<template> <div> <el-select v-model="multiple?choosedValue:choosedValue[0]" element-loading-background="rgba(0,0,0,0.8)" :disabled="disableFlag" @visible-change="visibleChange" filterable clearable collapse-tags :filter-method="filterMethod" @clear="clear" @remove-tag="removeTag" :multiple="multiple" ref="selectRef" v-loading="loading" style="width: 100%"> <el-option :label="option.name" :value="option.id" v-for="option in options" :key="option.id" class="optionClass"/> <template v-slot:empty> <div/> </template> <el-tree :props="treeProps" :load="loadNode" :data="treeData" :show-checkbox="multiple" @check="handleCheck" :expand-on-click-node="false" @node-click="chooseNode" :filter-node-method="filterNodeMethod" class="treeClass" ref="treeRef" :node-key="'id'" :default-checked-keys="choosedValue"/> </el-select> </div> </template> <script> import {getDwxxOfTree} from "@/api/commentTable/api"; export default { name: "chooseUnitTree", props: { disableFlag: { Type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, value: { Type: Object, required: true }, multiple: { Type: Boolean, required: false, default: false } }, data() { return { treeProps: { label: 'name', value: 'id', children: 'children' }, deptMap: {}, treeData: [], options: [], loading: false, choosedValue: [], choosedOptions: [], } }, computed: {}, watch: { // choosedValue: { // handler(n, o) { // if (this.$refs.treeRef) { // this.$refs.treeRef.filter() // } // }, // immediate: true, // deep: true // } }, mounted() { this.choosedValue = [] this.getNodeData() }, methods: { visibleChange(visible) { if (!visible) { this.$refs.treeRef.filter() } }, removeTag(nodeId) { this.choosedValue = this.choosedValue.filter(item => item !== nodeId) this.choosedOptions = this.choosedOptions.filter(item => item.id !== nodeId) this.$refs.treeRef.setCheckedKeys(this.choosedValue, false) this.$emit('input', this.multiple ? this.choosedValue : this.choosedValue[0]) }, clear() { this.choosedValue = [] this.choosedOptions = [] this.$refs.treeRef.setCheckedKeys([], false) this.$emit('input', '') }, filterMethod(keyWord) { this.$refs.treeRef.filter(keyWord) }, filterNodeMethod(keyWord, node) { if (!keyWord) { return true } return (node.name + node.id).includes(keyWord) }, init() { this.choosedValue = [] if (typeof this.value === 'string') { this.choosedOptions.push(this.deptMap[this.value]) this.choosedValue.push(this.value) } else { this.value.forEach(item => { this.choosedOptions.push(this.deptMap[item.id]) this.choosedValue = this.value }) } }, getNodeData(resolve) { this.loading = true getDwxxOfTree().then(dwxxResult => { // dwxxResult.data : // [{ // id : "123456" // name : "xx集团" // pid : "000000" // }] this.loading = false if (dwxxResult.data) { this.options = dwxxResult.data const rootDept = [] this.deptMap = {} for (let deptInfo of dwxxResult.data) { this.deptMap[deptInfo.id] = deptInfo } for (let deptInfo of dwxxResult.data) { if (!this.deptMap[deptInfo.pid]) { rootDept.push(deptInfo) } } if (resolve) { resolve(rootDept) } } else { if (resolve) { resolve([]) } } this.init() this.createTree(dwxxResult.data) }) }, createNodeChildren(node) { let children = [] for (let deptId in this.deptMap) { let tmpNode = this.deptMap[deptId] if (tmpNode.pid === node.id) { children.push(this.createNodeChildren(tmpNode)) } } node.children = children return node }, createTree() { this.treeData = [] for (let deptId in this.deptMap) { let node = this.deptMap[deptId] if (!this.deptMap[node.pid]) { this.treeData.push(this.createNodeChildren(node)) } } }, loadNode(node, resolve) { if (node.level === 0) { this.getNodeData(resolve) } else { const children = [] for (let deptId in this.deptMap) { if (this.deptMap[deptId].pid === node.data.id) { children.push(this.deptMap[deptId]) } resolve(children) } } }, handleCheck(data, currentData) { this.choosedOptions = this.multiple ? [data] : currentData.checkedNodes // this.$refs.treeRef.getCheckedNodes(false, false) if (this.choosedOptions.length > 0) { const tempMap = {} this.choosedOptions.forEach(op => { tempMap[op.id] = op }) let tmpOps = [] this.choosedOptions.forEach(op => { if (!tempMap[op.pid]) { tmpOps.push(op) } }) this.choosedOptions = tmpOps this.choosedValue = this.choosedOptions.map(item => item.id) } else { this.choosedValue = [] } this.$emit('input', this.multiple ? this.choosedValue : this.choosedValue[0]) }, chooseNode(data) { this.choosedOptions = [data] this.choosedValue = [data.id] this.$emit('input', data.id) this.$refs.selectRef.visible = false } } } </script> <style scoped lang="scss"> .optionClass { display: none; } .treeClass { background: transparent; margin: 10px; } </style>
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