Dash框架是基于flask、React 、plotly开发的可视化框架,不仅对其进行了集成、还将繁琐的方法统一起来。简单好学,通过编写少量的代码可以实现出非常绚的效果。
pip install dash
如果速度觉得慢可以添加镜像源(树莓派的镜像源配置也有些坑,直接-i xxxx镜像源不被认可的。)
import os import pathlib import numpy as np import datetime as dt import dash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State from scipy.stats import rayleigh from db.api import get_wind_data, get_wind_data_by_id GRAPH_INTERVAL = os.environ.get("GRAPH_INTERVAL", 5000) app = dash.Dash( __name__, meta_tags=[{"name": "viewport", "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}], ) app.title = "Wind Speed Dashboard" server = app.server app_color = {"graph_bg": "#082255", "graph_line": "#007ACE"} app.layout = html.Div( [ # header html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.H4("WIND SPEED STREAMING", className="app__header__title"), html.P( "This app continually queries a SQL database and displays live charts of wind speed and wind direction.", className="app__header__title--grey", ), ], className="app__header__desc", ), html.Div( [ html.A( html.Button("SOURCE CODE", className="link-button"), href="https://github.com/plotly/dash-sample-apps/tree/main/apps/dash-wind-streaming", ), html.A( html.Button("ENTERPRISE DEMO", className="link-button"), href="https://plotly.com/get-demo/", ), html.A( html.Img( src=app.get_asset_url("dash-new-logo.png"), className="app__menu__img", ), href="https://plotly.com/dash/", ), ], className="app__header__logo", ), ], className="app__header", ), html.Div( [ # wind speed html.Div( [ html.Div( [html.H6("WIND SPEED (MPH)", className="graph__title")] ), dcc.Graph( id="wind-speed", figure=dict( layout=dict( plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], ) ), ), dcc.Interval( id="wind-speed-update", interval=int(GRAPH_INTERVAL), n_intervals=0, ), ], className="two-thirds column wind__speed__container", ), html.Div( [ # histogram html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.H6( "WIND SPEED HISTOGRAM", className="graph__title", ) ] ), html.Div( [ dcc.Slider( id="bin-slider", min=1, max=60, step=1, value=20, updatemode="drag", marks={ 20: {"label": "20"}, 40: {"label": "40"}, 60: {"label": "60"}, }, ) ], className="slider", ), html.Div( [ dcc.Checklist( id="bin-auto", options=[ {"label": "Auto", "value": "Auto"} ], value=["Auto"], inputClassName="auto__checkbox", labelClassName="auto__label", ), html.P( "# of Bins: Auto", id="bin-size", className="auto__p", ), ], className="auto__container", ), dcc.Graph( id="wind-histogram", figure=dict( layout=dict( plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], ) ), ), ], className="graph__container first", ), # wind direction html.Div( [ html.Div( [ html.H6( "WIND DIRECTION", className="graph__title" ) ] ), dcc.Graph( id="wind-direction", figure=dict( layout=dict( plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], ) ), ), ], className="graph__container second", ), ], className="one-third column histogram__direction", ), ], className="app__content", ), ], className="app__container", ) def get_current_time(): """ Helper function to get the current time in seconds. """ now = dt.datetime.now() total_time = (now.hour * 3600) + (now.minute * 60) + (now.second) return total_time @app.callback( Output("wind-speed", "figure"), [Input("wind-speed-update", "n_intervals")] ) def gen_wind_speed(interval): """ Generate the wind speed graph. :params interval: update the graph based on an interval """ total_time = get_current_time() df = get_wind_data(total_time - 200, total_time) trace = dict( type="scatter", y=df["Speed"], line={"color": "#42C4F7"}, hoverinfo="skip", error_y={ "type": "data", "array": df["SpeedError"], "thickness": 1.5, "width": 2, "color": "#B4E8FC", }, mode="lines", ) layout = dict( plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": "#fff"}, height=700, xaxis={ "range": [0, 200], "showline": True, "zeroline": False, "fixedrange": True, "tickvals": [0, 50, 100, 150, 200], "ticktext": ["200", "150", "100", "50", "0"], "title": "Time Elapsed (sec)", }, yaxis={ "range": [ min(0, min(df["Speed"])), max(45, max(df["Speed"]) + max(df["SpeedError"])), ], "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "fixedrange": True, "zeroline": False, "gridcolor": app_color["graph_line"], "nticks": max(6, round(df["Speed"].iloc[-1] / 10)), }, ) return dict(data=[trace], layout=layout) @app.callback( Output("wind-direction", "figure"), [Input("wind-speed-update", "n_intervals")] ) def gen_wind_direction(interval): """ Generate the wind direction graph. :params interval: update the graph based on an interval """ total_time = get_current_time() df = get_wind_data_by_id(total_time) val = df["Speed"].iloc[-1] direction = [0, (df["Direction"][0] - 20), (df["Direction"][0] + 20), 0] traces_scatterpolar = [ {"r": [0, val, val, 0], "fillcolor": "#084E8A"}, {"r": [0, val * 0.65, val * 0.65, 0], "fillcolor": "#B4E1FA"}, {"r": [0, val * 0.3, val * 0.3, 0], "fillcolor": "#EBF5FA"}, ] data = [ dict( type="scatterpolar", r=traces["r"], theta=direction, mode="lines", fill="toself", fillcolor=traces["fillcolor"], line={"color": "rgba(32, 32, 32, .6)", "width": 1}, ) for traces in traces_scatterpolar ] layout = dict( height=350, plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": "#fff"}, autosize=False, polar={ "bgcolor": app_color["graph_line"], "radialaxis": {"range": [0, 45], "angle": 45, "dtick": 10}, "angularaxis": {"showline": False, "tickcolor": "white"}, }, showlegend=False, ) return dict(data=data, layout=layout) @app.callback( Output("wind-histogram", "figure"), [Input("wind-speed-update", "n_intervals")], [ State("wind-speed", "figure"), State("bin-slider", "value"), State("bin-auto", "value"), ], ) def gen_wind_histogram(interval, wind_speed_figure, slider_value, auto_state): """ Genererate wind histogram graph. :params interval: upadte the graph based on an interval :params wind_speed_figure: current wind speed graph :params slider_value: current slider value :params auto_state: current auto state """ wind_val = [] try: # Check to see whether wind-speed has been plotted yet if wind_speed_figure is not None: wind_val = wind_speed_figure["data"][0]["y"] if "Auto" in auto_state: bin_val = np.histogram( wind_val, bins=range(int(round(min(wind_val))), int(round(max(wind_val)))), ) else: bin_val = np.histogram(wind_val, bins=slider_value) except Exception as error: raise PreventUpdate avg_val = float(sum(wind_val)) / len(wind_val) median_val = np.median(wind_val) pdf_fitted = rayleigh.pdf( bin_val[1], loc=(avg_val) * 0.55, scale=(bin_val[1][-1] - bin_val[1][0]) / 3 ) y_val = (pdf_fitted * max(bin_val[0]) * 20,) y_val_max = max(y_val[0]) bin_val_max = max(bin_val[0]) trace = dict( type="bar", x=bin_val[1], y=bin_val[0], marker={"color": app_color["graph_line"]}, showlegend=False, hoverinfo="x+y", ) traces_scatter = [ {"line_dash": "dash", "line_color": "#2E5266", "name": "Average"}, {"line_dash": "dot", "line_color": "#BD9391", "name": "Median"}, ] scatter_data = [ dict( type="scatter", x=[bin_val[int(len(bin_val) / 2)]], y=[0], mode="lines", line={"dash": traces["line_dash"], "color": traces["line_color"]}, marker={"opacity": 0}, visible=True, name=traces["name"], ) for traces in traces_scatter ] trace3 = dict( type="scatter", mode="lines", line={"color": "#42C4F7"}, y=y_val[0], x=bin_val[1][: len(bin_val[1])], name="Rayleigh Fit", ) layout = dict( height=350, plot_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], paper_bgcolor=app_color["graph_bg"], font={"color": "#fff"}, xaxis={ "title": "Wind Speed (mph)", "showgrid": False, "showline": False, "fixedrange": True, }, yaxis={ "showgrid": False, "showline": False, "zeroline": False, "title": "Number of Samples", "fixedrange": True, }, autosize=True, bargap=0.01, bargroupgap=0, hovermode="closest", legend={ "orientation": "h", "yanchor": "bottom", "xanchor": "center", "y": 1, "x": 0.5, }, shapes=[ { "xref": "x", "yref": "y", "y1": int(max(bin_val_max, y_val_max)) + 0.5, "y0": 0, "x0": avg_val, "x1": avg_val, "type": "line", "line": {"dash": "dash", "color": "#2E5266", "width": 5}, }, { "xref": "x", "yref": "y", "y1": int(max(bin_val_max, y_val_max)) + 0.5, "y0": 0, "x0": median_val, "x1": median_val, "type": "line", "line": {"dash": "dot", "color": "#BD9391", "width": 5}, }, ], ) return dict(data=[trace, scatter_data[0], scatter_data[1], trace3], layout=layout) @app.callback( Output("bin-auto", "value"), [Input("bin-slider", "value")], [State("wind-speed", "figure")], ) def deselect_auto(slider_value, wind_speed_figure): """ Toggle the auto checkbox. """ # prevent update if graph has no data if "data" not in wind_speed_figure: raise PreventUpdate if not len(wind_speed_figure["data"]): raise PreventUpdate if wind_speed_figure is not None and len(wind_speed_figure["data"][0]["y"]) > 5: return [""] return ["Auto"] @app.callback( Output("bin-size", "children"), [Input("bin-auto", "value")], [State("bin-slider", "value")], ) def show_num_bins(autoValue, slider_value): """ Display the number of bins. """ if "Auto" in autoValue: return "# of Bins: Auto" return "# of Bins: " + str(int(slider_value)) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run_server(host="")
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