlag = false; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', false) _.find() console.log('点击了重新连接') } else { // if (res.deviceId == _.deviceId && res.connected == true) { // uni.hideLoading() // _.notifyBLECharacter() // } else { // _.find() // } console.log('TTTTTTTTT') _.hasConnectBTFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', true); uni.hideLoading() _.notifyBLECharacter() _.writePileStatusCode() } } else { console.log('更换了默认桩') _.hasConnectBTFlag = false; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', false) _.find() uni.showLoading({ title: '蓝牙连接中...', mask: true }) } // _.writePileStatusCode() } } }) }, fail(err) { console.log('vvvv') console.log(err) console.log(err.state) console.log('vvvv') if(uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === 'ios' && err.state == 3){ utils.errMsg('请到设置开启微信蓝牙授权') }else{ utils.errMsg('请打开手机蓝牙后重试') } _.canUseBlueteethFlag = false; _.hasConnectBTFlag = false; } }) }, /*---------测试查找蓝牙设备----------*/ find() { let _ = this; console.log('蓝牙开始查找') console.log('蓝牙名字=' + _.deviceName) wx.startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ services: [], success: function() { console.log('开始搜索蓝牙') wx.onBluetoothDeviceFound(function(res) { console.log(res, '搜索蓝牙相关设备') for (let i = 0; i < res.devices.length; i++) { // app.globalData.bleConfig.name 这里提前就获取了设备的name if (res.devices[i].name == _.deviceName) { var deviceId = res.devices[i].deviceId console.log('找到设备') console.log(res.devices[i]) _.deviceId = res.devices[i].deviceId // _.equipBaseInfo.deviceId = _.deviceId; uni.setStorageSync('currentDeviceId', _.deviceId) // if (_.equipBaseInfo.serviceId == '') { // store.setEquipBaseInfo(_.equipBaseInfo); // } console.log('找到设备') // ios搜索出目标设备后,将停止搜索,否则影响手机性能 wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success: function() { _.toConnectEquip() } }) } } }) }, fail: function() { wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success: function() {} }) } }) let timers = setTimeout(() => { wx.stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery({ success: function() {} }) uni.hideLoading() clearTimeout(timers) timers = null; }, 10000) }, /*连接蓝牙设备*/ toConnectEquip() { let _ = this; console.log('deviceId=' + _.deviceId) wx.createBLEConnection({ // 这里的 deviceId 需要已经通过 createBLEConnection 与对应设备建立链接 deviceId: _.deviceId, timeout:10000, success(res) { console.log('连接蓝牙成功==suc') _.getEquipServices(); }, fail(err) { console.log('连接蓝牙失败==fail') _.connectErrorFun(); }, complete(err) { console.log(err) } }) }, /*获取服务信息*/ getEquipServices() { let _ = this; uni.getBLEDeviceServices({ deviceId: this.deviceId, // 设备ID,在上一步【4】里获取 success(res) { _.serviceId = res.services[0].uuid; uni.setStorageSync('currentServiceId', _.serviceId) console.log('serviceId=' + _.serviceId) // _.equipBaseInfo.serviceId = _.serviceId; // store.setEquipBaseInfo(_.equipBaseInfo); if (_.serviceId) { _.getEquipCharacteristics(); } }, fail(err) { _.connectErrorFun(); } }) }, /*获取特征值*/ getEquipCharacteristics() { let _ = this; uni.getBLEDeviceCharacteristics({ deviceId: _.deviceId, // 设备ID,在【4】里获取到 serviceId: _.serviceId, // 服务UUID,在【6】里能获取到 success(res) { console.log('获取服务特征值成功') console.log(res) console.log('获取服务特征值成功') _.notifyEquip(); }, fail(err) { _.connectErrorFun(); } }) }, /*开启监听蓝牙传值*/ notifyEquip() { let _ = this; console.log('*************************') if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === 'android') { uni.setBLEMTU({ deviceId: _.deviceId, // 设备ID,在【4】里获取到 mtu: 512, // 服务UUID,在【6】里能获取到 success(res) { console.log('设置mtu成功') wx.getBLEMTU({ deviceId: _.deviceId, writeType: 'write', success (res) { console.log(res) } }) _.notifyBLECharacter() }, fail(err) { console.error(err) _.setAndroidMTU() // 重要代码如果失败继续往下连接然后重复设置 } }) } else { _.notifyBLECharacter() } }, /*处理设置失败安卓协商低功耗最大传输单元*/ setAndroidMTU() { let _ = this; console.log('处理安卓协商低功耗最大传输单元失败的方法') _.notifyBLECharacter() _.mtuTimer = setInterval(() =>{ console.log('开始循环设置MTU值') uni.setBLEMTU({ deviceId: _.deviceId, // 设备ID,在【4】里获取到 mtu: 512, // 服务UUID,在【6】里能获取到 success(res) { console.log('设置mtu成功') }, fail(err) { console.error(err) }, complete() { wx.getBLEMTU({ deviceId: _.deviceId, writeType: 'write', success(res) { console.log(res) clearInterval(_.mtuTimer) _.mtuTimer = null; } }) } }) },1500) }, notifyBLECharacter() { let _ = this; console.log('进入了开始监听的函数里面') uni.notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange({ deviceId: _.deviceId, // 设备ID,在【4】里获取到 serviceId: _.serviceId, // 服务UUID,在【6】里能获取到 characteristicId: _.readCharacteristicId, // 特征值,在【7】里能获取到 state: true, success(res) { console.log('notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange成功监听') _.hasConnectBTFlag = true; _.restFlag = false; uni.hideLoading() uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', true) // 下发获取充电桩状态数据 _.listenValueChange(); // 接受消息的方法 _.writePileStatusCode() _.looperGetPileStatusFun() }, fail(err) { _.connectErrorFun(); } }) }, /*处理桩返回的值*/ listenValueChange() { console.log('vHHHHHHHHHHHHH') let _ = this; uni.onBLECharacteristicValueChange(res => { console.log('!!!!!!!!!!!桩返回的16进制值!!!!!!!!!!') console.log(res.value) console.log('!!!!!!!!!!!桩返回的16进制值!!!!!!!!!!') // 结果里有个value值,该值为 ArrayBuffer 类型,所以在控制台无法用肉眼观察到,必须将该值转换为16进制 let resHex = _.ab2hex(res.value); _.handleEquipNotifyBackCode(resHex); }) }, /*处理桩上传的信息*/ handleEquipNotifyBackCode(notifyCode) { console.log('桩回复信息=' + notifyCode) let _ = this; let startIndex = notifyCode.indexOf('7e'); let endIndex = notifyCode.lastIndexOf('7e'); if (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex > 0) { const cmdCodeType = notifyCode.substring(startIndex + 2, startIndex + 6); console.log('cmdCodeType=' + cmdCodeType) // 状态查询回调 if ('8051' == cmdCodeType) { _.hasConnectBTFlag = true; uni.hideLoading(); uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', true) _.hasChargeFlag = false; _.waitChargeFlag = false; _.pileErrorFlag = false; _.connectionFlag = false; const pileStatusObj = blueteethCmd.parse8051Cmd(notifyCode) console.log('pileStatusObj解析对象') console.log(pileStatusObj) console.log('pileStatusObj解析对象') if (Object.keys(pileStatusObj).length === 0) { //异常数据就取缓存里的值 _.hasChargeFlag = uni.getStorageSync('hasChargeFlags') this.equipBaseInfo = store.getEquipBaseInfo() console.log('空对象使用缓存数据'); return } if (pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr == '05') { //正在充电中 _.hasChargeFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', true) } else if (pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr == '04') { _.waitChargeFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } else if (pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr == '01') { //故障 _.pileErrorFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } else if (pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr == '03') { //车枪已连接 _.connectionFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } else { uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } console.log('ccccccc') console.log('chargeStatusStr=' + pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr) console.log('ccccccc') this.pileStatus = pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr console.log(pileStatusObj) this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode = ('1' == pileStatusObj.chargeMode ? '01' : '00') console.log('桩设置的模式=' + this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode) uni.setStorageSync('chargeModes', this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode) this.equipBaseInfo.chargeModeName = ('01' == this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode ? '即插即充模式' : '蓝牙模式') uni.setStorageSync('chargeModeNames', this.equipBaseInfo.chargeModeName) //电流电压数据异常处理 if (Number(pileStatusObj.chargeV) > 400 || Number(pileStatusObj.chargeV) < 0) { this.equipBaseInfo.chargeV = 220 } else { this.equipBaseInfo.chargeV = pileStatusObj.chargeV; //电压 } if (Number(pileStatusObj.chargeI) > 40 || Number(pileStatusObj.chargeI) < 0) { this.equipBaseInfo.chargeI = 0 } else { this.equipBaseInfo.chargeI = pileStatusObj.chargeI || 0; //电流 } this.equipBaseInfo.currentChargeIVal = pileStatusObj.currentChargeIVal; //实时电流 this.equipBaseInfo.powerCount = (this.equipBaseInfo.currentChargeIVal * this.equipBaseInfo .chargeV) / 1000; //功率 this.equipBaseInfo.chargePower = pileStatusObj.chargeI; //电流 this.equipBaseInfo.chargePowerName = pileStatusObj.chargeI + 'A'; this.equipBaseInfo.version = pileStatusObj.version; //新增版本号 this.equipBaseInfo.chargeStatusStr = pileStatusObj.chargeStatusStr //充电桩状态 if (pileStatusObj.version == '010229' || pileStatusObj.version == '010230') { if (uni.getStorageSync('pileVersion') == '') { uni.setStorageSync('pileVersion', pileStatusObj.version) this.version = pileStatusObj.version; } else { // this.version = uni.getStorageSync('pileVersion') this.version = pileStatusObj.version; } } let obj = store.getEquipBaseInfo() obj.chargeMode = this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode; obj.chargeStatusStr = this.equipBaseInfo.chargeStatusStr console.log('FFFFFFFFF') console.log(obj) console.log('FFFFFFFFF') store.setEquipBaseInfo(obj) console.log('MMMMMMMMMMM') console.log(store.getEquipBaseInfo()) console.log('MMMMMMMMMMM') uni.setStorageSync('MaxChargePowerName', pileStatusObj.chargeI) } else if ('8032' == cmdCodeType) { _.wirte0032CodeMsgId = ''; // 充电回调 const chargeRes = blueteethCmd.parse8032Cmd(notifyCode) if (_.hasChargeFlag) { utils.sucMsg('结束成功') // _.hasChargeFlag = false; _.writePileStatusCode() uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } else { utils.sucMsg('充电成功') // _.hasChargeFlag = true; _.writePileStatusCode() uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', true) } } else if ('8041' == cmdCodeType) { let msgBody = notifyCode.substring(26, notifyCode.length - 4); let res = msgBody.substring(4, 6) console.log('res=' + res) uni.hideLoading(); if (res == '00') { //'00'成功 // utils.sucMsg('模式切换成功') // _.$refs.uToast.show({ // title: '模式切换成功', // // 如果不传此type参数,默认为default,也可以手动写上 type: 'default' // type: 'success', // // 如果不需要图标,请设置为false // icon: false // }) _.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode = _.currenTempChargeMode store.setEquipBaseInfo(_.equipBaseInfo); _.wirte0041CodeMsgId = ''; } else if (res == '01') { //'01'失败 _.$refs.uToast.show({ title: '模式切换失败,请重试', // 如果不传此type参数,默认为default,也可以手动写上 type: 'default' type: 'error', // 如果不需要图标,请设置为false icon: false }) } _.looperFlag = true; _.writePileStatusCode() _.looperGetPileStatusFun() } } }, /*往桩里面写入数据*/ writeDataToEquip(msg) { let _ = this; function hexStringToArrayBuffer(str) { if (!str) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length / 2); let dataView = new DataView(buffer) let ind = 0; for (var i = 0, len = str.length / 2; i < len; i += 1) { let code = parseInt(str.substr(2 * i, 2), 16) // console.log(code) dataView.setUint8(ind, code) ind++ } return buffer; } function hexStringToArrayBuffer1(str) { if (!str) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); let dataView = new DataView(buffer) let ind = 0; for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i += 2) { let code = parseInt(str.substr(i, 2), 16) // console.log(code) dataView.setUint8(ind, code) ind++ } return buffer; } const bufferNew = hexStringToArrayBuffer(msg) console.log(bufferNew) uni.writeBLECharacteristicValue({ deviceId: _.deviceId, // 设备ID,在【4】里获取到 serviceId: _.serviceId, // 服务UUID,在【6】里能获取到 characteristicId: _.writeCharacteristicId, // 特征值,在【7】里能获取到 value: bufferNew, success(res) { console.log('写入指令成功===' + msg) }, fail(err) { console.error(err) utils.errMsg('指令写入失败,请重新连接'); uni.hideLoading() // 断开连接,重新连接 _.closeDeviceConnect(); } }) }, /*ArrayBuffer转16进度字符串示例*/ ab2hex(buffer) { const hexArr = Array.prototype.map.call( new Uint8Array(buffer), function(bit) { return ('00' + bit.toString(16)).slice(-2) } ) return hexArr.join('') }, /*轮训查询桩的信息*/ looperGetPileStatusFun() { if (!this.looperFlag) { return false; } let _ = this; clearTimeout(this.statusLooper) // 连接上设备再去查状态 if (_.hasConnectBTFlag) { this.statusLooper = setTimeout(() => { _.writePileStatusCode(); _.looperGetPileStatusFun(); }, 5000) } }, /*0051获取桩状态数据*/ writePileStatusCode() { // 获取桩状态 const cmdCode = blueteethCmd.gen0051Cmd(); this.writeDataToEquip(cmdCode) }, /*蓝牙连接失败*/ connectErrorFun() { uni.hideLoading(); utils.errMsg('蓝牙连接失败,请靠近充电桩后重试') this.closeDeviceConnect(); // this.continueConnectEquipFun(); }, /*关闭蓝牙连接*/ closeDeviceConnect() { let _ = this; this.hasConnectBTFlag = false; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', false) let flag = uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) this.hasChargeFlag = false; // uni.hideLoading() let deviceId = _.deviceId; uni.closeBLEConnection({ deviceId: deviceId, success(res) { console.log(res) }, fail(err) { console.log(err) }, complete() { wx.closeBluetoothAdapter({ success(res) { console.log('彻底关闭蓝牙') }, complete() { } }) } }) }, /*模式切换 蓝牙和即插即充模式切换*/ switchType() { let that = this; wx.vibrateShort(); if (this.hasChargeFlag) { utils.errMsg('充电中,无法修改'); return; } if (!this.hasEquipFlag) { utils.errMsg('请先绑桩'); return; } if (this.waitChargeFlag) { utils.errMsg('充电等待中,无法修改'); return } if (!this.hasConnectBTFlag) { utils.errMsg('请先连接蓝牙'); return; } if (this.pileErrorFlag) { utils.errMsg('设备故障中'); return; } if (this.version != '010229') { //010229版本不校验 车枪连接 if (this.pileStatus == '03' || this.pileStatus == '04') { utils.errMsg('请先拔枪再切换模式') return } } let tempChargeMode = '' if (this.equipBaseInfo.chargeMode == '00') { tempChargeMode = '01' } else { tempChargeMode = '00' } this.currenTempChargeMode = tempChargeMode; uni.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', mask: true }) let newChargeModeName = ('00' == tempChargeMode ? '蓝牙模式' : '即插即充模式') // 设置即插即充模式 const chargePower = this.equipBaseInfo.chargePower; const jcjcCmdCode = blueteethCmd.gen0041Cmd(tempChargeMode, chargePower) this.looperFlag = false; clearTimeout(this.statusLooper) this.statusLooper = null; this.writeDataToEquip(jcjcCmdCode); let timer = setTimeout(() => { if (this.looperFlag == false) { this.secondWirte(jcjcCmdCode) // uni.hideLoading() // utils.errMsg('模式切换失败,请重试!') // this.writePileStatusCode() // this.looperGetPileStatusFun() } clearTimeout(timer) timer = null; }, 3000) }, /*第一次指令没成功补发第二次*/ secondWirte(jcjcCmdCode) { let that = this; this.wirte0041CodeMsgId = utils.genUUID(); this.writeDataToEquip(jcjcCmdCode); let timer = setTimeout(() => { console.log('wirte0041CodeMsgId=' + this.wirte0041CodeMsgId) uni.hideLoading() if (this.wirte0041CodeMsgId) { that.$refs.uToast.show({ title: '模式切换失败,请重试', // 如果不传此type参数,默认为default,也可以手动写上 type: 'default' type: 'error', // 如果不需要图标,请设置为false icon: false }) } this.looperFlag = true; clearTimeout(timer) timer = null; this.wirte0041CodeMsgId = ''; this.writePileStatusCode() this.looperGetPileStatusFun() }, 2000) }, /*开始充电*/ startCharge() { console.log('~~~~~~~~~~~~~开始充电~~~~~~~~~~~~') console.log("versionCC=" + this.version) console.log('~~~~~~~~~~~~~开始充电~~~~~~~~~~~') wx.vibrateShort() //手机震动 if (this.waitChargeFlag) { utils.errMsg('充电等待中') return; } if (this.pileErrorFlag) { utils.errMsg('设备故障') return; } if (this.version != '010229') { //010229版本不校验 车枪连接 if (this.pileStatus != '03') { utils.errMsg('请先插枪后再开始充电') return } } uni.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', mask: true }) // 开始充电 const cmdCode = blueteethCmd.gen0032Cmd('01'); this.wirte0032CodeMsgId = utils.genUUID(); this.writeDataToEquip(cmdCode); setTimeout(() => { uni.hideLoading() if (this.wirte0032CodeMsgId) { // utils.errMsg('写入失败,请重试!') this.wirte0032CodeMsgId = ''; } }, 3000) }, /*结束充电*/ offCharge() { wx.vibrateShort() //手机震动 uni.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', mask: true }) const cmdCode = blueteethCmd.gen0032Cmd('00'); this.wirte0032CodeMsgId = utils.genUUID(); this.writeDataToEquip(cmdCode); setTimeout(() => { uni.hideLoading() if (this.wirte0032CodeMsgId) { // utils.errMsg('写入失败,请重试!') this.wirte0032CodeMsgId = ''; // uni.setStorageSync('hasChargeFlags', false) } }, 3000) }, /*重新连接蓝牙 10秒节流*/ restContect() { let that = this; console.log('点了重新连接') this.hasConnectBTFlag = false; this.restFlag = true; uni.setStorageSync('hasConnectBTFlag', false) wx.vibrateShort({ success(res) { console.log('震动了') }, fail(err) { console.log('未震动') } }) //先断开之前的连接 let deviceId = uni.getStorageSync('currentDeviceId') console.log(deviceId) // that.pageInitFun() wx.closeBLEConnection({ deviceId: deviceId, success(res) { console.log('断开低功耗蓝牙连接') }, complete() { wx.closeBluetoothAdapter({ success(res) { console.log('彻底关闭蓝牙') }, complete() { that.pageInitFun() } }) } }) }, /*设备详情*/ goDeviceDetail() { // if (!this.hasEquipFlag) { // utils.errMsg('请先绑桩'); // return; // } uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/device-details/index?trueIsSharePoint=' + this.equipBaseInfo.trueIsSharePoint }) }, /*绑定设备*/ goBind() { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/index/index' }) }, /*格式化电流电压和功率的format函数*/ formatChargeVal(val) { if (val) { val = parseFloat(val) return parseFloat(val.toFixed(2)) } return 0; }, } } </script> <style lang="less"> page { background-color: #F8FAFF; } .index-container { width: 100%; } .bluethoothStatus { position: absolute; width: 200rpx; height: 100rpx; right: 0; top: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; >view { &:nth-child(1) { width: 50rpx; height: 50rpx; } &:nth-child(2) { font-weight: 800; font-size: 16rpx; margin-top: 10rpx; color: #CDCDCD; } } } .charging { width: 400rpx; height: 400rpx; margin: 48rpx auto 0; position: relative; .charge-text { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 48rpx; } .charing-animate { width: 400rpx; height: 400rpx; border-radius: 50%; position: relative; border-radius: 42% 58% 62% 40%; background-color: rgba(54, 207, 201, .7); animation: rotates 5s reverse linear infinite; // background: radial-gradient(circle, #36CFC9 0%, #67f5ee 100%); // color: #ffffff; // text-align: center; // line-height: 400rpx; // font-size: 48rpx; 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